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As a future elementary educator how will you design your assessment to make it engaging?

As a future elementary educator, I would design engaging assessments by incorporating various


1. Game-Based Assessments: Create educational games or quizzes to make learning and

assessment fun.
2. Project-Based Assessments: Have students work on real-life projects, allowing them to
demonstrate their knowledge in creative ways.
3. Peer Assessments: Encourage students to evaluate their peers' work, promoting collaboration
and critical thinking.
4. Self-Assessments: Let students reflect on their learning and set goals, fostering ownership of
their progress.
5. Multimedia Assessments: Use technology for video presentations, digital storytelling, or
podcasts to diversify assessment formats.
6. Interactive Quizzes: Incorporate interactive elements like clickable questions or drag-and-
drop activities in digital assessments.
7. Portfolio Assessments: Build a collection of students' best work over time, showing their
growth and achievements.
8. Personalized Assessments: Tailor assessments to individual students' interests and learning

These approaches can make assessments more engaging and cater to diverse learning preferences in
an elementary classroom.

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