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International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Prediction of overbreak depth in Ghalaje road tunnel using strength

Ako Daraei ⇑, Shokrollah Zare
Civil Engineering Department, Soran University, Erbil 44008, Iraq
School of Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood 3619995161, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is well known that the overbreak caused by the blasting damage during tunnel excavation increases
Received 26 January 2018 costs associated with filling the collapsed area with shotcrete and results in filing of a claim by the con-
Received in revised form 28 March 2018 tractor. This paper outlines a new approach for prediction the overbreak depth during tunnel construc-
Accepted 11 April 2018
tion. Hence, firstly excavation damage zone (EDZ) are determined by average specific charge in each
Available online xxxx
zone. Numerical modelling is used to simulate the EDZ around tunnel boundary and the overbreak depth
are calculated by the rock strength factor. The predicted overbreak depth compared with observed field
data from a case study. The results show that there exists an approximately up to 40% difference between
the prediction and the observed volume of overbreak depth. Therefore, the method can be well used to
Excavation damaged zone predict the overbreak depth to estimate more precision of shotcrete and concrete volumes in tunnelling
Strength factor cost during design phase.
Tunneling Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction velocity (PPV) method that this method is needed to identify wave
and other aspect of seismology. Mohammadi et al. studied mini-
The presence of blast induced damaged zone around excava- mizing overbreak in underground blasting operations by using
tions has been an important concern during tunneling. The term fuzzy set theory [4]. The effects of rock mass quality on overbreak
excavation damaged zone (EDZ) is taken to mean the disturbed were investigated by Innaurato et al. [5]. Ibarra et al. studied the
zone that includes the failed and damaged zones closest to the wall influence of geological conditions and blasting factors on overbreak
that are caused by the excavation method. The damaged zone and underbreak in tunnel [6]. Mandal et al. studied evaluating
around excavation is dependent upon the strength and deforma- extent and causes of overbreak in tunnels [3]. Using two-
tion modulus of the rock mass, in situ rock stress, nature and prop- dimensional analytical approach, Mahtab et al. assessed the
erties of the discontinuity network, geometry of the excavation and overbreak during tunnel design [7]. Miao et al. studied geological
excavation method [1]. According to Martino, the EDZ are divided environment and mining conditions of an excavation disturbed
into two main components: disturbed and damaged. In the dis- zone in coal mining [8]. Perras and Diederichs studied EDZ depths
turbed zone only the stresses are altered while in the damaged in brittle rocks and their results showed numerical limits can be
zone the mechanical, hydraulic and physical properties of the rock used for preliminary depth prediction of the EDZs for circular exca-
mass are irreversibly changed or altered [2]. Overbreak in tunnel- vations [9]. Using regression analysis, Dey and Murthy established
ing is defined as a part of damaged zone beyond the profile calcu- a relationship between the overbreak percentage and rock mass as
lated for the support elements that falling during rock excavation. well as charge and blast design parameters [10]. Yang et al. studied
It increases total cost of tunneling to a level of 15% or even more of the failure behavior in both inner and outer zones around a circular
the scheduled cost of construction [3]. Many studies have been opening in a non-persistently jointed rock mass under biaxial com-
performed in order to identify the causes of overbreak during tun- pression [11]. The overbreak depth quantity deserves more studies
neling, but, approximately all approaches based on peak particle due to its crucial role in project planning of tunnelling, particularly,
exact estimation of filling volume of damaged zone. In this paper,
firstly EDZ is determined by average specific charge in each zone.
⇑ Corresponding author at: Civil Engineering Department, Soran University, Erbil
44008, Iraq.
Numerical modelling is used to simulate the EDZ around tunnel
E-mail addresses: (A. Daraei), boundary. Rock mass properties in these zone have been assigned
ir (S. Zare). based on Kwon et al. theory, and blast damage factor and the
2095-2686/Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Daraei A, Zare S. Prediction of overbreak depth in Ghalaje road tunnel using strength factor. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
2 A. Daraei, S. Zare / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

overbreak depth are calculated by the strength factor [12,13]. The 2.1. Geological and geotechnical investigations
predicted overbreak depth compared with observed field data from
a case study. The results show that there exists an approximately The region is located in the folded sedimentary formations of
up to 40% difference between the prediction and the observed vol- Zagros belt, consisting of numerous anticlines and formed syn-
ume of overbreak depth. Therefore, the method can be well used to clines. The tunnel path is located in Asmari formation belonging
predict the overbreak depth. To do so, the result of 538 blasting to the Cretaceous-Eosin period, comprised of massive, thick bed-
rounds in Ghalaje road tunnel in west of Iran are studied. ded and jointed varieties of limestone. According to the engineer-
ing geological data and rating scores inferred from surface and
underground mapping, the host rocks were divided into three
2. Project description zones: zones I, II and III at the construction stage as shown in Fig. 2.
Zone I consists of limestone with some clay interbedding with a
The Ghalaje road tunnel is located in west of Iran on the Eslam thickness of about 50 cm in some locations. Zone II, assigned to the
Abad–Eyvan (between Kermanshah and Ilam provinces) main road most competent part of the host rock, and consists of limestone
with a length of 2500 m, width of 12.2 and height of 8.3 m, with a and dolomitic limestone. Lastly, limestone with clay and marl
cross section of 98 m2. Construction of the tunnel will reduce the interbedding constitutes the host rocks of Zone III. Main lithology
length of this main road more than 12 km, which indirectly facili- in the tunnel face is shown in Fig. 3.
tates all travel to Iraq and will increase the road safety. Fig. 1 rep- The rock mass quality has been scored using the RMR classifica-
resents the Ghalaje road tunnel location. Due to high strength tion system. Detailed information of rock mass rating and proper-
properties of surrounding rocks in the tunnel path, the blasting ties of rock mass are demonstrated in Table 1. The cohesive,
method has applied to excavate the tunnel.

Fig. 1. A close up view of Ghalaje road tunnel.

Fig. 2. Longitudinal section of Ghalaje tunnel.

Fig. 3. Main lithology in the tunnel face.

Please cite this article in press as: Daraei A, Zare S. Prediction of overbreak depth in Ghalaje road tunnel using strength factor. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
A. Daraei, S. Zare / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Geological zones properties.

Zone scm (MPa) st (MPa) Em (GPa) Er (GPa) Friction angle (°) Cohesion (MPa) RMR GSI
I 6.8 0.14 5.7 24 35 1.25 52–55 47–50
II 14 0.32 9.0 33 40 1.9 55–60 50–55
III 10.8 0.23 7.0 30 39 1.5 43–52 38–47

Note: Er and Em are the deformation modulus of intact rock and rock mass, respectively; and scm is the uniaxial compression strength of rock mass; and st is uniaxial tensile
strength of rock mass.

Table 2
Joint sets properties in the tunnel path.

Parameter Zone I Zone II Zone III

Dip/dip direction 72/302 67/224 70/178 30/040 60/223 76/ 306 72/182 27/041 78/215 80/115 82/032 17/180
Type Js Js Js B Js Js Js B Js Js Js B
Spacing (cm) 40–80 50–100 50–90 80–120 50–100 40–100 50–90 80–120 50–100 40–80 80–120 80–120
Persistence (m) 3–10 3–8 1–6 >10 3–10 3–8 1–6 >10 >8 3–8 1–6 >10

35 mm in diameter as primer explosives and using the electric ini-

tiation system, with 1.5–3 m blast hole length, while blast holes
are 45 mm in diameter. Depth of round and holes per round are
two important factors in blasting which directly affect the excava-
tion unit price. Description relevant to this issue in the tunnel will
be given in the following subtopics.

3.1. Depth of round

At first sight, increasing the tunnel advance per round will be

achieved by applying a greater number of holes with longer length
and wider diameter. Consequently, this will increase the specific
charge, but on the other hand such an approach will cause unfavor-
able effects such as fly rocks, ground and air vibration [15]. The
Fig. 4. Stereographic projection of discontinuties. depth of a round is an important parameter in tunnel blasting, as
most of the excavation engineers desire a higher tunneling rate.
friction angle and deformation modulus of the intact rock have A rough guideline on the length of the blast holes in the cut and
been determined by laboratory tests and rock mass properties easer holes of an angle cut was provided by Pokrovsky [16]. Con-
instead of overpriced and time consuming in situ tests, estimated sidering the tunnel area in the top heading equal to 59 m2, the
by RocData Software which have been developed based on the cut hole would be 5.7 m.
Hoek–Brown criterion. For cut holes, l = 0.75(A)0.5 = 0.75(59)0.5 = 5.7 m
During surface and underground geological mapping, four joint For easer holes, le = 0.5(A)0.5 = 0.5(59)0.5 = 3.8 m
sets were mapped in the tunnel path, in each zone. Joint set prop- where A is the tunnel area, m2; lc the length of cut hole, m; and
erties in each zones are presented in Table 2. le the length of easer hole, m.
Based on surveying along the tunnel, joints have different per- Considering the drilling machine specifications and crushed
sistence of almost 3–10 m and their spacing is between 40 and zone, the blasting pattern in our case was executed with cut holes
100 cm. In order to determine the most important discontinuities and easer holes with a length between 1.5 and 3 m, in order to
for joint network modeling, pole concentration of joint sets were minimize unfavorable effects of blasting waves. Table 3 represents
drawn in dips software. Plot of pole concentration frequency the number of blasting round in each zone.
shown two main joint sets and a random joint set in tunnel district
such 040/27 and 201/75, as seen in Fig. 4. 3.2. Holes per round

3. Blasting design in different zones of the tunnel path The number of holes per round is decided mainly by the tunnel
size and hole diameter. Ziegler reports that the number of holes per
One of the most important factors influencing on a tunnel blast round in a drift is reduced by 3% with every 0.001 m increase in
efficiency is the proper design of blasting pattern. Among blasting
parameters, blast hole diameter and tunnel face area are more sig- Table 3
nificant so that any change in these parameters could finally effect Number of blasting round in the top heading at different zones.
on specific charge and specific drilling [14]. In blast design, increas- Zone Number of blasting Chainage Length (m)
ing the face advance in order to minimize the cost is considered as round
the main target. In other words, other consequences of the blasting From To
procedure such as drilling cost and time usually depend on the face I 127 2 + 100 1 + 420 680
advance. The drill pattern selected is based on the size of the face, II 252 0 + 650 1 + 420 770
the type of material being drilled and the blasting geometry. The 2 + 100 2 + 620 520
III 159 0 + 520 0 + 650 130
basic characteristics of drilling and blasting in this tunnel are as
2 + 620 3 + 003 383
follows: blasting is done using ANFO as main charge and Emulite

Please cite this article in press as: Daraei A, Zare S. Prediction of overbreak depth in Ghalaje road tunnel using strength factor. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
4 A. Daraei, S. Zare / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. Typical blasting pattern.

Fig. 6. Relationship between specific charge and advance per round at zones I, II and III.

diameter of the explosive cartridge, and the hole concentration is Table 4

greater in small openings compared to large ones [17]. In this case, Excavation damaged zone depth.

wedge cut is used in all rock categories and drilling patterns for the Zone Average specific charge (kg/m3) Q (kg/m) EDZ (m)
tunnel containing 102 blast holes on average, as shown in Fig. 5. I 2.92 1.32 2.79
II 2.53 1.40 2.99
III 2.53 1.39 2.96
3.3. Specific charge

One of the main challenges involved in blasting engineering is

calculating EDZ depth is empirical Eq. (1) proposed by Pusch and
the effect of specific charge on the amounts of EDZ. In order to
Stanfors based on charge concentration per meter in blast hole
determine EDZ, it is necessary to obtain the specific charge in each
[19]. Therefore, based on specific charge, the charge concentration
zone. In all zones which has been excavated with 127,252 and 159
was calculated, then the EDZ depth that are illustrated in Table 4
different blast rounds, respectively, specific charge and advance
was determined.
were recorded. According to Fig. 6, results show that in order to
reach 3 m advance per round, specific charge was between 1 and
EDZ ¼ 2  Q 1:2 ð1Þ
4 kg/m3. Also, it can be understood from the graph that the amount
of specific charge and increasing advance per round, reduced expo- where Q is charge concentration, kg/m.
nentially. In zone I the difference in clay and bed rocks strength
causes heterogeneity in media and consequently reducing the
5. Numerical modeling
advance per round because of damping gas pressure. Regarding
the Ghalaje tunnel area in the top heading cross section (59 m2),
The two dimensional software program Phase2 was used to pre-
specific charge was obtained as 2.92, 2.53 and 2.53 kg/m3 on aver-
dict overbreak depth at the tunnel. The model dimensions was
age in zones I, II and III respectively.
considered as 110 m  106 m. In order to state strength parame-
ters, generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion was applied [20].
4. Determination of EDZ 2D numerical models that were developed for the purposes of this
analysis can be seen within Fig. 7. The stresses were applied on
The EDZ will be defined as the zone beyond the final excavation model in a gravity form, and vertical to horizontal ratio coefficient
boundary, where the rock has been damaged by blasting. The K was determined based on Rummel Equations [21,22]. The
dimensions of EDZ depend on the size of explosive charge deto- amount of stress relaxation in models for considering the three-
nated, rock’s dynamic strength and density, wave velocity propa- dimensional effect, and also expressing stress relief due to excava-
gation, and vibration velocities transmitted to the rock mass [18]. tion step in the model, was considered using the Panet Equation
In general, the factors influencing the magnitude of that can conve- and the ground reaction curve [23,24]. According to study by Kwon
niently be grouped into two categories, which are geological fac- et al., in relation to the blast damage effect on rock mass
tors and blasting factors. One of the most common for properties, deformation modulus up to 56% was reduced during

Please cite this article in press as: Daraei A, Zare S. Prediction of overbreak depth in Ghalaje road tunnel using strength factor. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
A. Daraei, S. Zare / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

where Jkn is the joint normal stiffness; Jks the joint shear stiffness;
and Gr and Gm the shear modulus of intact rock and rock mass,
respectively; and S the average joint spacing.
After modeling, the values of strength factor at tunnel crown
and walls in each zones were obtained according to Fig. 8. The
strength factor represents the ratio of material strength to induced
stress, at a given point. If the strength factor is less than 1, this indi-
cates that the stress in the material exceeds the material strength.
Hence, where the depth with strength factor lower than 1, were
considered as predicted overbreak depth. Given Eq. (1) value and
identifying it on the strength factor graphs, the distributed area
safety factor were determined as 1.2, (1.9,1.7 and 1.55) and 1.2,
Fig. 7. Tunnel model in Phase 2.
at tunnel crown and walls in zone I, II and III, respectively.

the modeling of EDZ [12]. To quantify damage in the excavation

walls, Hoek introduced the blast damage factor D and incorporated 6. Discussion
it into Hoek-Brown’s failure criterion [13]. Since rock mass in a
blast damaged zone becomes more jointed, the GSI value for this In order to evaluate the strength factor precision relevant to
part of rock mass should be lower from the adjacent undisturbed overbreak depth in tunnel blasting, the results compared with
rock mass. Hence, the GSI value of disturbed rock mass is being observed data that have been surveyed during tunnel construction
decreased for 10 points and distribution factor was used 0.8 in after each blasting round. Based on survey of profiles after each
EDZ. (If blasting is poorly done, it is suggested that D = 0.8.). blasting round, the observed depth of the overbreak profiles was
Cross-jointed network was used to establish the discontinuities obtained according to Fig. 9.
modelling in Phase 2 software. Also using Eqs. (2) and (3) normal The difference between predicted and observed overbreak
and shear stiffness of discontinuity in each zone was calculated depth are shown in Table 6. The results show that there exists an
that results are illustrated in Table 5. approximately up to 40% difference between the prediction and
the observed overbreak depth. Therefore, the method can be well
Er  Em
Jkn ¼ ð2Þ used to predict the overbreak depth. That is to say, in some parts
SðEr  Em Þ of each zone, wedge failure was occurred, but they were local,
hence the area wasn’t considered in the calculation.
Gr  Gm
Jks ¼ ð3Þ
SðGr  Gm Þ

Table 6
Table 5 Predicted and observed overbreak depths.
Normal and shear stiffness of discontinuities.
Zone Aver. predicted overbreak Aver. observed overbreak Difference
Zone Jkn (GPa/m) Jks (GPa/m) Aver. spacing (m) depth (m) depth (m) (%)
I 9.96 3.98 0.75 I 0 0.4 40
II 16.5 6.60 0.75 II 0.60 0.6 0
III 12.1 4.86 0.75 III 0.77 0.7 9

Fig. 8. Strength factor in crown and walls.

Fig. 9. Observed overbreak depths in zone I, II and III.

Please cite this article in press as: Daraei A, Zare S. Prediction of overbreak depth in Ghalaje road tunnel using strength factor. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),
6 A. Daraei, S. Zare / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Daraei A, Zare S. Prediction of overbreak depth in Ghalaje road tunnel using strength factor. Int J Min Sci Technol (2018),

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