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Copyright ©2007 – 2019 Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN

All rights reserved.

Austin, Texas, USA.

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respecting the hard work that went into creating this document for your education and

This edition was published in the United States of America by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.
Edition Date: April 3, 2019

The techniques and advice described in this book represent the opinions of the author based
on her training and experience. The author expressly disclaims any responsibility for any
liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a result of using any of the
techniques, recipes or recommendations suggested herein.

The responsibility for the consequences of your use of any suggestion or procedure described
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© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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Ketones to the Rescue for Clearing Brain Fog
and Improving Memory

Your current diet is keeping you from thinking clearly - it’s keeping you in a state of “brain


Your brain can operate on one of 2 fuels - glucose or ketones. Glucose comes from the foods
you eat or the glycogen you store. Glycogen is basically a storage form of sugar, which
created in your liver and muscle cells when you have extra.

Most of the time your brain relies on glucose. Unless you're on a low carbohydrate, high fat
diet - called a ketogenic diet - your body doesn't make very many ketones.

We use to think that the brain cells could take glucose directly from the blood - without
needing insulin. More recent research reveals that several key parts of the brain require
insulin to shuttle glucose into brain cells.

What this means is that your brain cells can become insulin resistant just like your body

A disease you're probably familiar with, and might even have experience with, is
Alzheimer's. Scientists are now calling Alzheimer's insulin resistance of the brain, and even
Type 3 diabetes.

When your blood sugar is out of balance, and you’ve developed resistance to the hormone
insulin, your brain gets less glucose.

This can result in lack of focus - what many refer to as brain fog, scatter-brain, and poor
memory. It can even appear that you have ADHD. Maybe you tend to follow every bright,
shiny object that crosses your path, or can’t remember where your keys are.

It can even result in early onset Alzheimer’s.

So if your brain is foggy, and you don't feel as “on” at work anymore, it’s quite possible that
you are suffering from undiagnosed insulin resistance.

I often refer to this as pre-insulin resistance, and I have developed a system of detecting it so
you can take action to course correct before it gets too far along.

Some of the methods of restoring brain function and clearing away the fog are intermittent
fasting, extended fasting, and a “healthy” ketogenic diet that’s abundant in delicious, high
water content vegetables and generous quantities of whole foods, plant-based fats.
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There is “quick fix” that you can try to jump-start your way out of brain fog and provide easy
fuel for your brain. This method has been shown to be quite helpful for people with
Alzheimer's, when used long term. This strategy will increase ketones rather quickly, thus
providing nourishment to your foggy brain.

Since your body doesn't typically produce many ketone bodies on its own, unless you are
following a ketogenic diet sometimes it’s helpful to give it a little boost of ketones.

While I’m generally not a big fan of consuming oil, – I prefer the whole-foods forms of fats --
this is one of the therapeutic interventions where I make an exception.

It’s been shown time and time again that consuming coconut oil can temporarily increase the
ketone concentration in your blood and provide instant fuel to your brain. Medium Chain
Triglyceride (MCT) oil, an extract of coconut oil, can work even better sometimes, but it can
cause a bit of diarrhea if you take too much. Try the coconut oil and see how much sharper
and more focused you feel.

The dose is about 1 to 2 tablespoons, added to a smoothie or elixir, poured over veggies or
salad, or made into a delicious low glycemic truffle.

Coconut oil has been used quite successfully with Alzheimer’s patients. Dr. Mary Newport
writes about her husband’s experience in the book “Alzheimer's - What If There Really Was a

Within days of starting on coconut oil, her husband regained his ability to write and recognize
people, and continued to improve the longer he took it.

You can even combine coconut oil with MCT oil or MCT oil powder for quicker response.

Remember that nourishing your brain is all about eating foods rich in brain-boosting nutrients
AND drinking plenty of water. When brain fog takes over, you can try some delicious brain-
boosting foods to help you to get your brain back.

On the following pages, you’ll find foods that supply fuel to the brain so you can think clearly,
stay focused and keep your motivation high.

Your brain is very sensitive to blood sugar swings. Whereas years ago, scientists didn’t think
we needed insulin to shuttle glucose into the cells. More recent research indicates that
several parts of the brain rely on insulin to transport glucose into the cells, and thus the brain
is as susceptible to insulin resistance as is the rest of the body.

Due to our modern epidemic of insulin resistance, your brain may be starved of fuel because
your insulin is not effective at getting glucose into your cells.
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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While there are many foods and nutrients that support healthy brain function, the recipes and
suggestions here will focus on a supplying your brain with ketones and water, as increasing
ketones can cause you to release water from cells.

There are lots more nutrients that can help, and we go into it deeply in my program, The
Sweet Spot Solution.

Ketones are not produced in large quantities unless you are following an extremely low
carbohydrate, high-fat diet. The good news is that coconut oil, in particular the medium-chain
triglycerides, can be easily converted to ketones by your liver. These ketones can fuel your
brain even when it’s become resistant to insulin.

Included here are 2 of my favorite brain-fuel foods – truffles and an elixir. Both use coconut
and coconut oil to supply ketones and amazing flavor. Enjoy. And keep hydrated, too.
Included is a strategy and schedule to keep your brain and body properly hydrated.
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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Brain-Boosting Chocolate Truffles

1. 1/2 cup coconut butter (Artisana Organics is my favorite brand)
2. 1/4 cup coconut oil
3. 1/3 cup cacao or carob powder
4. ¼ tsp luo han extract (monk fruit) (Found online through Z Natural Foods)
5. 2 teaspoons organic erythritol (Zero brand – online or in stores)
6. 8 drops chocolate liquid stevia (optional, Sweet Leaf brand, for added sweetness)
7. 3 drops hazelnut flavor extract (optional, Medicine Flower brand)
8. Optional extras for crunchy truffle:
a. ¼ cup raw cacao nibs
b. ¼ cup walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, or your choice, coarsely chopped
c. ¼ cup shredded coconut

1. Blend coconut butter, coconut oil, cacao or carob powder, luo han, erythritol, plus
optional stevia and/or hazelnut flavor extract
2. Add any or all optional extras for a crunchy candy.
3. Spoon into candy molds or ice cube trays, or spread into a baking dish lined with wax
paper, and refrigerate or freeze until set (about 5 minutes in freezer, up to 15 minutes
in refrigerator)
4. Pop out of mold and store in a glass container in the refrigerator.
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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Brain-Boosting Elixir

• 16 ounces tulsi, or Holy Basil tea (or purified water or your favorite herbal tea)
• 1 tablespoon coconut butter (Artisana Organics) or 2 tablespoons dried coconut
• 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil
• 1 tablespoon raw organic walnuts
• 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
• 1 tablespoon sunflower lecithin
• 1 teaspoon chaga
• 1 teaspoon maca
• 1/2 teaspoon reishi powder
• 1/2 teaspoon medicinal mushroom powder (optional) (cordyceps, reishi or chaga)
• 1 tablespoon cinnamon
• 2 tablespoons raw carob powder or raw cacao powder (or ½ carob and ½ cacao)
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or powder
• Pinch sea salt or ¼ teaspoon kelp powder
• 1/4 teaspoon stevia green leaf powder, or 3-4 drops your choice flavored Sweet Leaf
Stevia, or 1 teaspoon Lakanto, or ¼ teaspoon Luo Han extract (Monk Fruit)

1. Boil water and steep tea bag for 10-15 minutes.
2. Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
3. Adjust to taste – with flavor extracts or low glycemic sweeteners
4. Adjust to desired thickness – with additional water to thin, or more nuts or coconut
butter to thicken
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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Hydration Strategy for a Clear Brain and
Vibrant Body

What You Need to Know About Hydration

Dehydration can manifest in a myriad of diseases and
symptoms. Most of us are dehydrated and we don't even
realize it.

There's a fascinating book called You're Not Sick,

You're Thirsty by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. In it, he
talks about the mechanisms by which dehydration
triggers such things as asthma, allergies, heartburn,
fatigue, hypertension and many other illnesses.

To be properly hydrated, you need to drink

approximately 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces of water. If you are exercising
heavily, you'll need more – about 8 ounces for each 15 minutes of vigorous exercise or heavy

Water Quality and Quantity

Water is vital to your survival. Without sufficient water intake, your entire body slows down
and healing and repair become sluggish.

Chronic dehydration is an underlying cause of many common

diseases. Contrary to popular belief, thirst and dry mouth are
not reliable indicators of your need for water.

The quality of water you drink is as important as the

quantity. Be sure to drink filtered water or spring water instead
of tap water, which may contain many contaminants including
remnants of prescription drugs, pesticides, heavy metals,
chemicals and viruses.
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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Hydration Action Plan
Mark your progress as you complete the steps in your hydration action plan.

❑ #1: Keep a hydration journal to assess how much

you drink now.
❑ #2: Determine how much water you need.
❑ #3: Equip yourself with enough easy-to-access water
vessels to get you through each day. I use 1 and 2
quart mason jars and keep them visible throughout
my day.
❑ #4: Create and follow a personal hydration schedule.

#1: Keep a hydration journal to assess how much you drink now.
Get a sense of how much water you are currently drinking. For 2
days, create a journal of your hydration habits. In your
journal, record:

• How much water you are currently drinking - record the

approximate amount
• Notice what triggers you to drink more water
• Record whether you drink regularly as a habit, or if you
drink only when thirsty
• Record a note section of what thirst feels like. Include where you feel it in your
body, or if you notice certain emotions such as anger or irritation

Dr. Batmanghelidj says that thirst is not a great indicator of when

to drink because by the time you perceive that you are thirsty,
you are already down about 3 cups of water.

He also explains that often what you perceive as hunger is

actually thirst, and he suggests that you drink at least 8 ounces
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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of water whenever you feel hunger, and then wait to see if the feeling goes away. This is a
great weight management tip.

#2: Determine how much water you need.

To provide your body all the water you need for optimal functioning, you
need to:
• Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces of water
every day.
• Add to that 8 ounces for every 15 minutes of vigorous exercise
or perspiration.
• Note: Soft drinks, juice, coffee, tea and other beverages do not
count towards hydration. In fact, alcohol and caffeinated
beverages actually trigger mechanisms that cause you to lose water and thus are
dehydrating beverages. Hot water with herbal tea or lemon does count.

#3: Equip yourself with enough easy-to-access water vessels to get you
through each day.
Get yourself some water bottles, pitchers, or glass jars so that you have
enough capacity to hold all of the water that you need in a day. Go
ahead and fill up your containers with an entire day's total so that you can
see exactly how much you need each day.

At first, the amount of water you need may seem like

a lot. Look at the volume and fully realize your task at

The goal is to get the correct amount of water into your

system as soon as possible. Yet, if this overloads your
system, gradually increase your water intake daily until the goal
amount is reached.

The sooner you start drinking your full water requirement, the sooner you'll begin to reap the
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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#4: Create and follow a personal hydration schedule.
Following the suggested schedule below will ensure that you get adequate
water. Feel free to adjust to your own needs and lifestyle.

When you add up all the water in the schedule below, you get the following
quantities (given that you eat 3 meals a day and exercise once a day):

• Lower quantity in range: Total is 72 ounces a day (2.1 L)

• Higher quantity in range: Total is 160 ounces a day (4.7 L)

This schedule works for weight ranges from 144 to 320 pounds. If you weigh less than 144
lbs, you can drink less each time you drink. If you weigh more than 320 lbs, drink more each
time you drink or add an extra water drinking time to the schedule.

Hydration Schedule:
It's okay to drink a little more than your recommended amount, but not

• Upon awakening: Drink 16 – 32 (.5 - 1 L) ounces of water.

Keep a water bottle or cup at your bedside and begin to drink
before you even get up.
• 30 minutes before each meal: Drink 8 - 16 ounces
(approx. 250 mL - .5 L).
• 1 hour after each meal: Drink 8 - 16 ounces
• Before exercise: Drink 8 - 16 ounces

If you're overweight you should also drink 12 - 24 ounces whenever you're hungry. Wait at
least 15 minutes, and if you're still hungry then you may eat.
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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About Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, the founder of the Institute of
Nutritional Endocrinology, is fiercely committed to
transforming exhausted high achievers all over the globe
into high energy people who love their lives and live to their
full potential.

As a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in

Acupuncture, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and HeartMath®,
she’s also a certified living foods chef, instructor and
coach, and has trained and certified hundreds of others in
the art of living foods.

A bestselling author, speaker, and internationally recognized nutrition and hormone health
authority, Dr. Ritamarie combines the ancient healing wisdom of whole fresh foods and herbs
with modern scientific research to inspire people everywhere to recharge their energy and
reclaim their lives.

Dr. Ritamarie trains health practitioners in using Nutritional Endocrinology to solve complex
health challenges. For those seeking to solve their own health challenges and to learn to
incorporate the power of food as medicine, she offers online courses, long distance coaching
and counseling, and transformative in-person retreats and classes.

For additional strategies for overcoming belly fat, brain fog and burnout, attend The Top 5
Strategies to Release Belly Fat, Brain Fog, and Burnout Fatigue FOR GOOD Online

Learn additional strategies for overcoming belly fat,

brain fog, and burnout HERE:
© Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
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