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(Bachelor of Science in Office Administration)

Name: Wilma C. Costamero Program: BSOA 2A

Subject: The Contemporary World Professor: Roberto Blurete
Date: November 15, 2023

Good and bad effect of having a positive and negative style of coaching.

Athletes View:

Positive Coaching:

Good Coaching

Athletes benefit from a positive coaching style as it fosters a supportive and

encouraging environment. Positive reinforcement, constructive feedback, and
emphasis on personal growth contribute to increased self-confidence and
motivation. Athletes feel valued, which enhances their overall well-being. The
positive atmosphere promotes a sense of camaraderie and teamwork,
fostering a strong bond among team members.

Bad Coaching

However, an exclusively positive coaching style may sometimes lack the

necessary critical feedback required for improvement. Athletes may miss
opportunities for growth if they receive constant praise without addressing
areas that need development. In certain situations, the relentless positivity
may seem superficial or insincere, potentially leading to a sense of
complacency or unpreparedness for challenges.

Negative Coaching:

Good Coaching

Some athletes respond positively to a more demanding coaching style.

Negative coaching, characterized by high expectations and a focus on
discipline, can instill mental toughness, resilience, and a strong work ethic.
Athletes appreciate coaches who push them to reach their full potential and
maintain accountability for their performance.

Bad Coaching

On the downside, a consistently negative coaching style can have adverse

effects on an athlete's mental health. Excessive criticism, harsh feedback, or
relentless pressure may lead to stress, anxiety, and a decline in self-esteem.
Such negativity can erode the joy of the sport, hinder motivation, and
contribute to burnout or strained relationships between the athlete and coach.
Coach’s View

Positive Coaching:

Good Effects:

Positive coaching often results in coaches experiencing enhanced job

satisfaction. Witnessing the positive impact of their coaching style on athletes'
growth and success contributes to a fulfilling professional experience.
Moreover, the emphasis on building stronger coach-athlete relationships
creates an atmosphere of trust and open communication. This fosters a
supportive environment conducive to learning and development. Improved
team dynamics and morale are additional benefits, as a positive coaching
approach contributes to better team cohesion. Coaches find joy in creating a
harmonious and enjoyable environment for both themselves and the athletes.
Additionally, the focus on long-term athlete development instills a love for the
sport and a commitment to continuous improvement, adding a sense of
purpose to coaching.

Bad Effects:

On the flip side, an exclusive emphasis on positivity might lead coaches to

avoid addressing tough issues or providing necessary corrective feedback.
The fear of disrupting the positive atmosphere could potentially hinder the
team's progress. Additionally, coaches might overlook critical areas for
improvement if they provide constant praise without addressing weaknesses.
A one-size-fits-all positive coaching approach may be less effective with
certain athletes who might respond better to a different style. As a result, the
potential ineffectiveness with specific individuals could limit the overall impact
of the positive coaching style.

Negative Coaching:

Good Effects:

Negative coaching can bring about positive effects such as instilling discipline
and accountability among athletes. Coaches employing a more negative style
may find that it ensures athletes understand the importance of commitment
and effort, fostering a sense of responsibility. The approach of pushing
athletes to their limits, although demanding, may help them realize their full
potential. Immediate performance improvement is another potential benefit,
as negative feedback and consequences for mistakes may drive athletes to
strive for excellence.
Bad Effects:

Conversely, a consistently negative coaching style can lead to strained coach-

athlete relationships. The atmosphere of criticism and pressure may hinder
effective communication and erode trust, creating a tense and unpleasant
team environment. The impact on athletes' mental health is a significant
concern, as excessive negativity may contribute to stress, anxiety, and
decreased self-esteem. This negative effect can have long-lasting
consequences on athletes' well-being and overall performance. Moreover,
athletes subjected to a consistently negative coaching style may experience
decreased motivation and enjoyment in the sport, leading to burnout and
potential disengagement from the activity they once loved.

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