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Topic: Access Queries




The website from Microsoft Office Support provides a comprehensive guide on creating and

running update queries in Microsoft Access. It covers the basics of using queries to update data

in your database, ensuring accurate and efficient data management.

One New Thing Learned:

One new thing I learned from the resource is the use of expressions in update queries.

Expressions allow you to perform calculations or combine data from different fields during the

update process. For example, you can concatenate two fields, perform mathematical operations,

or apply string functions.

Detailed Example:

Suppose you have a database with a table named "Employees" that includes "FirstName" and

"LastName" fields. You want to update the "FullName" field by concatenating the first and last

names. Here's how you can do it using an update query:

1. Open Microsoft Access and go to the "Queries" tab.

2. Select "Design View" to create a new query.

3. Add the "Employees" table to the query.

4. In the query grid, create a new field and use the following expression in the "Field" row:

FullName: [FirstName] & " " & [LastName]

This expression concatenates the "FirstName," a space, and the "LastName" to create the full


5. Save and close the query in design view.

6. Run the query to update the "FullName" field in the "Employees" table.

This example demonstrates the power of expressions in Access queries, allowing you to

manipulate and update data based on your specific requirements.



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