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Financial wellness is a state of being in which you can fully meet your current and future financial obligations while
feeling secure in your financial future and making choices that allow you to enjoy life.

Embarking on a journey toward financial wellness is like stepping onto a path where stress takes a backseat, and
prosperity becomes the scenic route. Knowing the rhythm of life's uncertainties, come along as we support you to
compose a symphony of strategies to not just face but conquer the financial challenges that can potentially bedevil
your current, recurring, and future financial plans.

Figure out the top sources of your financial stress.

01 Figure out the top sources of your financial stress.

If you're grappling with financial anxiety, begin by:

▪ Pinpointing the specific issues that are causing you stress. Whether
it's the burden of loan debt, impending bill payments, or concerns
about job security, identifying the root causes of your financial
stress is crucial.
▪ Once you've identified these stressors, brainstorm strategies to
address them and periodically review and revise your list to ensure
you're making positive progress in addressing your most significant
financial concerns.
▪ Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to tackle too much at once –
take one stressor at a time and tackle them based on your financial
capacity at every point in time.

02 Create a budget or spending plan!

Creating a budget or spending plan is a powerful tool to alleviate
financial stress to enable you take control of your finances.
▪ Start by determining your net income, which is the amount you
take home after taxes based on your full-time job or by
averaging income from irregular sources over a specific period.
▪ Track your expenses, differentiating between essential and
non-essential expenditures. Your budget should prioritize what
matters most to you and curtail less important spending.
▪ With this clear financial picture, you can identify opportunities
to allocate funds to address your financial stressors.
▪ Better still, consider automating payments for recurring bills
and savings, and set up alerts for balance thresholds to help
you stay on track with your financial goals and reduce stress.

03 Make the most of your income.

▪ Even when facing financial constraints, it's crucial to maximize your
available income to address financial challenges.
▪ Remember that small actions can lead to significant
improvements. While you might not eliminate a single expense by
GHS 500 per month, you can identify five areas where you can
reduce costs by GHS 100 each.
▪ Examine your spending habits to uncover opportunities for saving
on daily expenses. Adjust your budget to prioritize objectives that
alleviate overall financial stress, such as paying off high-interest
loans and take incremental steps to make the most of your income.
Create a Budget orFund.
an Emergency Spending Plan.
▪ Emergency funds act as a financial safety net, providing peace of
mind in times of unexpected expenses such as job loss. It is advised
that one has at least up to 6 months of a person’s monthly income
in the emergency fund.
▪ Don't stress about reaching a specific amount; the key is consistent
contributions. Use your budget to determine a manageable monthly
savings goal and prioritize building three to six months' worth of living
▪ Set up automatic transfers to make saving seamless, even if it's just
a few cedis a week. Consider a high-yield savings account to
maximize growth and reduce reliance on debt during unforeseen
▪ Note that your emergency fund is not for “emergency luxury
purchases” that are not needs but wants. The Emergency Fund is for
those emergencies that are ACTUAL NEEDS.

05 Insurance as a Risk Management

▪ Safeguard your financial well-being by covering medical
expenses with health insurance, ensuring you receive necessary
healthcare without incurring a heavy financial burden.
▪ Protect your valuable assets, such as your home or car, from
unexpected events like accidents, natural disasters, or theft
with property insurance to prevent financial setbacks.
▪ Protect yourself or your loved ones with Life insurance. It
provides financial security by offering a lump sum in the event
of death of a covered person. This helps cover expenses and
ensure financial well-being.
In essence, integrating insurance into your financial strategy serves
as a crucial protective measure, addressing specific aspects of your
life and contributing to a more secure and stress-free financial

As we wrap up our exploration of financial wellness and strategies to combat stress, remember that understanding origins of
financial strain, crafting a budget, optimizing your income, establishing an emergency fund, and securing yourself with
insurance are integral to a strong foundation for financial stability.
To delve deeper into these strategies and gain valuable insights, click here to watch our last episode of our Tomorrow Today
webinar series to see how even our youngsters are being intentional about their financial wellbeing.
We are eager to support you through your financial wellness journey. Kindly Click Here to access our tools, and resources
designed to help you stay on track.
We hope these tips have been helpful. Kindly Click Here to make suggestions on new topics you would want us to tackle.
Follow us on Facebook @enterprisetrusteesgh, Instagram and LinkedIn @enterprisetrustees for continued material and
information on ensuring and planning towards your long-term financial security.


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