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In 1908, Mary Anderson wat atthe Miami siqprt checking in fora fight to Nerwoy tobe with het husband when she as teld ~ ‘she wouldn'tbe abe to check her higgage without paying a §100 surcharge, ‘Mary hat no money a her new husband had left for Norway and she hal no one ese to call “Iwas completely desperate and ried to think which of my things could manage without” says Mary. [As tears ran down het face a Vole behind her sui, “That's okay, pay for her.” Rather surpiced, Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before. He had a gentle and kind voce that was firm and decisive. ‘Although this happened twenty years ago, Mary sti members the authory that radioed from the man Mary wae passed ta bring her luggage to Norway and told the stranger she would give his money back. The man vote his. ‘name and address ona piece of paper and gave it to Mery. She thanked him repeatedly. When she tally waked off towards the boarcing gate, he waved goodbye to het. ‘That man turned out to be Barack Obama, ary pala the money hack to Ohama the day she jlned her husband. At that ine he had just finished his job a a poorly paid ‘community worker In Chicago and had stared is law studies at Harvatd Universi. Inthe spring of 2006, Mary's perents heard Obam nas considering a run for President. They wrtee eter saying that they would support him. At the same time they thanked Obama fr helping their daughter 18 years earer. ‘And Obama replied, “want to thank you forthe levely things you wrete about me and for reminding me of what happened 3t Miami sirport. I's happy | could help her then, apd tn defghted to hear that your dauchte is happy in Nerney. Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United States Senator” = Fished reading? ‘Tost your reading comprehension: ‘yi ary el comply dapat ©. stetad mize ite cay te Noo. © te new htbrd Sando he se QS cunt hehe many aby ace © snerace mony opm tre ser. 2. Mo did ary el when someon feed hale? 6 sma © ps PE datos © mer tary aad he ranges eve nea aie nxt cnt en ‘Sah col py (O” seesie hemp er ey (© bree eine thin {whats the peg ity abou? © alee fom tr bone ow ars pres spor Obama ow Osama hed enge 2a 990 7S ow arya iyo gthetpatthe sper.

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