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pretest ( 2 )

during cardiac inspection for manifestation of right ventricular dilation the following are true except -1

right parasternal pulsationa

left parasternal pulsation

apical pulsation

apex is shifted outward

the only sign which refer to left ventricular dilatation is -2

apex is shifted dounward and out ward

absent apex

right parasternal pulsation

epigastric pulsation

in pulmonary artery dilatation -3

apex is shifted upward

right parasternal pulsation

pulsation on the second left space

pulsation on the second right space

pericardial pulge oppear in-4

congenital and rheumatic heart diseases

ischaemic heart diseases

hyper tensive heart disease

aortic aneurythm

left atrial dilatation is presented by-5

apical shift

pressure symptoms

epigastric pulsation

pericardial pulge

the presence of median sternotomy scare indicate-6

lunge surgery
open heart surgery


operation on the sternum

the presence of dilated touruous vein over the lateral side of the chest indicate -7

mitral stenosis

deep venous thrombosis

aortic stenosis

supereior or inverior vena cava obstruction

sternal angle is important land mark in cardiac examination it -8



second rib

second space

tricuspid valve

mitral valve

in dextrocardia there is-9

pericardial bulge

epigastric pulsation

apical pulsation is shifted to the right

apex is shifted doun ward and out ward

apex is the lower most outer most visible palpable pulsation which lies-10

left 5th intercosal space midlavicular line

behind the sterna angle

behind the manubriosterni

5th intercostals space midclacicular line right

With my best wishes

Dr mohammad omar

associated prof of internal medicine and critical care

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