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93 -ing and -ed adjectives @ Many present and past participles can be used as adjectives. ~ Present participles: a crying child anexciting trip melting ice ~ Past participles: broken equipment alocked door a torn shirt © These adjectives often mean ‘the thing/person that is ..: a crying child = a child that is crying a broken vase = a vase that is broken @ Present participles can describe things which make us feel a certain way: She told mea surprising story. That’ an interesting question. © Past participles can describe how we feel: /’m surprised you remembered my birthday. He’s always been interested in music. PRACTICE 93a Circle the correct answer. > Are you young, enthusiastic and (0) motivating Kquotivatedyo succeed? > Are you (1) interesting / interested in making a career for yourself with a (2) respecting / respected computer software producer? > Are you looking for (3) challenging / challenged work with a rapidly (4) expanding / expanded company? | If your answer is ‘yes’ and you hold a degree in information technology | or a(S) relating / related field, then we could have an (6) exciting / excited opening for you. Send us your CV and a (7) completing / completed application form now! 93b Complete the sentences. Use adjectives formed from the words in the box. break change continue dry embarrass love park #elax steal © Itwas a restful holiday and | feel much more .......L@/0XE4........ now. \ kept calling her by the wrong name ~ it was .. : 2 Please get some . fruit from the supermarket so that | can make a cake. 3. They've always been poor and shortage of money is a(n) problem. The increase in the divorce rate reflects The police may charge them with receiving .. Children should not play near .. They say he died of a(n) . They're a(n) .. attitudes to marriage. goods. cars. heart but | don’t know if that’s true. . family who give one another a lot of support. ory aus 195,

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