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I/ Compléter les trous avec les verbes modaux conjugué au présent/passé :

(Can, could, may, might, should, ought to, must)

Phrases positives:

1. They are fat, they should go to the gym today

2. She can speak English
3. When you drive, you must follow the rules
4. The entrance ought to be free for the children
5. You should stop smoking, it is bad
6. I must pay that tee-shirt
7. He may come to my house today
8. You should drink more water
9. I may try it, please?

Phrases negatives:

1. I cannot touch my phone, it is too hot

2. They slept late, yesterday. They shouldn’t be in shape
3. She mustn’t go out late at night, it is not safe for her
4. You shouldn’t eat too many fast food
5. They cannot understand the exercise
6. We mustn’t play with fire; it is too dangerous!
7. She shouldn’t talk with him, he is not nice
8. The elephant may not have parents

Phrases positives au passé:

1. I could read the sentence

2. He might take my phone
3. They could drive a car, at 16 years old
4. We could play soccer together
5. I might be happy to see you!

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