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The following dialogue is for questions 4 and 5!

Tips: Untuk soal berbentuk dialog, akan lebih baik kalau kamu membaca soalnya terlebih dahulu ya!

Budi: Hi, my name is Budi. What’s your name?

Ani: Hi, I’m Ani. Nice to meet you, Budi.
Budi: Nice to meet you too, Ani. How old are you?
Ani: I’m 8 years old. How about you, Budi?
Budi: I’m 9 years old.

4. What is Budi asking when he says “What’s your name?”

A. Ani’s age
B. Ani’s favorite color
C. Ani’s favorite food
D. Ani’s name

Jawaban: D

5. How old is Ani?

A. 8 years old
B. 9 years old
C. 10 years old
D. 11 years old

Jawaban: A

6. How many watermelon slices in the picture below?

A. 4 watermelon slices
B. 5 watermelon slices
C. 6 watermelon slices
D. 7 watermelon slices
Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: 151 Nama-nama Buah dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

7. Read the conversation carefully!

Rozi: Hi Popo, how old are you?

Popo: I’m 8 years old, how about you Rozi?
Rozi: I’m 7 years old. When is your birthday?
Popo: My birthday is on August 8th, when is yours Rozi?
Rozi: My birthday is on November 11th. So, you’re older than me by a few months.

What is the age difference between Rozi and Popo?

A. 1 year
B. 8 years
C. A few months
D. 11 months

Jawaban: C

8. Read the conversation carefully!

Ali: Hi, I’m Ali. How old are you?

Budi: Hi, I’m Budi. I’m 10 years old. How about you?
Ali: I’m 9 years old. My birthday is on January 15th.
Budi: Mine is on October 1st.

What is Budi’s age?

A. 1 year old
B. 10 years old
C. 13 years old
D. 11 years old

Jawaban: B

9. Look at the picture below and answer the question!

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