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Part 1: Selection and Analysis of Cakes and Bakes

Can you provide an overview of "Cakes and Bakes," including its size, industry presence, and any notable aspects of
its business operations?

Part 2: SCM Drivers Analysis for Cakes and Bakes

a. Demand:

2. How does Cakes and Bakes forecast and manage customer demand? Are there specific tools or methods
employed for demand forecasting?

What strategies does the company use to respond to fluctuations in customer demand?

b. Inventory:

4. Could you describe Cakes and Bakes' inventory management strategies, especially in terms of safety stock and
order quantities?

How does the company ensure optimal inventory levels while avoiding overstock or stockouts?

c. Transportation:

6. What transportation and logistics strategies does Cakes and Bakes employ for the distribution of its products?

How does the company handle the challenges related to the transportation of perishable goods, if applicable?

d. Information:

8. How integral is information technology and systems in facilitating Cakes and Bakes' supply chain management?

Are there specific technologies or systems used to enhance information flow within the supply chain?

e. Sourcing:

10. Can you provide insights into Cakes and Bakes' supplier relationships and procurement strategies?

How does the company ensure a reliable and efficient supply of raw materials for its products?

Part 3: SCM Challenges and Solutions for Cakes and Bakes

What are three significant supply chain management challenges faced by Cakes and Bakes, particularly related to
demand forecasting, inventory management, transportation, information flow, and sourcing?

For each identified challenge, could you propose practical recommendations and solutions that align with supply
chain management best practices and theories?

How does Cakes and Bakes plan to integrate these recommended solutions into its current supply chain
management practices?

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