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———————————— Const, Fac. Huma N° 487/2023 CONSTANCIA DE ESTUDIOS El PROF. DR. DIONISIO FLEITAS LECOSKI, Vicedecano ~ Encargado del Decanato y la PROF. LIC NOELIA LISCHUK BARAN, Secretaria General de la Facultad de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Cultura Guarani de la Universidad Nacional de Itapta, hacen CONSTAR: Que, la UNIV. CECILIA RAQUEL SOSA PAREDES, con C.I. N° 5.758.815, es alumna del Segundo Curso de la Carrera de Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa, en el presente afio lectivo 2023 en esta Unidad Académica ~ Sede Encamacién, —~ Se expide la presente, a pedido de la parte interesada y para los fines que hubiere lugar, en la ciudad de Encarnacién, Republica del Paraguay, a los treinta dias del - Eneargado del Decanato Seas, Ces Svs Cane re Tvl de Humaniade, Cepia Sociales Cua Guan V—_—_— Ao? Cee rors Nr 255 c) Ruta N* 1, Km 2.5~ Tele. (+698 71) 207454 worm unkedu py e-mal: secretanagraLhumag@uniedu py Encamacionstapla-Paraguay s é NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ITAPUA Created by Law N° 1009 dated 03" December 1996 & ‘Grr Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Guarani Culture Genel Secretary Const Fa, Huma N° 5702023 ACADEMIC RECORD PROF. DR. ANTONIO KIERNYEZNY ROVATE, Dean and PROF. LIC. NOELIA LISCHUK BARAN, General Secretary of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Guarani Culture of the National University of Itapia, hereby STATE: That CECILIA RAQUEL SOSA PAREDES, with national identity card number 5.758.815, is currently attending the Second Year of the Bachelor's Degree in English Language program, at the University Campus in Encarnacién, Paraguay. This academic record is issued at the request of the interested part and for the purposes that may apply, in the city of Encaracién, Republic of Paraguay, on the twenty-third of May of two thousand and twenty-three. ntonio Kiernyezny Ri Dean Prot. Noelia Lich Ba jeneral Secretary i, So Sees Gur Cl in, Sal Sees and Gul Coe

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