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Short case study

Eman Abdelrahman, 34 years old married 10 years ago para3 +0

Post C.S day 4 (preeclampsia ) ,LMP 20/4/2020

First trimaster were normal apart of mild nausea and vomiting
She felt faetal perception first time at 20 weeks of gestation
and started to have headache and blurred vision and lower limb edema
.at the end of 7th month
Review of other systems were normal
During routine antenatal care she noticed elevated blood pressure 180/110
.and so she was referred to the hospital
at hospital she diagnosed as preeclampsia and the pregnancy terminated at
8/12/2020 (32weeks and 4 days)
:Post operative follow up
 *General examinations:-
 Pulse….79 beat/min,.
 Respiratory rate…. 13cycle/min, thoraco-abdominal regular
breathing of average depth.
 Temperature….37.1 ºC axillary.
 Blood pressure …. 130/80 mmHg


CBC: HB… 12.7 g/dl TLC.. 8.2 x 103 cell/ml PLT…182 x 103
Urine analysis
:Liver function test -
ALT= 11 U/I
AST= 12 U/I
Post cessarin day 4 (preeclampsia )


♦: Plan of Managment ,
Bed rest

.close observation for couple of days
NSAIDs "Naproxen" for the pain after C.S-

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