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It has low energy consumption, needing to be charged every week.

The collar only costs

$49.88 ,you must be asking why the collar costs so much the reason is because our factories are
a little far from where we are so we need to raise the price to help with the displacement of the
collars but I tell you if the profits go up too much we should lower the price prices to help you,
but if you call within the next 48 hours you can get a 50% discount. The proposal is that pets
have a healthier life.

People have been asking us if these collars give to other pets the answer is that not yet, we are
trying to make it give to other pets like the dog and also some non-pet animals for example
sheep, to put the colar on one and leave it like the rest of the herd and leave them in a large area
and then you can go do your things when want to know where they are you go to the app and see
if they are far from the place where you left them or near the place where you left them and you
can also know if they are healthy or not ,but the answer is we do not yet have collars of this size
for these animals.

The collar has positive and negative points if on the one hand it is economical because it always
keeps the same collar and more comfortable because the use of the collar on cats is generally
more comfortable when you avoid putting bells and bells, because many cats get really upset
and nervous with the noise of these objects and many cats end up hurting themselves when
trying to remove them so that´s why we didn´t put bells in your collar.

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