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One day I woke up from sleep and found the whole house
empty. I brushed my teeth and went outside to see what was
happening and where everybody was. As soon as I came under
the open sky, I got the surprise of my life! Infront of me was a
huge Allosaurus. Thankfully it was looking in the opposite
direction and did not see me. I looked around and saw a
Brachiosaurus slowly chewing something in its mouth. Right at
that moment I heard a screeching sound. I looked up and saw
four Eudimorphodons circling around in the sky. Out of
nowhere, a velociraptor sped past me. I slowly gathered my
courage and stepped out to explore this new world of
dinosaurs. When I reached the playground, I found that it had
turned into a dinosaur park. I could see many Compsognathus,
Stegosaurus and Arizonasaurus wandering there. Right at that
moment a T-Rex spotted me and started running towards me to
kill me. I quickly ran towards my home. But it was too late
because the T-rex was too fast, and I could not escape. Just as
he opened his jaws to gobble me up, I heard someone calling
out my name. I opened my eyes with utmost fear and saw my
mother standing right in front of me! It was all a dream! Then I
looked at my clock and saw I was getting late, and I was going
to miss my school bus. Still I was very happy.

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