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Subject :- Social Science

Water and its circulation
Key word:-
1. Evaporation :- It is the process through which water
turns into vapour.
2.Condensation:- It is the process in which water
vapour turns into water droplets.
3. Ocean currents :- These are streams of water flowing
constantly on the ocean surface in definite directions.
4. Tsunami:- tsunami is a huge tidal wave.
5. Waves:- When the water on the surface of the ocean
rises and falls alternately, they are called waves.
A. Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.
1. the amount of fresh water on Earth is …………
Ans. 3%
2. Which of the following is a cold current ?
Ans. Oyashio
3. The upper part of a wave is called ………….
Ans. Crest
4. Extra high tides are called …………..
Ans. Spring tides
5. Which of the following is a warm current ?
Ans. Gulf stream
B. State whether true or false. If false, correct the
1. Some of the precipitation percolates down into
Earth. True
2. Magnesium sulphate is the most common salt
dissolved is solved. True
3.Waves are caused by the gravitational pull of the
Moon on the ocean waters. False
Correct Statement:- Tides are caused by the
gravitational pull of the Moon on the ocean
4. During the full moon and the new moon the
Earth, Moon and Sun are in the same straight line
. True
5. In the Northern Hemisphere, the ocean currents
travel in an anti clockwise direction. False
Correct Statement :- In the Northern Hemisphere,
the ocean currents travel in clockwise direction.
C. Fill in the blanks:-
1. About 71% of the surface of the earth is covered
with water.
2. Water vapour condenses to form cloud droplets.
3. Saline is the amount of salt in ocean water.
4. The horizontal distance between two waves
crests or two wave throughs is called wave length.
5. Kandla in Gujarat is a tidal port.
D. Answer the following questions in 10-20 words:-
1. What are the two types of movement of ocean
Ans .There are two types of movement of ocean
water :-
1. waves
2. currents
2. How are waves caused?
Ans .Waves are the alternate up and down
movement of water particles, caused by the wind .
3. How would you differentiate between fresh
water and saline water?
Ans. Fresh water :- Water that contains very little
dissolved salts.
Saline water :- Water containing a large amount of
dissolved salts.
4. What do you mean by salinity of ocean water ?
What is the average salinity of ocean water?
Ans. The amount of salt in the ocean water is
called salinity. The salinity of ocean water is on an
average 35per thousand.
5.Differentiate between tides and ocean currents.
Ans. Tides are the periodic rise and fall of the
water level in the sea which occur at regular
intervals, twice a day.
Ocean currents:- These are streams of ocean water
continuously flowing in definite directions. They
are caused by the action of planetary winds on the
surface of ocean and differences in the
temperature, salinity and density of the waters.
6.Name the factors which give rise to ocean
currents and modify their courses.
Ans. Rotation of the earth and the shapes of
coastlines control the movement of ocean
currents and modify their courses.
E. Answer the following questions in 50-70 words.
1. Why is only 1% of the earth’s water available to
Ans. About 97% of the Earth’s water is in oceans
and seas. This is saline water and is not
suitable for human consumption. The
remaining 3%is fresh water. Out of this 2% is
in the form of ice caps and glaciers which
cannot be reached by us. Thus, only 1% of the
earth’s water is easily available and fit for
human use. It is found as surface water in
rivers and lakes, as ground water and as water
vapour in the atmosphere.
2.Compare between spring tides and neap tides.
Ans. During the full moon (known as Purnima in
India) and the new moon (known as Amavasya in
India), the Earth, Moon and Sun are in the same
line and the tides are highest. These tides are
called spring tides.
But when the moon is in its first and last quarter,
the ocean waters get drawn in diagonally opposite
directions by the gravitational pull of sun and
earth resulting in low tides. These tides are called
neap tides.
3. How do tides help in trade? Give suitable
Ans. During high tide, when the water level near
the coast rises, big ships can easily enter or leave
harbours. The Kandla port in Gujarat is a good
example of a tidal port.
F. Answer the following questions in 80-100
1. Describe the water cycle.
The sun’s heat causes evaporation of water, flowing
down to stream or drains into water vapour. When the
water vapour cools down. It condenses and forms
clouds. These clouds, when become too heavy to float,
start falling on the land or sea in the form of rain ,snow
or sleet .Thus the process by which water continuously
changes its form and circulates between oceans,
atmosphere and land is known as the water cycle .
2. Explain the importance of oceans.
Ans. The oceans are useful to us in a number of ways:-
1. Ocean are the prime source of humidity and
2. They moderate the climate of the coastal regions.
3. Marine life found in the ocean waters provides a
source of livelihood to many people.
4. Salts dissolved in the ocean waters and minerals
deposits on the ocean floor are economically
important to us.
5. Oceanic waves and tides can be harnessed to
generate electricity.
6. Ocean serve as a means of transport.
3.How do ocean currents influence the climate and
economic activities of the coastal regions?
Ans. 1. Warm ocean currents raise the temperature
of the coasts while cold ocean currents lower the
2. Winds that blow over warm currents are moist
and bring rainfall to the coastal regions. Winds that
blow over cold currents are dry and hence they do
not cause any rain.
3. In place where warm and cold currents meet,
plenty of planktons are found. These are excellent
food for fish. Hence, such regions are important
fishing grounds. However, the mixing of warm and
cold ocean currents produces dense fog in these
4.Ocean currents influences navigation. Ship sailing
in the direction of the current will sail faster and save
time and fuel.

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