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1. Fill in the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
a) If he had not had an accident, he (arrive) earlier.
b) Unless they (go) there now, they wouldn’t get the tickets.
c) If Tom (get) to the station in time, he wouldn’t have missed the train.
d) He will make a big mistake if he (go) there.
e) We (not buy) a computer if it hadn’t been for Peter.

2. Complete the following sentences:

a) If I had a burglar alarm in the house……………
b) She won’t forgive you unless…………….
c) They could get better results if…………………
d) What would you have done if …………………?
e) But for the nice weather, ……………

3. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words in capital:

a) The car skidded off the road as it was snowing heavily. HAD
b) She doesn’t like John because he teases her. IF
c) Now we are lost in the woods because you were careless and you forgot the map
at home. IF
d) Don’t take this job if you don’t really want to. UNLESS
e) They didn’t go on the trip because they didn’t have a day off. IF

4. Translate the following sentences:

a) Daca n-ar fi fost John, as fi uitat sa aduc planurile.
b) Fratele tau ar obtine rezultate mai bune daca ar munci mai mult.
c) Ce ai face daca ai fi in locul meu ?
d) Daca ninge miine, nu vom putea merge la tara.
e) Rudele tale te-ar fi ajutat cu siguranta daca le-ai fi spus ca ai nevoie de suportul lor.

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