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If the star were a boy, it’d be the country’s fortune. A girl however...

I’m afraid that... – What!

It’s hard to tell whether it’s a fortune or a disaster

Looks like this girl could bring misfortune

We mustn’t keep her

My king, the sky has already revealed to us, it’s out of our hands

If we act against the heaven, we’ll suffer the consequences

Silence! Lying to your king...

I let you study the sky, observe the heaven’s intentions

You are telling me now that it’s unclear at this moment

What use do we have for your eyes! Guards!


My king. – Gouge out his eyes

Banish him to the border. He’s never to return!

My king!
The heaven has revealed, you can’t go against it

My king!

My king, what do we do with this creature

Could it really be...

Heaven’s intentions that can’t be violated?

According to my opinion, if it’s really destined

Why don’t we let it be

Timing & Subtitles brought to You by Gone with the Shirt Team @Viki

Madam, a queen’s order


The birth of this girl isn’t na auspicious sign

Whether she lives or dies, the heaven will decide

Carry it away

Please, don’t take away my child

Please, all of you, don’t take away my child

Give me back my child

Give it back!

My child!

My child! Give it back to me!

Give it back!

My child!

Madam, what can we do?

It’s a baby girl, not a boy

There’s no difference in having her or not

My child!

My child!

Child, when you turn into a ghost please don’t blame me

Blame it on your birth

Madam Xiang!

My child!

My child!
My child!

Give back my child!

Madam Xiang, madam

My child!

My child! My child!

Give it back!

Madam Xiang

Madam, think about your own health

Madam. – My child!

Madam! Madam!

Madam, you shouldn’t bother. – Let me go!

Madam. – Let me go, I have to get down!

- Madam!

- My child!

Don’t stop her, let her go

My child! My child!

My child! Child!

My child!

My child!

Look over there, Shao Si Ming watched over her

Shao Si Ming watched over her

Child, my child

My child.

Such a lucky child

Star or not, looks like

She’s blessed at some level

What do you think

My king has a point

Tonight’s moonlight shine bright

The princess should be named Yue Er (Moon)

Thank you, my king

Yue Er

My little princess

Your name is Mi Yue from now on

Four years later

Mother, what are you looking at?

I’m looking at the great hall to the south

What’s in there?

Your king father

Timing & Subtitles brought to You by Gone with the Shirt Team @Viki

Stop! Who are you?

None of your business! Let me go, I want to go inside

No. Go back. – Let me go!

Let me in!

No, go back. – Let me go, let me in!

No, hurry back. Who are you exactly?

I can go back on my own

You can’t go in, go back, hurry


Quiet. – Let me go! Let me go!

Don’t stop me, let me in!

Who is it?

My king, it’s a child

How can a child get here?

It’s my fault, I’ll go kick her out

Nevermind, let her in

I want to see who has the audacity to intrude my hall


Who are you? – Who are you?


You are the king

And who might you be?

You guess

Must be a princess of mine

But which princess? – You know

I do not know

I have 10+ princesses

Such a spirited child

My name is Mi Yue

You named me!

Oh, it’s you

I know now, the little supreme star

You are so big now

I didn’t think of it either

What didn’t you think of

I used to think you were a big tiger

How can I be a tiger

Tigers are kings and you are a king

Alright then,

I’d be a big tiger

You, stand up


Stand up. – What are you doing?

Mother said that the tiger’s bum cannot be touched

A tiger’s bum can be touched, right?

Try here, see if a tiger’s head can be touched

A tiger’s head can be touch~ So is the beard~

So is the tiger’s nose~

Father, can you go and visit my mother?

You mother? – She’s madam Xiang

She misses you, everyday

How would you know

Because she’s standing in door opening everyday

Gazing towards your direction but doesn’t say anything

But I’ve already promised the queen to dine with her tonight

Ok, go tell your mother that I’ll be over there tonight

Deal, you must keep your promise

I have to get back to work, go and play yourself



I’ll let you in on a secret that no one knows

There’s a side door behind this hall

You can go through there in the future, no one will stop you


Madam, the king is here

Greetings my king.

No need for formality.

I’m neither dressed or made up

Please forgive me

Didn’t Yue Er tell you that I’d come over tonight?

Those are children’s words

My words are meant to be kept

Why are you crying?

I’m happy

I’ve neglected you in the past

Madam, the king went to see madam Xiang

The king went to Xiang Shi?

I’ve seen it with my own eyes

Four years passed

This place is almost deserted

Why did the king suddenly think of here today

The king didn’t think of this place

But thought of Xiang Shi

It’s good to have children

At least because of the childeren

The king would come visit the mother

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