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Ange 8 Artwork by Josep S ~ oe 2 3 < GUIDEBOOK WHISPERS OF LOVE Second edition - Revised and expanded Copyright © 2019 Angela Hartfield & Josephine Wall First edition published by Blue Angel Publishing in 2013 All rights reserved. Other than for personal use, no part of these cards or this book may be reproduced in any way, in whole or part without the written consent of the copyright holder or publisher. These cards are intended for spiritual and emotional guidance only. They are not intended to replace medical assistance or treatment. Published by Blue Angel Publishing® 80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150 Email: Text © 2019 Angela Hartfield Artwork © 2013 Josephine Wall Originally published by ©Visionary Company inc. Edited by Tanya Graham and Leela Williams Blue Angel is a registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery Pty. Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-922161-10-9 Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. Khalil Gibran Contents: Introduction 7 1. Listen with Your Heart 16 2. Like Attracts Like 17 3. Back to What You Love 18 4. You Are Limitless 19 5. Simple Acts of Kindness 20 6. Be Willing to Express Love 21 7. The Only Thing that is Real is Love 22 8. Love Who You Are 23 9.Slow Down 24 10. Treasure Your Loved Ones 26 11. Look to Your Inner Strength 27 12. Have Faith 28 13. Miracles and Blessings 29 14. Ask for Help 30 15. Practice Compassion 31 16. Love is All Around You 32 17. Have Patience 33 18. Embrace Your Emotions 34 19. Express Love Through Gifts 35 20.1 Love You 36 21. Choose Love 37 22. The Heart of the Matter 38 23. Take a Chance on Love 39 24, Focuson Love 40 25.Romance 41 4 26.New Love 42 27. Spiritual Connection 44 28. The Union of Hearts 46 29. Forgiveness 47 30. True Love 49 31. Love Makes the Difference 50 32. Relationship Patterns 51 33. Appreciate this Moment 53 34. Receive with Love and Appreciation 54 35. Speak the Language of Love 55 36. Turn on Your Heart Light 57 37. Act as if Your Partner is Here 58 38. Honesty is Essential 59 39. Be Authentic 60 40. Be in the Present and Dream of the Future 61 41. Do Something for Someone 62 42. Rest and Relaxation is Essential 63 43. LoveEndures 64 44, Get to Know Each Other 66 45. Be Supportive 67 46. Spend Quality Time Together 68 47. Physical Touch 69 48. Demonstrate Love 70 49. Actions Speak Loudly 71 50. Consider Your Foundation 72 About the Author 73 Message from the Artist 74 Introduction The Whispers of Love Oracle was created to help you find methods and messages for bringing more love into your life. Whether in a relationship or seeking a partnership, we can all benefit from learning how to be more loving. You may have spent a lot of time looking outside yourself for what you perceive is lacking in your life. The truth is, we can all benefit from loving ourselves a little more and projecting that love out into the world. Love attracts more love. As you learn to love yourself more, you may find that what you were looking for is not what serves your highest good. Allow your heart to grow, expand and love as it was meant to do. These cards work with the law of attraction, so you will be drawn to the cards that are most relevant and useful to you. You can choose a card for daily guidance or as a lesson on what you can do to bring more love to your day. You can also focus card readings on a specific question. In whatever way you use these cards, they can be invaluable tools for bringing clarity to your situation by connecting you with your inner guidance and intuition. THE WHISPERS OF LOVE GUIDEBOOK This deck aims to help you develop a more loving outlook on your life, so you can attract more love and happiness. You will find the cards listed numerically in this guidebook with a general meaning for each one. As you read the meaning, think about how the card's message may pertain to your situation or the question you are asking. Pay attention to any gut feelings or additional thoughts you might have as these are clues to what the card means for you. Be sure to look at the entire card to see if any aspect of the picture ‘pops’ out, seems to be highlighted or feels emphasized to you. HOW TO USE YOUR WHISPERS OF LOVE ORACLE Oracle cards are ancient tools for connecting with the messages of the Universe. These cards are safe and created with the highest of intentions. Always know that these are your cards. They are not meant for anyone to handle other than yourself. The messages you attract will be for you. The cards you draw will match your energetic vibration at that moment. You may find that you choose the same card several times. This lets you know the message is consistent with what you need to know now. These cards act as a direct link between you and what you would benefit from knowing. If you are in a stressful period, the cards will help you identify areas where you could bring more love into your life. You will learn new ways of working with positive messages of love for yourself and your friends. STEPS FOR USING YOUR WHISPERS OF LOVE ORACLE Clear your Cards Your cards are sensitive to vibrations and may have taken in energy in the manufacturing process. You want to clear your cards, so you can clearly receive the information you are looking for. To do this, hold the cards in your non-dominant hand. This is the hand you do not write with. Begin to familiarize yourself with your Whispers of Love Oracle by looking at the cards one by one. Then give the deck a few good shuffles. Putting your energy into each card is part of the initialization process. You are getting to know your cards and feel comfortable with them. Use and interpret the cards in your own way. Read the guidebook to see if the message answers what you need to know. Do not feel you must be dependent on the guidebook. Trust what you are feeling. Each card will represent something specific to you and could 9 have entirely different meanings when you are reading for someone else. Your intuitive mind will soon start to integrate the knowledge of the cards and their messages of love for your own personal interpretation. Make your deck sacred to you. Some people wrap their cards in silk or store them in a special box. Treat your cards with respect and love. Preparing to Read Your Cards When you are ready, take out the cards. Hold them in your hands, close your eyes and center yourself. Become grounded by taking a few deep breaths and allowing your mind to clear. Shuffle the cards to put your energy into them. Aska Question After you have shuffled your deck several times, think of a question you are willing to hear the truth about. If you are reading the cards for someone else, have them ask a question they would like the answer to. This can be asked out loud or silently as you do not need to hear their question to draw a card and give them an answer. 10 Shuffle the Cards Once you have asked a question, shuffle the cards again and pay attention to the feelings you begin to receive. You may notice thoughts, sounds, or have visions concerning the question you are asking. Stop shuffling when it feels ‘right. It may be that the cards feel differently or that you are compelled to stop. Do not worry about doing it wrong. You will stop shuffling at the perfect time for you. Choose a Card Choose a card from the top of the deck or cut the cards and look at the card in the middle of the pack. Onc you have selected a card, look at the picture. Notic any thoughts or impressions you have about the image. Then refer to the card meaning in this guidebook. Allow yourself to receive the card's love and guidance. Daily Message You may choose to shuffle the cards and ask for a message on where you need to focus your thoughts for the day. Three-Card Spread After completing the initialization steps outlined above, pick three cards from the top of the deck. Lay the first card to your left, the second in the middle, and the third to the right with the pictures and words face down. Turn each card over one at a time. Card 1: The past. What has been occurring up to this moment or the lesson you have been working on. Card 2: Your current situation. What you are working on learning or what you should know right now. Card 3: What will be coming in the near future - up to three months. May also reveal what you need to do to bring about a desired situation. Relationship Spread This spread offers a quick look at your relationship with someone else, whether they are your boss, lover, friend, sibling or parent. [JL J Card 1: You and what you are contributing to the relationship here/now. Card 2: The other person and their input to the relationship. Card 3: The combined energies. Card 4: The insight or guidance around the situation. 1, LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART You are listening but need to hear with a loving heart. The opportunity is here for you to bring a loving perspective to a situation. It is easy to get wrapped up in the words being said. What does your heart say about this situation? It knows the truth. Trust that. Sit still, take a deep breath and ask your heart what you need to know. Love's first task is to listen. Do you have a habit of drifting away while someone else is speaking? Do you get entangled in your own thoughts? Take time to process what is being communicated before you respond or react. Learning to listen with an open heart will help you receive guidance or affirm something you already know. Two young women are shown in this card. One holds a seashell to the other's ear. The seashells represent the good things that can be discovered in a challenging situation. The pod of dolphins playing in the background denotes the joy that may be found. The white horse may be a call to control your emotions. Stop and listen. What do you hear and how can it to bring more happiness to your life? 2. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE If you long for more love, be more loving. The law of attraction states that you need to be in the vibration of what you want to create. Love will come to you more readily if you surround yourself with love and easily find things to love about your life. Take a moment to think of the many things you love. Use your imagination and visualize a world in which you can manifest your heart’s desire. Try not to seek out whatever it is that you wish for. This is the challenging aspect of the law of attraction. Act as if what you yearn for is already here. Giving attention to or waiting for what you are longing for sends a message to the Universe that you don't possess your desire and you will magnetize not having it. A fairy holds an image of herself that holds an even smaller image of herself. The smallest image could be associated with your inner child and what you have longed for in your life. You attract to your life things that mirror your thoughts. This would explain why the fairy is holding an image of herself. Fairies symbolize the magic that life has to offer. This is a card of hope and a reminder that magic is readily at hand when you shift into a place of positive patience. 17 3. BACK TO WHAT YOU LOVE Re-evaluate your desires. You can change what you are doing at any time. You do not have to feel stuck. Go back to what you know and, more importantly, to what you love. Ask your angels to guide you with this process. You can do anything you genuinely want to do. Take inventory, look at where you got off track and find what you need to do to get back to you. You are meant to live a life of happiness. Bliss, love, relationship and wealth are your fate. You can change your mind at any time and do something you have fone longed to. When you do something you love, you econnect to your bliss. \ A girl celebrates as she finds a beautiful path before her. The doves flying next to her symbolize love, peace and tranquility. The butterflies leading the way denote rejuvenation and transformation. A face in the distance is watching over this path as a reminder that you are never alone, and your path is divinely guided. 4. YOU ARE LIMITLESS You can do anything you choose. When you are too close to a situ- ation, you only have one perspec- tive. There are so many possible outcomes for this situation. Take a broader look. Release the need to control what is happening and allow your inner knowing to help you. Things always work out as they should. When your soul is experiencing its purest form, it has limitless knowledge, infinite wisdom and boundless energy. You may have developed some negative self-talk that is limiting what you can accomplish. Connect to the beautiful light that dwells in your being and represents your soul. Remember that your abilities are fueled by your imagination. Dream big! A unicorn emerges from a woman's being. The unicorn represents healing powers, possibility, and knowledge of the soul. Two swans sit in the heart area to signify the grace that is connected to you always. Trust in your ability and know you can achieve anything you set your mind to. 5. SIMPLE ACTS OF KINDNESS Kindness energizes you and brings happiness to those around you. One of the amazing aspects of love is that it supports the giver and the receiver. When you show care to others, you create further opportunities for kindness. When others are kind to us, it motivates us to pass that kindness on. Demonstrate kindness and bring more love into the world. Kindness can make the world a better place. Kindness has the satisfying ability to help you feel happier and more energized when you give it to someone. There are many simple ways to offer kindness such as opening a door, holding the elevator, smiling at someone or giving a compliment. Kindness is contagious and can have a lasting impact. A young boy wearing feathers feeds a squirrel. A variety of animals gather around him. The squirrel suggests it is time to create a space for giving. As you give, so you will receive. The feathers on the boy’s head represent your ability to become inspired. Act in kindness and see if you are motivated to do more. If you are attracted to another animal in the card, it may have a message for you. Sit with its image and see what comes forth. 20 6. BE WILLING TO EXPRESS LOVE Express love to receive love. You are a genuinely loving indi- vidual. Expressing love to others helps them feel supported, re- spected and cared about. As you practice this custom, you will be- come more loving. When you want to be more loving, it is easy to recognize ways of doing so. One way to express love is through eye contact. Your eyes are the most expressive part of your body. Making eye contact when you are speaking with someone tells them you see, hear, and appreciate them, Try making eye contact with others a daily practice. It is easy to become distracted by our busy lives, but a moment of eye contact can make a world of difference to those who you communicate with, A young sea nymph makes eye contact with a small mermaid sitting in a seashell. The seashells represent the spiritual gifts you possess. The feathers on the sea nymph’s head are about giving thanks or showing appreciation. Mermaids are usually a symbol of love. Share eye contact with those you speak to and see how it deepens your connection. 21 7. THE ONLY THING THAT IS REAL IS LOVE Shift your focus back to love. You may have been conditioned to dwell on problems. It is impor- tant to remember the true reality is love. Choose to take a deep breath and focus on what is true. Negativity will disappear when you affirm, “Everything is okay when I choose love.” There are many things you can do to shift into a more loving flow. Work at having healthy, encouraging conversations with yourself and others. Squash any negative inner dialogue and notice the positive aspects and people in your life. Be realistic about what is going on in your life. Yes, only love is real but there is sadness, depression, doubt, worry, and anger. This card is about finding balance in your life, so the challenging times are not overwhelming, and you are able to remember that love is at the core of everything. The dominant imagery of this card could represent the tree of life, rooted in the earth and extending toward heaven. While you are having a human experience, it can appear that you are alone. Yet in the heavenly realm, we are all one and love prevails, There are multiple images in the card that symbolize peace, love and support. Find and meditate on something you are optimistic about. 22 8. LOVE WHO YOU ARE You are divine, delightful and deserving of the wonderful things life has to offer. Be your own advocate. Believe in yourself. Love who you are, and the energy of self-love will help you to realize your dreams. When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back or acknowledged that you love yourself? Working on having a good relationship with yourself will enable you to have a positive relationship with others. How you manage your self-worth is crucial to how you view the world and your place in it. Love begins and ends with you. How you treat and feel about yourself is of paramount importance. Love is contagious. When you are surrounded by people who are full of love, you may find it easier to love who you are. A maiden extends from the bow of a ship into the heavens. The ship on a rough ocean could mirror the need to amp up your practice of self-love. As you extend your focus to higher possibilities, the waters and your emotions will calm, and the journey of life will be more aligned with all you dream about. 23 9. SLOW DOWN Pause and allow things to unfold. Everything in your life is in divine order. There is no need to rush nor hurry. In your excitement, you may overlook the importance of enjoying the creative process. Getting to the goal is half the fun. You might also miss guidance or messages when you don't allow things to unfold naturally. Regroup and release the need to race to wherever you feel you need to be. Slowing down will allow you to appreciate what is in front of you. Embrace the moment. There is nowhere you need to be that will not be there later. Recognize the importance of making time to take pleasure in the journey. Slowing down will also help you be more aware of what is going on for you. Find a quiet place to sit and gift yourself the opportunity to be in nature without any interruptions. This may mean disconnecting from your cellular device. Observe what is going on for you spiritually, listen to your thoughts and identify your feelings. A woman lies in repose with her hair falling around her in a maze. The maze may reflect the complexity of your thoughts or confusion over where to go next. A pair of candles stand above, illuminating and protecting 24 the woman. The candles depict the archangels and the flame symbolizes the energy of Archangel Michael, the archangel of protection. Know you have help as you make some special time to reflect and gain guidance. 25 10. TREASURE YOUR LOVED ONES It is important to love others deeply. You have a group of people that love and support you. Cherish all these people, whether a special partner, your family or your friends. The angels are prompting you to reach out to your loved ones and ensure you show them love. It is all too easy to become involved with your own life. Ensure you spend time with those who are significant to you. This is a reminder to tell or show the people in your life that you treasure them. Let them know they matter. Do something that does not need reciprocation. A gift is more genuine when given without any expectation of something in return. Love does not keep score. It may de in your nature to keep track of when you have given time, money or other positives. Genuinely appreciating your loved ones can challenge you to give from your heart. A pair of hands tenderly holds an image of precious time shared between a woman and a child. They appear as if there is nothing of importance in the world other than their shared moment. Notice the drop of dew that holds the world. What you have through those you love should be the focus of your world. 26 11. LOOK TO YOUR INNER STRENGTH You are stronger than you realize. The angels are asking you to dig deep inside your inner self. The strength is in you. Though it may not feel like it right now, you will be able to push through this. Believe in yourself and know you already have the power you need within you. When you are in a state of empowerment, you can live from a natural state of peace. Being stressed or afraid is not a natural way of living. Try to figure out what is challenging you and disconnect from whatever is creating stress. Establish boundaries and take back your personal power. This is an ideal time to develop a new way of thinking. What has been dominating your thoughts? Are you caught up in old patterns? You have control over your feelings. Remind yourself that you have the inner strength to tackle whatever you are currently facing. A crowned goddess is holding a delicate and translucent ball in her hands. At the center of the ball there is a solitary female. This may refer to feeling small or blocked. The emphasis of the goddess’ crown symbolizes higher knowing. You have more power than you realize. Believe in your inner strength. 27 12. HAVE FAITH Trust your faith in this situation. When we honestly believe things will work out, our faith will confidently see us through. The angels are with you and divine support is something you can have complete faith in. Simple truths will give you the answers you are looking for. Love is an act of faith. It can be challenging to move forward when you aren't sure what the outcome will be. Stay present with whatever is in front of you right now. Your competence and ability may provide the calm and confidence you need to keep going. You may have doubts or fear when you take a step forward or make a decision, but faith zives you the courage to continue. Even setbacks can \mpart valuable knowledge, experience, and positives. A fairy holds onto ribbons attached to a multitude of butterflies and is hoisted into the air. Butterflies usually signify a transformation is taking place. They can also be a symbol of your soul or the essence of who you are. Just as the fairy safely and confidently floats over the expansive landscape below, you will move calmly through the situation at hand. Remember, a little faith is all you need right now. 28 13. MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS Everything has its gift. You drew this card because there are many miracles happening in your life right now. The angels are asking you to look at how things are. Look again. You will find that your life is filled with miracles and blessings. Reflect on who youare and your journey to this point. Recognize and accept the blessings that have occurred in your life. Situations that were not ideal brought their own gifts and lessons. Your existence began with the spark of a miracle. Continual blessings and miracles continue to show up in the smallest of ways. Be willing to receive these gifts. An ethereal goddess with flowing hair reaches to catch a leaf from the various leaves floating near her grasp. Hair can represent thoughts or reasoning. Check in with your self-talk and beliefs. Are you open to a miracle? Be ready for the unexpected. 29 14, ASK FOR HELP What do you really need? Be willing to accept support. Thereisso much support available to you. You only need to ask for help and you will receive it. Let go of fear and pride as they do not benefit you nor give you what you desire. Perhaps you feel inundated by challenge? Take a minute to think about what you need support with. Evaluating your feelings will enable you to effectively communicate what you want. Asking for help may seem scary and you may feel vulnerable. There are plenty of people who would love to be there for you. It is not demeaning to ask for help. Strength comes from the ability to recognize your personal needs. Release any feelings around being a burden to others. People love to help others and it really is healthful and smart to ask for help. A beautiful mermaid sits at the knee of a wise and loving old man. You may recognize the love she feels as he supports the mermaid needs. The yellow reflecting off the water and the mermaid’s hair are calling you to expand your self-awareness. It is important to know when extra help is needed. 30 15. PRACTICE COMPASSION See things from a fresh perspective. Everyone benefits when we try to look at things from someone else's viewpoint. Walking in someone else's shoes can bring us to a tender understanding that may change how we are feeling now. Love and compassion always bring positive outcomes. There are so many worthy ways to practice compassion. Volunteer your time at a nursing home or homeless shelter. Donations of clothing or food are always appreciated by those in need. If you feel so inclined or are looking for inspiration, read up about individuals who dedicated their lives to compassionate works. There are many biographies of great philanthropists such as Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. A nature boy gazes at a small blue bird. He wears a headdress with feathers and branches. The feathers in his hair suggest someone is reaching out to you. Pay attention and give support and love where needed. 31 16. LOVE IS ALL AROUND YOU There is love everywhere all the time. Simply acknowledge this as truth. Look around and recognize that love is showing itself to you, always. It comes in the smile on a stranger’s face, simple acts of kindness and the warm sun in a blue sky. Life is wonderful. How lucky you are to be so loved! If you feel you need a little more love, look around you. Take in all that is happening. Look at all everything you have achieved. Feel love from family, neighbors, friends, your co-workers, pets or animals in nature. Can you feel the love? Think about the love in your life that you may not have noticed. Love comes in diverse shapes and varieties. Know who and what you love - and who and what loves you in return. A woman spins around with her arms out wide. The many images on her skirt of individuals, couples and nature reflect her environment. Her open arms are a beautiful reminder to keep an open heart and mind. Love is around you always. 32 17. HAVE PATIENCE Love is patient and kind - always! Work on being more patient. If you lack patience with others, remember that they are human and different from you. If your impatience has to do with an outcome, know your prayers are being answered. Have a little more patience. You might be in a tense situation that is beyond your control. Be aware of the thoughts that precede any frustration or anxious feelings. Pay attention to your self- talk. All things arrive in their perfect time. Try to distract yourself while you are waiting for things to come to fruition. Engage in an activity that will occupy your time. The time will magically pass while you are otherwise engrossed. Look for ways to be patient. A small child contemplates the water while floating ona lotus flower. Lotus flowers rise from still and muddy water to prove grace and beauty can come from gloomy circumstances. Behind the girl, waterfalls flow into the body of water that she glides on. This may indicate an arrival from various points and not one singular event. 33 18. EMBRACE YOUR EMOTIONS Allow your feelings to surface and be accepted. Feelings and emotions are part of who you are. Allow yourself to feel what is going on for you. Your feelings can alert you to the truth of a situation. Take positive steps to determine why you feel the way you do. Emotions come under four categories: happiness, sadness, anger and fear. Once you figure out what is going on for you, you can take power away from an emotion. Experiencing an emotion you are uncomfortable expressing can be a big challenge. Journaling is a way to process and clarify difficult emotions. Writing about your emotions will help you organize your thoughts and work through your feelings. A young girl clings to the neck of a spirited unicorn. fhe unicorn has wings and is flying, as if lifting the child above a situation. Unicorns symbolize magic. His wings express your ability to overcome or transcend your current circumstances. You are ina period of growth and learning how to better understand yourself. 34 19. EXPRESS LOVE THROUGH GIFTS A small token of love can convey great appreciation. A gift is evidence of your love and care for someone. Gifts do not need to be expensive. Showing someone your favorite place, sha- ring a special song, or writing a note of gratitude are ways of giving. Let someone know you care. Make the effort to know what is special about the people in your life. Show your appreciation for them through distinctive and meaningful gifts. Simple thou- ghtfulness is the best gift for anyone. Remembering a favorite food or a significant date can mean a lot to someone. This card depicts two mermaids. The male offers a pearl to the female. Pearls are associated with protection and love and used as lucky charms or for clearing blocks to abundance. A gift has more meaning when given from your heart. 35 20. 1 LOVE YOU These are powerful words. Whether you are addressing a pet, a friend, your partner or yourself, these are the most important words you can say. Do not hold these words in - giving them often and freely will not take their power away. Be ready and willing to say, “I love you.” Recall the last time you expressed love for yourself. Do you love who you are? Do you avoid thinking about how you feel about yourself? Expressions of love are powerful for anyone to receive — including you. Take a moment to acknowledge what an incredible person you are. Declare, “I Love You!” Let that love emanate from you out into the world. A golden-hued angel clasps her hands over her heart and gazes into the heavens. She is a reminder that angels do watch over you. If you are not in a loving space, the angels can help by saturating you with unconditional love. The golden color of the angel could denote the sacral chakra. This is the chakra of relationships, feelings, emotions, and identity. Clear and balance your sacral chakra. 36 21, CHOOSE LOVE You always have choice - make yours with love. You are constantly making choices. When you choose love, negative feelings have no place in your heart. Telling and retelling a negative situation will not heal it. Surround the situation in love. Choose to see your responsibility and focus on love. This card relates to your perception of your world. Do you blame your environment for what is going on in your life? This culpability could include your fate, your belief system, your life experiences, or your parents. Regardless of what has or will go on in your life, you always have choice. It may not be easy but choosing to love and be loving is your best option. You are in control of how you feel. The silhouette of a woman's face is a backdrop to various images and memories. You can decide how you remember the events in your life. If you wish, you can reframe your thoughts to find love in all situations. 37 22. THE HEART OF THE MATTER There is more going on than meets the eye. Take a moment to get to the genuine issues in this situation. The truth of what is going on lies at the very heart of a situation. Be honest and willing to do whatever is necessary to take care of this. Whether you see your current scenario as positive or negative, it is happening for a reason. Awareness and understanding will help you see beyond your current circumstances. It may feel difficult at first, but with time, you may feel differently and understand why things unfolded as they did. Even if you are in emotional upheaval, there is an outcome that will bring love and blessings. A beautiful angel watches over a sleeping child while myriad dreams fill her slumber. Sometimes it feels like you are surrounded by far more than you can comprehend, This card is showing you there is a higher power working on your behalf. You are watched over and loved. A situation will be resolved with time, 38 23. TAKE A CHANCE ON LOVE When we love, our lives are changed forever. So many rewards will come to you when you love openly. Your care, affection and appreciation will help others, and create more love for you. Let your fear go and give the love you are longing to receive. You will find that it is one and the same. Allow love and relationships to evolve in your life. Life progresses and grows naturally. Be your authentic self. Pay attention to what your heart is saying to you. There is a wonderful opportunity coming your way. A young couple rides over turbulent water in a boat with no oars. A face in the distance watches over them. There is much you cannot control, but you can govern how you feel. It can be difficult to get to the next phase in a relationship while fear is blocking you. There are always angels or guides beside you. You can rely on them when you are looking for extra support. 39 24. FOCUS ON LOVE Look for the good in everyone. It is easy to see the faults in other people. Think of the positive characteristics of the people in your life. Remember the things that caused you to love them in the first place. Focusing on the love will change and heal any negativity that is there. You may be experiencing a rough patch with someone you share a relationship with. Work toward turning things around. How you perceive a situation has a lot to do with how you feel about it. Be good to people, no matter who they are or what role they play in your life. When you approach relationships with a positive mindset, you reinforce the love in your life. Strive to be supportive and loving. Foster the good in others and the return will be tenfold. A wood nymph offers her hand to a dragon. Dragons symbolize power, magic, and balance. The orange, yellow, and green tones in the card point to a relationship, communication, and healing. A situation may feel intimidating, but you have the tools to get on track. 25. ROMANCE Lavish the one you love with personal attention and affection. Quality time is needed. Whether you are in or between relation- ships, do something special that adds romance to your life. If you are single, it is important to do something for you. What do you consider romantic? Is it an intimate meal, or flowers given or received? If you are in a relationship, do something for your special person. If you are single, buy flowers for yourself, take a candlelit bath, or pamper yourself with your favorite cream or lotion. As you treat yourself, imagine how happy you feel, as if you are not just doing this for yourself, but for a special someone in your life. A picturesque mermaid dances with her partner. They only have eyes for each other. It is important to prioritize yourself and your relationship. Try to make romance a consistent practice. It may not sound romantic to schedule dates with someone once or twice a month, but it will benefit you in more ways than you realize. 41 26. NEW LOVE Embrace an opportunity for love in your work prospects or for spiritual growth. Everything has a season. Get ready as someone special is now in your life. If you are in a relationship, there is a burst of fresh energy coming into your partnership. This could also mean fresh enthusiasm in a place of employment or a wonderful opportunity that is coming your way. You may feel like you are in a rut. You may have closed your heart to possibilities or opportunities and feel that there is nothing new or adventurous out there for you. The most wonderful promise is that each day comes as a new beginning. Put the past behind you and look forward to the energy that is coming into your life. Find ways to change up your routine. Look around you and engage with those you meet with an open mind and spirit. Try to learn something new about the people in your life. Enhance your chances of making new connections by engaging with the positive people you already know. Initiate interactions and social gatherings. You never know where it might lead. Shooting stars falling into the hands of a whimsical young fairy. Stars can symbolize ideals, success, good fortune, luck, destiny, and achievement. Falling stars 42 are about making a wish or setting an intention around something you want to bring into your life. This may be a reminder of a time when you welcomed new things into your life. Can you remember the excitement you felt when you were venturing into something new? 43 27. SPIRITUAL CONNECTION A relationship has a connection that goes beyond this lifetime. Everything happens for a reason. Some people come into your life to help you learn a lesson and they will make a real impact on your life. Whether it be with a lover, a primary partner or in a relationship for growth, spiritual connection is important to you now. This card very gently reminds you to allow the Universe to support you. You might be trying to control aspects of your life that are not within your power. When a connection has a spiritual basis, nurture it with love and surrender. Put a situation into the hands of the Divine and ask that the outcome be for the highest good of all involved. A situation may be asking you to stretch yourself. Know that you are going to grow and expand during this phase but try not to lose yourself. Communicate your needs and wants and listen to what is being shared. Two people look intently into each other’s eyes revealing the deep trust that exists between them. Their gaze exemplifies their strong connection. A cord that seems to originate from their crown chakras connects the two individuals and illustrates their strengthening spiritual bond. Take a moment to consider the unity 44 that exists even when you are at odds with another. Consider how much can be revealed through love and understanding. 45 28. THE UNION OF HEARTS A love connection defies explanation. This is so special, unique, and cannot be defined in words. This love is comfortable and a perfect fit. It can be between parents and children, romantic partners or in a special friendship. It is important to recognize the significance love has in your life, Shift your attention to the essentials in your relationships. Celebrate the wealth of love present in your life. This card is prompting you to redirect your awareness from your goals and desired outcomes, onto your relationships. You don’t have to wait for a special occasion to do something for someone you love. Send a note, a card, or a flower to let them know you truly value them and the part they play in your world. Two dryads embrace with complete abandon. Their encirclement represents the love that is present in a relationship. The colors green and yellow dominate this image suggesting balance, healthy love and mutuality. You are being reminded of the importance significant relationships have in your life. Reflect on the role love plays in your world. 46 29. FORGIVENESS Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments. Be willing to forgive yourself and others and open the doors to future growth. Love can be restored, and trust can be rebuilt. Move from bitterness back to the joy you deserve in your life. Granting forgiveness is a choice that you make. You may not feel like engaging with someone, but you can forgive them without ever talking to them. An act of forgiveness helps replace anger, depression, anxiety and old pain with hope and compassion. Think about what you can forgive, as the benefits will be immeasurable. This process will increase your inner strength and your self-esteem. Forgiveness can heal and help you move forward with a renewed sense of purpose. Replacing hurt with love will free you to love more deeply. Two faces appear at the center of this card. The upper image wears a crown of ice which appears to be melting around the edges. This could symbolize the willingness to change or move through a situation. Closed eyes can depict the subconscious, deep thinking or an error in communication. The clasped hands above the faces show a return to balance and compromise. You can achieve 47 a positive outcome here. Remember, forgiveness is a choice you make for your own benefit. 48 30. TRUE LOVE This love is once in a lifetime. This relationship is part of your life's plan. Unconditional love is easier said than done. Remember the love aspect of your partner- ship. If it is a true relationship the connection will be almost per- fectly balanced. Maintaining the love in a relationship takes more than good intentions. Positive intentions are a solid first step, but it is better to learn how to nurture your relationship each day. This is vital to staying con- nected and growing your love into a strong bond. Be open to love when it shows up in your life. Be authentic and avoid changing yourself to mirror your potential partner. Make sure you are voicing your values. True love is elusive and rare. Look for someone who meets your emotional, spiritual and physical needs. The young lovers’ eventual kiss might be portraying a true love kiss. The sparrow on the left may indicate elevated thoughts and standards. The sparrow encourages you to keep your heart light on and release heavier energy. The child next to the sparrow represents childlike ideology and is a message to enjoy the moments as they present themselves. The pair of unicorns at the head of the partner on the right invokes the magical energy surrounding the relationship you aspire to achieve. 49 31. LOVE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Love helps heal past hurts and provides a sense of security and self-worth. Love is strong and can endure anything. If you trust love, everything else will fall into place. When there are challenges, it is important to keep your heart open. Healthy boundaries are an essential aspect of creating trust in a relationship. You should be able to give freely from your heart to your partner’s heart. Your partner, in turn, should be able to share knowing you will treasure this mutual respect. Use kindness as a rudder in relationships to keep communication and feelings on course. Kindness is the value that allows both parties to feel understood and nurtured. It validates loving interactions. Keep kindness at the forefront of difficult conversations to keep contempt and anger in check. A young woman plays a record through a morning glory speaker to call to her love while she travels on a turbulent ocean, She daydreams of lovers riding in a boat on placid water. Think about what you want in your life. Love will help to set things right. Remember relationships need work to keep them strong. 50 32. RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS It takes strength to recognize the need for change. Consider the patterns that drive you to attract certain people into your life. You may find the next person you meet has similar qualities to your last partner. This is what you are energetically attracting. Once you learn the lesson, you will be able to attract healthier outcomes. It may be helpful to share the disappointment or pain from the past, whether from your current relationship or another period in your life. Be honest with yourself and address situations as they happen. Acknowledge that you can no longer stifle your feelings. Know your strengths and your triggers. See your past relationships as opportunities to grow and figure out what makes you happy. You have a better chance at a lasting relationship when you have self-awareness. Avoid idealizing past relationships as they can hold influence over future outcomes. Love will not magically make you feel worthy or happy unless you have achieved those values for yourself. A beautiful woman holds a hand mirror. She looks down at irises and a maiden playing a harp. The purple irises depict wisdom and power. It is time to cull through residual emotions of past relationships. It is time to $1 break your precedents. The harp is about striking a cord of truth in yourself. $2 33. APPRECIATE THIS MOMENT Every situation is an opportunity to grow and find love. Challenging circumstances rarely make sense at the time. It is im- portant to face what is happening, so you can learn the lessons. Ask the angels to show you what is important in this moment. Learn how to ‘be. Try sitting in silence for a few minutes every day. This will help you become conscious of your feelings. Take in the world around you. Instead of rushing through your day, tune into the sights and sounds around you. It is im- portant to practice being in the moment. Turn off your mobile phone and find ways to be engaged in whatev: is happening instead of looking for an escape. paren aware of your thinking, take note of what you are worr ing about, then bring yourself back to the moment and focus your attention on the present. A maiden wearing a crown of seashells gazes into a conch filled with a beautiful image. The seashells represent creativity, imagination and shared emotions. A conch shell is blown to begin special events or announce an arrival. This may indicate good news, or a new beginning. You do not need to do anything other than have gratitude for what is in front of you now. 53 34, RECEIVE WITH LOVE AND APPRECIATION Gracious acceptance is a way to show love. Being courteous when someone gives you something is simple consideration. The angels encou- Tage you to graciously receive as an act of kindness. Allow someone to express love by accepting what they want to do for or give to you. Being appreciative expresses your feelings through action. Extend your gratitude by saying a heartfelt thank you to those who take the time to help you. Showing appreciation is good manners. It demonstrates your respect for someone's time, knowledge, energy or assistance and that you truly realize what has been given to you. Open gratitude connects you to the giver in a deeper way. A sincere appreciation of people and their role in your life creates a mutual connection. A nature sprite gently catches a snowflake in her hand. Snowflakes reflect a need for gentleness. You might interpret a snowflake as a message from heaven. The doves around the sprite’s head are confirmation that your feelings and intuition are connected to your divine guidance. You can expand this guidance by willingly expressing your appreciation. This is a signal that you are open to receiving further guidance. Once you do this, your blessings will be limitless. 54 35. SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE Loving words have the power to change lives, including your own. A positive attitude works wonders in creating more love around you. Allow yourself to really express yourself positively. Use only wholesome words when speaking to others or even about yourself. Be conscious of any language you may use out of habit and be willing to release this to create more positive energy around you. Doing this will bring more love to you. Often, your exact words or actions won't be remembered. People tend to recall how something you said or did made them feel. Taking a moment to choose words that are more loving can have such an amazing impact on others. Thinking about how you convey your message will have a profound and loving impact on others. Treat conversations with others as an occasion to discover something original. Consider the other person's point of view and treat them with compassion. There will be many opportunities to state your case or impart your viewpoint, Two young nature beings gaze lovingly at a newborn dragon sitting on a rose. Dragons may be helpful guardians as well as educators. They can help you heal the 55 aspect of yourself that keeps you in fear mode when yor are communicating. The full moon behind the sprite suggests there is an opportunity to release a pattern tha no longer serves you. Trust your ability to speak you truth in a loving manner. 56 36. TURN ON YOUR HEART LIGHT Reflect on a time when you experienced love. Thinking of loving moments will enable you to open your heart. Drawing on a memory of love reopens and heals your heart to receiving love. It is important to keep your heart light on and broadcast your love out into the world. Discover ways to convey extra love to each person in your life. The world is always reflecting your thoughts about yourself and those around you. If you think the world is a positive and loving place, that will be i you experience most of the time. Getting back to a plac where you believed in love will bring more love back t you. A picturesque woman faces the future with a hand placed over her heart as she recalls a tender memory. The feathers adorning her hair are a message of love. It may be that someone or something is trying to reach out to you. Feathers may prompt you to understand that infinite people cherish you. Breathe into your heart and imagine its light is a beacon that calls to those you love. $7 37. ACT AS IF YOUR PARTNER IS HERE Whether you have someone in your life or not, act as if they are with you so you will always consider them. If your actions and thoughts take someone else's feelings into ac- count, you will be more aligned with a true relationship. If your partner is not with you yet, generate the feeling that you are already sharing your life with your special someone. This will change the way you feel and can al- ter your attitude and your potential to attract them into your life. Revel in the thought that you are in a faithful rela- tionship. When you create a vacuum by affirming your desire as if you have it, the Universe will bring it to you more quickly. You draw into your life the things that are in harmony with your beliefs. Believe and trust that love is coming your way. See your energy as a love-attracting magnet. Live as if you are in your desired relationship and appreciate the phase prior to the arrival of love. A fairy couple effortlessly dances across the night sky. A large moth is beneath them. The moth uses its scent to pull in a mate. There is no concern, worry, or doubt concerning her ability to attract love. Use the energy of the moth to relax into a state of trust. Love is not far away, and you are in the process of bringing it to you. 58 38. HONESTY IS ESSENTIAL Speak with love and truth. Love aims to do what is best for another person. Speak honestly. Tell the truth about your emo- tions. There is an opportunity to clear the air and create a positive outcome. Truthfulness is an important part of any relationship. If you are sharing something that isn't real, you arent being straightforward. When you avoid the truth because you fear how it will be received, you create blocks or walls in your relationships. Work on speaking with clarity, love, softness and honesty. To get to t truth and develop a stronger bond with your sain be compassionate about their emotions. Try to be op: to what they have to say and avoid personalizing the frankness. A woman faces a masked man who is presenting her with a rose. The mask suggests something is hidden or being glossed over - out of fear of upsetting each other. The woman's turned back could indicate an unwillingness to believe there is more going on than meets the eye. You responsible for how you communicate with your partner. Be open and connected to create a healthy relationship. 59 39. BE AUTHENTIC Be real and true to who you are and how you feel. Authenticity is important in all relationships. Sometimes it might seem easier to stifle your feelings and do something you normally wouldn't do. Be candid and be who you truly are. Accept others for who they are and don't feel the need to change yourself or anyone else. Your confidence may not be where it needs to be, or you may have lost the ability to connect with yourself. You have adapted yourself to fit into someone else's ideas or given up your choices to make another happy. Stop hiding and allow your true self to be seen. Recognize your needs, your emotions and your joys. Take care of rourself so you can present the real you in mind, body and spirit. This includes taking care of your health. Get plenty of sleep, rest, manage your stress and make sure you are eating well. A woman wearing a white swan as her hat is before you. A swan is a sign of optimism and assurance. This is showing you a fresh start where you can be seen for who you really are. The lizards in the tree are a reminder to ground yourself. They suggest increased sensitivity and self-awareness. Be in harmony with your thoughts and feelings, and mindful of your actions. 60 40. BEIN THE PRESENT AND DREAM OF THE FUTURE When we dream, everything is possible. Avoid dwelling on things that have passed and no longer exist. Everyone has a past that has helped to shape who they are. This history cannot be erased. Accept the past and look forward to the future. Set goals, dream big, and create. By doing this, you will eliminate the need to revisit the past. Having a goal helps you to focus on what is important. Setting a goal with a one-year time frame is a simple way to live in the present. What would you like to be doing or achieving this time next year? Make it an attainable task and work on your dream every day. Once you have committed to your goal, you will find you are more easily able to reach it. Work consistently toward your dream, and you will make steady progress and achieve it much quicker. A woman sits beneath the nighttime sky. The pyramids and crystal castle behind her represent ideals from the past. The structures refer to the past and the things that brought you to this point. The stars in the sky symbolize the higher power that guides you. Humans are made of the same energy that made the stars. You have a light inside you. Shine into the darkness and create your dreams. 61 41. DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE Give your attention to another. When you do something kind for someone, you create an opp- ortunity for your relationship to be re-energized. How can you be considerate toward someone today? Insignificant things can have a big impact. Imagine how amazing your life will be when you are consistently doing kind and loving things for others. Do something for someone. It does not need to be someone you are close to or that you see every day. You might choose to do something for someone you don't even know. Just choose someone and do something nice for them. There are so many ways to act with kindness. Open a door for someone who has their arms full. Greet veryone you see. Never underestimate the power of a mile or a positive attitude. Put extra change in a parking heter. It doesn’t take much to change someone's day. Nature's child lovingly pets a rabbit while other animals gather around. Rabbits are a signifier of compassion. They remind you to look inside for the tools you already have. The deer is here to emphasize limitless kindness. Take a moment to consider how wonderful it is to give to someone. Brightening someone’s day is a wonderful experience. 62 42, REST AND RELAXATION IS ESSENTIAL We all have a fundamental need to take a break. You are at your best when all aspects of your life are balanced. Love yourself and the people in your life enough to create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to take care of their needs. You are at your best and able to fully appreciate all that life offers when you are well rested. When you are under a lot of stress, your muscles respond and become tense. Be aware of what stress feels like for you and implement some relaxation techniques to keep things from escalating. Your ability to calm down and relax will improve with practice. It is important to recognize and address your needs. Do not wait until you are completely depleted before you stop for rejuvenation. Make relaxation a part of your day. Give your mind and muscles a much-needed rest. A mermaid dreams as she lies on the ocean floor and a pod of dolphin swim overhead. The pale-green hue of the artwork highlights a need to take time to heal. Dolphins have an innate ability to go into a beta state for rest after a long night of hunting. What is your idea of relaxing? Allow rest and relaxation to be part of your life. 63 43. LOVE ENDURES Love does not give up or lose faith. Love is hopeful and withstands every situation. No matter what is going on, love can endure all things. Take positive steps to help create the change that is necessary to get you through this. Release your fear and recognize that this love will last. Take a step back so you are better able to remember this truth — love lasts. When differences arise, it is important to accept the person you are with has their own perspective. Learn to compromise. Avoid taking a hard stand when it is not necessary. Be aware of what you want in your relationships, so things can return to a state of harmony. There are many things beyond your control, but you can control how you feel. At times it feels easier to walk away from a relationship especially if it feels tedious or demanding. Look at what you have done when faced with challenges in your relationships. Do you give in to get through the conflict or do you take a stand? Look at your past reactions and be willing to address any behaviors or aspects of yourself that are of no benefit to you. A young couple sit close to each other as the boat they are traveling on encounters turbulent seas. The lion at the mast of the ship represents personal power. 64 Turbulent water symbolizes high emotions. Taking a minute to compose yourself and your thoughts benefits everyone. Are you asserting yourself in a loving manner? Make love the driving force. Return to this energy to support you through whatever is going on. 65 44. GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER Learn to meet another's need for love. The need to feel loved and app- reciated can motivate how you act in a relationship. Taking time to understand each other will help love to grow. Recognize your differences and don't try to control every aspect of what is before you. Relationships are an influential energy in people's lives. You begin life in a relationship with your parents or caregivers. When you find someone who piques your interest, you may choose to get to know that person better. Expanding or bettering a connection may seem challenging. Everyone has positive and negative aspects to their personality. Work to take the good and bad in your stride as you get to know someone as this will help | strengthen a relationship. Don't gloss over the negatives or think you can change someone. Take time to talk and get to know each other and your individual quirks. A couple shares a special moment as they ride cocooned in a vessel adorned with seashells. They travel through the air and an island is seen far below them. Dolphins dance in the distance. The swan on the front of the vehicle symbolizes union and love. Learning about someone else takes time, an open heart, and trust. It is a journey worth taking. 66 45. BE SUPPORTIVE Make a genuine effort to show you care. Some extra support and care is all that is needed. Encourage some- one and recognize the effort they are making. Being supportive will help create harmony and peace. Just as the angels support us in all things, be willing to support the ones you love. Find something that interests your partner. Whethe they are passionate about a charitable cause, a sport or hobby, take an interest in their endeavors. Make a point of showing up and helping out. It is easy to avoid taking part because you don’t share an interest or pastime. Learn about why someone is so passionate about what they are doing. This type of support can really mean the world to someone and foster better communication and appreciation. With time, this might be something you enjoy too. An angel with rainbow-hued wings carries a maiden protectively through the night sky. Rainbows and rain- bow colors signify new opportunities ahead for you. In this card, it means you will find ways to be more encouraging to the important individuals in your life. It is always reassuring to know there is someone who supports you. 67 46. SPEND QUALITY TIME TOGETHER Listen and talk to each other. It is easy to slip into the routine of daily life without making time to really connect and give your partner or relationship your full and uninterrupted attention. Make eye contact and actively appreciate each other. When you really tune into someone, they feel validated and valued. Doing this will deepen your relationship. When was the last time you complimented something your partner or loved one did? Giving someone a compliment takes little time and does not have a price tag. Encouraging or commending someone can positively affect his or her entire day. Two elementals share a kiss under a crescent moon. The kiss represents shared feelings of love or friendship. When you are in a relationship, do you make time to be present and share your love? Quality time can make or break any relationship. If you haven't been fully aware of someone, it is time to make this change. 68 47. PHYSICAL TOUCH A tender touch can mean so much. Sometimes a hug is exactly what is needed. Physical connection is important to humans. Hand holding, kissing, embracing, back rubs, an arm around the shoulder ora pat on the back are ways of expressing support, care, encouragement and more. Think about how good you feel when someone greet you with a warm hug or offers you a comforting hanc These small interactions can really help you with you. day. Giving and receiving through touch helps to keep your heart open. Physical touch is immeasurably vital in creating a spiritual bond. The delicate force provided through touch helps build trust and understanding in your relationships. Physical touch can calm, console, and express much more than words. A woodsman kisses the hand of a statue and changes her from stone to flesh. Imagine how important this could be. Giving someone a hand, a squeeze, a high-five or a hug can change someone's entire day. 69 48. DEMONSTRATE LOVE Find out what is important to those you love and act on it. People often give clues about what is important to them. You can show your affection for someone by listening when they have a lot to say, going for a walk with them, helping with chores, or planning a vacation together. Paying attention to what others are telling you can help you understand how to love them better. Create time for someone in your life, no matter what you have in your schedule. Make finding moments for those you love a priority. Those who love you understand you are busy so when you change your day for someone, / it does not go unnoticed. There are so many ways to show someone you are thinking of them. Send flowers, an email, text, or make a phone call. Preparing a favorite meal for someone or running an errand to alleviate stress are simple ways of showing your love. An angel adorned with flowers has scenes of kindness and love depicted in her wings. This is a gentle reminder of the ways you can show love to those around you. The angel has a hibiscus flower in her hair. It is time for a clear demonstration of happiness and delight. Sometimes you need to do a little bit more to express love to those around you. 70 49. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDLY Express your love through actions. Sometimes saying you love some- body is not enough. It is time to show someone how you feel. Put someone's needs before your own. This card is asking you to do something to show your love. Presenting your love without words does not need to be complex. Doing the simplest of things can make a huge change in someone’) life. Allow your acts and considerations to convey you feelings to your partner. Do something for someone that you know they don’t enjoy doing themselves, Turn up with items they need or like, such as a flower, a favorite candy, or their dry cleaning. Your loved ones are constantly sharing their likes or pleasures. Find ways to surprise them. It is so easy to show that you care. A falcon carries a maiden its back. The daisies adorning her body imply new beginnings, optimism or rekindling. The falcon is a signal to focus your attention or energy on what you value. The deep blue of the sky emphasizes the positive power of communication and the security that can be fostered in a relationship. 7 50. CONSIDER YOUR FOUNDATION Look at how committed you are to love. Love means committing without guarantees. In love, we give our- selves completely in the hope it will be lasting. Love is an act of faith. Surround yourself with love and know that your life will be better for it. Strong relationships and love can come from friendship. For lasting love, support those you treasure and be a genuine friend, so your relationships are based on affection, common values and shared respect. Take things slow. It is important not to rush. Release any fear you have about love. If a person brings out the best in you and you in them, things are on the right track. Acouple embraces as they look at a charming cottage. We see the couple from the back and this indicates you may not have the full picture. However, there is no need to push or control what is unfolding. The candles in the tree branches bring light and positive blessings to you. 72 ANbout the Author on > ANGELA HARTFIELD is a psychic ' : medium, internationally renowned ‘spiritual intuitive reader/healer and ' teacher. Her angelic assistance fo- cuses on empowerment techniques to help individuals learn how to get help and guidance from the angels. Angela has been communicating with the angelic and spirit realm since an angelic encounter at the age of four. She is a gifted reader, spiritual healer and teacher who facilitates a certification program in Tokyo, Japan - Angelic Channeler Course (ACC) - as well as other workshops in her home state of Hawaii, including a class on Hawaiian Healing Journeys. She is the creator of the Angelic Whisper Oracle Cards published in 2009 and bestselling author of oracle decks Natures Whispers Oracle Cards, Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards and Whispers of Lord Ganesha all published by Blue Angel Publishing*. She has also teleased two meditation CDs, Finding Your Life Purpose - A Meditation with Archangel Raziel and the Humpback Whales and The Magical World of Fairies. You can read more about Angela's work at: 73 Message from the Artist JOSEPHINE WALL: To me, painting is more than a career. It is an all-consuming obsession and love of colour and form. If I am away from my easel for too long, I become restless and anxious to paint again. Since the age of four, I have always known that there is nothing else I want to do. I have so many images in my mind that it is a race against time to produce them all. This sense of urgency is partly why I moved from the more traditional oil medium to acrylics, which allow me to paint more quickly and create many different textured and colourful effects. Throughout my career, | have always sought to produce images, which are not only pleasing to the eye, but also have a message or thought-provoking statement within. Hence, many of my paintings contain scenes from nature, the preservation of which is a subject close to my heart. It is also important to me that purchasers of my work do not become bored with the image. This is why I like to paint in such detail and nearly always hide creatures, faces and other items within the painting, thus, hopefully, providing years of enjoyment. As people have become used to my style of work, they often find 74 things that are not intentionally there. My paintings, though mainly fantasies, are based on close observation and sketching from nature. I have been influenced and inspired by the illustrative talents of Arthur Rackham, the surrealism of artists such as Magritte, and the romanticism of the pre-Raphaelites, which combined with my own imaginative ideas have led to a wide and varied range of work. I always feel that I can improve and so constantly seek new techniques and strive to produce the perfect painting—one day!! You can find out more about Josephine’s work at: 7S For more information on this or any Blue Angel Publishing? release, please visit our website at: Wt: blueangelontine. Colm 76

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