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Q1: Which river flows through the Scottish city of Glasgow??

a. !Clyde
b. Tay
c. Dee
d. Tweed
Q2: What was the destination of the missing flight MH370??

a. !Beijing
b. Singapore
c. Kuala Lumpur
d. Tokyo
Q3: According to the United States' CDC, one in how many Americans die annually due to smoking??

a. Ten
b. !Five
c. One hundred
d. Twenty
Q4: Amsterdam Centraal station is twinned with what station??

a. Brussels Midi
b. Paris Gare du Nord
c. Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
d. !London Liverpool Street
Q5: What direction does the Statue of Liberty face??

a. !Southeast
b. Northwest
c. Northeast
d. Southwest
Q6: What year was Apple Inc. founded??

a. 1980
b. !1976
c. 1974
d. 1978
Q7: What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"??

a. !Brasil
b. Brasilia
c. Brazil
d. Brasíl
Q8: What is the currency of Poland??

a. Ruble
b. !Złoty
c. Euro
d. Krone
Q9: Linus Pauling, one of the only winners of multiple Nobel Prizes, earned his Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and what??

a. !Peace
b. Physiology/Medicine
c. Physics
d. Economics
Q10: Frank Lloyd Wright was the architect behind what famous building??

a. The Space Needle

b. Sydney Opera House
c. Villa Savoye
d. !The Guggenheim
hemistry and what??

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