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WRITING & SPEAKING 1 Read the email from Meg to her friend, Joe. There is one word missing in each line. Find the missing words in the box and put them in the correct places in the e1 6 8 0 tm oe tee sozm <> & EI eet com BO7AM.(12minutesaga) Hi, Joe, last 1. Guess what! | bought a lottery ticket, week, and | won $3 milion!!! Iso excited 2_ I'm going to make some big changes in my life, starting with job. 'm leaving today! I've decided 1'm going to go to college. Ive always wanted to be a doctor, my parents couldn't pay for my studies. Now I finally do it! 3. I'm going to split up Kenny tomorrow. We nothing in common, and he doesn’t like my friends. | don’t want boyfriend now. I'm going to too busy with my studies! 4 And 'm moving out my sister's apartment tomorrow. 'm looking to that. She's so bossy! I'm going buy a house of my own. Do you think | give some money to my sister? 5 Butit's not all me, me, me! | want do something worthwhile, too. I'm to give some money to Greenpeace. But first 'm planning a in a warm place. Do you want to come to the Caribbean with me, Joe? | pay your ticket! Don't Kenny | won this money. Love, Meg. 2 Match the headings to the paragraphs (1-5) in the email. Living arrangements - Paragraph 4 Travel plans and other ideas Job and studies Announcing your news Relationships 3. Imagine you've won $1 million. What changes are you going to make to your life? Think about tthe things in the headings (a-e) in Exercise 2. aoce ee 4 Tell a partner about the changes you are going to make to your life. I'm going to buy a new apartment for my parents and me. 5 Write an email to a friend about the changes you are going to make to your life. Use the headings in Exercise 2 to organize your email. READING & VOCABULARY 1 Work with a partner. Look at the picture of Roberto and guess the answers to the following questions. a b c 4 What time does he get up in the morning? Where does he come from? |e) _wwwblogspot. com d What exercise does he do? How old is he? e Does he havea stressful life? lee Healthy Weettinye og: com Roberto Salazar is officially New York's oldest ving person. Here he explains, in his own words, the secrets to his long lite. “l get up early, about 6 a.m., and | don't care about the weather ~ every day | go fora brisk walk in Central Park. 'm lucky, as I ive on the Upper West Side, so it's nearby. | come back to the apartment and have fruit for breakfast. Always fruit. lead a healthy life and that's why I'm 104. ‘Another reason is that | don't get stressed. My job was easy. My kids are normal, sensible people. My extended family is great “There is nothing to get stressed about. Also I'm never in a hurry, If miss the train, I don* run. | wait for the next one. ifm late, | phone and tell people. | watch people rushing up and down Columbus Avenue and | can't understand it. It makes no sense. | came from Cuba, and arrived in the USA when | was a teenager. This country has been very good to me and my family, and there is a lovely Cuban community here in the city. We help each other. if someone is il, we go round with some picadilo — a Cuban meat stew. It's important to have a strong network of fiends, | walk a lot and | recently (at the age of 99) started doing some ‘martial arts. | saw some people doing tai chi in the park, So one day | just joined in. It helps me to stay in shape. In the evening, | sit at the window and watch the sun go down. There are some really spectacular sunsets here. And | always Just hope to see another one the next day!" There's no mystery I you're active, if you have good friends, a healthy diet, and a stress-free lifestyle, you will ve longer. It's as simple as that! 2 Complete these collocations with words from the text. How often do you go for a__brisk__ walk? Do you think you|____a healthy life? Do you know anybody who does martial a Do you feel that you are always in ah. When was the last time you watched a spectacular s. Do you have a large extended f_? Do you have a strongn____of friends? What's your favorite way tos_____in shape? Ask your partner the questions. Compare your lifestyles. eae oes CEA ues Wiese ee eee Ue Cee ard Language for Life: Idioms with food LISTENING & GRAMMAR 1 © 228 Listen to a woman calling for information able mu about a health spa called the New Life Center. , ne ee ee Answer the questions. ZEB» Shem be ok. 2 Why does she want the information? fel goawey b Doyou think her husband will like her idea? They'll ?, 2 eee Will you see her? Yes, wil 2 Complete the questions and answers about the No, won't. activities at the New Life Center. ee a Willhe take a fitness test? Yes, he will No, he won't. won't = will not) b Will he do yoga? Yes, he will. No, he won't © he have sweets? Yes, he No, he a he have a sauna and a jacuzzi? e he go for a four-hour walk? f hhe have time to relax in the afternoon? © 22 Listen, check, and repeat. 3. Work with a partner, Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2. Are there any health spas in your country? Would you like to go to one? Why?/Why not? GRAMMAR 1 Look at these sentences from the Listening section above and answer the questions. Conjunction + Subordinate clause + Main clause rears Assoonas + he arrives, + hell take a fitness test. ir + he has sweets, + hellbein big trouble, | conlunetion - if, when, as soon as subordinate clause = present form When. + hefinishes the work, ++ helllfeel ike anew man. | main clause = future form 1F1 g0, wil you come, too? a Dothe sentences refer to past, present, or future time? As soon as they arrive, we'll start. b Which verb form is used in the main clause? You can also put the main clause first. © Which verb form is used in the subordinate clause? ¥'m going to buy a car when | pass my test. Which of the conjunctions suggest .. dit is possible that one action will follow another action? eit is certain that one action will follow another action at some time? fit is certain that one action will immediately follow another action? 2 Underline the correct verb forms. 2 If there's nothing good on TV this evening, | go / ‘Ml go out. b_ I'm going to go straight home as soon as the class will finish / finishes. © When I'l go / go on vacation next summer, I'll send postcards to all my friends. 4 I'm going to retire as soon as I'm / ‘Il be sixty. © When I'll have / have enough money, I'm going to buy some new clothes. {If get up early tomorrow, | think I go / ‘Il go for a run. How many sentences are true for you? Rewrite the sentences so that they are all true for you. EM crammar Extra, Part exercises. unr 10 [93 VOCABULARY 1 Look at the pictures of Nick's food shopping. Then look at his shopping list. Which five Items did he forget to buy? FRUIT AND VEG VEGETABLES: lemons, oranges, cherries, grapes, peaches, mushrooms, Tomatoes, ltTv spinach, carrots, cauliflower, egaplant, red peppers, cucumber, onions, garlic MEAT Mf FH 2 Look at the shopping list again and complete the task. © Circle the items of food you have eaten in the last three days. © Underline the items you really like. © Cross out the items you don't like very much. Compare with a partner. What Items of food are always on your shopping list? PRONUNCIATION 1 © 220 Listen and repeat the words in column A and column B. Notice the vowel sounds in red. A B alettuce Anut borin \_2beens chicken “3 lemon d sardines 4soup mushroom S spinach 2 ©25) Match a word from column A with a word from column B according to the red vowel sounds. Listen and check your answers. Which word do you find the most difficult to say? i — READING & VOCABULARY 1 Read this recipe website. Check (¥/) the dishes you would like to try. Put a cross (x) next to the ‘ones you wouldn't like to try. eggplant click on the dish to see the complete recipe Stuffed eggplant «++» slice in half, grill, and add meat and cheese Eggplant Stew» peel and add to a meat stew, boil until fully cooked Eggplant Rice «+ « «x slice and mix with brown rice Baked Eggplant + «++ bake the eggplant in the oven in their skin Sugared Eggplant « «+ « sprinkle brown sugar and broil for ten minutes Fried Eggplant «***« chop and fry in butter and garlic Eggplant Salad ++ +++ add oil and eat raw as part of a vegetable salad 2 Read the list of dishes again and note down words which describe a. different ways of preparing food (pee, ..) b different ways of cooking food (boii, ..) one word meaning not cooked 3 Write down the name of your favorite dish. Think about these questions. © What ingredients do you need? © How do you prepare the ingredients? © How do you cook the ingredients? Tell a partner about your favorite dish. SPEAKING: ANECDOTE 1 © 2:2 Listen to Josh talking about the healthiest person he knows. Underline the correct information. Whois the healthiest person you know? My uncle / cousin. b How old is he? He's 36 / 26. ‘© What does he do for a living? He's training to be an army officer / a naval officer. 1d What does he look like? He's tall and stim / tall and well built. e t What does he do to stay healthy and in great shape? He goes to the gym / runs up mountains. What kind of food does he eat? He eats a high-calorie / vegetarian diet. 9. Has he ever been unhealthy or in bad shape? He used to be really lazy / very unhealthy. 2 You are going to tell your partner about the healthiest person you know. © Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1. ‘© Think about what to say and how to say it. © Tell your partner about the healthiest person you know. cae READING 1 Read three descriptions of people's first cars. Match each description (a-c) with one of the cars (1-3). he) www. Your First Car Tell about your first car in the comments below, And don't forget to post a picture! eee Sally Yates used to havea tebe Fit 500. Oh, loved hat Car twas so much un. We used Ive inh ly Center, 0h car was perfect forcing hough the narrow sets. And someting fl of almost evry tie went outin®. remember when the winds ‘prs ef nthe malo stor, Tho sino! ‘also leaked so we only drove ion sunny days. | miss that car. Modem cars don't have any character. ae Rob Porter | won my fst car in a competion ~ a sot-top Porsche in bright yellow. Ithad a very powerful car engine for ‘a young guy lke me! remember ithad back esther seats. Every weekend, we used to go down to the coast and just drive around. One day, | parked it wth the roof down inthe sun. The saats were SO hot we couldnt stint untl the sun went down, One day it simply stopped working. i's ill the best car Ive ever had — and Im forty now! g Cecilia Suarez IMy fist car was originally my brother's. He used to love that car, but then he moved overseas and so the car became mine. It was a ed BMW from 1874, Iwas already old when | got! And it wasn't big cat, remember one weekend we went othe cty with some friends. There were about six of usin the car. And because the trunk was so small, we put the bags on the root. Of course, when we goto the city the bags weren't in great shape — and a couple ware ‘not there! We used to have @ good time in that car — | wondoe where itis now! 2 Answer the questions. '@ Which car was very old? Which car had black seats? Which car lost its windscreen wipers? Which car had a powerful engine? Which car had a leaking sunroof? Which car had a small trunk? 3. What was the first car you drove? Or what was the first car you remember going in as a child? Describe it to your partner. En VOCABULARY | Find the names of six parts of a car in the descriptions on page 96. windshield wiper, 2 Imagine you are going to buy a new car. Put the features in the box into a table according to how important you think they are. Compare with a partner. air conditioning easy topark economical torun environmentally friendly good sound system sunroof large trunk leather seats_made in my country nice color powerful engine satellite navigation system Important Not important easy to park airconditioning GRAMMAR 1 Look at these extracts from the texts on page 96. Match each underlined verb structure with a description. used to + Infinitive 2 Every weekend, we used to 1 asingle action in the past [water used tobe slim drive down to the coast ... He didn’t use to eat much. b weekend, we went to the city... 2 a repeated action in the past Did he use to ride a bike? © Lused tohave alittle blue Fiat 500. 3a state in the past ves.he did. No, he din’ Is it possible to use used to + infinitive to talk about a single action in the past? 2 Look at the sentences. Where possible, replace the simple past with used to or didn’t use to+ infinitive. When | was a child, ‘2 myparents had a big old car. my parents used to have abig old car my mother drove me to school every day. [didn’t like going on long trips. | got car sick. one summer we went to Arizona on a camping trip. my father never washed the car. It always looked dirty. ‘my.parents sold the car and bought a smaller one. Change the sentences so that they are true for you. Compare your sentences with a partner. : 2M Grammar Extra 10, Part 2 the exercises. SPEAKING: ANECDOTE 1 © 23) Listen to Patti talking about her dream car. Underline the correct information. 2 What kind of car is it? A Chevrolet / Jaguar. Is it a modern car, or is it an old model? It’s old / new. What color is it? It's light blue / black. What's it like inside? It’s small / spacious. What kind of seats does it have? Red leather / Brown leather. What kind of music do you listen to in your car? Classical / Elvis. Who would you like to take in your car? My friends / George Clooney. Where would you like to go? Along the coast / Down Fifth Avenue 2 You are going to tell your partner about your dream car. © Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1 © Think about what to say and how to say it. ‘© Tell your partner about your dream car. LANGUAGE FOR LIFE 1. Read and match the conversations (a-c) with the pictures (1-3). a A; Hey, what do you think of the guy over there with a blue shirt on? 5: Un= nes Okt he's pam cof soup/ es a choca, A: Good - he's mine. No, I can't. It’s too difficult No, it isn't. t's Come on. : No, no. Help! I'm going to fall over. RPE What was it ike? : Oh, no, | guess you won't go there again, then. Pee 2 Underline the correct alternative to complete the highlighted expressions. (2.4 Listen to the conversations and check your answers. 3. Match the expressions (a-c) with their meanings (1-3). 2 It's not my cup of tea. 1 It's really easy. b It’sa piece of cake. ue it was very crowded. © We were packed in like sardines. 3 It’s not something ike or enjoy. 4 Replace the underlined phrases with expressions from the conversations. I think that learning English is really easy. b Ihate places where you are with lots of other people. ¢ Going clubbing is not something | enjoy. (© 235 Listen, check, and repeat the sentences. Are the sentences true or false for you? Compare with a partner. LIFE SKILLS: Self-Knowledge Do You Have a Healthy Lifestyle? 1 Look at the healthy activities below. Check (/) the activities that you do regularly and put a cross (2) if you don't do the activity regularly. ride a piel] goforawaik(] gotorarunl] eat heatthiy] gototheaymL] piayasportL] drink ts of water] get a good steep] Compare with a partner. Decide what you will do to lead a healthier lifestyle. HfIgo for a run every day, I'l feel better. 2 Look at the unhealthy activiti cross (%) if you don't do the a Ww. Check (/) the activities that you do regularly and put a ity regularly. smoke(] drink alcool] worktlate(] eatheatthiy(] eat snacks] drive everywhereL] eat ast food] get poor sleep] ‘Compare with a partner. Decide what you will do to lead a healthier lifestyle. Hl stop snacking, Illlose weight. 3. Compare your answers in exercises 1 and 2. Do you have a more healthy or unhealthy i ‘Share with a partner. MACMILLAN a LIFE SKILLS Cars Match the pictures with the parts of a car. 5 _ bumper —— seat tire emergency brake seatbelt —_ trunk headlights —— steering wheel wheel hood stick shift windshield license plate __ sunroof windshield wipers Work with a partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. What's this? It’s the stick shift What are these? They're headlights. Focus on words used with driving 1 Match the two sentence halves to complete the definitions of the words and expressions in bold. ‘If you give somebody a ride, 1. when most people are going to or from work. b Ifyou get stuck inatraticjam, ~——~2 you take them somewhere in your car. © Therush hour is the period of the day 3. you speed up and go past them If you run out of gas, 4 it stops working and you can't use it © If you pass somebody, 5 you can't drive because there is too much traffic. { Ifyour car breaks down, 6 you have no more gas, and the car slows down and stops. Complete the questions with the words in the box. down gas hour jams passing ride Do you drive fast and enjoy ___passina __other cars? Has your car ever broken? When was the last time youran out of. Do you always go to work/school inthe rush? Are there a lot of traffic in your city? Have you evergivena____— to ahitchhiker? seance Ask and answer the questions with your partner. unit 10 |99_ READING & SPEAKING 4 How do you feel about animals? Read the opinions below. Which do you agree/disagree with? x tim detitio Lats colatrato World Aral Day and remember we need to do more to protect ‘animals. Share your thoughts on how we gina richardson ®9)92°°% ‘Animals areas important as humans, and thay have tobe treated inthe same way. eurle lim acurcim «2 008 ar terrible for animals ~ the Conditions are horrible. We need to lose all 2008 and release all the animals back int the wil ‘gary mackay os ‘We have to stop wearing animal products. don wear anything made form leather or fur. We need to lve with animals, not wear them, John fenna 30 ‘Some animals are very dangerous — tke ‘igers an sharks. Sometimes human salety has to come frst. So we need to protect ourselves frst sara pascoe =! We raed sop anal testing for cosmetics I's no far to mice or rats they are ued to test products Ike lipstick. 2 Work in small groups. ene Cece ue Mua 3 Tell the class about your discussions. Javier and Cristina think zoos are fun to visit, but | think they're depressing and unnatural. Peet ee ns ees PRL Dee ee Wea eee Deu meme Sey LISTENING 1 Look at the animals and insects in the pictures. Which ones do you like or dislike? Tell a partner. | hate bate. dolphin mouse (mice) Pi 236 Listen to the interviews with Ricardo, Alicia, and Hank. Check (/) the animals in Exercise 1 that they mention. te eX 2 L 3 ome? again and underline the correct alternative. a. Ricardo is allergic to eats / dogs. «Alicia is terrified of frogs / bats. b Ricardo is interested in wild plants / wild birds. e Hank is fascinated by all insects / all animals. © Alicia is crazy about horses / mice. {Hank is afraid of humans / wild animals. Rewrite the sentences using names of people in the class. How many true sentences can you make? ‘Ask questions to check. VOCABULARY 1 Add the correct preposition. Then complete the sentences to make some true and some false statements about yourself. eerie a lvenever been crazy about soccer. © I know several people who are allergic b I'mnot very interested eee © My parents are fascinated {Im absolutely terrified When Iwas a child, | was afraid 2 Read your partner's statements from Exercise 1 and guess which statements are true and which are false. VOCABULARY 1 Test your knowledge of animals! Match the animals (a-f) with their defining characteristics (1-6). a Anelephant 1. is an animal that can last longer without water than a camel. b Adolphin 2 is ananimal that can run at 100 kilometers per hour, © Acheetah 3. isan insect that can lift 50 times its own weight. d Agiraffe 4 isan animal that can smell water 15 kilometers away. e Anant 5 isan animal that can live to be 200 years old. f Atortoise 6 isan animal that can recognize its own image in a mirror. Work in small groups. You have three minutes. Try to list an animal or an insect for each letter of the alphabet. A:ant B:bird C:cheetah —D: dog READING & VOCABULARY Amazing Animal Stories a aCe uae ecu we | aA Fluffy Tail Covet, 42 We live in a wooded area. There are many animals in our backyard, like squirrels and raccoons. It was a summer's day and | was doing the laundry. It was hot, so | opened all the windows. Then my sister called. | was talking to her and putting the clothes in the dryer at the same time. Suddenly, | realized that the clothes were moving and ... out came a squirrel! The poor creature looked a ttle confused, But he got up and. walked away — with a very flufy tail. | check for animals in the dryer now! b Going Bananas Sram Aton years ago, | ved near an animal sanctuary. They looked alter sick or unwanted animals. | sometimes. tisited, as | ko animals. One summer weekend ie the ktchen window sighty open because it was very hot and ai about 4am. heard a teriblenlee downstairs, | thought twas a burglar! | went downetar, What aimoss! A small monkey wae n our house! He was running around everywhere. He even opened te kitchen cupboards and ate the food! The monkey had followed me back home and managed to get in the house through the kitchen window. What a mess o clea! ¢ ALong Way Home fey, 39 My brother, Tommy, lives twelve miles away. He often goes away on business and he asks me to keep an ‘eye on his pet bird —i's a bright yellow canary called Toots. Tommy was going away on a tip, so | agreed to {ake Toots, On the second day, | decided to clean Tools’ cage, s0 I et the bird out to fly around. The window was open, and Toots disappeared, For the rest of the week, I searched and searched, but Toots was gone. My brother arrived home and | had to tell him the bad news. But my brother just laughed. "She's not lost — I'm looking at her right now.” he said. Yes, the bird was at Tommy's house. | was so relieved! } Read the stories again. Are these sentences true or false? Colette lives in an area with a lot of trees. The squirrel left after his experience in the dryer. Samantha worked in a safe place for sick or unwanted animals. She thought a thief was making a noise downstairs. Ricky often travels away from home on business. Tommy asked Ricky to take care of his pet monkey. seance 3. Replace the underlined words and expressions in Exercise 2 with words and expressions from the stories. a a ‘Two sentences can combine to make one sentence using a relative Pronoun. In each new sentence, cross out the relative pronoun which Is : | know a woman. She's two not possible. Lies AA vet is a person. He/She treats sick animals. | know a woman who's / A vet is a person that / which / who treats sick animals. Stats tro movers tal: Anhorse is an animal. It sleeps standing up. We live in an apartment. A horse is an animal that / which / who sleeps standing up. It’s too small for us. We live in an apartment Complete the rules with that, which, and who. ea ie Anas te You use (1) for people You use (2) for things, Use whten for tno. You can use (3) for people or things. Use that for things snd people Use that to combine these sentences. I've got a dog. It likes going for long walks. I've got a car. It isn't very easy to park. I've got a sister. She works in a store, I've got an espresso machine. It makes great coffee. I've got a friend. He lives in Panama, I"ve got some shoes. They are tao small for me. Replace that with which or who in your sentences a-f. Which sentences are true for you? Correct these ungrammatical definitions by crossing out the unnecessary word. person who she treats sick animals the only animal ~ apart from humans ~ which it gets sunburn a word to describe people who they are afraid of spiders person who he studies birds the scientist who he developed the theory of evolution the largest animal that it has ever lived Match these words (1-6) with the definitions above. arachnophabic Charles Darwin an ornithologist aig avet a blue whale Student A:page 124 Student B: page 129 page 150. Read the explanation and do the exercises. PRONUNCIATION 1 7 Listen and repeat the word pairs (a-d). What do you notice about the pronunciation of each pair? eeu a bare/bear_ Sir or Madam / a b dear/deer [2 a Christmas tree / hair that covers some animals fir/tur 3 empty or undressed / a large animal with thick fur (.. a panda) _ tail/tale 4 a cat has a long one / an imaginative story 2 Match the words (a-d) with their meanings (1-4). In your language, do you have words that sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings? LISTENING 4 ©238 Listen to Tim, Gus, and Maxine talking about their pets. Which questions does the interviewer ask? 2 Can you describe your pet? Who takes care of him/her when you go away? b What does he/she eat? e Do you and your pet look alike? cc Ishe/she a good companion? £ Ifyou were an animal, what would you like to be? 2 Check (V) the characteristics that you think Tim, Gus, and Maxine mentioned to describe their pets. 2 He's/She's a good companion. / e He/She keeps me in shape because we go out b He/She listens to my problems. for walks. © He/She makes me laugh. {He/She looks cool d_ He/She scares people away. ‘9 He/She enjoys doing the same things as me. hy He/She gives me unconditional love. Listen to the interviews again and check your 3. Which of the characteristics in Exercise 2 would you look for in a pet? Which of these characteristics would you look for ina person? Discuss with a partner. nswers. Look at this question from the interview on page 104, Answer the questions. If were an animal, Vd be a tiger. He'd stop working it he won the lottery. Hiner nian teow?) OL ithe question about ea stuation or an maghnaystuation? yp ag Is the question about now or the past? -. What tense is used in the if-clause? Replace the word animal in the table above with words in the box and/or your own ideas. Ask your partner the questions. acar a color ~~ a famous person Af a fictional character ‘S - a month ~ Complete these “moral dilemmas” with the correct verb form. If you (find) a wallet in the street with $20, would you give the wallet to the police, but keep the cash? If you saw somebody acting in a suspicious way, (you call) the police or go away quickly? Ifa sales clerk (give) you too much change, would you keep the money? Ifa friend left their bag at your house, (you look) through it? Work in small groups. Discuss your answers to each “moral dilemma.” What other “moral dilemmas” can you think of? page 150. Read the explanation and do the exercises. 239 Listen to Mandy talking about her friend's pet. Underline the correct information. What kind of animal is it? An iquana / alligator. Who is its owner? Angus / Anton. What's its name? Indiana / Iggy. How old is it? About five / fifteen. What does it look like? It’s green and almost a meter tong / ‘gray and very small. Where does it sleep? At the top of a closet / the drapes. What does it eat? Meat / Vegetables. How does it get exercise? It goes for walks in the park / uns around in the backyard. You are going to tell your partner about your pet / a pet you know. ‘Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1. Think about what to say and how to say it. Tell your partner about the pet LANGUAGE FOR LIFE 1 © 2.40 Read and listen to four telephone conversations. Who's going to take care of Mona this weekend? @ Sarah: Hi, Mom! Mom: — Hello, Sarah. Could you take care of Mona this weekend? Mom: — Sorry, | can't. We're going to Las Vegas this weekend. OK, never mind. Hi, Sarah. How are you? Fine, thanks, but I've got a little problem. Oh, what's the matter? Nothing serious, but do you think you could take care of Mona this weekend? Rod: Mona? Oh, I'd really like to help, but I'm afraid I can’t. I'm working this weekend, Ok, no problem. Hi, Aunt Wanda. Hello, Sarah. What can | do for you? Sarah: I'm going away for the weekend. Would you mind taking care of Mona for me? ‘Aunt W: Oh. I'm afraid | can't. I'm, er, busy this weekend. Sarah: _OK, don't worry. See you soa Hello, Mrs. Harvey. It’s Sarah. Hello, Sarah. How are you? Fine, thank you. How are you? Oh, not too bad, dear. Mrs, Harvey, 'm going away this, weekend and I was wondering if you could take care of Mona for me. Mona? Oh, yes, that's no problem atall That's wonderfull Can I take her out of her cage? \ ‘ \ V, ~S 2. Read the conversations again and complete the table. fering a_(1) Could you take care of Mona? Sorry, can't. Never mind. b_ Would you mind taking care of Mona? 2) OK, don’t worry. c (3) _ (4) OK, no problem. d_ | was wondering if you could take care of Mona. | (5) (6) oe © 24) Listen and repeat the expressions. 3. Work with a partner. Choose a situation and write a conver: of the expressions. Practice your conversation. tion using some LIFE SKILLS: Giving Opinions Animals: Use or Abuse? 1. Look at the animals below. Work together with a partner and think about how humans use these animals. Make a list for each one. iacow 2 adog 3asheep 4 ahorse for milk asa sheep dog for wool for horse riding or for agriculture activities 2 © 242 Look at the expressions below for giving your opinion ~ either agreeing or objecting. Work in pairs. Give your opinions about the uses you listed. Listen to some examples. Cae) Crores) That seems okay to me. | completely disagree, There's nothing wrong with .. “It’s completely wrong to... It sounds alright “It’s terrible to... i Animals 1 Match the pictures and names of the baby animals with the adult animals. akitten_:acat adog sa horse :acow :ahen a sheep SOLES 2 Work with a partner. Cover the words and pictures. Ask and answer questions. Insects 1. Match the pictures with the common insects. anant__4 cockroach a spider abee afly__ awasp a butterfly a mosquito WO IT ee 2 Work with your partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. Focus on that 1 Complete the table with the examples in the box. Look at that car. It's going too fast. That's all right. The woman that called me spoke French, What's that strange noise? Where are the pictures that were on my desk? Yes, that's right. Steers Pees a that(+noun) to refer toa | Who's that gir!? | don’t know. I've never seen her before. (1) What's person or thing NOT near you | that strange noise? (2) b that = relative pronoun It's an insect that makes honey. (3)____——_—¢a) © Expressions with that Hi, This is Jo. ls that Tanya? (5) “You're Chilean, aren't you?” "(6)" forgot my homework.” ring it 2 Write your own example sentences for each use of that. IH] Incredible READING 1 Read two “incredible but true” stories. In both stories, a sentence is missing. Match sentences a and bwith a story, then put the sentence in the appropriate position: 1, 2, or 3. a Paul had planned to take another flight, but the airline canceled it, so he took this flight. b Especially as Lucy's parents had decided on a different hospital, but Lucy came a little early and there had been no time to get there. Als this seat taken? Paul Davis and Stan James started talking. They were sitting next to each ther on a flight to London from Auckland. Paul was going home; Stan ‘was going on holiday. The flight attendant thought they were brothers as they looked alike. (1) They were both tall, with brown eyes, and long bushy beards. They all laughed at the mistake. But as they chatted about their childhood it became clear that they didn't just look like brothers ~ they could actually be brothers, They were both adopted, and were never able to find their older/younger brother, What an incredible coincidence! Stan had ‘changed his seat because of a family who wanted to sit together. (2) A DNA, test a month or so later proved it. (8) The brothers had found each other. Stan now goes on holiday to New Zealand every year to visit his farily! B It’s our birthday After Lucy and Stevie met they decided to have a first date in a local restaurant. They were the same age, had some of the same interests, and lived quite close to each other. The date went well, so Stevie asked her if she wanted to go out the following Friday. (1) It was his birthday, but he had nothing planned. Then she said she couldn't because it was her birthday on Friday as well! As they talked, they also realized they were bom in the same hospital at about the same time, Incredible! (2) They saw it as fate. (3) They were married last year, and are expecting their first child 2 ©243 Listen and check your answers. 3 Are the following statements true or false? Paul and Stan were friends traveling together. False The flight attendant thought they were brothers. Stan had changed his seat. Lucy and Stevie went on a date. Lucy and Steve were born in different hospitals. They are going to have a baby. + SRM Sat sees 5 Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. © Have you ever read or heard about “incredible but true” stories like the stories in Exercise 1? ‘© Do you know any people (couples, friends, co-workers, family) who have met in a strange way? © Have any strange coincidences ever happened to you? = Cee aa) TPAC Era Sree ene ar 90, have, make, and take. The weather. Language for Life: Exclaiming GRAMMAR 1 Work with a partner. Look at this sentence from one of the stories on page 108 and discuss the questions. Paul had planned to take another fight, but the airline canceled it. ‘8 Which verb is in the simple past? Which is in the past perfect? b Which tense shows clearly that one past event happened before the other past event? & How do you form these two past tenses? Complete the table. Affirmative Negative Question Simple past the airline canceledit (1) ______(@) Past perfect Paulhadplanned © (3)___—— (a) 2. Imeach sentence pair, underline the action that happened fi 2 1 Thad breakfast when I got to work this morning. 2 Id had breakfast when | got to work this morning, 1 When I got home yesterday, my mom made dinner. 2 When I got home yesterday, my mom had made dinner. © 1 When | started learning English, 'd been to the USA several times. a i When | started learning English, | went to the USA several times. This lesson started when | arrived. 2 This lesson had started when | arrived, 1 You He She'd (had) worked. it we They Had you worked? Yes, had. No, | had You can use already in a past perfect sentence to make it clearer which action happened first. Rewrite the past perfect sentences above with already. Are any of the sentences true for you? a 2 Idalready had breakfast when | got to work this morning, 3 Think about times that you have felt some of the emotions below. Remember what had happened to make you feel that way. | completely relaxed / a little depressed When was the last | felt/ | embarrassed / really scared time you were | very angry / sick / sad | really tied / worried Tell your partner. ‘The last time I felt really tired was on Saturday. Id been out till 5:00 a.m. What had happened? What had you done? 4 page 152. Read the explanation and do the exercises. VOCABULARY 1 Underline the collocations with have, make, and take in the stories on page 108. ‘Then complete these statements with collocations from the box. have a good time havedinner make a promise make money take pictures 1__have dinner The press shouldn't ‘The only reason to get a job is to You should never We always at eight o'clock every night. if you can't keep it. when we visit our friends in New York. of famous people without their permission. READING 1 You are going to read about special hotels around the world. Match the pictures (1-4) with the reviews (a-d). Pierce eG | This place is perfect for dog-lovers like me. It's a very small bed and breakfast place. There are only two rooms available for guests! I's located in Idaho and is built of wood. It was builtin the shape of a huge beagle! It has become a landmark in the state and I can see why! Come and experience a different type of hotel. The first capsule hotel was builtin (Osaka, but these efficient hotels are all over the region. Each capsule is built on top of another, and a night costs about $50. There isn’t much space, but you have everything you need — a bed, TV, ete. The male and female rooms are often separated on different floors. It's very cozy! This hotel is great for watching the Northern Lights. It’s located in the Arctic Circle. it was builtin the forest and it was designed with huge windows to enjoy the lights from the comfort of your own room. It was built next to Santa Park. So, if you want to have some Christmas fun you don't have to go far. love the books and movies, so I'd love to stay here. Its located near the Waitomo Caves, two hours from Auckland. The rooms were specially designed to look like & Hobbit’s home, with Hobbit-style décor and furniture. Not great for tall people, true, but great for Hobbit fans like me! 2 Work with a partner. Answer the questions about the hotels. 1 Inwhich hotel can you see the Northern Lights? 2 Which hotel is based on a series of books and movies? 3 Where was the first capsule hotel built? 4 Which hotel has a special place for dogs? What's the best or worst hotel you've ever stayed in? Tell your partner. ee GRAMMAR 1 Look at the table and decide if the statements (ac) are true or false. Active Passive subject verb object subject verb ‘Somebody built the first capsule hotel in Osaka, The first capsule hotel was built in Osaka. subject verb object subject verb ‘Something separates the male and female rooms. The male and female rooms are separated. a. The object of an active sentence becomes the subject of a passive sentence. You make the passive with the correct form of be (is, was, etc.) + | English is spoken here. a past participle (made, used, etc.). Rome wasn't built in a day. © You can use passive verb structures to talk about actions when it doesn’t matter (or you don't know) who performed them. Metin eae Ne tee Yes, they were. / No, they weren't. 2 Complete the questions and answers. a __Was___ your house built before 1980? Yes, it__was No, it__wasni b __Were your shoes designed in Italy? Yes, they No, they ¢ ___Is your salary paid by check? Yes, No, q you invited to any parties last week? e your name spelled the same in English? ' your cell phone made in Japan? (© 24 Listen, check, and repeat. 3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2. ises. BM Grammar Extra 12, Part 2 SPEAKING: ANECDOTE 1 ©245 Listen to Curro talking about the most incredible building he's ever seen. Underline the correct information. What is the most incredible building you've ever seen? The Colosseum / Alhambra. Where is it? In the South of Spain / Rome. When did you first see this building? When | was eighteen / Two years ago. When was it built? In the 13th or 14th century / Five years ago. Can you describe it? The style is Moorish / It's a modern building. What is so incredible about it? The location / interior design. 9 How many times have you been there? Only once / Four times. se ance 2 You are going to tell your partner about the most incredible building you've ever seen. © Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1. ‘© Think about what to say and howto say © Tell your partner about the most incredible building you've ever seen, se VOCABULARY & LISTENING 1 Complete the table with the appropriate words. “6: Mite 0: i> = ~, os i. Py) oo > “FIN ee * % (sun cloud ® fog 6 snow © 3 2 ies sunny, It’s Ws rainy/ It's Wswindy, It's Its stormy. sy Wstinesary. (2) wet. @ snowing. & g ttswarm/ __ttsraining, _. Its cold/ BE hot. ies dul, freezing. Se a 2 Read the winter weather forecast for the North Pole. Underline the most likely information. Be eum RU Today wil start off extremely (1) Wat /BBIG with temperatures of (2) ns 13 / minus 30 cegrees Celsius. It will be very (3) watm / windy in the afternoon, and it will probably (4) Falin / later on. It will be (5) dak / Suinny all day. Tomorrow will be the same, and the next day, and the day after. Next week might be a litle bit (6) waemer / e6lder, but not much. (© 2% Listen and check your answers. will and might for inter, spring, or summer for your own er eg country by replacing the highlighted words in Exercise 2. Ask a partner to read your weather forecast and guess the season. 3 Invent a weather forecast for fall, It'll definitely be dry. I think itl be sunny, It might be cloudy. GRAMMAR 1 don't think it'll rain, It definitely won't 1 Complete these predictions about the weather with the word in parentheses. f,ae72 ‘a The south definitely have better weather than the north. (will) will happen The south will definitely have better weather than the north. ¥¥¥¥¥ (won't will not) b Tomorrow probably be warmer than today. (will) we cI think we have a lot of snow next winter. (will) v train later today. (might) might happen . Idon’t think there be any storms tomorrow. (will) * £ It probably be so sunny tomorrow. (won't) xxx 9 It definitely freeze tomorrow. (won't) wane won't happen Rewrite the sentences so they are true for where you live. Compare with your partner. 2 Work with your partner. Use words and phrases in the box to complete the predictions (a-f) about people in the class. definitely Idon'tthink Ithink might probably will won't a ___retire by the age of sixty. © ____set up and run a company. Ricardo will probably retire by the age a travel around the world. of sixty. e write a famous song. b live and work ina foreign country. f have five or more children. I don't think Rosa will live and work ina foreign country. Read out your predictions and see if people agree or disagree with you. eee vc | READING & SPEAKING 1 Read the article. Do you think their predictions are likely or unlikely? i=l ae sitet Appearance It's pretty easy to say that in twenty years you will look older. Thats for sure, And if you want to know what you wil ook like, just take look at pictures of your mother ‘rather. And yes, that's what you wil look tke. OF ‘course, you might pay for plastic surgery, but in the end everybody gets ol Health Most people will get at least one major ilness over their life, And break at least one bone. But most of us will recover. So, for most of us, we will fel fine until we get to our mid-60s. Of course, some of you might have more problems than others, but I'l make a fair prediction that ‘most of you reading this will reach the age of 65 in good health Friends You wil have fewer friends in the future ~i’s nota bad thing, itdoesn't mean you are unpopular! I's just life. At school or ccollage or in your frst job, you'l have many friends. But as life goes on, and our family grows, our group of friends get smaller. You might think that's a good thing! sports iS Ty Predicting your life? ABC News 08 May 10:16 A.M, Hadley Prince Everyone likes to think they are unique, but actually we can predict people’s lives reasonably accurately. Read on, and see if our predictions make sense to you Pets ‘You will have the same pets, at the same time, as your parents. Kids who grow up in a house with a dog will be ‘most likely to have a dog. Same for cats. Of course, you ‘might not lv in a place where pets are allowed. But it you have a backyard, you won't be able to resist Travel You will travel farther, but less often, than you hope. There will be a couple of trips to the other side of the world ~ maybe your honeymoon and when you retire, but when you have a young family and a fulltime job, you won't be traveling as much as you want, Two weeks fa year is the average. Sorry. Money Easy prediction, You'll never think you have enough, Love ‘The statistics say that, on average, you wil fallin love twice. And be heartbroken once. You will need tissues. 2 Think about the topics in the box below and use the sentence beginnings to write about your life in the future. Discuss your ideas with your partner. LANGUAGE FOR LIFE 1 © 24 Listen to the conversation between Alma and Betty and underline the topics In the box that they talk about. ‘A: Oh, look at that dress. B: It's (1 very pretty, isn't it? A: It's (2) absolutely gorgeous! B: It costs $7,500. ‘A: What? That's (3) B: I know. It's (4) Oh, is that George Clooney? expensive, ridiculous! A: Yes. Oh, my gosh! He looks (5) tired, B: Tired? He looks (6) exhausted! A: And look at his suit. It's not (7) nice. B: It’s (8) awfull What's happened B: It's (9) big. Az It’s (10) ‘enormous! Who does it belong to? B: Er... Cristiano Ronaldo. A: Who's he? B: That great soccer player! ... Ahh. Look at the girl. She's (11) cute, ‘A: She's (12) adorable! Who's her mom? B: Angelina Jolie. A: That's (13) look anything like them. strange. She doesn't incredible! to him? B: | know! It's (14) A: I don't know. .. Oh, that house is beautiful. 2 Complete the conversation with very or absolutely. Listen again and check your answers 3 © 243 Listen and repeat the expressions. Notice and practice the intonation. It’s very pretty. It's absolutely gorgeous! That's very expensive. It’s absolutely ridiculous! He looks very tired. He looks absolutely exhausted! It’s not very nice. It's absolutely awful! It’s very big. It's absolutely enormous! She's very cute. She's absolutely adorable! That's very strange. It's absolutely incredible! eseance 4 Work with a partner. Complete the table with the ppropriate adjectives from the box. 5 Imagine Alma and Betty are looking at a different page in their magazines. Continue their conversation using the adjectives in Exercises 3 and 4 or your own ideas. Practice the conversation. LIFE SKILLS: Achieving Goals In Five Years 1 What do you want to achieve in the next five years? Complete the table with your goals. fires My goal My goal is My goal is | will achieve this by: 1 | will achieve this by: 4 | will achieve this by: 1 2 2 2 2 How can you achieve your goals? Complete the table with two ideas. . 3 Tell your partner about your goals. How many of them are similar? a EE LIFE SKILLS pe LIFE SKILLS Weather 1 Match the pictures with the words. Noun Adjective breeze breezy cloud _—______ drizzly Noun Adjective rain fo humidity sun) hot stormy indy 2 Complete the Noun and Adjective columns. 3 Look at the different ways of saying how hot or cold it is. Write a temperature in °C to show what each term means to you. freezing ——> coldjchilly ——> not very warm > warm ——> hot ——> boiling boiling = over 30°C Focus on do, get, go, have, make, take 1 Complete the collocation tables with the verbs in the box. do get go have make take a __aet better changed dressed lost married b ______ agood time dinner fun an idea lunch © _____ abus a picture an exam responsibility risks 2 Look in your dictionary. Find another collocation for each verb. a decision living a promise mistakes money research some homework the dishes the housework the shopping crazy for a coffee for a walk home skiing ere in| GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences with wil (future). ‘a Jim (help) _will help you with your work. (Sara be) here again tomorrow? b The doctor (not have) time to see d_ They (not eat) at that restaurant again. you today. e (you see) Liz later? 2 Underline the correct conjunctions. ‘a If / When he likes the company, he'll take d_ If / When you go to bed, please put the job. the cat outside. b If/ When they finish dinner, they'll go home. © As soon as / Ifit rains today, I'll stay inside. © You'll see our house in front of you as soon. Don’t worry ~ I'll call you as soon as / if as / if you turn the corner. get home. 3. Where possible, replace the simple past with used to / didn’t use to + infinitive. When | was a child... ‘a [lived in an apartment. | used to live in an c Iwona dance competition. apartment. d_ my family didn’t watch TV. b_ broke my arm. eI didn't like classical music. Write down three things you used to do, Make one of them false. Can your partner quess which one is false? 4 Use who or which to combine the sentences. ‘a She has a cat. it never stops eating. ‘c Where are the eggs? They were in the refrigerator. She has a cat which never stops eating. Those are the people. They bought my old house. b Ihave a friend, She lives in Peru. She has a son. He's a doctor. 5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs. ‘A: What (1 you do) would you do if you (2 win) $10 million? B: | think I (3 buy) a new car and a new house. What about you? A: IF 1 (4 win) $10 million, 1(5 get) acar too, but I (6 not buy) a new house. | like our house now. (7 you give) ‘any money to me? Maybe. Why? Because if | (8 have) ‘A: Ahh. You're so nice. 6 Read the story and number the events (a-f) in order (1-6). Yesterday, Mike had a bad day. He woke up late, and his wife had already gone to work. He got dressed and rushed to the train station, but when he got to the station, the train had left and he had missed it. He had an important meeting at 10:00. But when he got to work, the meeting had already started. any money, | (9 give) you half of it. ‘a. Mike arrived at the train station. The train left the station. b Mike's wife went to work. 1 Mike woke up. c The meeting started. £ Mike arrived at work. 7 Write questions in the past passive. a your car / make / in Brazil ? d_ your jacket / design / by Armani ? Was your car made in Brazil? e watch / make / in Japan ? b your house / build / in the 20th century ? your computer / manufacture / in China ? © your shoes / make / in Argentina ? ‘Answer the questions. Compare with your partner. VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with the words and expressions in the box. abrisk walk agoodnetwork aheaithy-life extended family ina hurry in shape 2 Fora healthy life, | eat well and exercise often. d_ I should slow down. I'm always b Ihave a big e It’s important to have of friends. ¢ lalways go for ___after lunch. £ Ido martial arts to keep ___. Check (/) the statements that are true for you. Compare with a partner. 2 Put the words in the box in three groups. beans chicken coffee garlic lettuce nuts onion orange peach. sausage shrimp soup tomato trout Fruit and vegetables Meat and fish Other beans 3 Complete the words in the recipe for healthy roast potatoes. 1 Peel and wash the potatoes. B ol | them for ten minutes. 2 Ch_p some garlic and mix it with some olive oil. 3. P_tthe olive oil and garlic in the bottom of a dish. 4 S\_c__the potatoes and put them in the olive oil in the dish, 5 B_k_ them in the oven for an hour and a half. 4 Underline the correct preposition. a I'mterrified on / of snakes. _ I'mallergic of / to strawberries. b_ I'mnot really crazy about / of tennis. fe I'mnot afraid of / by spiders, but | don't c I'm very interested in / of old French movies. like them. Check (/) the statements that are true for you. Compare with your partner. 5 Complete the questions with take or make. @ Would you prefer to__make __ money or have a job you love? b Doyou____risks, or are you careful? c Do you ever promises that you couldn't keep? d Do you great pictures? ‘Answer the questions. Compare with your partner. PRONUNCIATION 1 Look at some words from Units 10-12. Say the words and add them to the table. afraid animal arrive dangerous enjoy fitness gardening healthy lettuce _ politics promise rainy relax sardine terrified fitness afraid animal 2 Underline the stressed syllable. (© 249 Listen, check, and repeat. Ea READING & LISTENING 1 ©250Read the article and match the animals and the place. a giraffe 1 Churchill manatee ~_ 2 aro b © polar bear 3. Bahamas ¢ pig 4 Florida e duck 5 the Cotswolds Cy Mw etd am ay [Swimming|With\The Pigs Den be alarmed you might be ond by sone interesting guest fo -n, reing ne beau ear waters ofthe Bahamas ad lok. i's breakfast Gila Mana Yes, ts unique ote ner Nain Kenge, a suning pl Yes, near the oul ray sland you can see the famous Gras are eo jon you frame They can sticker ec trough Caribbean svmning ps. These pigs ve on hom san, wth js ew the vndows and ext of our plate, The oll us aspecl graf rogram goal and cats for company yo need oie local tour ude take hich ele restroducehe anal nto the wid You ove tothe land You can ed the pigs, but wach ut fr ther sea creatures — ke nurse sharks! aw abut ling onthe dct of your el nS Petersburg, Fi, and spoting a ater mana? Manatees, ao soneines cle ea cvs ae 2 sage and vender mana louie waters of he Suter USA Youcanse then rom the brah, or et se ona kayak padre Maybe yo ial se pal di, ‘re ya lakig for a enter animal adventure? How bout learning how to ork wth ducks? Wel, you can inthe beaut green fields of Elenborough Parkin the Cotswolds, lovely part of Enjand With the help ofa sheepdog, You can work together to try to get the ducks grouped together an al heating inthe same direction — this is called herding’. Or maybe there wl be ducks running everywhere Church inthe Canadian province of Manitoba, s where you getup dose and personal with the majestic polar bears. This cold northern town on the Hudson Bay a great place to go ona polarbear wal, and experience the ‘bears in the wid oron thei annual seal hunt. Just make sue you go wth an, experienced guide — they canbe dangereus when hungry! 2 Read the text again and find which animal ... a... hunts seals. «1s found in the waters off Florida. b «lives on their own island. 1. shares their morning meal. © «= can be controlled by a sheep dog. 3 ©25iListen to Dom talking to Lou about an adventure. Are these statements true or false? ‘2 Lou went on vacation with Dom. False. They enjoyed the coffee at the station. b Koh Tao means "Turtle Island. {They waited for four hours for the bus © Their trip started in the evening. to arrive. They slept well on their trip. 9 Itrained all the time. 4 Listen again and match the narrative linker with the event. a At first 1 we arrived at Koh Tao. ’ ater an hou we felt excited. ~~ ¢ Thenext_morning 3 _ it started raining. ie ¢ Fourhours later 4 the bus arrived. e Then 5 at three o'clock, the train stopped! Eventually 6 we started feeling pretty tired WRITING & SPEAKING 1 Complete the text about a trip. Use the words in the box. (1) Two years ago we decided to drive from S80, | Paulo to Recife, in the north-east of Brazil. We set off early on the morning of December 26. (2)____we made good progress. We spent the night in a small, friendly hotel. (3) we passed Rio de Janeiro on our journey north, but some roads had been damaged by rain, which slowed us down. j After (4) ‘we arrived in Porto Seguro, where we met up with some friends for New Year. | (5) our problems started. We were | driving to Salvador when, (6) , our car broke down. We couldn't go anywhere for three more days while the car was being fixed. After that we went on, but the engine problems continued. (7) __ we decided to turn back. ‘We were only 280 kilometers away from Recife! | 2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. a trip/ start / you / did / your / Where Where did you start your trip? you / did / go / Where ? there / you / How / get / did ? did / Where / at / night / stay / you ? have / you / Did / problems / any ? enjoy / you / your / Did / trip ? trip / the / How / tong / take / did? you / Would / again /it /do 7 Which questions were answered by the text? 3. Think about the fongest trip you've ever been on. ‘© Think about how you would answer the questions in Exercise 2. © Tell your partner about your trip. © Use some of the expressions in Exercise 1. yeseane 4 Write an account of the longest trip you've ever been on. Use some of the phrases from Exercise 1 and answer some of the questions from Exercise 2. na UNIT 1 Ask Student B to describe the people in picture B. Their names are: James, Angela, Melinda, Joe, and Peter. Label picture B. Pees highligh DS Eo 2 ooo oo UNIT 2 Eight cities You have eight maps of different countries (a-h). Four cities are marked on maps (a-d). Describe to Student B exactly where these cities are. Student B will describe the locations of the other four cities (e-h). Mark them on your maps. ‘Compare your maps with Student B. OR Japan France we Spain Egypt Czech Republic UNIT 3 What were you doing yesterday? Find out if you were doing the same things at the same times as Student B yesterday. © Complete the sentences in the Me column describing what you were doing yesterday at those times. © Ask Student B questions beginning with What were ...? and complete the Student B column. © Were you doing the same thing or different things? Me Student B ¥ = Same thing % = Different things a AL6:00 am. | was He/She was, b AL730.a.m.1 was © At 10:00 a.m. | was d— AtT00 p.m. 1 was e At 6:00 pm. I was HI UNIT 4 What's happening in your life? How much do you know about what's happening in Student B's life right now? ‘© Write sentences in the affirmative or negative, according to what you think. ‘© Ask Student B questions to check if you were right or wrong, ‘Student Bis {fierive: Scan / = Iwas right! % = I was wrong! a trytoeatless sugar He/She is trying to eat less cusar. vi b write a book © apply for jobs learn to dance e UNITS Trivia quiz You and Student B each have five trivia questions. You have the correct answers to Student B's questions in the box below. Student B has the correct answers to your questions. © Look at the trivia questions in the table and guess the answers, © Complete the My guess column with your ideas. © Ask Student B the questions and complete the Correct answer column. ‘© Compare your guesses with the correct answers. How good or bad were your guesses? Trivia questions My guess Correct answer 2 How fast can a dolphin swim? b How much money did J.K. Rowling (author of Harry Potter) earn in 2005? ¢ How many words does a woman speak in a normal day? d_ What percentage of the body's energy does the brain use? © What is the longest distance ever traveled in a wheelchair? Answers to Student B's questions: 105 km/h $93,820,000 2,175 2% 4,203 km ee UNIT 6 Experiences What experiences has Student B had? © Write Student 8's name in the space below. © Write statements (a-g) that you think are true. ‘© Write questions to check your statements. © Ask Student B the questions. Student B's name: Questions = I'm right! Sees % = I'm wrong! break his/her leg Antahas (never) brokenherleg. Have you ever broken your leg? sing karaoke ride a motorcycle g0 fishing eat escargot buy a painting s=eance q UNIT 7 Your perfect week Imagine that next week is going to be your perfect week. ‘© Fill in your organizer page below with two appointments each day, Use your imagination! © Include three activities that you would like to do with Student B. ‘© Ask Student B if he or she is free to join you at those times. © Discuss other possible times and note the final plans. Would you like to go shopping | No, thanks. I'm having eared Cec a Ea Eee UNIT 8. School obligations ‘You are going to talk about things you had to do and things you didn’t have to do when you were at school. ‘© Complete the sentences in the Me column with / had to or | didn’t have to. © Ask Student 8 questions beginning Did you have to ..? and complete the Student B column. © Compare your experiences. Were they the same or different? Me Student B / = The same % = Different 8 ___get up before 7:00 a.m. he. b ___walk to school. eee © learn English. acer d ___wear a school uniform, e turn off my cell phone in class. peers { ____do homework every night. pe UNIT 9 Find the differences! © Look at pictures 1 and 2. Student B has the same faces, but there are small differences in each face. © Describe the two faces to Student B and find the differences in each picture. @ a cies nea Oe A Brera Da. , eon Cre © Look at pictures 3 and 4, Student 8 has the same faces, but there are two small differences in each face. © Listen to Student B describing the two faces and find the two differences in each picture. ree n od CLES Cues UNIT 10 Ten years ago ‘Think about your life ten years ago. ‘© Write six sentences ~ five true and one false - describing ways in which your life was different then. Choose from the topics below or use your own ideas. lused to have a red Ferrari. | used to wear Armani suits. | used to .. © Read all your sentences. Student 8 guesses which sentence is false. ‘© Compare your lives then and now. How similar were your lives ten years ago? UNIT 11 Animal definitions ‘You are going to read out three definitions of some common expressions in English. The definitions with crosses are false, and the one with a check is true. Student B has to guess which definition (1, 2, or 3) is the correct one. ‘© Complete one false definition for each expression. Use your imagination! ‘Read out your three definitions and see if Student B can guess which one is correct. ‘© Then listen to Student B's expressions and guess which of his/her definitions is correct. a A“fat cat" is 2 agift that you don't want because you don't 1 somebody who is high up in the world of know what to do with it. 7 business. 7 3 agit that is * 2 somebody who needs togoonadiet.% d Something that is “ratty"is 3. somebody who__. 1 old and in bad condition. 7 b Aperson who's “chicken” is . 2 irritating. ® 1 somebody who * 3 x 2 somebody who isn’t brave. 7 fe Aperson who “bugs” you is... 3. somebody who talks a lot. 1 somebody who imitates you. cc A“white elephant” is... 2 somebody who x 1 agift that is very unusual and valuable. % 3. somebody who annoys you. ¥ UNIT 12 Emilia and Pedro You are going to complete a story about Emilia and Pedro. You have parts of the story. Student B has other parts. ‘© Read aloud your parts of the story to Student B. ‘© Listen and write down Student B's parts of the story. ‘© Compare your completed texts. They should be identical. Text before marriage ‘A clairvoyant had once told Emilia Sanchez that she would meat her husband when she was 21 She was (One day, she tapped the text message "Do you want to talk?" into her cell phone. She then invented a number and sent the message. ‘She didn't know He called Emilia, and they talked for about an hour. They found that they had lots in common and made plans to meet. They

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