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EXHAUSTED, YOUR PARTY ENTERS THE TAVERN. Curious patrons watch as you unload your STORIES ARE WILD THINGS Bragging Rights (v0.3)
gear and rest your weary legs. “What’ll it be”, you hear from the bar, but before you can "Wait, if they died, how're they sitting The game text is © 2021 by Matthew John.
answer a patron shouts, “I'll buy this round, if you’ll tell us a tale.” You smile at your comrades. @yuigaron
Surely your exploits have earned you some bragging rights; and the drinks to go with them. right there?" someone asks. "That's a
Based on Lasers & Feelings © 2013 by John Harper
To play Bragging Rights gather 3 to 5 players, 1 to 4 six-sided-dice (d6), a pile of tokens (poker whole other story. Y'ever heard o' the
chips, scraps of paper, paperclips) and a coin (turned face up) for each character. Hag o' Blood Fen?" The game format is open for hacking and remixing under
Stories are wild things; threads are a CC BY 4.0 license.
PLAYERS: CREATE CHARACTERS ROLLING THE DICE dropped, picked up again, or lost
1 Choose your character's lineage: Dwarf, Elf, When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to forever - that is their nature. Make your own L&F hack and share it (or sell it!) as you
Fiend-Blood, Giant-Kin, Goblin, Human, or find out how it goes. Roll +1d if you're The impossible will happen; like.
Orc. prepared and +1d if you're an expert. THANKS
characters will die, items you use you
Ashmore, Carl,, Jody
2 Choose your character’s style: Brave, Brutal, (Make a suggestion if you think these no longer possess. Your GM, as a
Charming, Smart, Sneaky, Or Weird. apply, but the GM has final say.) Roll your tavern patron, might call these out. In
3 Pick or roll for your class on the table below. dice and compare each die result to your response, you should address this by
Take the ability and items listed for that class. number. telling that new tale, even if you drop GM: CREATE THE STARTING ADVENTURE
To use an ability, spend a drink token. ↓ If you're using BODY (physicality, the current thread; it might be Roll or choose on the table below. Players can also
4 Choose your number, from 2 to 5. A high combat), you want to roll under your returned to later. roll for inspiration.
number means you're better at BODY number. Dying: if your character might die, flip
(physicality, combat, sneaking, intimidation). A your coin. If it lands face down, they
↑ If you're using MIND, (sorcery, persuasion) | IT STARTED WITH… |
low number means you're better at MIND fall unconscious. If hurt once more, 1. Imps 2. Wererats 3. Ghosts
you want to roll over your number.
(sorcery, knowledge, insight, persuasion). they will die. If healed, or able to rest 4. Zombies 5. Cultists 6. Bandits
0 If none of your dice succeed, a
5 Give your character a cool fantasy safely, they regain consciousness; turn | WHO WANTED TO… |
complication occurs. The GM says how
adventurer name. Like Anders Blackhand, or your coin face up. 1. Destroy / Corrupt 2. Steal / Capture 3. Bond with
things get worse somehow.
Leocadia the Bloodied Goat. Drinking: Whenever you do 4. Protect / Empower 5. Build 6. Pacify / Occupy
1 If one die succeeds, you barely manage
You have: your class equipment, and a something incredible, patrons will buy | THE… |
it. The GM inflicts a complication, harm, or
backpack containing one of the following: a you a drink in the form of drink 1. Barony 2. Tomb of Gar 3. Lich's Soul
bag of ball bearings, climbing gear & rope, a tokens. These tokens are used to 4. Elder Fires 5. Blood of Beasts 6. Dracolich
2 If two dice succeed, you do it well. Good
lantern & oil, a lute, a crowbar, playing cards, a perform your class ability. If you have | WHICH WOULD… |
spyglass, manacles, or divining bones. no tokens for your power, another 1. Enslave All 2. Spread Sickness 3. Shackle a God
3 If three dice succeed, you get a critical
Character goal: Choose one or create your player can supply you with one of 4. Start a War 5. Open a Gateway 6. Disrupt Magic
success! The GM tells you some extra effect
own: Become Famous, Strike Accord With theirs if they wish.
you get.
Dangerous Beings, Defeat Their Strongest,
Explore New Locales, Solve Puzzles, Prove ! If you roll your number exactly, not only
Yourself, or Gain Enough To Retire. does this count as a success, but you get a
drink for each match (take drink tokens). Help the players tell their story. Once a story idea has been established in tavern roleplay,
Player goal: tell ever more ridiculous and zoom into that moment and play that adventure as usual. Introduce the threats they create
dangerous tales of your party's adventures. HELPING: If you want to help someone else
who's rolling, say how you try to help and by showing evidence of their danger. Before the threat does something to the characters,
Starting small (the GM will create a starting show signs that it’s about to happen, then ask them what they do. “Ibris, the First of the
adventure for you), aim to get them into make a roll. If you succeed, give them +1d.
Vampires, bares their fangs and lunges at you. What do you do?” “The Monarch of Frost and
impossible situations. Danger is your friend. Shadow approaches you for a dance. All eyes are on you. What do you do?”
Call for a roll when the situation is uncertain. Don’t pre-plan outcomes - let the chips fall
1d6 Class Ability Equipment where they may. Use failures to push the action forward, raising the tension. The situation
1 Cleric Heal / Protect someone Mace & holy symbol always changes after a roll, for good or ill.
Once in a while, zoom back out to have the patrons in the bar ask questions and build on the
2 Warrior Wield unnatural strength / speed Sword & shield answers. “Wait, you’ve been to the Plane of Embers? How did you get there?”
Call shenanigans: use a patron to call out something wild in the story. “No way they just
3 Thief Move completely unseen Dagger & thieve’s tools gave up their ancestral sword to you. You had to do something in return, right?” This can
4 Hunter Find the unseen / something important Bow & arrows lead the story in new, strange directions even if the current thread drops. If a player seizes
this moment to start a new story thread, give them a drink token. If they try to brush it off
5 Sorcerer Cast a powerful spell Dagger & focus and carry on with the old thread, a successful MIND roll should convince that patron enough
to buy a drink.
6 Berserker Embody the prowess of your animal Greataxe & carved animal

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