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Full Moon – by Chen Si Si

Lyrics translation: musicindividual86

♫ Wishing for the ordinary life, walking alone, feeling both burning and cold. ♫

♫ Thank the heavens for leaving a drop of warmth for me to enjoy. ♫

♫ Only then can I face the thousands of leagues of ivory sand. ♫

♫ The torrents rushing into my heart cannot be measured. ♫

♫ The sorrows and anxieties of the world are relentless, never ending. ♫

♫ Partings and farewells, I’ll tell you them all. ♫

♫ I hope, dear heavens, that after my life, ♫

♫ you will let all mortals be with their love. ♫

♫ My heart heads toward the blooming jade palaces. ♫

♫ Bury love and hate into the earth in order to gain peace. ♫

♫ My heart heads toward the light of the lone flame. ♫

♫ The full moon is particularly desolate this night. ♫

The Legend of Mi Yue

Episode 1

Subtitles volunteerd by Ponta

338 B.C. Duke Xiao of Qin passed away

Prince Si Huiwen of Qin succeeded to the throne

Prince Fu Ying Qian em co. accused Shang Yang of rebellious intentions

King Huiwen of Qin ordered the arrest of Shang Yang

338 B.C. Year 24 of Duke Xiao. Qin-Wei border.

Sir? Sir?

I’m coming


We are on our way to Wei from Qin and happen to pass by. We are truly exhausted

And wish to seek refuge for one night.

- Do you have the permit?

- Permit?

The permit issued by the authorities

(sign: Shang Yang)

We left in a hurry and didn’t carry one

Sir, please let us stay

It’s not that I don’t want to...

If it were in the past, I’d definitely let you stay.

But Duke Shang’s laws are implemented now (Shang Yang’s laws)

If I take you in rashly

And something were to happen, it would implicate all of us.

My entire family would be dead

Here’s your payment, old man. Only if you’d let us stay the night.

No, no, no... Please do us a favour

No can do

It’s not that I don’t want to help you

The Collective Punishment law of Shangjun is most fearsome

Looks like I dug my own grave

We’ll take our leave then

Please don’t hold any grudge against me

If you want to hold any, hold it against that Duke Shang

I won’t hold it against either of you, because

I am Duke Shang

He’s over there! Go after him, quickly

Seize Shang Yang

The one who catches him will be granted nobility

Shang Yang of Wei, a brutal man

All titles stripped, charged as a criminal

Lawless, Corrupt

Greedy, Rebellious


He’s to be torn by five horses and his tribe entirely extinguished

Shang Yang, back when you cut my tutor’s nose

Did you expect this outcome?

If I did...
It would mean that the punishment was too lenient back then

Even na old innkeeper is upholding my laws

Then even if I’m dead, I don’t have any regrets

Sadly, I won’t live to see the Qin Dynasty unite all lands

And the Kingdom established

Execute him

338 B.C. Year 2 King Wei of Chu, Stargazers’ platform

Tang Mei

Qin’s Shang Yang

(sign: King Wei of Chu)

Is executed by the new king

They say it was his laws that killed him

It’s too bad

My king, Qin’s old king highly valued Shang Yang’s laws

Everyone was rewarded and punished accordingly

When their army marched, the borders expanded. When it rested, the land prospered. Their
feudality was well-respected

(Qu Yuan) If Chu wants to compete with other countries, why don’t we follow their examples

(Zhao Yang) Shang Yang’s laws support the authorities and the talented

Many are complaining about it in Qin

My king, you must be cautious

It’s coming

It’s coming

I have something important to report to the emperor

Please follow me

My king

I... I saw it!

What did you see

I saw the supreme star

A supreme star has appeared. Everything will shift.

It will bring great changes to the world.

My king, Chu is destined to rise up

Tell me the exact details

This star is born south to the Yunu-star

Facing right to Chu, the one with child inside palace is due to give birth to a supreme leader

Are you saying, that the supreme star will be born in my palace?

A supreme leader will be born to rule all that’s under the heaven

Call Yong Xiang Ling (head harem groundskeeper)

Greetings, my king

Are there any pregnant concubines recently?

None of them are pregnant

Although... Although what?!

Ju Ji’s companion Xiang Shi is pregnant, six months far

(Someone who follows Ju Ji’s into the marriage with the king, she then becomes a lowly ranked

There’s indeed one with child!

Once Shang Yang’s dead, his laws will go with him

Our biggest enemy, Qin, will surely decline

And now with the supreme star descending in Chu

Sweeping out the six countries, uniting them all won’t be far off

Heaven bless Chu, congratulations emperor

Ju Ji, do you know your crimes?

(Ju Ji) I do not know

(Queen Wei of Chu) You dare to disrespect me

Your majesty, I wouldn’t dare

Two days ago I ordered you to destroy a piece of clothing

I carried out your wish and destroyed it

You dare to complain to your servants about it

Claiming that a tailor spent six months on it

You seduce the king with your clever tricks

You dare to be dissatisfied when I punish you


(Dai Mao) What is it?

Ju Ji, leave


Ju Ji’s accompanied maid Xiang Shi is pregnant

According to Tang Mei, her child will bring forth great changes

It will be the supreme star that leads Chu to its ascension

The king was ecstatic when he heard and rewarded her generously

The supreme star

Chu belongs to the king and my son Mi Huai

Tang Mei is spreading fallacies

The king believes firmly in him

Looks like there’ll be a bastard born to the harem that would compete against Mi Huai

Your majesty means... The one who monitors Xiang Shi

Which royal doctor is it? – A female doctor named Zhi

A female doctor, where and what did you study?

I used to be na apprentice to a Qinyue doctor

(female doctor Zhi) I studied Neijing, Lingshu, Suwen, birth books etc.
I cured 132 female cases and helped deliver 47 babies

A Qinyue man, could it be Bian Que? (the earliest known Chinese physician)

My teacher has a profound medical knowledge. People thus call him Bian Que, same as the old

Such a famous teacher, you must be a skilled doctor as well

Do you know where this is?

The hidden palace inside the harem. – And it’s purpose?

For castrations

I heard you have a son named Jing Er, how old is he?

I wouldn’t dare raise your majesty’s concerns, my son... is seven

Dai Mao. – I’m here

I’m still lacking na intelligent page boy

Bring Jing Er to the palace tomorrow.


My son is baseborn, how could he serve the queen?!

It’s been decided

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