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Overview of proposed
house renting system The general overview of the proposed system is designed to address the
problems of the existing system of house rental services. The proposed system solves the
problems of the existing system by changing it into a computerized system. The system is more
interactive to manage house to be rented by using a user interface, help menu, etc. It control all
the data input and error which happen during data registration. The tenant can give any comment
and they can register online with the system. The existing system has its own problem and
drawbacks. So, the project team is working to develop a system which is better than the existing
system in terms of time, cost, and efficiency and other functionalities. The proposed system will
be able to access and retrieve different data effectively and efficiently. Generally, the proposed
system will improve the performance of the existing system and reduce problems like time
wastage, man labor wastage, wastage of money, data inconsistency, and reduces work done
manually. 3.2. The Architecture of the proposed system Online house rental system is developed
based on two components: the server side and the client side, which runs on the browser. The
server holds a set of applications that serve the requests made by clients. Data servers are
responsible for managing tabular data at the server side and sending the information to the client.
This house renting system is viewed in any standard web browser. The performance of the
system is measured by the ability to respond to requests faster, and the reliability of the system.
Web Based House Rental System Department of Information Systems Page 18 Figure 3. 1:
Architecture for house renting System As shown above our system is 3-tier architecture with two
database servers. Here the client application no longer directly queries the database; it queries the
server application, which in turn queries the data server. The advantage of this system is, when
users retrieve data the following happens: The system users on browser asks the web server, the
web server asks the server application and the server application queries the data server, the data
server serves up a record set with all the information’s available. The server application does all
the processing to determine the data and serves up the final data to the web server. The web
server displays the final data information to the system users. The three tiers in three-tier
architecture are:

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