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Propositional logic

Symbols and Translation

 The basic units propositional logic are whole statements, which are represented by uppercase letters and then put
together with symbols called operators
 A simple statement contains only one proposition and is represented by any uppercase letters

 A compound statement contains at least one proposition; it is represented by uppercase letters and operators.

(*) E.g.
If nation spurn international law, then wars are guaranteed. >>> If N, then F. >> N

 For more complex statements, take note of punctuations and words such as “both” and “either”
 While operators allow us to translate ordinary statements into the units used propositional logic, they also do not
fully capture the meaning of what they represent/

Truth Functions
 The truth value of a compound statement is determined by the truth values of its component statements and the
definition of its operators, which is demonstrated by truth tables
(*) Exclusive vs inclusive

The formal condition

 The antecedent in a conditional statement (the “if” part) is a sufficient condition for the consequent (the “then”
part); the consequent is a necessary condition for the antecedent

Rules of Implication
 The steps in proving are governed by 18 rules of inference: 8 rules of implication and 10 rules of replacement.2
 The statement variables p, q, r, and s may be replaced with any statement, simple or compound.
 The order of the premises doesn’t really matter. As long as the premises needed for a step are present in a proof,
whether given or derived, they can be used to apply the rules of implication.
 For, now since we haven’t discussed the rules of replacement, assume the following:
o p is logically equivalent ~~p
o p v q is logically equivalent to q v p
o p • q is logically equivalent to q • p
 Begin by finding the conclusion in the premises and then visualizing how to “free” it.
 Chronologically arrange the components in a line of justification to avoid confusion
 Make use of all given premises
Rules of implication
Rules of Replacement

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