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\yiaA0 THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF ISLAM THE CENTRAL ISLAMIC LANDS FROM PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES TO THE FIRST WORLD WAR ree met Pref Ar ey of Ln awit Paty Eee ae Uo of Ln ae [__Tiriye Diyenet Vaan] ae ee a anes te 4 [BO 253-9 aun rs. No we. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS conve, and ble wat fied on th pin of Di} Dibi, noth of Alo, on Suda, Rahn Anges "The Mame Sufiel sto defeain which te uae ded, Whe the Oro ‘dvanzd southward hough Spi the Malas in Cio cote tm tun, Tmio-Diy. Ther mast eel do, On 29 Dt ig 92335 Joan 317 thems eet he Mame ey ay ‘er Gio, and, dpe bk ly, Sn ial enced the tye dye ler Thy wn beved td ange the ht he ce seal rota tom ve here pate cea sme yee ter Epp, Sp sadn epee Sescputotie Quon apie. 7 tetera nde a 230 ij | | capri 5 ANATOLIA IN THE PERIOD OF THE SELJUKS AND THE BEYLIKS “The foundation ofthe Great Sajak empire and the doiaton of the alamie world bythe Turk is traing poi ia de history of Islamic vilation andthe Muslim peoples. Ata time when the Mos word Sos sale fom both external and internal ee the Seloks with their ash powes, stored its pole unity withthe new element and fasitutione which they brovght, hey endowed Islamic clztion ‘with a aew vitlity, and stated it on « new phase. One ofthe baie ‘hages brought sboue by the foundetion ofthe Geant Slik empize ‘oa, without dubs, the conquer and earkfation of the Nea Bas, nd ‘ipedllyof Anatolia, Anatol ad bea dhe homeland of many peoples, ‘he scene of many civilizations, nd bad ered them aa bridge between tice continents; now far the Sst time ia is history, in spite of he ‘contnaing local ialeners, Anatolia underveotariiclansformation from the etic, eigons, guise, cultural and aris poins of view. If the foundation ofthe GrestSeijsk empire presents aa import te of Islamic cvilntion and Turkish history, dhe rukisation of ‘Rostls is of equal importance, i the period afer the fall of this expe ‘nda sucestors, both preserving Iam vation and dhe Maslin peoples, and in determining the fate of erala Maslin and Chestan fatlone) The oxigine and the hitorial sole of dhe Ottoman empire prove thie pine. In spite of ts inporac, however, the history ofthe ‘ajo as remained obscure andes only in our time that its itr sigpcane has begua to be undeestood. “The Seljuk tite Anatolicame into essence in 17s, thiey-ve years sfier the foundstion ofthe GretSejlempie ia Persia. This ever, following the victory at Manzikert ia 483/173, sled from the ‘migration ofa large population of Turks, Tae Opus aids oa Anal, ‘which began in 4ojror8 ad lasted unl 433/toqo, were mere recon- ‘alstnces, nd hed no histori sigaiscaace. On the other hand the Tater which took pce daving the they yeas” period between the oundation of the eps andthe battle of Manziker played » decisive at role in breaking Byzsntin resistance, and preparing the way for the ‘Torkih seulement in Anatoli, ‘One ofthe problems which dhe Suk empite had to deal wit since {ss foundation wast nd nd aad subsistence forthe great numberof ‘Turcomin emigrants. The Gra Sel suas like Toghral Beg (Gas-ss[tost-6), lp Arslan (45-65/1063-72) and Mall Shah (465= Bytoye-32) considered the Tartomane threat to the hw and order of the sate, and, by sending them on rid into Ansel, they sot only prevented depeedations in Mim terror, bat also incseased the fn power gait the Byettine empire, as wellas providing land and livelihood fr the Turcomans. ‘The conquest ad rrkiaton of Ana- rola came about aa rorlt ofthis policy and these needs, although ‘Maslin cults, ignoraae of the atize of the Turkish state and of| ‘Turkish aomadie fends, beld Tugheul Beg, 2s the Turkish and Mali ota, esponible forthe Turcoman sid nd pillaging in hee tecitoves, and complained to ie, “hs result ofthe Saljul poe of dicing the Tercoman migestion towards Anatoli thie repia was pey to Tarkih tacks and presare fora pedod of thiny yes, “The Torcomans, who were occasionally ‘supported bythe Sela, but mostly under the leadezthip of thei owe boys sted thirds from Apachiyjn and penetrated 28 fra the ‘tte, cent and western towne of Anatolia. Asa eal hese ong td continuous mids and bales they caprzed act only the pains and pliteus but alsa the towne of Ermram in 4a0/to8, Kas in 462054, ‘Malasya QMeltene) in 44/057, Sivas (Sebast) in 4t/t059, Keyes (Gaesare) in 439/i067, Nike (Neoceste), Kooga (leoniom) and "Ammriyys(Amoriem) ia 460/106, Honas(Khonae in 461/109. Ia spite of ths expunsioa, whieh lasted ant the victory of Maasicer, ‘Rosclia was sl ar cn being asf place forthe Turks to sete i, ‘becuse a peat aumber of frtied cae and ces rcmained, andthe ‘Turconmns were closely pursued by the Byzndae frees. For this reaton the Tucomans uted to go back to Aztbiyie afer thirataks ted conquests ‘When Byzsnin resstnce was broken as « soul of the viciory at ‘Matikertin Di: Qu'd 465/26 August 1073, the Teromans began to spread and seein Amatalia. Coastious of tee role as defenders of| [elim and champions of universal Tuckish domiaation, the ist els ae thas made good tec chim to sepremacy over Byzantom, and thas t {be same time eet about eolving the problem of Turkish migration. ‘ha, as a ssult of his defer, the Emperor Romanus Diogenes was ‘epoved, and the peace he had ageeed ro was broken, Alp Asin sent a ‘ncsoge to ia saying dha be woud himself go ro Anatolia to avenge fils death in 465/072 ding the Torksan mpg prevented im from carping out his thet. Nevertheless he had told his com- ‘ander before the eazpuign tat the peace wieh Byantum was over, ndvhey bad his orders to congue the Chvietan counties Le. Anatol) "Afe he bt of Maaaiver, here were swiftand sudden changes hectic fears of Anatolia. Bosna the gzeat Tokish migration and Colonization were either radied aor understood, the procas of faskifation ia Anstln remained aa enigma, and some historians ‘Setbed these chinges tothe aniilaion of mass conversion to lam ‘tthe local population. While there wete indeed conversion and losses (of population on both sides, the imaccarcy of sock conjectures, which [Biles te account of tigation and ethnic changes, shown even bya ‘enenl pcre ofeveats a dun above? “Although the vitor of Maaziker we fllowed bya considerable flow of popslation into Anatoli, the eansfozmaton ofthis and into a wholly Terkth terttgy took rome ents more. The Tucks who Fed before the Mongol from Cental Asia and Persia formed the second fet migration, and the procet of turicaion spred from een ‘Raatola othe corte snd war completed dung the seventh thiteenth ind cghth/fourceath cently, Tie movement of popalaioa was ‘Steal bad onthe nomad clemeats, bt, with 2e foundation of fe were Selse sate, pets, uadesmen, areas, and elgios leaders came to Anatolia spat ofthe migrations. Hee sa very bret escipton of how Azatola wis ceed bythe Tes. ‘iin YOONDATION OF THE sExyux STATE OF ROM “TheSljuk stat of Roan was foonded fer and beauseof, the movement ‘of lange sumer of Tuscoman tribes to Anatolia. Bu the founder of Crsppemsinere ee otreafm _Ser gotten teens ESS eee Eee eee ee regents Sera eee eee fase SRS ge this tue, Steyn, the won of Kutalmih the grandson of Sele and ton of Aslan Vag) was nt among the commanders who were ext fo conquer Anatlia by Alp Arslan after the victory of Mansike. Tded mong the conquerors mentioned bythe ater sourcsasfounders cf the sate only Arta Bey can be verSed. In 4641072, Art Bey ‘eft Byantne army commanded by baac Comeau, aking hin pisoner, and then went to the bunks of dhe Sahay, leevng ceotal Kostle behind. ‘When the scbllion of John Dvcae crested mote ‘Singerout station, the emperor made an agreement with Arco and ‘el for his help. In this way the Turks reached the bay of Tzmit ‘Beesute of the sttgale foe the sucesion afer Alp Arae's det, ‘Artal Bey was elle back co Ray, the capital ofthe Great Sali ‘erapite and helped Mall-Shth to overcome his uncle. Such cents Silepna's campaign in Anais, Alp Arsa’s death, _Arrl’s eusn to dhe capital andthe serogzle forthe Succession tothe throne ar clvaly Linked, When Ketaloush was defeated and kd in "36/06, atthe cn of his gh forthe tone against Ap Arla, his tons had bea banished to the Byzsntinefonter. These penceling ‘without ny power martedongeizing he Anatolian Tucomans around them afer Art Beys departure. And some ofthese Tueomans were fo her than the Yabgulu Yavkiya, Yavgiae), the ter who had ‘ehelledagsinet Tughrl Bepad Alp Arslan andfedto Arata They fow nected Seljuk prince to letd them. The exer authenited {ppentne onthe sene of Kalish’ sos wat in 42074, wea they Were involved ina ballin Sia agen the Tarcomaa (Yas) bey, ‘Avs, who had accepted ervice under Maik-Shh ad also when they tried to establish estion withthe Fetinid eaiphia Egypt. After lig ‘to win tha bate, Sleyman entered Anatol, lavig besieged Aleppo Sod Ansoch oa is way. He went onto ake ovee Konya ais epion fom ie Grek ruler, conquered lal (Nise) without say resistence sd procmed itis etl in 467/107 Tis ao probablethat Tuk, ‘cho tad tmeched as fat Bina a the bead of tonoo0 men afet ‘Aral’ ston lo jined him, “The Byzantine expe was in soch a ste, and ite rations wick Azaola were so cut of tht the conquer of city Hee Tz, whic pean impos pct inthe history of Chitianiy, and whi was ‘ery neat Constantinople, pasted uneemarked ia the Byzantine sures 24 i | t ‘e-was only mentoned, onthe ocasoe of Nicephorus TT Botaiate's sonst in 1078, a8 belonging to SOleynd, which shows chat the ‘onguest must hve ken place before that dat. This is confemed by thestatement of some Muslim authors tht, inspite cf the distance, Tike seer conquered by Stleymia in 467/to752 When Sells great {grandson founded x sie inthis newly conquered land, the Anatolian ‘Tazcomnoescrped hi roverigny, and the soma tbs who heard ofthis emigrated co his land in greater numbers. There isa connexion between the great migestia in too and the foundation of dis sae, In Febrauty 1074 the Eaperor Michal VII had appealed to Pope (Gregory VI for sian ia ztur had promised the nication of the ‘Orthodox Church withthe Catholie Church. The pope welcomed thi spproachand summoned cerui European bagsandthewholeof Cheist- ‘dom toacruside agaist he Turks, who had conquered the testis ofthe Byzantine empire as fara the walls of Constantinople. Bue the ‘coat herveen the papacy and che Holy Romn empire delayed the ‘Sigainntionof thecrsedefortwenty yeas, When he enperordespired ‘fang help from Barope i 107, he sent an ambandoe with prclese filet Male Stab, baal cere ems ad no panel rel. Stleynda increased the power of iste by intervening ia dynartic dispar Constasiaople, and by helping Nicephors I Botanists ‘roca othe theone. Ta this way he ealrged hs oades nd hie fiery made its headquarters ia Osktdar (Cheysopol) in 47s/t078, Tater, by supporting Nicephores Mliseaus, he annexed those pars of| Phaygia and westezn Anatolia which be had not yet conqueted. 1a 473/tto the Sluts defeted a Byeantine amy sent rowaedsTzik in Teo, and eotenched themecives onthe Asian shore ofthe Bospliora, ‘whet they erblited custome hoate and begs to contol ehipping [As they hed no fet, the cea prevented them fom attacking Con ‘tzntinopl. When Alesis Comnense became emperor in 18%, the ‘ns thing edi wat to male peace wih ley in ordrto defend the ‘Balkans agaist the damanistie Turkic peoples nord of the Danube “Thin teay enabled the Sela ea to extend his power athe ext, ‘WhileBysttne ule wan deliein Amato, aaumberof Armenian Jesders appeared on the shores of the Euphates and i Cli, One of these Armenians, called Philetos, supported by the govemor of Malaya, Gabsie cut commusicaioas between Anstolia snd the eastern andthe southern Maslin couawies. Ta 475/08, Stleymin marched * tye ge oy 8 ead ‘svar snd by conquering Adana, Tutus, Masisa and Anszaba in| ‘fre eal his conrl overall lic. To eave his Kingdom, Phin went to Nalik-Shzb, and adopeed Islam; the Chesiaa| population of Aaioh, ia order wo escape from his tyranny, secretly levied Steyn on r5 Stas 477/7 December to8, and gave the tity over to him. Because of this conguee be quareled with the ‘Uquyld ar Staaf alDavla Moslim, deented his army, and led him (H/o), Ae «soul of hi expansionist polly and siege of ‘Aleppo Sileymin Id to fight agente the bother of Malle Sah, ‘Toth, the governor of Danas, and fst hs life and his army on 20 Safir 4g June 1086 the core fea yar, ley ad oe merely conquered avast, teritory. The Ammeians, the Syrian Christians aod che bere Pauls, who hated the elgius presure ead the assimiationst, polofByzatum foundaderSleyinin'sdminixtaiontherligiogs| freed dey sought. Thenks to ce charceritially Turkith religions Freedom end just imitation, ally pied by Seley’ s successors, the Seiji ste won the loyalty of the lol people and geew stronger. ‘The ‘Abbosi eiph recognized Sbleym’ssuleanate by sending the tpproptint emblems such arsrobeofhosouy, adiplomaanda standard ethos became Seleyen-Shh 2nd this rote state ofthe ght wat saved fom Shi influence. Nevertheless, as eatly 35 467/674, in ‘ppostion to he cousins in Pens, he hed communicated wit the Fat ealiph ia Egypt and fer be had conquered Tarsus, he not eat to sequert the Sele of Trill in Si 0 fin him judges ta eclgousofcers, In this connexion, fis appropiate to pont out {Bat the view which caine that Steyn wat sat e Anatolia by Malt Shh and was deceit oe, nothing bara my. Thesame istucof the Byaatie sources which, charac, porway hima ‘oa ofthe empire, wile in facthehad held hex empecoesatis ety ‘Afr Saleymt's deat, his sons who were with him were sent: [Nal Shab fora pecod of tine, 479-5[t086-92, the throne of Talk ‘retract, td the polita unity of Anatoli was broken. Ta.47[ 2084 {he founder ofthe central Anatolian Danshmendid state, Gomusiekin| ‘Abed Ghia, as val of Stleymia, and complementing t0 the lace’ opettons, stacked the goverace of Malays, Gabtil. In ‘ies; the conqueror of Chenke and Kastnony, Kantekia, tok 236 ‘Slacp and in the sume ye Ear Bul invaded the upper regions of| the Jayhin. Another principality, founded by Mengchek Ghasi [etween Erinn and Divi fought the Grecks onthe Black Seu cost Jn collaboration with the Dunshmendids. Thee war lo anotbee tate {osnded ia Temie(Smyens) bya brave snd intelligent Trkih bey named (Chaka. He ad bean taken prisoner by the Byaantne in one ofthe ‘Asatlian bates, and edsated in che impetia palace, In yao he ‘an a69y to lami, and gathered all the Turks those eins cer his command, Heals succeded in eenting anavyby rerutng Greeks on {he cons, aod was thus able to eatblich his power over the Aegean Isknds. This sate lasted el dhe end ofthe First Cratace, One of the other ei principles which appeazed in Anatolia was founded in [Eezram by Ei Salk, who recognized the Seljks of Pein as his soverigns. The Arokid sates, which were to faclade Die Bakx, Mardin and Khasput andthe Saimeal site ae Lake Van were stl otin existence ad they would not ppese unl ten yess ater) These ‘egions were sled by Sls governors in tht edod. Apa fom the teetories of Phitctos aad Gabriel, which were greatly seduced by Saleymia snd the Dasshmendid’ Gamishickin, the only pare of “Anatolia which was ot in Turkish ands war the eaten Blsck Set region. In Trebizond which ws ake back fom the Tus in 1075 4 Greckdukedomhad ben founded. Thesucestorof he dake remained ladepeadeat of the Byzantine emperor and occasionally formed slices wid the Turk, Abu'-Qisim, whom Sileymia let st his deputy in Teik when he ‘went on his campaiga eo ida and Antioch, at aly bel the Selle state afer Solepm’s dst, but seo advanced afar a the Stats, [Malk-Shh fist seat Fair Porake ro take the Anatolia Sluke unde his control, and bad Saleyt’s brother killed in g7t078. He then seat an army to Inik under the command of Er Bora. Faced with the danger of Mali-Shib’s army, Abu'-Qlsim end Alexis formed an sliagce, Bue Mali Shah's deathin 485/:092, when Bora was besieging Innit, brougt an end tothe Great Seljuk presare on Anatolia; and when disputes over the succession sated asa role of is death, Silepmda’s so, Kal Arslan, was reed, and went to Ini intoges “The Turks weleomed him with grat oy and sed him othe thzone ‘The young Kilj Assan Tseorganind hie ste, cebullt hs capital, acd appoited governors and commanders. He ao drove amy the "Theft eft Anan ec) cite jo oT Byrnes who wee tag to ee on he sores of Marmara By pg te efron te Bye eet, dapose fi ‘al Chan ey, cho was adraaang nts dean others, Idincensng hs poet, in conequenee of is teary wit Byun, He fa fet un catard for eusion. In 4096 Be Bseged Nadayer bor aoagh te people of te iy, pec the Span (Citas ord orem tery tokiminorzrosaetionsves fom Gib, ohn ben converted 9 Orox Chany sod opotng hem, lua wae compelled to etc defend is “ theca “ie spy fh Cade, woe cone with Peeth Heri, area deoyebuiveniesctoesntte greogete emay his lowed The Conder benge! Tk lho Ki “rs hd sted bach ew cle ne ei Ong Je top the Sendra ni by agreement sree fo he yf Becerra Tun th ta earn endif ho es Cat dupe, wes alle to Constantinople, Kaj Aca, aking ‘he Duan Gok sd the ent of Capadoc Hasan ‘Boy alley et the Crudes in Eakins, whee 00 17 aj ‘pol Tuy tora great bade ok pce, Bosh mia fowghevalndy, 12a idee woe gun del of Moods. A ionic among the ‘Ceoades dsabet how the See foogt I bese words: Tasks fad been Chitin aod cou ave Ben ex eal in be and Telur” Dr the Cree hd an veewelning speroty over Ge Tort For ih aon Kal Arden eset ner neo ec is tiny by far les Although git he Cres guia with Gamostckin aad Hoan Bey st his sea Erp et Kony, be suftedvenhearyloeryendbadconsret Amman waste ‘Emr Hunn (Gamadgh) oa get aber oF Ms selfs wee led thee, and tee snet ee to execs int eas emo “gh get loses wee suntaiedby he Asuna Tus, bth a dkndand pores tata tel Crsads hy son recovered. Te Ramen pyjly sco Goeuselia Aine Chast met the Crodon adrncig fom Sy snd defeated hem a May king Bohemood indole ending princes pose. In 100, be and ij Aen conplcly ante wo gree amic of he Casas, nee Ay ad tthe = Hee whe they were Bing ‘reek Cans inpstoned ia Nit. These vera improved ‘herons offi Aland Anson Tow adperowly at ‘olfered atthe hands ofthe Crusaders. After the fll of Iai, Kaj ‘Anan mde Koays his capt By making an ngrcmeat withthe “emperor aguns the Crataers, he wat able to tara to congue the et, {arb father had dose. He St defsted the Danishmendids sad took thom under his suzecsnny. Ia 49éfst03 he captured Malays from ‘Gostshtekia, who td conquered iin 44/1, and established there his owa admiastntion. He then taza his ateation to the princi pales of easteen Anatolia, and made them recognize him at thei ‘redlord. In traditional svaley withthe Great Sefuks, he annesed ‘Mosul Buthe wasinvolvedia vole: atdeon the Khibas ver against ‘strong army sent by the Gres Self Soltaa Maammad, and, ike hie father, he lst hi ear a reat ofthis vay (9 Shawl so) July 1107) Although he Rm Sejekestatehad deine’ seriously a elo istaher’s death and dhe attack ofthe Cromer revived and beck sronges than ever unde hie eaderhip; bur ie fered sn even pear ‘isis with his wn death Lik his ues, Kil Arslan ef the throne in Koaya without an owner hea be died. His eldest von, Shibioeht, then the governor of Moa, ‘ss takea to Insta privoner, and war ncableto gobackto Kony, to become sults, ual joa/sre, Profkng fom this petiod of es, the Byzantines tok the inative to attack ll the costal ares of ‘Aputolia, Everywhere she Turks prepared to move to the cent ‘Anatolian patesu. But their rezeat cost them grest loses, A gat ‘crowd of Tusks who were camping nest Ulabad (Lopadio), oa thee ‘way to ceatal Anatol, wereattackedby the Byosntins, Moet of them, inclading womea and chiles, were massed. Inspite ofa few ‘esfl outer attacksbythe Heir Hasan of Capadocis and Shasta ‘who ruled in Kony, the gene eet could sot be stopped. Aleiot snd his soccessor, john Ul, ether expelled the Tusks from weiter ‘Anatolia ad thenoitheen and southern coastal ares, or etroyed hem. ‘The Danishmendi alee, the Eni Ghia (49-439]1105-5 the 00 ‘of Guasch, helped his son-in-law Mast to take ove the thane in Kone fem he brother Shthsneh in 2e/136, and thus dhe Selle sue ws zedaced ta smal ingdom, limited tothe eavioas of Keay, underDasichmendidproteion Undertherecircamstances, the Baperot 39 John T1118) continue hiratacks defeated che Turks and oceuped the towns of Desist Laodiies) and Uluborls Sozopol), But in Sraltit, Eni Ghia, prong fom the Byzantine operons in the Balkan tnd with the swppore ofthe Arcus, defeated the duke of| ‘Tecbizoad, and hilly, tbe Meagochel rae, a Shin. Although the ‘alana wai the hac ofthe Selle, tera cles of Anatoli now ‘wee the Deishnendis, When Stan Mast’ che brother, ‘Arab, ‘pho had eed in Ankara and Karemonw, marched towards Konya to ‘pare the Sel throne ia yao[rt26, Mas‘ formed an alliance with the emperor, and defeated his brother, forcag him to take efuge in (Clich This cosbled the Byrantins © oceopy Kastamonu. Bat the ‘emperor's expedition t0 Glica, aad ler his brother's attempts to ‘apse he throne, helped Erato deve sway the Byzantines and teeupy the Blck Sx coast, Salt Ma'0d, onthe other hand, started ‘tivacig in western Anstola, Ei Ghia then entered Clic, and ‘kee the advancing Cromdes- Ina shor period be became te ler fall Anatolian provines between the Saiary and the Raphi. "The caliph and Sultan Sanja coafesed on hm the tide of making) td seat him dean ands standard ar emblems of soversgoy, he being the most powefl ler of Anatolia. ‘Upon Mal Gis death in yass34, Sultan Mas‘, who was upto that dine unde his protection, became the ally and the eq of his rots aon, Math Mejased, While ee Expperor John punished the ‘Krmeniaas in Cc and quacelled withthe Crosader, the Sejuks tnd he Desishmendid bad no dieu in etending thir boundaries ‘gunn the Byzantines, This razed the emperos to march in 334/142 ‘ord the Danishinendd cepa, Niksar, with great army, inorderto {Eottoy the Anatolian Turks. He was aso determined to dispose of| ‘Theodore Gabrat the dake of Tecbizond, He reached Niksr after adeting great loses in northern Anatolia and besieged the wn. ‘Dating the siege long and violet batts took place berween the Turks dnd the Gress. ‘The proloagation of the siege caused disturbances in the Byeandaesemy, and one ofthe imperil piaces, Joh, took refuge fa Solan Mastd's mp. The deteroa af the prince, who became « Moslinand seein Koay ftermarsyiag the euta’s daughter, forced theemperor to rer lei to Constantinople bythe Back Senn ra. ‘The fae ofthis great campaign, which had started so ambitiowaly, opened up posses for new Turkish conquests, and Salt Mad ‘vanced a fara the Anas region. hese Dion ed tng ag ei fr ‘tgp pee Bald Moy aa, ae Nissl tee Deen ml tS, ighSaan, ee! amd neo etony, k {Sh Tatas dopo Solon fo pel apa ‘Rte Duan eS Wile he ei a Sundog roosts pang fe qu ‘ett he cat fly Tena oe ‘Sry wet A loi egy oS Ment Sime Theta Tehoncins kta ‘Say ine omy et os An Ate cng ce ‘aso he Te meow Kap He acd {Sf tost Atbe ut iad lose ison Fen Wen Sloe Mra vce of te sping Soe hcl rr nm eas prep ay ay selene be empress aba ‘coc tedster ‘stl sana gue By we any mel i Sj ted ln Thy sade bl rely te, ssl ae ey pigs Ms eet "Dept Fo ute hoe gna Sy dsm in bee nasser os Sa he Ay nh A nk Dl ag ess Ue a satay Sel Coe soil Eve or he {02th tengo lings ‘ote tna rio oh Com a en et SAR cease ety reer pl oe tient son ay ‘“SEiclemowtesy heres erage Situations jnaiygyOncker eromettonero Selman on opel enn ford “al roy iy Slog Seco un lw lw 2 tne eo Dan Aa, atic bets acer, ‘ny me gh ui tl ne ny os a ti won Sp, Te wo wer tn rae fens oe re pe hme tl dee, The oe ‘oblate Tso eet pete dan mos, ad cared for this sick. A Christan eheonicler speaks thus of the episode: Aoiing this cocligonins who had been ocr to than they wen ia ‘ely among the ines wo hd companion yon them, and, a wea, for than hee hoonnd jin themalves tthe Tors when ny teed (Ob kiadecr merece hava weachryl Thy pave them bend toed thems of thr fh tboup it aru tae Contented withthe serves Sy perme, tay comple none among hem Tron Bk on srnucet# von rowan Ano RiL) ARSLAN It's viCTORY Aer defetng the Byzantine amy beforé Kony, andthe amis of he Secood Crastde, who hestened the Musi woeld, within his boundaries, Sultan Mas'td became one ofthe most powerful rulers his times, Wit these victories the pesid of cris cxme to an end forthe ‘Aatolian Turks, andan ge of stability and progressbegen. The‘ Abba Sdealiph en he Salj sen emblems of sovereignty, rch a robe (of fonousastndard, andother gf, wits blesing. Following these ‘icoris Sultan Mas'ad defeated dhe Crotader in Sia and by i am palgns of s44/te49 and 543/119, and conquering Marsh, Goksun, ‘padi, Rabun aod Dela, deove dhe Franks away from these regione ‘The mah of Sis, YagheBasan, lad, meanwhile, expanded he ‘rontierstowands the Black Se, and captured Batra (Pabra). Aflercaking the Danshmendids of Sivas and Malays under his szeraiagy, Saas ‘Mar‘dd encered Ciicin with thie support, and in 549/334 capeuced several Armenian towns. The planned conquest of the hoe of Ci ‘was prevented by a outbreak of plague, which made the san reuen Immediately. He ed ins5x/153. Salean Mas'3d who in slong reign Ina nved he Sliak tae om anntion by hs fa acing policies and pasent eor luo transformed i froma tate onfaed wo the environ of ‘Konpa into « power domiating Anatoli. Thanks to his jst and icler amisswaton, he even won over some Chestans from ‘Byzantium. The policy of coasruction and the establishment of socal services inthe Seljuk state also began in his sign “is son Kil Arslan I (551-891155-92), who soceeded him on the throne, continved his father’s policy, and worked for the poieal unity 1 lo fa, De an ar qed TW Ae Thera of don hh aye nd th economic and caleulimpeovement of Anatolia, Kul Aca, ‘who cecupis an exceptional place amoag, the Seljl sultany, wat destened with hostile aliances in his easly Yeas. Fist he had eo ght ‘guns his bower Shabinehth, the muh of Kastaonw and Anita andthe Danshmendid may Yagh Bren. ProSiag fom hie inteenal Conflict, the Bxperor Maud andthe Aeseg Noe al-Din Zang formed alliance spaast Kilj Azsan in 99. The Armeaiaa prince, Thotos, id not mis this opportunity ofatebing the Seljlcithes, Faced with somany enemies and aliaces, Kibj Arslan went to Coatatinople the cette of thee political manoeavzes. ‘The emperor, in acordante with ‘he Byzantine piy of encouraging the rutal destruction of Parish cules, signed treaty with the Seljuk sulan and provided bls with financial id. Afer hie rer fiom Constantinople, Kilj Atlan immediately mizched out to Fight with Yaghi-Basan and defcted him ‘overwhelmingly in 5136s. He thea daposed of is brother and other Danishnendid emis. Zant wat lo forced to rtm tothe sultan the plces he had conquezed- "The Mengichek oii recognized. the Alomination ofthe sultan, aad thus che Sefiok monarchy extended froma ‘he Saya ro the Eaphrates once spain. ‘The Emperor Manvel, who was bary inthe Balas, was disturbed ‘were realized that Kj Assan ha coasierabipincesied he strength by diposingof alls enemies, On the pctext of conlliag he Tare smanatschs and conquests inweitera Aaatoli, theempecor xgenaed na sy ocxpel the Tuk fom Anatol and marchedtowatds Kenya, He tls refused the ula’s ofr ro renew the ety which had ated for tvelve yeas. Kilj Arslan therefore led his asmy past Alsi td encountered the Byzantine forces a Mysiokepllon, a steep and n4erow puss north of Lake Eris, wherein Rab s72/Speember 1176, be dee them a dsssrous blow. Although it would lave been possible to ‘optre the emperor and wipe out the Bypantine ato, sa Manaibest, {or some unknown rasoa, ce sltan secepted the emperor's request for peace nd was content to readjust his frontier favouttly. He even provide the emperor with tee Seljk emir escorts, o gue him ‘gulas he Turcoman atacks on his return journey. With ts second tet victory afer Manziker, Kilj Assn browght an ead to the eoturyold Byzantine usone of recovesng Anatolia fom the Turks and retng it as prt ofthe Byantie exmpite. ‘The empise which had ‘een on the ofeasive snd advancing tnce the Fist Cann, ow fe- turned to a continuous dele and retet, a inthe fst peiod of 8 ‘Trish congust ‘The importance of ths ior, Hike chit of MRL U appeal fo fay, andthe pws in Bghild Meese poed ngs, Anna ely coe nd of the SEG, ie He ewea cen war sey cle "Tsky” Wesia soar Sty Kl Aa et his ocr the sex i ll cone he ros of Ubon, Kb and FSS Opie abd beseped Dens and Ane. Thanks 0 Bee pul ony, bw and order were ened in Re I pliodafeanonicandcusapogessbegn. Afra er cFectege ay Anda, who fed apd old vied is Cee Sabeg cere sos folowing eadonal Tussh oli, tnfedin ibn Reo eg aan, The mei Tone itcpenterty in he povne con cont TEE ciched byanine cope. The mbt Toa, terms TEEREN'O' ne Back Sen ote tod conqpre Samsun, the mae lke, ved comer te regione of Bo, md” the Sen Ponta, Kay Khor, conqoced the valky of the Nene “Pike Fede Bano, he German enpeot,eed Ses ae Eicher Tid rode geld Kaj Alan ed ‘Tg ans power and was a wie oh aly among his sons Tees fom tian beween Kil Arn sod the Geman Tree Teese te Bpanane cnpeor and Slatin When the SER Gie"oos orga, a = rel of Sats pete of [enantio Hea ay Arh, person cops ough Anal. Boat Spr tele te gent Geman tay we fit ive with he See aa nd team Abs wih be emis of Male Sinimaaive tos ofthat Although Fee neton SerStte spemby going sy hough Cc be was oe for "eiGhciy ends taane owas Kony, The elie cect op he Crvmding amy, Toe ousting Kops wee Serpe the mats were paged and desoye. ‘The slen who Seen pue eaten smbmtoro he emperor propoig eee ‘he excreta th pony sd the power wer in bela THRESSSAaia Sate The emperor corer hin Shahi eget cha Sia nd rae Sos testy war clgned se ies haw us ‘Tm GOLDEN AOE OF #HE ANATOLIAN suLjORE ‘The quarele berween Kilj Aran’ sons, which begun in 580188, contauad ater thee father's death in 84/1193, and ended with the toceupstion of Koaya by Séleymsn, in 35/1296. More cations and ‘netic than his bodien, be had stayed oa oftheir disputes and then, ‘shen the ime came, be ee-etblshed Seliak nity by eter aking them Under his power, or disposig of them. He impoted tribute on the Emperor Alesis I, whose mea had piled Turkish meccaats 08 the Blick Sea const during the internal canes, He also dfeted the ‘Amnenian hig, Leo, who had violated the Pukish border and deove him ou ofthe tecoris he hi econquered. When heresied tit the Salukis, who reigned in Erzurum, were ia decliae, andthe Turco- Pessan ute was ereatened bythe Georgians, who had advanced sat 5 Erzuro, the Seu sultan marched there ia 1201, «apport by the Meagicheks and some Arukide After subjugating the Salta sate, hohasly marched owards Georgia. Butheand hisaray wee sepised by the Georgian-Kipchak sem near Sankamish, and had to retest, Jetving great umber of sldie at prisoners. Although he organized smother cmpaign to conquer Georgia after rcapcing Aakars fom hisbrother Mast he ied on the way, in 304, without accomplishing this projec. ‘Ae Stleyma's eat, his bothe,Kay-Khusea who ad alteay seigned fora time before Stleymta’s accston, reprned his throne. He pinned his mlary operations according to an economic and com. mercial policy. Thanks to the security and peace esblished dusing Kill Athos eign, a Sourcing teat war conceatated ia Turkey. But the Latia conquet of Constantinople in 1204 threatened the security ofthe suds wi ed othe porte onthe Black Sex ad the Meditranesn. ‘The Come, who sought to oosupy the Black Sea «oat, ad blocked che ole othe port of Samun ad Sinop choked Sivas with great numbers of merchants coming fous Mclim and (Christan countries, and caused much damage. In these circumstances, the Seljuk salen formed analisnce with Fenperor Theodore Lacaiof "Nicaes, and opened the outlet ode Black Ses by defeating che Comnent ina ampaigain 1206. InGos/1207 he conguered Antalya withthe tune purpose, provided de Turks with a pot forthe Metteranesa eae, tnd arzaged forthe seterent of Turkith merchants there. He also ‘signed 2 ude pact withthe Venetins, In 62/205, he punished the “Anesians. When he conquered Denial and the uppet regions ofthe [Menderes « war with the enpetor of Nicaea became inevinble “Alou be defeated the Byaantne amy nea Alsthir Pade), ine wos killed by an enemy solder when the Tekh anny was busy ‘aptatng boon. T Gor-u6east-20) continued his father’ policy and conquered Sop at)rar. He invited sever merchants rom other ‘Tarhishtownstosete there andthusmade aporefortnsitade, He tls had gest lle bil aoand the town fr secs, and made the tne of sacl bile Beet on the Black Set. He selene Alexi the ‘exper of Tichizond, whom be hd take psner, having it made ‘i acsep he tes of raaldom and tute. He then expelled from ‘Aaa the King of Crp, who had conquered the dey ding the fulina’sdpoes with his brother Key-Qubad for te throne, a in| 613/116 made war on the Armenian King for hi volition of the ‘Turis border, Realizing tht he wold not be able wo stand again the Turkish aris whieh advanced slong the Amtalya coating he “Armenian King was faced to sgn a tenty of wasaldom with the coe Alton to be pidaheary yeni tute, reco the ula’ ight tomeotion oa the coinage ad inthe Ala, ad surrendered his border (sles, The alla also annexed the ahem puts of Spain 2218, profiting fom intral confit among the Ayyubids. Following the ‘Reale Mab the rr of Eel, Mugatie al-Din Gole Bec tls ecogeized his sovereignty. Kay Kav, whois bate inthe ret, Fowl he fad bt In Siva, gave conidreble importance to en stevcton and caturl acivis besides his miltary and pola “The ssgn of ‘AIS al-Din Kay-CQubtd I (6x6-sa[s220-57) was the most prosperout and the mst ploroaspdod flu raleln Anatolia. ‘Bea me when Asia wes thrown into rarmol by dhe Mongol conquest, this powesul aad farsighted solten ser out to counter a probable [Mongol danger by fraying town like Koay, Kayse and Sivas ‘with walls aad foreses, He rebuilt and calged the forcess of ‘Kalonoros onthe Mediersnean const, whichhe ad captured, renamed ie Alviyya afer himself, and made ie hs wioter capi He ako ‘Seengtbened Slik aval powerby haviaga dockyard bal there. His ‘xpeiton to Sophdak (Cemes) in Gze/tas with his Blick Sen est ives an ides of Sefok naval power. While he was invalved in this ‘vere operston, heals sent armies to Lessee Armenia fom the east, Hb the north and the cout of Aatalya, The Asma matical setsion gine te alstocats, becioeof ce endency te tne, enabled $Hethoum, helo of Lampron and eeado the Seljuk, tobe declared Ling. The Azmenian kingdom war reduced el ferter, and became = ‘wobstite, The Tarcomans who settled inthe newly conquered Ich ‘ogion formed the bars ofthe Karaman Bk which watt be founded ‘ber ater. ‘When Jalil aia Mengabiedi Khusraz Shah inthe cours of is rug agaist he Mongols append on the eastern Anatolian border, tnd took th air of tue selon under his authority, the eate of poliealsevty moved exstards. Meuawhile Sukan Kay-Quhld, by feeaing the Ayyubid aad the Atukide, captured the foresser of ign MansOe(Adiyaman), Kaba and Chemishgeze. In 625/138 he snbjugated the ik of Mengochek, Ac thc tine, the Comneni of “Trebizond, conidentof the Kiheesem Shah's oppor, revolted agaist the Salus, and atecked the ports of Samsun and Sinop. Kay-Qubd ‘eathis Black Sea forces from the cont and conquered the reionasfarae UUnye. Aparfrom ches foray, the rsinjnamy noadvanced tough Machiandthecly of Trebizond was besieged. When he city was being violently stacked, heavy hat and Hoods used the Suk anny t ‘eet and Seljuk prince ws aenplsoner by the Grech as he was prssng through the frente. Ia spite of this the Gecks were foced 10 fenew the uety of vassaldom, providing for an angualebute and, rly aid ‘Kay-Qubid, who more than any other contemporary ruler sew and prepared forthe Mongol thet, elze the importance ofan alance ‘ith Jalil Din Khem Shih, He reminded him that they were oth af he same religion and peopl, and, pointing out thatthe ae of ‘he Musi world, under thea of invasion, depended on thee policy tnd ston, he recommended that an agreement shoud be raced with the invades all conte, Bat the Khas Sha great soldier anda poor polis, Miwelf costuted a more urgent danger forthe Sls dan that of the Mongols, Pally «violent bate ook place berweensheewo sulasat Yasichinen, between Esznjan and Sivas, on a8 Remadia Guy/io August 1250. The Khwisazm-Shih sulted 2 biter defen fom which he was never able to recover, Sakan Key (Qubtd also semoved his cousia, the mal of Eerarum, who was a aly of Jalal Dis. Prom Erzurum, he seat his army to Georgia, apace ‘mbes of foraeses, and subjugited the Georgian queen. He then or

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