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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a significant technology in the world of web
development. It is a language used to control the appearance and layout of web
pages. This article will explain what CSS is, why it's important, and how it's used in
web development.

2.What is CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a language used to describe the
appearance and layout of HTML elements on a web page. With CSS, you can
control the color, size, font type, spacing, and many other aspects of web elements.

3.Why is CSS Important?

CSS is crucial in web development because it separates content (HTML) from
presentation (CSS). This makes web development more structured and manageable.
The primary advantages of using CSS include:

1.Separation of Content and Presentation:

You can change the appearance of a web page without altering its content.
This makes website maintenance more efficient.

2.Consistency: CSS allows you to apply consistent styles throughout a

website, ensuring a uniform appearance.

3.Responsiveness: With CSS, you can create responsive websites that adapt
their appearance to different devices, such as computers, tablets, and mobile

4.How to Use CSS

Using CSS involves three main components:

1. **Selector**: The selector is the HTML element you want to style. It can be
an HTML element, a class, an ID, or even a combination of these.

2. **Property**: Properties are attributes you want to change. For example,

you can change text color with the `color` property or set margins with the
`margin` property.

3. **Value**: Values are the settings you apply to properties. For instance, if
you want to set text color to red, the value you use is "red."
5.Example of Using CSS

CSS is a vital component in web development. It allows control over the
appearance of web pages, content and presentation separation, and the creation of
responsive websites. With a good understanding of CSS, you can enhance the
quality and appearance of your websites.

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