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Finally... after 25 years, NO=FAT cooking secrets and methods never before revealed anywhere... "The Amazing Secrets of a World Famous Chef Show You How You Can Easily Prepare Mouth-Watering Chicken, Fish, and Turkey Dishes Without a Single Drop of Fat, Oil, Butter, or Margarine!" “I you follow my easy, sthp-by-step NO-FAT COOKING instructions you'll learn how to Cook scrumptious chicken, fish and turkey dishes with absolutely no fat, no oils, and no butter or marga- rine every time you cook -- even if you've never seen an oven before -- 100% guaranteed or your money back! It's fast, easy, and anyone can do iti“ =-R. Richard HeIntosh Dear Health Conscious Friend, Every day, there are more and more statistics that prove that we are eating ourselves to death with high-fet foods. Health-conscious people like you and I worry about how much cholesterol we're putting into our much fat we're pumping into sur bodies; fat that clogs up our systems. Wouldn't it be great to have healthy options that ~ take very little time to prepare, “are simple to throw together, and * will let us lower our cholesterol, fat, and calorie intake? The problem is that: it's hard to find great tasting food that’s low-fat, and easy to prepare. Candidly, I can help. For over 25 years I've been cocking mouth-watering, tasty chicken, chicken and turkey dishes without 2 single drop of cooking 011; people drive miles to taste my cooking. And now yeu can learn how to cook with NO-FAT just like a world-famous chef, to your complete isfaction == or your money back. These recipes are delicious, easy to prepare, and moet importantly, sre cooked: Without One Drop ef Fat, Oil, Buller uz Maryarluet (go to page 2) Av las. life-changing informarton for you and your if "Fact-Filled Book Reveals How To Keep Your Wife From Driving You Crazy During Menopause..." 200% guarantccd! Deer Priend, If your wife is driving you crazy, it may be more than just "that time of the month"... it may be “that time of her life.* I'm referring to menopause. It's inevitable in this country -- women go through menopause... includiag your woman. Understand though, it's not that menopause is bad or anything -- what ig really bad is how it’s dealt with in our culture. See, for years now dantors have been treating menopause with a “hormone replacement therapy", and it’s now become quite a controversial subject. Millions of women who want relief from menopause or want to cope hetter with PMS are caught in the middle of the controversy wondering... What's Best For Ne? And in the meantime, you're stuck living with « spouse whom you love... but who's driving you up the wall It’s not fun to go through for you or your spouse -- afid you'd lize to help. After all, PMS and menopause both can be traumatic mentally, physically, semally, asd socially. And it can destrey your relationship...FAST! Por yours dectere have been (and ctill are) trearing millions of women with these “synthetic” hormones to help them deal with the pains and stress of menopause. ‘These synthetic remedies may help, but for most women they don't seen to effectively get rid of the mood swings, the weight gain, and those “hot flashes” you‘ve heard about, The side effects to this synthetic normone replacement therapy are often life-threatening. the had parr is your wife’s doctor may not even reveal that type cf (go to page 2) What Your Banker Won’t Tell You About Your Mortgage Is Costing You a Fortune! “Your Mortgage Lender is Taking You For a Ride...” And Their Grubby Little hands Are In Both of Your Pockets Slowly Sucking Out Your Retirement, Your Savings... Your Entire Financial Future! “Now There’s a Proven Way For You to Legally Get Rid of Thousands and Thousands of Dollars In Interest on Your Current Mortgage Without Refinancing!!!” PLUS: I Will Absolutely Guarantee Your Savings In Writing... If Yor Don's Save al Least Five Times the Cost Of This Program In the First Year Alone, Then i insist That You Return My Program for a Full Refund— And Also Insist That You Keep The Special Bonus Gift (8250 Value) As My Thanks For Trying My Program. (You ll Jearn more about your special gifi in a moment) Dear Homeowner, A Home Mortgage. It's what you might call a “necessary evil" when it comes to getting a new home. And thougn it’s net a bad thing to take out @ mortgage for 3 home, it’s practically highway rebbery what the banks charge you for lean. But now uu can you can end this highway robbery immediately! Announcing an Embarrassingly Simple Yet Powerful NEW Mortgage ‘Acceleration Program -~ Like No Program You've Ever Heard Of Or Seen Befere! This program requsres: # No Refinancing #No Points te Pay a Ns lacing Cnet] ao Credit Checks And It Works With Any Mortgage Large or Small!!! I think you'd agree: The banking industry is robbing you and me blind by charging multiple thousands of dollars for the oppertunity to use their money. They call it "interest". In all actuality the story goes something Like this: A Man jner paid $180,000 fer = comfortable home. He's happy - his family’s happy... he actually “owns” his oun home! And then the lending institution steps {go to page 2) Little-knowm, rare pearl gives you the chance to.... Show The "Woman of Your Dreams" She’s #1 in Your Life This Valentine’s Day! wer:Give her tho rarest, mest magical and unique reminder of your ‘Tahitian Pearls... These sparkling pearls are the rarest and finest jewels of thelr kind.... and they cost a lot less than you think! Because of their verity, superior quality, and fine sparkle, we have only 34 pairs of these quality Tahitian Pearl earrings; and only 247 exquisite pen- dents from our pearl farm in Tahiti -- These Pearls represent.... The Top 1.8% of the Entire Tahitian Pearl Harvest; and 00 Times Rarer Than White Pearlstit Tear «first namen, Imagine ‘your gal" opening a soft, plush box -- the look on her face ao che cess a beautiful set of Tahitian pearl earrings.... espe- cially for her. Or, the sparkle in her eyes as you place a fantastic Tahitian pearl pendant around her neck...- She'll Love You Forever! If she’s like most, your special woman would piubably aever buy these lustrous pearls for herself -- even though she yearns to heve She needs to know that you, «first names, feel she is the most beautiful, deoirable, and miraculous woman alive by getting these rare, and exquisite gems from you on s special day.... Valentine’s Day. How do I know? Well... I’m a woman; and I'l] never forget the day I got my first Tahitian Pearls 12 and a half years ago I was awe-struck by the beauty and luster of these magical gems... ss. not to mention the elation of self-esteem I felt from getting {go to page 2) For _inmediate Release Contact: Brian K, Voiles @ 566-7927 (Uncle Brian) oR pat Neilsen @ 944-7523 (Salt Lake County Library Sys.) uncle Brian Brings His Fun-Filled, Educational “Reading is Magic” Comedy & Magic Show to Salt Lake County Libraries: The Salt Lake County Library is taking a “magical” approach to getting more books inte the hands of children to kick-off the encouragement. of reading mare this school yeer, They're bringing in local kids hero and comedy magician, “uncle Brian” to teach the kids that “Reading Is Magic". “We've had great response to Uncle Briai in the page” tates Pat Nejteen, whe ie Sn charge of arranging the special free programming for the public. “and when he told me that he had s new precram put together to encourage children to read... we jumped on the chance!* Clad in red suspenders, cumberbun and a bow-tie you'd suspect that “Unele Brian” is just another typical magician. But, once you've experienced one of his shows, you know that “t: ical” doesn't even beging to describe this character. During Uncle Brian's 35 minute program the kids howl, laugh, giggle, seream and yell the magic words... "Reading is Magic", and ell along this path of laughter and fun, they learn about now magical (and mpurtant) an experieice reading really co! ber -- MORE -- eParentsn sLsta address» . Citys, «States «Zip»

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