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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : V ( Lima )
Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu, 29 November 2023

1. Tulislah nama, kelas, nomer absen dan mata pelajaran di bagian atas lembar jawaban!
2. Bacalah tiap-tiap soal dengan sebaik-baiknya!
3. Kerjakanlah dulu soal yang dianggap mudah!
4. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang sudah disediakan!
5. Periksalah kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar soal dan jawaban kamu serahkan kepada
Bapak/Ibu Guru!

I. Answer the question by choosing (X) A, B, C or D
1. This is a glass of orange juice. The taste is ………
a. Tasteless
b. Bitter
c. Sour
d. Spicy
2. The donuts are……..
a. Sour
b. Sweet
c. Bitter
d. Hot
3. Sweet = ……..
a. Asam
b. Asin
c. Manis
d. Pahit
4. Asam = ………
a. Sweet
b. Spicy
c. Tasteless
d. Sour
5. A glass of orange juice in Indonesia is……….
a. Segelas buah jeruk
b. Segelas jeruk peras
c. Segelas jus jeruk
d. Segelas air jeruk
6. A scoop of ice cream in Indonesia is…….
a. Segelas es krim
b. Sepiring es krim
c. Semangkuk es krim
d. Sesendok es krim
7. Mother: Are you thirsty?
Father : yes, could you give me ………., please
a. A glass of coffee
b. A glass of water
c. A slice of pizza
d. A bottle of milk
8. Is this a bar of chocolate?
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it is not
d. No, it is
9. A bowl of bakso is……..
a. Ten rupiahs
b. One hundered rupiahs
c. One thousand rupiahs
d. Ten thousand rupiahs
10. Made : ……………….
Seller : a glass of orange juice is 5,500 rupiahs
a. How many is a glass of orange juice?
b. How much is a glass of orange juice?
c. What many is a glass of orange juice?
d. What much is a glass of orange juice?
11. A plate of fried rice is ……. Rupiahs ( 15.500 )
a. Fifteen thousand and five hundred
b. Fifty thousand and five hundred
c. Fifteen hundred and five thousand
d. Fifty hundred and five thousand
12. A cup of ice cream is ……. Rupiahs ( 17.800 )
a. Fifty thousand and five hundred
b. seventeen thousand
c. seventeen thousand and eight hundred
d. seventy hundred
13. Dendi has a …….. after eating spicy food.
a. Backache
b. Headache
c. Sore eyes
d. Stomachache
14. Does she has a headache?
a. Yes, she does
b. Yes, she has
c. No, she doesn’t
d. No, she hasn’t
15. I have a ……………… I will go to the dentist.
a. Cough
b. Headache
c. Toothache
d. Stomachache
16. Sinta : Hi, Putri. What’s wrong with you?
Putri : I have a headache. It’s really hurts
Sinta : You should ………
a. Drink a glass of milk
b. Go to the dentist
c. Go to the park
d. Take same medicine
17. He is wearing a ……… ( baju kaos)
a. Skirt
b. T – shirt
c. Long dress
d. Blouse
18. Celana panjang =……………
a. Skirt
b. Shirt
c. Trousers
d. Short
19. Is he wearing a tie?
a. Yes, he is
b. Yes, he is not
c. No, he is
d. No, he is not
20. Seragam = ………….
a. a uniform
b. a dress
c. a blouse
d. short

B. Fiil in the blank! ( Isilah titik-titik berikut!)

1. The tastes of candies are ………..

2. Sweet – cakes – are - the taste of
3. My mother needs a ………… ( sesendok ) of sugar
4. Gina likes a …….. ( piring ) of fried noodle
5. Rp. 18.400 = ………
6. It is Two hundred and fifteen thousand rupiahs = …
7. I have a ……………… I will go to the doctor ( sakit kepala )
8. Do you have a …. ?( sakit kepala )
9. Hendri is wearing a pair of ..... ( sepatu )
10. Mr. Bagas is wearing a black …. ( celana panjang )

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