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WARHAMMER ARMIES SUPPLEMENT A phenom CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . one 3 THE MYSTIC ARTS OF SAPHERY ..............20 THE SUNDERING 4 DEFENDERS OF ULTHUAN...... 2 THE ELVEN WARHOST 6 bate ut Nobility & Mages: “6 Heroes 23 Citizen Militia oe eee it Core Units 26 Silver Helms & Ellyrian Reavers. .. 8 Special Units 28 Dragon Princes... ensaidiell Rare Units .- 30 ‘Swordmasters of Hoeth & Shadow Warriors.....10 PAINTING A HIGH ELF ARMY ......0000000005533 Phoenix Guard & White Lions. IL HISTORY OF THE ASUR . 50 Griffons & Great Eagles, ‘ + 12 The Blade Reforged . 54 Dike ssrengueers see13 The War ofthe Beard... ween 56 Repeater Bolt Throwers & Tiranoc Chariots ....14 Against the Dark Host ......eesccee0s 58 HIGH ELF ARMOURY seeseeeeresess 15 From the Notes of Jacob Stackeldhort © HIGH ELF HONOURS « 022. ses ccs 15 GUARDIANS OF LIGHT 6 \VAULS FORGE . 16 Imrik, Dragon Prince of Caledor. oF ‘Common Magic Items eeeeseeeeeeeee 16 ‘Tyrion, Defender of Ulehuan. comgenl Magic Weapons « .. ere) ‘Teelis, High Loremaster of the White Tower... 72 Magic Armour re 17 APPENDIX ~ NEW SCENARIOS 4 Talismans, 5 7 Anulli Patrol. esses aepncild Areas comsmoxanreinaeawanenecaneell® Quests comammaasavamn cell Enchanted Items, 18 The Elven Language, 8 Magic Banners 2... s.e000es 19 Reference page 80 Written by Graphics ‘Model Makers Jake Thornton & Nuala Kennedy Mark Jones and Dave Andrews Stes heQui ‘Miniatures Painters Additional Material ‘Mark Bedford, Juan Diaz, Colin Grayson, Nell Green, Martin Fooritt, Bill King & Anthony Reynolds Mark Harroa, Alex Hedstimn, Gary Moles, Tamuny Haye, Keith Roberts, Aly Mortson and Tish Monvson. Cover Illustration Chris Smart, Kisten Micklebutzh, Geoff Taylor Eating and Layout and Dave Thomas IMlustrations Minow Thanks also to Jobn Blanche, Paul Dainton Colour Production Gavin Thorpe, Jim Butler snd Karl Kopinsks Mark Raynor tind the Geeks PRODUCED BY GAMES WORKSHOP (Ca the Ce case, Far Mea, Games Wes he Games Tt Ramm rag ef alle rin Hor Pre, Sas ay, Se Hime, Sarina eh “Ba Brim Ua nd Whe Ln fC rans of Gomes Wink Lid Soe ex UR ie eg ms 2017484 ‘Alice mo Gos Wop predic nl eae a oe ae Bu air he we fr The copie ok and he mag acc hn rr of Games Wl LC Gans Wr La Ani maemo ave iar may cd ti yom sedi cy a dsm eho etomidate Perms Gan Wl. Ge Wl rh cxlininem Alin Da A sate nol fr i bok il fee hn UK us Astras Canasa Games Workshop, Games Workshor, Games Workshop, 1685 Bonhil Ra Willow Ra, 6721 Baymeadow Drive 23 Liverpool Sereet, Units 9-1, Lenton, Glen Burnie, Taglebure Missisausa, Nottingham, NG7 2WS Maryind, 21060-6401 NSW 2565 Oncario, LT IR Product Coles 60 05 02 10002 Games Workshop World Wide Web site: wnngames-worahop com ISBN: 1.84154-1753 ann cena INTRODUCTION “Ad, there you are young master! ehought L igh find you here among the mary weapons ofthe raining moms. And yes, [now that you samot bea general and cower atte rear, bu you must understand the strategy ofthe whole army, as well asthe detail of individual surndplay, You will destroy the enemies of Ulthuam by cneshing them with your armies, not with your own sword But crash chem you shall, of that Thave no dub, for you will ead an army of noble High Elves. For five thousand years we ha our shoes from all who would conquer ws. Even in our darkest hour, when our oun kin ose up and betrayed us, ww fought with such determination and martial skill that they were venguished Bur before yo To weave te fotentsorceies of your batle mages with the rain of deadly shafis fom cue archers. Ta form an imp Uuhich the armoured might of your cavalry can leap to smash the foe: Anal you lear all chose th For the tactician, there are few more satisfying armies to play than the proud and majestic High Elves. Deadly, swift and prevse, the power of the High Elves lies in their ability to hit the enemy hard where and when they choose it, with the support of their awesome sorcery and devastating misile fire The High Elves are refined and well organised, and they march to war in perfect unity, armoured in theie sttong, flexible scale ind wielding fine weapons of rhe highest quality Tad High Elves are masters of sword and bow. A highly elite force, ney ane skilful and well ed, though few in number A. the ancient arts of warfare from a young age, the successful commander must use each of his precious units to their ful tw perfection, and using each of them to support the rest of the army As citizen militia display skills beyond those of most professional soldiers from other races, their archers snd speurmen capable of holding off almost any foe. Backed up by the mighty Engle Claw repeater bolt throwers, the High immovable in defence. To bolster the citizen levy, the High Ehes have a range of highly specialised elite foot troops, from the legendary White Lions, huantsmen withoue poet, t0 the rental, fulfilling their designated ofensive force, the High Elves are without peer The Ives are. almost Swordmasters of Hoeth, deadly warrior-scholars with pretermatural speed and skills beyond human comprehension The High Elves boast some of the fastest and most skalful cwvalry units in the Wachammer world. Swift and ‘manoeuvrable, the proud and tall Silver Helms and the last of the mighey Dragon Princes are devastating, both in offensive and defensive roles, having the speed ccountercharge at will, The aim of any tactical High Elf ‘commander isto strike hard and fast, dissecting the enemy and fo charge nd withdrawing before they have a chance to counterattack, while che stour defence of the High Elves is perfectly capable of holding out against almost any attack. Apart from anything else, the resplendent, glecering ranks of the High Elves look magnificent on the battlefield! The crisp, bright colours ofthe army make them stand out from the rabbles they face, while their heroes and mages are spectacule looking chatacters. Reason enough tv collect an army of High Elves! defen this you must understand how to command your army, Th conduct ts many diverse parts into a symphony of destruction. ule line of spears Fm. then, and only then, wll you be a true prince.” In this book you will find the following sections: The Elven Warhost. This describes the unique troops majestic creatures and war machines of the High EI army and sives full details of their rales The Army List. This provides all of the points values, weapon options and upgrades for you to field a High EIf army in games of Warharamer. Painting and Collecting Guide. This section shows examples, of High BIf colour schemes and markings, gives advice on choosing your own schemes, and tips on painting modelling, The Fair Isle. The back of this book is dedicated 10 extra information revealing the character, history and mighty heroes of the High Elves and their homeland, the Isle of Ulthvan. nd The Sundering It was a time of war, of kinstrife and blood; a time of dishonour and broken outhss a time of dark deeds and black betrayal. It was the time of the Sundering. Civilization tore itself asunuler and the yods themselves wept to see the beauty despoiled. Brother fought brother, father fought son, and no mother was spared the grief of slaughtered kin. Disguised by a mask of light, malice spread like a disease amongst the unvary. Where it walked, treachery blossomed; where it spoke, corruption spread. Once more Chaos reached out and its vile hhand cast a shadow over the fair lands of Ulebusn. Blinded by the light of our own creation, we forged a new world, ignorant of the prophecies that stalked our every step. So it was that Malekith the Fair, Malekith the Noble, Malekith the Traitor hid amongst us. “The son of Acniarion worked his vile plots under the guise of honout. The prophecy had come true and thus a descendant of the line of Aenarion would pierce the bright heart of our nation. War intensified his thirst for blood, and ambition grew ever stronger, darkening his heart. Evil struck unseen at our souls. Our leaders were betrayed and one by one they succumbed. Those that saw through the deception were murdered before they could spread warning. Malekith, th Master of Darkness, grew ever more pawerlul Betrayal stung the soul of every Elf, treachery ate at our hearts. Those who had once tought tw save the land now broke down the towers and defiled all that was beautiful. Destruction was their jal and murder was their war cry, but we would not bow to the darkness. United under one bariner we fought to save all we had built. Those who chase to enslave us saw thiat ‘we would not fal. In their spite they sought to destroy what they could not id so came the Sundering. They broke the lands with terrible magics, and for a time Ulthuan looked as though ic ‘would vanish beneath the tides. Such is oui glory, in death we still shone. Powers older than the dawn of time fought at our side and saved tis. Victory has its price and to this day we pay with tears. We mourn the loss of our friencls and ever guard against their murderers We are ever-liviag, Our spirit is immortal, and long after th out people crumbles to dust we shall still ive on. For we are the Asur and for as long as there is light then we will shine THE ELVEN WARHOST “We, the Asm, are a noble people, our lng and proud history stretching back too time when Men were sill fur-clad savages. Living on our fat isle of Ulehuar, st in the cenere ofthe Great Ocean, we are far removed from the petty squabbles ofthe lesser races. Here we ave able to practice our magic and our ants, perfecting them jor no reason other than the sheer jo of i We ave «tall and slender people, slight of build and graceful of movement, Our armies, tn, move with fluid grace as do our warships and steeds. All that we touch és elegant and finely crafted for we ave a long lived people anu refuse o surround ourselves with ugliness and discord During our long lives we ane able w perfect mamy skills anal our people are renowned for ou highly sie arusans, fine erafismen, the beauty of our ar an the melodious grace of our songs. Allin all we area race that loves beauty and treasures skill, but or days are nt all spent in ‘dle pursuits. Since the time of the Stndering, we have been a besieged and embattled people. Our cursed Dark BIf cousins are bent on nothing short of complete dominion over us, anal shir treacherous leader, Malekth, will no vest until he sits om the Phoenix Throne. To repel this unending barrage of piracy and raids, we must tain consuandy for war, and remember the Galden Age before this hellish tine of ste Special Rule: Stoic: When fighting against a Dark Elf army, all High Elves are immune to Panic High Elf Nobility The noble families have led our people through times of peace anal cexnflc for thousamal of ears. They pride themsclues on thelr deep sense of honenr anal mastery of both the ats of diplomacy and we, tunught © them from a young age. In times of conflict they demonstrate this prowess through their flexi, perfectly capable of fighting with tamatched skill in the thick of the mélée, or cexmmanding ver armies from a distance, directing the flow of battle as need dicts. Foolish weuldings of the lesser races sometimes misinterpret this as cowardice, but they are mistaken. On the contr, far too many of ‘our nobles die fighting in che press of combat and our people wold often be better served if our commanders were les brave, 0 mene so. While other races may throw their leaders recklessly into the ick of butle, we the Asur are not a prolific race and so when a noble alls, he is mourned, and the los keenly fl. High Elf Mages (On the eastern shores of the Sea of Dreams lis the magical ream of Saphery. At the heat of this land sumnds the White Tour of oet, the shrine tothe gol of Wisdom, built over twenty ceneures ago on the orders of the Phoenix King Bel-Korhadris, the Scholar Kinng. This bone-white structure rises far above che surrnding forests, its hoights often obscured én cloud. Within the wall ofthe ‘Tower of Hocth is held the entite magical knowledge of our people, collected coud cimpiled derough the conneies by the greatest of Aster rages and schol. Our people are a magical race, the flow of power is stomg within cur Blood Mans of us shew some ale i the sub at of sorcery, though only the mest gifted young Asus are given the pricege of being taught she art thos de Tower of Heth, We have practised cour magic for untold millennia, long before the coming of Man, and, have developed our oncery into a form fr mane refine tha the crude fublings of the leser ces. The power of our mages is hhamesed to protect our isle of Ulan, hesping i from sinking bencath the wavs and holding at bay the deal port of Chas M Ws BS s T W Prince 576433 a 2 A 4 Comm 3 ~ Sk wer 5 6 6 4 Intrigue at Court: Though they are loyal roa fault, High Elves love intrigue and poktics. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that their armics are rusted to the care of individuals on the basis ofthe political faction they follow rather than thei ability tw lead. The army's General is determined randomly. Before deployment, line up the character models and coll a dice. (Count this number along the line ~ this is your General Ifyou roll over the number of characters in the army then the General is selected as normal instead (see page 102 of the Warkummer rulebook). If you have six or thore characters, choose five of them to line up, and then roll as above. In nes of se, the Phocnix King wil request he aid of Sabon. ‘Those hate mages who accompany cur armies a mates oft at, wielding awesome powers with which to sre dou oe enemies Many bute has been won by Une fre mages of he White Tower of Hoeth MwsBS Ss TW ILA Archmage = 554 49385 Mage 34°43 32. smee ‘Magic: Archmages and Mages are Wisaraé and follow normal rules for Wizards. High Elves use the rerm, describe spelicasters in general, and. chi throughout this book, but include oe cer Citizen Militia Lothern Sea Fight in three ranks: High Elves pears may fight in three ranks, Ellyrian Reavers page 117 of the Warhammer rulebook ene eee Dragon Princes M Ws BS. ce fn Swordmasters of Hoeth There ane marry wis to eravel the path of wisdom. Some sedate for years, others study @ few their v Swordmasters, though they are not only experts with a blade: they we path les in mart cla learn to fight with their bare hands or with any other wecoa expecially chetr finely balanced ceremonial ther cults the Wh Suphery. Hew they sa Tower of Hoeth, a lis and skills to enbelieuable levels. Some say they can cut fight in complet darkness, guided only by the sound of their foe's These serve a protectors of per warviors ane the Guandians of the White Tower and te mages and scholars who li there. But the Swondmasters ure not hermits. Pa to sere as messengers for the ‘Tower's mu tis end they ravel throughout Ulthuan, gusnding traveling scholars or seek aut information «0 enrich the wast store that resides in White Tower bib skills om real enemies, van anena they are dealy opp best. This & the true test of their mete an ecgery seek, MwsBS Ss TWH A ld 1 Swordmasters: May use as defy a sword. they strike in Initiative order as expla Great weapos normal » any turn they don't charge ead of striking J on page 63 of the Warhammer rules, A used by a Swordmaster will tll erike blows with +2 Strength, Shadow Warriors peace, the Shadow Wersons « rest They constantly patrol the ble they watch for the mevitable Dark Elf raiders; the evil Druchii who sok ther homenal banat ven in tines ofr t hill as ho seal thr chien wonder then thar attles het ter aske or given. and laughter their kin, Lit ms them are bien foughe with no 4 Tainted by association with the Witch Ki violent madness of Aenarion, the suraiors of Nagarythe are avery differen Asx: Since the destruction of thei lands they huve been a dic people, draw to fight peaceful tasks, They are nwense ana broking, proud ancl warlike, ther Elves of Ulta the most loyal subjects of the Phoenix san this has made thea litle tusted by King anu the tales of ther dang exploits are muy. Its bifindeed cand pethaps more who has not heard of thet ous than the ret of or people, tsb Uneir tragic past rather thao inoue cruelty. Given the biter € tough which they have lived, this is a flaw that we find eas Mws BS S TW. A Ld dow Warior 54 3D 5 8 Shadowwalker 545 3 5 8 and cunning, concealment and ambush. In battles they are often Scouts: The war of the Shadow Warriors is one of steal deployed ahead of the army to break up enemy attack Shaclow Warriors are Sconts Skirmish: Shadow Warriors spend thei lives fighting in the mountains, hills and forests of Ulehuan, and naturally move in dispersed formations. Shadow Warriors skirmish Hate Dark Elves: The few survivors of Na the betrayal of the Witch King and the their land. The constant raids ofthe Dat ancient wound can never heal and so the Shadow Warriors hate all Dark Elves Elves mean that this Phoenix Guard he Shrine of n. Know Phoenix Guard, the main duty ofthese warrior mks isto protect mu shrowe nud all ase who make the there sularly important is the etemal fla the The sore of their somata les im the Chamber of Days, hidden room whose walls blaze with words of flame, writ om the raked stone itself These tll dhe histories ofall the Phoente Kings, who have ever li me.I freells ze upon these cd an also thse whe the deaths of each and ther ccessors. Any who rust swear a magical cath of silence an never be released. This kowreledge of ther f joy {rom these warvor priest, ther faces set instal in grim expressions f doom. In battle they can always be Jounal where the fighting ts rust desperae, knowing in advumce i they shal fl or if they shall, he victorious By : sha hance of serene the Phoent worthy ta serve, and exe since the time of Caledor the Firs, the clasest bo come from the forested walds of Chra Elges of Chnace, chosen for the hy a «Not all ar monsrate has sill and bravery by ite lions that voam the dark forests a a land, Whe: they find ome they must alc in hand-to-hand combat anu uae its pelt. Those that have hemselves wear the cloak of the white lian a sign oftheir courage aud may serve the Phense King os one of his Fedyguar ts baal the White Lins ie he ratimal wnedsman's axe of © Chace, a finely crafted weapon which is ssid to be sharp enough to fila nee orca man in half with one low White When « hoenis King dies, the Phoenix Guard are al vg suddenly and without w ay th cir king to the White Ship. Once has Asuryan to unert safely to the Shrine rebirth as the new Phoenix King. In bale 1h Phoenix Gus MwsBS Ss T WI AW Phoenix Guard 5 » KecperoftheFlame 555433 62 Cause fear: The Phoenix Guard fight in utter silence, hound al oath. In battle accompanied by the heat of solemn drum. This unnatueal manner is deeply disturbing for their enemies as even the direst he Phoenix Guard fof wounds will not make them ery out Lions Mwses ss TWA LW Wit Guardian 5 5 443 15 2 8 Woodsmen: Chrace is famed for its w have taught the local folk ro move practice rough them without a sound. In battle the White Lions may move through woods without penalty. ‘This includes any eharacters that ate Bodyguard: Emboldened by their ancient duty andsworn 0 lay down thee lives hefore they fail, the Whi to protect their lord long after the rest of the army has fled. White Lions are Stubborn if the General is with the unit fons will fight nt Griffons Griffons are noble beasts, as beasts go, tho tame and placid. Their heads ave lke that ofc huge bitd of rey, swhise uheir bodies resemble that of a lion ar ether great cat_ All his 1s borne aft by lange pair of wings hat caries the Grn across the high ron ugh they are far from tains where ie dull A putienty hamdl-reared hexhlng can be trained to hear « noble upon ies Back, making a formidable mount in tines of war. The people of Chrace, renowned hunsers and scowts, are particu famed for their Silat raising ad training the Griffis tha abvee the high mountains oftheir kad, ie Great Eagles These creatures are the ast of a noble race that has lived inthe high ‘mountain peaks since befow the vise of Men. They are haughty cnnd proud, and we have am ancient kinship with them, Caradinor rode Sulinash the Great Eagle into battle in the times before the Sndeing, amd such were dvr hori deeds tha ones ae sell sung of them. Great Eagles have been allis of aur péople since this tre, and the sight of one soaring high above a bale sill considered portent of victory. Some of the wisest of ou people are sail t beable 1 converse with, the Cireat Eagles of the Andis easily as if they were passing the tame of day with their own bagthers, ‘The Eagles scar over the mist A ld MwSBS s TW 1 545 47 Gain 65 0 iy: A Grn has lange wings and can yas described on pal 106 ofthe Warhammer ula Terror: A Griffon Warhammer rulebook. ses teror as described on page 81 of the ‘Large Target: A Griffon counts as a large target as described con page 62 of the Warhammer rulebook. rs and when they sand rocky ¢ shrouded with our Loremastes. this way th MwsBS S TWH A Ld Geaode 82 5 0 4 4 3 4 2.8 Ely: A Great Eagle i a giant bied of prey and so can fly as described on page 106 of the Warhammer rulebook. In days long gone there were marry Dragims eb seen, riding the thermals of the mountain ranges and fighting alongside the heroes of the age largest nests) of Dragons were in rmowntainons Caledor, and the Asur of that real were ewan as Dragon Princes. Rightly s, 4s they rode these majestic and fearsome creatures to war and feanquished all who opposed them. Now the Great Hall of Dragons ies almost silent. Ie is stil with the great forms of wyrmkind, bur all axe deep in shumber ound of their rasping breath filling the aiz. When times of dange ave upon the Asur of Caledor they try ta rouse a few from their slep, but it isan ever greater task. ‘Not in. a Dragon's age’ is a common phrase among over people, and it has been many Yeas sce more than a handful ode the shies to However, when they cai be awoken they are terrible tw behold. Th ligt caches their glistening scales before they spread their gr wings to blot cut the san anal igh the world with thei fiery b The ave huge and tering memnsters with a cold, aon intelligence which fils sane folk with dread Dragons MwsBS S TWI AL Fly: With its huge bat-like wings a Dragon can fly as described on page 106 of the Warhammer rulebook ‘Terror: A Dragon is a vast fire-breathing monster and causes 1 as described on page 81 of the Warhammer rulebook, Large Target: Dragons are huge beasts that count as large gets as dex hed on page 62 of the Warhammer rulebook Breathe Fire: The flery breath of Dragons is legendar tis terribly destructive, yer is also fabled to have heated the forges of the smiths of Vaul as they crafted the finest ‘magical blades ever known, In battle ics used as any other breath weapon. Those hit by it suufer a Strenath 4 hit. In addition, a uni fom Dragon's breath must take an immediate Panic test suffers casualties n, giving it an armour save of 3+. See page 112 of the Warhammer rulebook Sealy Skin: The thickly armouted hide of « Dragon protes from hat a pase ncrencemm scone vere. a Repeater Bolt Throwers We have no need for the crude black pouder weapons of other races Instead, we use the simple torcin powered. bole towers of our forefathers, content with weapons that will not blow up in our faces. The ‘Eagle's Claw” bole thrower, atthe repeater is usally called, is versatile weapon and by far the most common of these devices. It is lighcdy made, though sturdy, and ts easy portable, This makes it highly ‘adaable audi is widely used both om ship and on shore. fn fact, the sone individual weapon can be used im either location as they are designed to be sah from their mountings and carried with the Scaguard when they vencere forth In hate the Eagle's € steel-tinped death. This fleiley allows our armies to Hult cr enemies whether they ave heaily armored aight or teeming hondes of rabble cam shoot either single be oF Hal of M WS BS S Bok Thrower = = = = 7 Ge 4433 5 1 8 Volley: The Repeater Bolt Thrower is a yor machine and all the rules governing Bat Thrower may either shoota single bole (follow the rules given on page 124 of the Warhanamer rulebook) or may fie multiple shots. TWIaAt aachines apply. Repeate If using the multiple shots option then the Repeater Bolt Thrower shoots six bolts in each Shooting phase. These shots ‘are worked out exactly like shots from bows or crossbows, using the Ballistic Skil cor not. All bolts must be directed tow Multiple shors have a Range of 48, Stren saves suffering a -2 penalty the crew to determine whether the bolts hit Js single target thof 4, with armour Tiranoc Chariots A few char ae cl thar ean ofthe ence cy of arf he Than nti ages st has lino hee ll of hers fable nnd and ag carionen Thee bred tri ech ote tne ho cru ide the fee, oe be acceae amoy fom the ack of seeding ABE The Si [Not all was ose though, Indeed, many oftheir finest warns sere laches, fing aginst the ev minions ofthe Witch King. Bx this sway they were able to preserve their traditions and skis, but it was cen embitered feu tha rere to ther drowned land. Since then, they have spent theiftime tending thir herds and preparing for bale. say Ase arm, especially those that fight eur Dark Elf mary days to join a force on che march. MWSBS S TWH Ald ie peeda =f - 4403 bt ied pertiegidtte 3.4041 = The Elves of Ulthuan have many skilled artisans and) weaponsmiths, and their armies march ro war with the |) finest arms and armour To represent this, certain EM units and characters can take items of equipment not featured |) in the Warhammer rulebook. The rules for these items ‘te included below Dragon Armour Forged in the heart of a voleano, this fine armour is enchanted to ward off the effeets of Dragon breath. The ‘model is immune ro all breath attacks, and any fire attack (including spells from che Lore of Fite). Dragon armour also counts as heavy armour, giving a 5+ armoue HIGH ELF ARMOURY Lion Cloak The white lion cloak that gives the White Lions of Chrace their name also gives them a fie. In elose combat its dhuown back over the shoulder and offers no additional protection. Ithilmar Barding Iehilmar is extremely light, but very resilient. Barding ‘made from ithilmar gives the same protection as heavy steel, but without slowing down the steed that wears it Irhilmar harding adds +1 ro the model's armour sve ke ordinary barding, however there is no reduction in che movement rate of the model HIGH ELF HONOURS Elves are virtually immortal, and throughout their lives spend considerable time mastering many skills and craft. The achievements of an Elf are highly vaunted, and an Elf who possesses many different skills will be known by | several honorific titles, known as Honours, Each character may only take each Honour once. However, more than one character in an army may take the same Honour if you wish. The only restrictions on who can take which Honour are noted in the descriptions of the abilities themselw | PURE OF HEART © points ~ Mandatory Though the Golden Age of the High Elves & a distant | memory, there are sila fw noble Blues whose mere presence reminds those aboue them of the heroic past of thr race. They cb ll ha is globus the Els fom before the time |. of the Sundering and are « bittersweet reminder of former achievements. ‘This Honour MUST be given to exactly one high Elf || character. I costs no points. The character, and any unit he joins, s Immune to Panic Ifthe Pare of Heart characteris killed, the High Elf player loses 100 Viewory points from his total at the end of the battle. If the scenario does not use Victory points then the | demise of the Pure of Heart character has no effect. | LON GUARD 45 points ‘The hero is lauded amongst all Eleenkin for his total devotion tothe prwetion of Ulam anal his unswerving loyaley to the § Phoenix King |The character comes equipped with a lion cloak. The | character and any unit he leads is Stubborn. IFyou have character with Lion Guard, then White Lions become a Special Choice for your army (but remain C1). LOREMASTER 40 points Saved by his training m the martial arts, this character has now embarked upon the path of the mage. The characteris a Level 1 Wizard. Note that he may not «cast spells if he is wearing armour (remember thar harding, for his steed will not affect his spell casting). SWORDMASTER Trained by the adepes atthe tower of Heth, th this warion ave justly fabled. 40 points lethal sls of ‘The character is equipped with a Great weapon and may not take a magic weapon. Instead of striking last in any tum he does not charge, the character will stike in imitiative order, as explained on page 68 of the Warhammer rules, The character also has the kill blow special rule SEER 30 points The lores of magic hold no surprises for this mage. Countless hours of painstaking study mezn that no spell of worth has escaped hi keen eye Mage only. May choose his spells instead of rolling for them, CHANNELLER 10 points ‘The mage acts as a conduit though which raw power flows Mage only: May cast with @ maximum of +1 more Power dice than nosmal. For example, a Level 3 Mage may use up to five Power dice in an attempt to east a spell (instead of che ususl four) be 16 must ‘Since ancient times the anvils of Van! have preduced rhe most exquisitely crafted magical artefacts for the 1 In this section the common magic items are listed first (see Warhammer page 154 for a comy “They arc followed by a list of ‘High Elf only’ magic items. These can only be used by models from this book, sted within the points limitations set by the army list section. Nove that all the rules on magic items presented - plete in the Warhammer rulebook (p152-153) also apply to the ‘High Elves only’ magic items. You will note that High Elf magic items cost less than similar or even identical ones belonging to other races. This means that they can take more of them for each character, ai just und proper for these mst magical of warriors. Use the discounted points costs listed here for the commion magic items when taken by High Elves, COMMON MAGIC ITEMS SWORD OF STRIKING 25 points Weapon +1 to hit. SWORD OF BATTLE 20 points Weapon; +1 Attack. SWORD OF MIGHT 15 points Weapon; +1 Strength. BITING BLADE 10 points, Weapon; -1 to enemy armour saves. ENCHANTED SHIELD 10 points Armour; 5+ armour save TALISMAN OF PROTECTION 10 points Talisman; 6+ Ward save DISPEL SCROLL 20 points Arcane; automatically dispels an enemy spell. One use onl POWER STONE 20 points Arcane; +2 dice to cast a spell. One use onl STAFF OF SORCERY 40 points Arcane; +1 0 dispel WAR BANNER 20 points Banner; +1 Combat Resolution, MAGIC WEAPONS BLADE OF LEAPING GOLD 60 points ‘A more finely balanced sword chan this was never made, ‘The hlade confers +3 Attacks on the character wielding it. BOW OF THE SEAFARER 60 points This longbow was made from a single piece of rare silterwoed, and gifted 19 Ulanor of the Seaguard by Fubar himself. [is a righty weapon, and many say ic can even sink ships! Treat the Bow of the Seafarer asa normal longbow with the following exception. Resolve a hit from this like a single bolt from a Bolt Thrower (see page 124 of the Warhammer rulebook). Note that you may stand & shoot with the Bow of the Seafarer. SWORD OF HOETH 60 points Nonmally this fine Blade lies wrapped im silk nthe armoury of the White Tower, bat in time of war itis given to a great hero to ‘wield in the name of the Loremasters. Althits wound automatically: Armour saves ure modified by the Strength of the bearer BLADE OF DARTING STEEL 45 Points Bright blue stel can be enchanted tw hold spells of great speed and deadly accuracy, and the Elves of Ulthuan are masters of such magic The wielder always strikes first, even if his opponent charged that turn. Ifboth models have this ability roll offto see who strikes first in each Close Combat phase. In addition, the wielder adds +1 to his rolls co hit. REAVER BOW 40 points ‘The origins ofthis beanafully crafted bow are last in the mists of time, thowgh some belive ito be the seme one that was made for Avathion of Ellyrion a thousand years ago. ‘Tieat the Reaver Bow as a normal longbow with the following exceptions: the bearer may shoot three times in each of his Shooting phases and any hits are resolved at Strength 5. BLADE OF SEA GOLD 40 points This gleaming blade is made from che finest sea gold, found in the dark depths ofthe sea and honed by crashing waves. Ie strikes ith the unstoppable power of the Sea itself No armour saves may be taken against wounds caused by this weapon, FOE BANE 25 points This strange «md twisted blade was taken from the body of Chaos champion. Quite why he should have carried it i vunknown, asi the name of the brave Elf that slew him, Al bits on a target with 3 or more Wounds on its starting profile will always wound on a 2+. Armour saves ate modified by the Strength of the bearer. and MAGIC ARMOUR OF PROTECTION 40 points sample armour is adomed bya single Sarathai nee on the ‘The World Dragon itself is said two protect the Counts as light armour (armour save 6+) which can be "combined with other equipmenc normally, lee wearer fails, "his armour save he may make a 4+ Ward save, _ GOLDEN SHIELD 35 points A hight) polished shictt inlaid with sini pactemis in many ‘phes of gol. This shield confers @ 6+ armour save which. can be combined with other equipment riormaly. In addition, all attemps to hit the bearer in close combat suffer penalty of ARMOUR OF STARS 30 points Decorated with hundreds of glitering gems on a buckeround of deepest blue lacquer, the Armour of Stars is a wonder to behold. May only be worn by a model on foot. Counts as light ‘amour (armour save 6+) which can be combined with ‘other equipment normally. Ifthe wearer suflers an unsaved wound then one of the gems will burst into brilliant white Tight as he is instantly teleported 3D6" ina random direction. Note that this means thar he can only suffer 1 unsaved wound in a round of close combat as he will be teleported away before the second can strike him. However, if he was siruck by a Killing Blow or a weapon that docs multiple ‘wounds per hit (such as'a cannon ball) then he would still suffer the instant death or multiplied wounds as normal before teleporting away: Iirhe medel is releported into another model or impassable terrain then simply carry on moving it along in the same direction until it 1? beyond. Ifthe model teleport off the ___ table then treat it as having pursued off ARMOUR OF HEROES 25 points This finely wrought suit uf armor is made in an vous style, not seen since the time before the Sundering. A character his armour seems to shine wth an ier light, Surely he ‘of the ancient gods of bare! Counts as heavy armour (urmour save 3-4) which can be combined with other equipment normally. Th: order’ to allocate clase combat attacks against the wearer, on ‘Opponent must first pass a Leadership test. Test each Close Combar phase. If the test is failed, the enemy may atcack another model in base comact instead, Models who are ‘Immune ro Psychology are immune to this effeet also, 25 points Fined by the bier Shadow Warns in their hidden camps, the Shadow Armoner weighs almost nothing. It exists ore 4 fact which mages find uit alarming Counts as heavy armour (armour save 5-+) which can be combined with other equipment normally. In addition, if the wearer is an independent character on foot then he is tivated af having the Scout special rale, He may ch deploy either at the same time as the other characters, or as 4 Scout (including secting up with a unic of Shadow Warriors). HELM OF FORTUNE 25 points A helm of ithibnar and sea gold, bordered with tiny leters of Ineriining. rnie script. These form a prayer 1a invoke ‘Asuryan’s protection upon the wearer. This helm confers a 6+ armour save which can be combined wich other equipment normally, The wearer may re-rll filed armour saves DRAGONSCALE SHIELD 20 points Although battered and scarved, this shield i a ereaswred heidoom of the days when Dragons roamed the skies. ‘This shield. confers a 5+ armour save which can be combined with other equipment normally. Also gives the bearer'a 6+ Ward save. Cf TALISMANS VAMBRACES OF DEFENCE i ‘These golden brucers are fabled to have been found on the shores: of distant Lustra and ae inseribed with wetusual gph. Gives the wearer a 4 Ward save, Invaddition, the wearer may re-roll failed armour faves. GOLDEN CROWN OF ATRAZAR 40 points “This goers circle studded sith rare and magical ers, yates an aura thae protects its wearer fmt hun Discount the first wound suffered. One use only. LOREMASTER’S CLOAK Whapped in this pale grey lou the wearer seems somehow ‘nsubstantial and almost lusor. Gives the weater and tle unit he is with a 2+ Ward save against enemy spells cast at them. It has no effect against shooting or close'combat attacks, TALISMAN OF SAPHERY 35 points ‘The ty size of this powerful artefact belies its true power ‘The magical weapons of enemy models will have no special ‘effects whilst they are in base contact with the beater of the talisman, ‘rear the magic weapon as a normal one of its type, eg, a Sword of Battle would count as a hand weapon, Porko’s Pisstikka would count as a spear, ete. 40 points 17 SACRED INCENSE 30 points Incense is often used in Elven sicuals anu thes bundle of incense sticks has been blessed by the wardens of the Shrine of Asteryan, Ie will burn for days, wroathing the bearer with the scented smoke of the temples, All shoring at the bearer or the unit he is with suffers +1 10 hic. GUARDIAN PHOENIX 25 points A spark ftom the sacred flame at the temple of Asuryan is held in this omate casket Gives the wearer a 5-+ Ward save. AMULET OF FIRE 20 points Though the Amuler constantly flickers with pale flames, the wearer is never bemed Gives the wearer Magic Resistance (I). In addition, the wearer cannot be harmed by fire-based attacks, eg, Skaven Warpfite Throwers, Dwarf Flame Carnions, or fre balls ere tJ if ARCANE ITEMS BOOK OF HOETH 100 points This well-wom tome has been studied by mages throughowt the gts arid fas helped some of the greatest understand the ier ings ofthe realm of magic cast by the mage with this hook will be cast with Force on any successfil casting roll which S any double, except a Miscast. ANNULIAN CRYSTAL 40 points ‘Diag from beneath the Annu mowncais, this crystal has been shaped by the racgical vortex that. swathes: Albion, 50 chat it draws magical enengy towards i> Doting the enemy's Mavic phase, she Crystal allows the High FI player ta remove one dice ftom the opponent’ pile of Power dice and add it his own Dispel dice pile. STARWOOD STAFF 40 points This gnarled. and wisted stajf looks owe of place emeng: the refined and delieauely macle possessions ofthe Elves. However, it is one of the most highly valued items a wigard can possess, Gives +1 10 all casting attempts made by the wizard carrying ie SIGIL OF ASURYAN 40 points ‘The sigl is tattoved on che hun of the mage using inks prepared. in the sacred flame of Asuryan itself. After use it quickly fades to nothing Automatically dispels one enemy spell. In, addition, roll a D6. Ona 4+ the spel is destroyed and rhe casting Wizard cannot use it for the duration of the battle, One use only, STAKV OF SOLIDITY 20 points The Sialf eons the malign energies of the Unseen Reabn, dlsipating arty harm cased by unstable magic before i souches the mage. ; ‘This scaff makes the Mage immnne to the effects of his fist Miscast. Note tha a miscas spell il fale regardless ofthe actual dice score rolled. ; JEWEL OF THE DUSK 15 points This fine ruby dows blood red with a sorcerous energy that even the least magically adept can clearly see The jewel gives the Mage +1 Power dice in each of his own Magic phases. Only he may use this dice. SILVER WAND 10 points This slender wand is covered with many lines of winding runes of the ancient seri. ‘The wearer knows one more spell than is normal for his, Te | a ENCHANTED ITEMS NULL STONE 80 points ‘Those with the witch-sight see this as a dark void, an unsettling atch of nothinggess in the world of magic. No Wizard within 6” of che bearer may cast any spells. No other magie item or rune item within 6 of the bearer will, ‘work. Treat them as normal weapons, banners, ete, of the appropriate type. Note that this applies co all friendly witards and magic items as well as enémy ones. HEALING POTION 50 points A sonal vil of s-blue lid that sparkles ithe light and holds the power to cheat death itself : ‘The character may drink this at the start of any phase i either player’s turn. Ie wall immediately restore all Wounds Jost by the character during the bande so far Obviously, if the character is dead at the stattof the phase then he can't drink the potion, One use only. RADIANT GEM OF HOETH, 45 points ‘The gem is normally kept n a Black veloet hug, careful hiding its rillance from prying ees. ‘The wearer counts as a Level 1 Wizard. However, the ‘wearer may still cast spells whilst wearing armour. This has no effect on characters who are already Wizards. ae ef both hate and fear Erlich elonaic folie “runes from one of their runic items (determined athe item as a normal one ofits Kind. “antefucts of this powerful mage survive. However, few are the - lonenaser, wizards or warlocks chat have mot hear oft ‘The Ring of Corin ay cast its Bound spell once per Magic phase like an ordinary spell. The spell requires no Power dice to cast, all the power required is provided by the sing itself. ~The Ring of Corin contains the Vaul’s Unmaking spell described in the High Magic spells on page 29. RING OF FURY Bound spell (Power level 3) The Elves are justly jamed for their magical rings, au che black in Ring of Fury i one ofthe most feared 30 points, This ring may cast its Bound Spell once per Magic phase like an ordinary spell. The spell requires no Power dice to ast all the power required is provided by the ring itself: The Ring of Fury contains the Fury of Khaine spell described in the High Magic spells on page 29. Afier each use, even if t was dispelled, roll a D6. On a roll ofa | the power of rhe Ring has been exhausted and it may not he used for the rest of the battle. BLESSED TOME 25 points The tales in this book give heart to all High Elves that hear theme tales of ancient valour and glory, stories of nubiliry and self sacrifice. “Te character with the tome recites the stirring words of hetoes of old as bartle is joined. All High Elf units within 6" ‘of the bearer get +1 Leadership (up to a maximum of 10). __ AMULET OF THE PURIFYING FLAME 15 points This delicate silver amulet is unadorned and plain in © phearance, though ics potenti its protective powers. © Spells that target the character or the unit he is with suibtraer -3 from their casting roll. It has no eflect on spells cast with Iresistible Force. 80 points dltsiled scenes ca thousard any te fnest sles and cloth of gold, with a thousand wseales chat sparkle in the irclight spletely immune to all spell effects, whatever i friendly spells, bound items, and spells with atens ofeffect that were cast at nearby units, ete. ‘Spells which are cast on anther unit, such as the Flaming ‘Sword of Rhuin, will work as normal, as-will magic weapons used to attack them. : BANNER OF SORCERY 50 points The Loremasters of Saphery presented this banner to the Phoenix King Finubar the Seafarer ‘The banner adds +D3 Power dice to your pile in each of your own Magic phases. STANDARD OF BALANCE 45 points ‘Troubling shaclows dnd flickering patches of light lay across this farmer as it flutters im the ei ‘The unit carrying the Standard of Balance, and any enemy unit in base contact with it, is completely immune to all Psychology: Note thar troops with frenzy lose it, just as i they had lost a round of combat: BANNER OF ARCANE PROTECTION 40 points The fabric of this banner is steeped in magical energies and interwoven with powerfid provective charms ‘The unit gets Magic Resistance (2). In addition, any ‘Undead or Daemon model touching the unit carrying the banner will suffer 1 Wound (saves as normal) atthe start of ‘each of the bearer's Magic phases. Note that this does not ount as a'close combat artack. LION STANDARD. 25 points An aura of courage fils the hearts of those who serve under this banner, making them each as fierce as a lion! ‘The unit is immune to fear and error BANNER OF ELLYRION 15 points This small pennant depicts Korhundiy the father of all horses. Ie imbues the regiment with tireless energy 0 fore their suey through the densese terrain ‘The unit treats difficult ground as open ground for purposes ofmavement. 19 The Mystic Arts of Saphery "While lesser races must study magic in its corrupted, broken form, our Mages heiress its power as pure mystical energy Our minor spells, those Lores taught to the humans by mighty Teclis, are but a pale reflection of the power that can be wielded by an Asur fully crained in the magical arts at the White Tower. The ebb and flow of the winds of magic are ours 1 f command, summoning great energy into themselves or denying it to the enemy. The tumultuous eddies of magic can be smoothed, and used to alter our material realm, while the tmast accomplished mages can enter the realm of magic and leave behind thetr physical shel.” High Elf Mages ‘High Elf Mages can use either High Magic or any of the eight lores of magic described in the Warhammer rulebook: High Elves are far better attuned to the ebb and flow of the winds of magic than other races and can sense dangerous changes almost before chey happen. High Elf Mages get +1 to each attempt to dispel Note that this bonus is not cumulative for having more than ‘one High Elf Mage, so an army with two High Elf M: still only get +1 to dispel from this source. However, this bonus may stil be combined with mage ite High Magic ‘Those who follow the path of High Magic, or True Magic as it 1 sometimes called, are among the most ‘weave ppells In addition to knowing one spell per Level (illed randomly on the list as normal), any High EIf who practices | igh Magic will also know the Drain Magic spel. il J mages ever 1 BLESSINGS OF ISHA Before u promising youngster is taught the dangerous path of the True Mage, he will be'shown some simple Drayers and enchuntments to bring down the blessings (of the divine Isha. These are far less dangerous for the caster and can be safely employed by even the most sontutoned tale Ph. Tresedlessines are of no real use on the battlefield, silendedPas thessiere to help the apprentice in his daily tasks and taielieve the simple Elven folk of some of the brudgery of their daity chores. However, they allow the tutor-mages. to easily assess the potential of their charges and show which of their number is favoured by the gods. So it is chat mages can perform all manner of tricks and illusions when in at lighter mood, and never need mundane servants. It is even said that the Elven farmers who live near the White Tower never plowzh their own fields as every year there is unother exop of novices eager to show their skills. High Magic Thon ot mh Hh Mag SERIA bie alae cl ne Hisar pha terrncebiertisettetasbet sisehers trove emer: Spells D6 Spell Difficulty § 1 Walk Beeween Worlds Q 2 Curse of Arcow Araaction 7 f 3 Fortine i Bickle i | 4 Fury of Khaine 4 4 j 5 Flames of the Phoenix f 6 Vals Unmaking : ‘ Drain Magic 54/74/94 This my be easton a enemy Wassad within 24 of the caster | The fdr of the winds of magic sit so due enemy wicards are ats may be cu ots close combat. Whenever the victim roll fecal and an work ike mag. any double (even a double €) 19 ck 9 pl iea Mics fn Thiet can be eat at cee dierent level, Chote before ition ay donble soll ty she opposing plier whist} F you atempe wo east the spell = the casting number wakes Hacontinaly {os L 5 & - 5&6 4s, 5866 Casting Number Dice Rolls Disearded Wind within 24" of the caster and may be cast into close combat, If successful, che victim's spells will be weaket ‘Wheaever the vierim rolls ro cast a spell discand any eal of a || 65/4 depending on the level of the spell) before calculating the total exsting value of the roll. Note that as the dice are discarded, any Irresistible Force and some Fortune is Fickle | results ate ignores 3 oF Whichever you choose, the spell may be cast om a single enemy The spell lasts until the start of the casters next Magi phase. Walk Between Worlds 44 ‘As the mage intones this ancient incantation he beings wo fade fom tie, booming as substantia ghost! This oly affects the castes, and only if he ison foot. The caster lecomtes ethereal. He can only be hit by magical weapons and «an move through obstacles and through impassable or dificult |) terrain as if was open ground. The caster is acted by spells. ‘ss notmal, and may cast spells himself and fight a normal. Lasts until te starr ofthe casters next Magic phase. Curse of Arrow Attraction 6+ The av aroun the vis shimmers with magical eneray a ie warps and iss, This may be cast on an enemy unit within 24" of the caster. Any aisle fre directed at the unit in the following Shooting phase may re-toll any failed rolls to hit. IF che uni i targeted by & template or breath weapon then you may re-roll «© hic any models which are parilly coveted: The Curse has no effect on close combat. Fortune is Fickle 1+ Remains in play “Tonal folk there is no effec, but those with the eich sigh iis dons hat he vet has ben setup by malign spirs made from the very suff of mac isl. These creatures drag aul pull atthe snjoranate spellcater,ditacting and. confusing his axempis to work mag tempring 0 dpe wl fail (even double 6). ‘The spell Isis unl its dispelled, the Mage chooses tend ir (hich he can dat any time), arfeinpes to eat anther spell or Fury of Khaine $ 8+ Calin onthe dread might of Khang he mage laches seaig fol of biliant white newy at hs ener, : "The Fury of Khaine i magic mise with 2 range of up 9 24” If successfully cast, it strikes its target causing 2D6 Surengt hits, | Flames of the Phoenix ut Remains in play Prere white scented flames emerge from the ait iself and envelop the Lange, molting the wert oe. ‘This may be east onan eneray unit within:24". Each model, including characters and unit champions takes 0 Serenash 3 bit immediately. Luh spells sellin play atthe sat of the caster’ next Magic phase, each model in che unit takes a Strength 4 bie. If sail n play atthe sare othe caster’ following Magie phate, cach model rakes a Strength 5 it, and so, withthe Stength increasing by Leach tien it remains in play. The spelt ass wall ¢ isp she Mage choses en which he an do aay time), acters to cast another spell or fs an. = 4 Vaul’s Unmaking 12+ Glowing swords rou din and Bood-wan chalice Sl hic ‘musical energes ae drained. Tt ‘May be'cast on an enemy unit within 24" of the caster and may be cast int close combat. M successfully cast, the omer of the tunit must reveal t0 the caster all the magic items inthe unit. "The caster hen chives onc of therm be lil estes ‘of the battle. The spel itself does not remain in play, bat the ‘eect lasts forthe reader ofthe bate aS Vaui’s Unmaking can drain the magic from Dwadf rane it [Note thac all the runes on an indivial ie will be drained by the spell noe st one same ae eed Tf the unic has no magic items then the spell has no effec ECE A ER DEFENDERS OF ULTHUAN The purpose of an army list s fo enable players with wast different armies to stage games which are as fair and evenly balanced as it is possible to make them. The amy list gives, individual model a points value which represents its ilties on the tabletop. The higher a model's points value the better it is in one or more respects: stronger, tougher, faster, better leadership, and so on, The value of the army is simply the value of all the models added together. As well as providing points costs, the list also divides the army into its constituent units. The list describes the ‘weapons and optional equipment that troops can have and occasionally restric the number of very powerful units an army can include. Ie would be very silly indeed if an army were to consist entirely of Tiranoc Chariots or Princes on Gaiffons. The resultant game would be a frustrating and unbalanced affair if not a complete waste of time, We employ army lists to ensure that this does not happen! HOW THE ARMY LIST IS INTENDED TO BE USED Army lists enable two players to choose armies of equal points value to fight a battle, as described in. the main body of the Warhammer rules. The following list has been constructed with chis purpose in mind. The list can also be used when playing specific sees either those described in the Warhammer culebook or ‘others, including ones invented by che players. la this ease, the list provides a framework which the players can adapt aay required. It might, for example, be felt necessary 0 increase or decrease the number of characters or units allowed, or to restrict or remove uptions in the standard list such a5 magic items or monstrous mounts. If you refer to the Scenarios section of th hammer rulebook (Pages 196-213), you'll find some examples of this kind, ARMY LIST ORGANISATION The army list is divided into four sections: CHARACTERS These represent the most able, skilled and successful indi in your army: extraordinary leaders such as Princes and Mages. They form a vital and potent past of your forces. CORE UNITS Core units represent the most common warriors. They usually form the bulk of the army and will often bear the beunt of the fighting, SPECIAL UNITS Special units are the best of your warriors, scouring forces, and chariots. They ure available t0 your army’ in limited numbers. RARE UNITS, Rare units are so called because they are scarce compared to your ordinary oops. They represent unique units, uncommon creatuses and unusual machines CHOOSING AN ARMY Both players choose armies to the same agreed points value. Most players find that 2,000 points is about right fora battle that will this is the maximum number of points you can spend on your army. You can spend less and will probably find ie is impossible to use up every last point. Most 2,000 points armies will therefore be something like 1,998. oi 1,999 points, bur they are still "2,000° points armies for our purposes. st over an evening. Whatever value you agres, (Once you have decided on a total points value itis time to choose your foree, aac ecccnrercmenes Choosing Characters Characters are divided into two broad categories: Lords (dhe most power characters) and Heroes (the rest). The maximum number of characters an army can include is shown on the chart below. Army Max. Total Max. Max. Points Value Characters. Lords. Heroes Less than 2,000 3 ° 3 2,000 or more 4 l 4 3,000 or more 6 2 6 4000 or more 8 3 8 Each +1,000 42 +1 42 An army does not have to include the maximum number of characters allowed, it can always include fewer than indicated. However, an army must always include at least ‘one character: the General. An army does not have 10 include Londs, it can include all ofits characters as Heroes if you prefer. Ac the beginning of the bartle use the Intrigue AtCourt rule (page 12) to choose a General, and make sure that you let your opponent know who it is For example, a 2,500 points army could include a Prince (Lond), a Mage (Hero), and two Commanders (2 Heroes) li, four characters in total, of which one is a Lord) Choosing Troops ‘Troops are divided into Core, Special and Rare units, The number of each type of unit available depends on the army's points valu, indicated on the chart belo Army Core Rare Points Value Units Units Les than 2,000 2 on 2,000 or more 3+ 02 3,000 oF more 4+ 03 44000 or more 5+ 06 ot Ech $1,000 +1 minimum = 40-1 +041 In some cases other limitations may apply to a particular kin of unit. This i specified in the unit entry. For example, the Phoenix Guard Rare unit entry is accompanied by a note explaining that a maximum of one unit of this kind ccm be included in the army. Unit Entries Each unit is represented by an entry in the army list. The unit's name is given and any limitations that upply are explained Profiles. The characteristic profiles for the troops in each unit are given in the unit entry. Where several profiles are required, these are also given even if, as in many cases, they ure optional. ee Unit Sizes. Each entry specifies the minimum size for euch, unit. In the case of Core units this is usually 10 models. In the case of other units itis usually less. There are exceptions as you will see. In some cases, units also have a maximum, Weapons and Armour Each entey lists the standant weapons and armour for that uni type. The value ofthese items s included in the points value. Additional or optional weapons and urmour cost extra and are covered in the Options section of the unit entry. Options. Lists the different weapon, armour and equipment options for the unit and any additional points cost for taking them. It may also include the option to upgrade a unit member into a Champion. While this model usually hus a specific name (the Champion of a White Lions ‘unit is called a Guardian, for example) all che cules that apply to Champions apply to them. See the appropriate section of the Warhammer rulebook for details (pages 108-109) Special Rules. Many troops have special rules, which are fully described elsewhere in this hook. These rules are also summarised for your convenience in the army list. Ie would be a long and tedious business ¢o repeat all the special rules for every nie within the army list itself The army list is intended primarily asa tool for choosing attnies rather than for presenting game rules. Wherever possible we have indicated where special rules apply and, where space permits, we have provided notes within the list as “memory joggers’. Bear in mind that these descriptions are not necessarily exhaustive or definitive and players should refer to the main rules fora full account. Dogs of War Dogs of War are troops of other races who are prepared to fight under your flag in return for money, food, or some other suitable reward. The most common type of Dogs of War unit are the Regiments of Renown, Although the «wo terms are used to deseribe mercenary units, hoth work in the same way in the army list A selection of such regiments are available as part of the Dogs of War range of models. ‘The descriptions and rules for these very specialised units can be found in White Dwarf magazine or the Warhammer Annual. ‘The option to include Dogs of War units is included in the army list as part of the Rare rroops section, However, certain Regiments of Renown are mote commonly aviluble and can be included in an amay as & Special choice instead dof a Rare choice, Some Dogs of War may also take up addltional Rare choices, or choices from your Churueter entries, The rules for individual Regiments of Renown detail exactly which armies may take them and which army list choices they use up.

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