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The Night Mail Question

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The Night Mail questions and answers, T

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Section B: Context

1. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
This is the Night Mail crossing the border,
Bringing the cheque and the postal order,
Letters for the rich, letters for the poor
The shop at the corner, the girl next door

(i) Why has the poet used This in the first line
of the extract? What does the poet mean by a
"Night Mail"?

Ans: The use of "This" in the first line of the

extract is meant to draw the reader's attention
to the imminent arrival of the train carrying
the Night Mail. The Night Mail refers to a train
service that operated in the UK during the
1930s, which transported mail across the
country during the night to ensure swift

(ii) According to the extract what does the

Night Mail bring and for whom?

Ans: The Night Mail brings "the cheque and

the postal order" as well as letters for both
"the rich" and "the poor." The Night Mail is
depicted as a service that caters to people
from all walks of life, delivering important
financial documents and personal letters to
individuals and businesses alike.

(iii) How is the Night Mail different from

regular trains?

Ans: The Night Mail is di"erent from regular

trains in that it was a specifically designed mail
train service that operated at night,
transporting mail across the Scottish
countryside. Unlike regular passenger trains,
the Night Mail did not carry passengers but
instead was dedicated solely to the
transportation of mail. The Night Mail was an
important part of the postal service, allowing
for more e#cient and timely delivery of letters
and other mail items.

(iv) The extract shows that the Night does not

discriminate among people. How?

Ans: The extract shows that the Night Mail

does not discriminate among people in several
ways. Firstly, it delivers mail to both "the rich"
and "the poor", indicating that the service is
accessible to people of all socioeconomic
backgrounds. Additionally, the Night Mail
delivers mail to "the shop at the corner" and
"the girl next door", suggesting that it serves
both businesses and individuals within the
same community, regardless of their status.
Overall, the poem emphasizes the Night Mail's
role in connecting people from all walks of life
and facilitating communication and commerce
across di"erent parts of society, without

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(v) Give two examples of the use of rhymes in

the extract. What role do they play in the

Ans: Two examples of the use of rhymes in the

extract are:

"border" and "order"

"poor" and "door"

These rhymes help to create a sense of

musicality and rhythm in the poem, making it
more engaging and memorable for the reader.
The use of rhymes also serves to unify the
di"erent parts of the poem, creating a
cohesive whole. In addition, the rhymes
contribute to the poem's overall theme of
connectivity and interdependence, by
emphasizing the ways in which di"erent
people and places are linked through the
Night Mail.

II. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb
The gradient's against her, but she's on time.
Past cotton-grass and moorland boulder
Shovelling white steam over her shoulder

(i) Who is the poet talking about? What is a

"gradient" and it is against whom?

Ans:The poet is talking about the Night Mail

train in these lines. The "gradient" refers to an
uphill slope on the train's route, which is
described as being "against her", meaning
that it poses a challenge or obstacle to the
train's progress. The phrase "but she's on
time" suggests that despite the di#cult
terrain, the Night Mail is still able to maintain
its schedule and arrive at its destination

(ii) What are the qualities of the Night Mail as

indicated in this extract?

Ans: The qualities of the Night Mail as

indicated in this extract are resilience,
punctuality, and power. The line "The
gradient's against her, but she's on time"
highlights the Night Mail's ability to overcome
obstacles and maintain its schedule despite
challenging terrain. The phrase "shovelling
white steam over her shoulder" conveys the
image of the Night Mail as a powerful and
unstoppable force, surging forward through
the landscape.

(iii) Why does the poet call the train's "climb"

as "steady"?

Ans: The poet calls the train's "climb" as

"steady" to show that the Night Mail is moving
up the slope smoothly and without di#culty. It
means that the train is not struggling or
slowing down while climbing the slope, but is
maintaining a consistent pace. The word
"steady" also shows that the Night Mail is a
trustworthy and dependable service that can
be counted on to deliver mail on time.

(iv) What does "Shovelling white steam over

her shoulder mean?

Ans: The line "Shovelling white steam over her

shoulder" is a depiction of smoke that travel
out and over the train. It is pushed behind
"her"( the night mail) by the pressure of the
wind. The poet personifies the Night Mail in
this verse and compares it to a lady who is
scooping and shovelling steam over her
shoulders while racing to reach her

(v) How has poet used personification in this


Ans: The poet has used personification in this

extract by describing the Night Mail train as if
it were a person. For example, the line "The
gradient's against her" attributes human
qualities to the train, suggesting that it is
struggling against an obstacle and must exert
e"ort to overcome it. This personification
creates a sense of empathy and connection
between the reader and the train, as if the
train were a living, breathing entity with its
own emotions and struggles. Additionally, the
phrase "shovelling white steam over her
shoulder" further personifies the train,
describing it as if it were physically shoveling
steam and working hard to generate the
power needed to move forward.

III. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
Dawn freshens, Her climb is done
Down towards Glasgow, she descends,
Towards the steam tugs yelping down a glade of
Towards the fields of apparatus, the furnaces
Set on the dark plain like gigantic chessmen
All Scotland waits for her:

In dark glens, beside pale-green lochs

Men long for news.

(i) What is meant by "Her climb is done"?

Where is she now headed towards?

Ans: The phrase "Her climb is done" means

that the Night Mail train has completed its
ascent up the slope and has reached the top of
the hill. The train is no longer facing an uphill
climb and can now begin to descend toward its
destination. In the next line, the poet indicates
that the Night Mail is headed "Down towards
Glasgow", a city in Scotland.

(ii) What does the repetition of the

consonant 'd' in the first two lines of the
extract indicate?

Ans: The repetition of the consonant 'd' in the

first two lines of the extract ("Dawn freshens,
Her climb is done, Down towards Glasgow, she
descends") is an example of "alliteration". In
this case, the repeated 'd' sound creates a
sense of momentum and forward motion,
reflecting the Night Mail train's descent down
the hill toward its destination in Glasgow. The
poet uses techniques to display the changing
scenario and matches them with the rhythm
on the poem and the train.

(iii) Which figure of speech is used in the

following line? Explain its usage Set on the
dark plain like gigantic chessmen.

Ans: The poet used a smile when he describes

a huge furnace of the industries like"gigantic
chessmen" uses to emphasize the urban
surrounding of Glasgow and to show the
hugeness of the furnace dotting and
landscape. Maybe he wants to emphasize the
fact that it is an industrial town and does not
have a natural beauty.

(iv) Explain in your own words the meaning

of "All Scotland waits for her."

Ans: The line "All Scotland waits for her"

means Scotland is waiting for that the arrival
of the Night Mail as it will bring news from far
in the form of letters and correspondence. It
suggests that the train plays an important role
in connecting people and communities across
Scotland and that it brings news and
information that people are eager to receive.
The phrase "All Scotland" implies a sense of
unity and shared experience, as people from
di"erent regions and walks of life all look
forward to the train's arrival.

(v) Which theme of the poem is reflected in

this extract? Explain briefly.

Ans: The theme of anticipation and waiting is

reflected in this extract. The line "All Scotland
waits for her" suggests that the arrival of the
Night Mail train is eagerly anticipated and
important to the people of Scotland. The
repetition of the word "waits" emphasizes this
sense of anticipation, and creates a feeling of
excitement and expectation.

IV. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
Asleep in granite Aberdeen,
They continue their dreams,
But shall wake soon and hope for letters,
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?"

(i) What were people doing while the Night

Mail was traveling through different cities?

Ans: The people in Granite Aberdeen were

asleep while the Night Mail was traveling
through di"erent cities. The line "Asleep in
granite Aberdeen, they continue their dreams"
suggests that people in the city are sleeping
soundly and unaware of the train's passing.

(ii) What sort of dreams do these people

have? What are these dreams symbolic of?

Ans: The people in the poem are dreaming of

di"erent things, such as terrifying monsters
and friendly tea beside a band in Cranston's or
Crawford's. These dreams may be symbolic of
the varied hopes, fears, and desires that
people have while they sleep. The dreams may
also represent a form of escapism from the
realities of their daily lives.

(iii) What would happen to their heartbeat on

hearing the postman's knock? Why?

Ans: The poem suggests that upon hearing the

postman's knock, the people would experience
a "quickening of the heart" because they are
eagerly waiting for their letters. The arrival of
the postman is a sign that they may have
received a letter, and the prospect of receiving
a letter is a source of excitement and hope for
them. The poem emphasizes the importance
of communication and connection between
people, and the anxiety and longing that can
come with waiting for news from loved ones.

(iv) If the postman does not bring them

letters, what would be the feelings of the

Ans: If the postman does not bring them

letters, the people would feel disappointed
and forgotten, as indicated by the line "For
who can bear to feel himself forgotten?" They
would be hoping to receive news and updates
from their loved ones and the outside world,
and the absence of letters would leave them
feeling disconnected and isolated.

(v) Explain how does the Night Mail help to

promote human relations?

Ans: The Night Mail is a symbol of

communication and connection between
people living in di"erent parts of Scotland. As
the train travels through di"erent cities and
towns, it carries letters, postal orders, and
cheques for people from all walks of life,
including the rich and the poor. The Night Mail
helps to bridge the distance between people
and bring them closer. It creates a sense of
community and reinforces the idea that
everyone is important and deserves to be
heard. In this way, the Night Mail helps to
promote human relations and strengthen
social bonds.

ICSE English Poem Treasure Chest Poem

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