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Bibliotheca Archaeologica

Collana di archeologia
a cura di Giuliano Volpe


Research on Hierapolis in Phrygia
and other cities in south-western Anatolia:
archaeology, archaeometry, conservation

edited by
Tommaso Ismaelli and Giuseppe Scardozzi


Bari 2016
ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1
ISSN 1724-8523
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neW Data on tHe BUilDinG site
oF tHe tHeatre in HieraPolis
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

aBstraCt - thanks to systematic sampling and pre-existing knowledge of the composition of the three orders of the theatre, the
paper presents a detailed study of the criteria adopted for the procurement of marbles used in the construction of the scaenae frons.
the building site of this monument has been the object of many studies, given its exceptional state of conservation, the dedicatory
inscription mentioning the Dokimeian marble and the assumed involvement of aphrodisian craftsmen in the decoration process. the
present research offers new data regarding (i) the first phase of the scaenae frons (augustan and Julio-Claudian era), (ii) the
chronological development of the severan building site (early to late severan period), (iii) the provenance of the marbles used the
logeion and the three orders (mainly from Marmar tepe and thiounta quarries), and (iv) the distribution of white and coloured
marbles (both local and imported) aimed at emphasising the central section of the scaenae frons.
KeyWorDs: theatre, severan architecture, white and coloured marbles, Hierapolis.

De BernarDi Ferrero, Ciot-
ta, PensaBene 2007; substantial ad- the theatre of Hierapolis constitutes one of the city’s best conserved and studied
vances are described in soBrà, buildings, thanks to five decades of research conducted by the italian archaeological
Masino 2010; Masino, soBrà Mission 1. regarding the procurement of marbles for the ancient building site, the the-
2012b; soBrà 2012a; soBrà 2015;
Masino 2016; soBrà 2016. atre represents a fundamental case study: knowledge of its reconstruction in the sev-
on the 1st-century aD phase, eran period is indeed extensive, encompassing its patrons, the chronology of the work
see soBrà, Masino 2010, 374- and the use of Dokimeian marble, which is cited in the dedicatory inscription on the
377; D’anDria 2012a, 152-155;
Polito 2012, 186-187; soBrà, first order of the scaenae frons.
Masino 2014. the research potential offered by this monument had already prompted extensive
specifically, Pensabene as- sampling of the severan scaenae frons, conducted in the course of the 2005 campaign
sumed the intervention of aphro-
disian stonemasons for the capitals, by Gianni Quarta, but only a small portion of those samples were subject to petrographic
anguiped tritons and pilasters with and isotopic analyses. as part of the Marmora Phrygiae Project, it was thus decided
populated friezes, as well as the fig- to complete the analyses of this rich collection of samples and to expand the sampling
urative friezes of the podia. these
craftsmen are believed to have in the years 2013-2015 to include the cavea, the statues and the architectural elements
contributed to the training of the lo- of the previous phase, dated to the Julio-Claudian period 2. With about 60 samples
cal stonemasons who were active in analysed, the theatre is therefore the most thoroughly investigated context in Hierapolis
the building site (attanasio, Pen-
saBene 2002, 69; PensaBene 2007, in archaeometric terms. together with the current knowledge of the composition of the
247, 275-276, 303-305, 307; Pen- three orders of the scaenae frons, this has enabled a detailed study of the procurement
saBene 2011, 49-52, 56. For his criteria adopted for the construction of this elaborate monumental complex, which re-
part, D’andria (D’anDria, ritti
1985, 187-196) had proposed, for quired the use of a truly considerable quantity of marble.
the podia of the first order, either regarding the open questions still affecting the severan building site, the previous
Dokimeian or local workmanship, studies focused essentially on two aspects: the composition of the stonemasons’ work-
an idea that was taken up by Di
naPoli 2002, 393-396, 403 and shops responsible for the architectural and sculptural decoration (especially the role
Pellino 2005, 63. of craftsmen from Dokimeion and aphrodisias) 3 and the presence of imported mar-
For ritti, the expression refers bles, which may be inferred on the basis of the dedicatory inscription carved on the
to the lower part of the frons scae-
nae, i.e. the logeion and the first or- architrave of the first order of the scaenae frons. the text is not easy to interpret, due
der (ritti 2007a, 407, 412-413), to both missing sections and the use of terms that are not clearly associated with in-
while according to attanasio and dividual sectors of the monument. this famous epigraph, dated to 206/207 aD, declares
Pensabene πρώτη σκήνη refers to
the first order of the frons scaenae, that the city dedicated the reconstruction, from the foundations up, including the mar-
without excluding the possibility ble cladding, of the πρώτη σκήνη (an expression whose meaning has been interpret-
that it refers to the whole of the ed in various ways) to apollo archegetes and the imperial family 4. the second line
frons scaenae (attanasio, Pensa-
Bene 2002, 73-76). of the text cites the financial contribution of the purple dyers’ guild for the comple-
according to ritti, the ex- tion of the work, specifically πρὸς τὸν κόσμον τῆς τε πρώτης καὶ τῆς δευτέρας στέγης
pression πρώτη καὶ δευτέρα στέγη λίθου Δοκιμηνοῦ ἀπηρτισμένου, i.e. for the ornamentation of the “first and second lev-
refers to the marble cladding of the
second and third orders (ritti els in carved Dokimeian marble” 5. aside from its relevance to the role of the city and
2007a, 413), a hypothesis accepted the purple dyers’ guild in financing individual sectors of the scaenae frons, this text

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

has thus always been central to studies of the severan building site of the theatre due
its reference to a precise quantity of Dokimeian marble that is said to have been used
in the construction. indeed, the epigraph speaks of “653 feet” of this highly prized mar-
ble, a measure that has been interpreted in various ways. specifically, ritti suggested
that 653 feet corresponded to the linear length of the frieze-architraves of the second
and third order 6. However, attanasio and Pensabene ruled out this hypothesis, con-
sidering (i) a more accurate calculation of the entablatures, length and (ii) the visual
by attanasio and Pensabene, for and archaeometric examination of the frieze-architraves of the three orders, which are
whom it should be interpreted as clearly not made of stone from the quarries of Dokimeian. on the basis of these con-
“first and second levels, corre- siderations, attanasio and Pensabene concluded that the 653 feet of Dokimeian mar-
sponding to the second and third or-
ders” (attanasio, PensaBene 2002, ble must refer to a measurement of surface area (about 57.2 m2), corresponding to the
73-76). cladding of the back wall with slabs that could have been either white marble or pavon-
ritti 1985, 113. azzetto 7. this hypothesis implies a considerably smaller quantity of Dokimeian mar-
attanasio, PensaBene 2002, ble used in the building site of the theatre. in addition to the cladding slabs, which could
attanasio, PensaBene 2002,
be cut from two or three blocks of 120 x 60 x 90 cm, scholars count only the six columns
74-76; PensaBene 2010, 85. in on the sides of the three central doorways of the first order, held to be made of pavon-
contrast, in Masino, soBrà 2012b, azzetto 8, and at least part of the slabs used to line the niches of the logeion, made from
217 and soBrà 2012, 188, the two
columns on the sides of the Porta a coloured variant of Dokimeian marble 9. Having ruled out the possibility that the frieze-
regia and the four columns on the architraves of the three orders were made of stone from Dokimeion, the archaeomet-
central podia are identified as ric analyses performed by attanasio and Pensabene on about ten samples indicated that
pavonazzetto. More recently, the
use of “greco scritto” marble from they were made of a variety of marble from either aphrodisias or thiounta, while the
ephesos (Masino, soBrà 2012b, capitals of the first order, one of which (a10) was sampled, were very probably made
217) and marble from Denizli (so- of stone from aphrodisias 10.
Brà 2012, 188) has also been pro-
posed for some columns of the first as we shall see, the recent discoveries concerning the white marble quarries in the
order. territory of Hierapolis and the identification of the quarries of Marmar tepe, not pres-
see De BernarDi Ferrero ent in the database of reference used by attanasio and Pensabene 11, have substantial-
2007, 51, Fig. 86. ly modified the framework of knowledge regarding the procurement of the materials
attanasio, PensaBene 2002,
83-84. this idea was taken up by used to build the theatre, providing a significant opportunity to review this complex
Masino, soBrà 2012b, 217, who question.
argue that the capitals were brought G.s.
from aphrodisias with the carving
already in an advanced state.
Brilli ET ALII 2015. Building phases
sCarDozzi 2015b, 35, 37.
it was proposed that the ear-
little is known about the layout of Hierapolis during the Hellenistic age: despite
liest theatre was built in the Hel- the importance of this period for the urban organization having been demonstrated long
lenistic time and demolished in ago, we still have little firm evidence of this phase 12. anyway, it is probable that a the-
the 1st century aD, due to the un-
fortunate choice of the location,
atre structure was already in use during this period, such a hypothesis being suggest-
damages during the neronian age ed by the dimension and the religious importance of the city.
and the subsequent construction of the studies of the last century identified a “Hellenistic theatre” in the remains of
the theatre in the centre of the city
(which was thought to date to the a koilon conserved on the slopes to the north-east of the north agora 13. this north the-
Flavian age), cf. De BernarDi atre has been recently more accurately attributed to the 2nd century aD (between the
Ferrero 1974, 20, 27; Verzone age of Hadrian and that of antoninus Pius) 14, during the phase of monumentalization
1978, 417; De BernarDi Ferrero
1987, 42; De BernarDi Ferrero that took place in the area north to the Hellenistic city grid. this urbanization, insist-
1993, 145; De BernarDi Ferrero ing on areas previously occupied by necropolis and artisan workshops, duplicated the
2007, 17-18. main public buildings of the old city centre 15. We can therefore expect that the sup-
sCarDozzi 2012e. posed Hellenistic theatre should have found place in the city centre, close to the main
D’anDria 2001, 104; D’an-
Dria 2003, 111; sCarDozzi 2008c,
sanctuaries, hence most probably in the location of the extant theatre, but no clear ev-
36, 40; sCarDozzi 2015b, 45-46. idence has been found yet.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
1. - Round altar dedicated by Zosimos to Roma and Gaius 2. - Marble elements ascribed to the Augustan age logeion.

Augustan age
the first evidences concerning the presence of a theatre are three inscriptions dat-
ing back to the augustan age, which have been found in connection with the building
and therefore they can constitute a terminus ante quem for its construction. the best
known, dating to year 3 BC, mentioning augustus himself, was carved on the frieze
of an entablature marble block, but the connection with the earliest theatre is unsure 16.
the second was found in the theatre in 1965 on a marble round altar, with garlands
held by bull-heads, above which is a dedication from a victorious athlete named zosi-
mos to the Goddess roma and Gaius Caesar, princeps iuventutis. the inscription was
tentatively dated to year 1 BC 17 (Fig. 1). a third augustan age inscription was found
in the corridor leading to the diazoma. Carved on a parallelepiped marble base, the in-
scription was a dedication to augustus and the demos from theophilos, epimeletes in
charge of the practical organization of the competitions in honour of the Princeps 18.
Beside the finding place, the connection with the agonistic sphere, which links the lat-
the dating of this element, as-
signed by the first editor to the reign ter two inscriptions, seems a good hint to consider these documents as related to the
of Domitian, has been largely dis- theatre.
cussed; ritti 1983a, 174-175, pl. i, the remains of the oldest theatre are to be found in the koilon, including a circu-
2; ritti 1985, 123; Martin 1990,
238-239. a final interpretation and lar orchestra with a proedria, in the analemmata, with two diagonal unroofed parodoi,
dating to the augustan age is in rit- and in the foundations of the proskenion, which defined a narrow trapezoidal logeion 19.
ti 2007a, 393. For the connection all these structures were made of local limestone, as recent excavations have confirmed
with the theatre, see below.
with the discovery of the original travertine seats laying under the later arrangement
Gaius Caesar was in asia be-
tween 1 BC and aD 4, see ritti of the severan lower rows 20. this first layout of the building shows several features
1979, 183-186, fig. 1. associated with a Hellenistic architectural tradition, which were anyway also common
ritti 1979, 186-187, fig. 2. during the early imperial age. the koilon dimensions were imposing, with a diame-
BeJor 2002; Polito 2012, ter of around 100 m and a capacity of 10,000 spectators.
186-187, figs. 21, 23; Masino,
soBrà 2010, 374-379, fig. 3. among these earliest structures the marble was used only for the decoration of the
D’anDria 2012a, 155, fig. 14; proskenion and of the scaenae frons 21. the layout of the earliest logeion façade, com-
Polito 2012, 189-192, figs. 25-31. posed of eleven intercolumniations according to the traditional model, was reconstructed
a preliminary graphic recon- thanks to recent excavations, which have brought to light its limestone foundations.
struction in Masino, soBrà 2010,
378, fig. 8; D’anDria 2012a, 153, three of the intercolumniations hosted a door, as indicated by the extant pairs of hinge
fig. 12. holes in the blocks. several marble elements (Fig. 2), found amongst the debris of the

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

later scaenae frons, have been attributed to this

façade: these are in particular marble pillars with
Doric half-columns, their shafts are smooth in
the lower portion (for about 0.6 m) and fluted
above; traces of the pinakes slots can be identi-
fied on the pillar side faces. other elements, with
half-columns leaning against squared blocks be-
longing to an opus quadratum wall, are supposed
to have formed the oblique wings of the proske-
since the preliminary studies dedicated to the
building, some marble elements from the the-
atre’s debris have been attributed to the primi-
tive scaenae frons, without reaching a solution
for the reconstruction of the layout 22: recent re-
search have focused on the problem and led to
discard some of these and to found out a sig-
nificant number of newly identified ones 23.
among these, the presence of capitals belong-
ing to two different orders was observed and the
stylistic analysis has confirmed that a dating to
3. - Marble capitals ascribed to the Augustan age scaenae frons. the augustan-tiberian age seems likely (Fig. 3).
a pair of ionic column capitals is preserved and
shows a peculiar feature: both are three-sided
capitals, an uncommon architectural element,
when not in connection with foreparts of some
columnar façades. these elements suit well to a
scaenae frons decoration, whose examples dat-
ing to the early imperial age were frequently
provided with lateral projecting intercolumnia-
a series of Corinthian anta capitals was also
detected: the elements were re-decorated on the
rear face and reused in the later scaenae frons 24.
the smaller size, compared to the ionic capitals,
suggests an original use in the second storey of
the primitive columnar façade’s back-wall; their
curved sides indicates the presence of exedras or
niches along this wall.
a problem in the reconstruction of the ear-
lier scaenae frons concerns the entablatures,

Verzone 1978, 422, fig. 40; De BernarDi Ferrero
2002b, 32-35.
a more detailed text on the layout of the augustan
age scaenae frons (unfortunately published without the
related images) is in Masino, soBrà 2014, 175-176.
4. - Reconstructive hypothesis of the Ionic architectural order forming the 24
PensaBene 2007, 231-232, 324, fig. 1; see also be-
lower oreder of the Augustan age scaenae frons. low H15_505.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
New data on the building site of the Theatre of Hierapolis

5. - Marble elements of frieze-architrave ascribed to the Augustan age scaenae frons, re-used
as building material during the Severan worksite.

because among the theatre’s materials several architrave-friezes, at least belonging

to three different series, were once alleged to be part of the columnar façade. the first
and biggest one consists of a single marble block with the already cited inscribed
frieze, nowadays assigned to the augustan age, but the straight shape of this element
is in contrast with the most common sceanae frons layout during this period 25. the
second series, composed of several elements, is endowed with an anthemia frieze, but
in this case, as in the previous one, there is no evidence of a re-use of the marble
block in the severan age building, so they can hardly be considered part of the earli-
er scaenae frons 26.
two series of blocks seem to correspond to the entablatures of the scaenae frons.
For what concerns their shape, both are endowed with slight projections at the ends
of some blocks, which seems to indicate a general layout of the façade with pseudo-
aediculae, similar to the theatre in aphrodisias.
in the biggest series, which is supposed to correspond to the first storey, the ar-
chitrave is divided in two bands, and could therefore match with the ionic capitals men-
tioned above, while the frieze depicts garlands supported by sacrificial protomes (Fig.
4). in the upper storey, instead, could take place a smaller series of architrave-frieze,
with a three banded architrave and a frieze with sinusoidal acanthus scrolls (Fig. 5).
on the block see above note on a stylistic base, this decoration can be dated with a certain ease to the augustan age 27.
16. some curvilinear blocks are part of this series: these elements match therefore with the
Pictures of this series of ele- curved sided Corinthian capitals both for the shapes and for the dimensions, suggest-
ments are in De BernarDi Ferrero
2002b, 34-35, figs. 62-63, Masino, ing the presence of curved elements within the entablature.
soBrà 2010, 378, fig. 7; D’anDria the cornice elements assigned to this phase, some with dentils (probably from the
2012a, 153, fig. 13. lower ionic order) and others with modillions (from an upper Corinthian order), con-
Verzone 1978, 422, fig. 40;
De BernarDi Ferrero 2002b, 33,
firm this feature, which is not common in asian scaenae frons before the mid 1st cen-
figs. 59-60; PensaBene 2007, 324, tury aD. the entablatures were also endowed with pediments, as testified by the pres-
fig. 1; Masino, soBrà 2010, 378, ence of a half tympanum depicting a triton playing the buccina 28.
fig. 7; Masino, soBrà 2012b, 218,
fig. 16.
other marble fragments, belonging to door-lintels, can be assigned to this first phase:
on the motif in the augustan two of these were detected amongst the debris of the theatre, a third one was found,
period, see zanKer 1989, 96-98. during recent conservation works, reused as construction material within the podium

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

of severan façade (Fig. 6). the stylistic analysis confirms,

once again, a dating to the augustan age 29.
Figured slabs from the primitive scaenae frons were
also reused in the construction of the 3rd century podium:
one was decorated with large garlands tied with ribbons
and could be assigned to a podium of the original colum-
6. - Marble door lintel, ascribed to the Augustan age scaenae nar façade, while the other two were endowed with a de-
frons, re-used as building material in a Severan age podium. ity bust inside a clipeus 30. the garlands podium can there-
fore find a eco in the entablature decorations, reflecting a
strong pietas symbolism typical of this period; instead, the representation within one
a useful comparison for the clypeus of a Dioskouros, a divine figure which is not commonly depicted in the dec-
decoration in VanDePUt 1997, 50- orative programmes of other monuments in Hierapolis, could be linked to a possible
54, pl. 18, 2.
pair of altars dedicated to augustus’ nephews, the principes iuventutis, often sugges-
D’anDria, ritti 1985, 4-5,
49, 55, fig. 6, pl. 17, 2; ritti 1985, tively associated to the divine twins 31.
123. all the architectural features of this primitive theatre point out a strong commit-
the Dioskouroi were at first ment underlying the building process, in terms of design, materials and construction
associated to augustus himself,
cf. zanKer 1989, 54. ritti sug-
techniques. the coherent decorative programme, centred on the most important themes
gested the presence of a second re- of augustus’ propaganda 32, including his triumphs (the triton pediment), the Princeps’
lief, thus the allusion should involve pietas (garlands and sacrificial protomes), the upcoming new golden age (acanthus-
the two adopted sons of the Prin- scroll friezes) and the guarantee of a political continuity through his descendants, fits
ceps; this phenomenon, inaugu-
rated under augustus, also in- with a well-known large scale phenomenon and recalls similar monumental buildings
volved other Julio-Claudian couple in the nearby, such as the theatre in aphrodisias 33.
of brothers or twins, see PoUlsen
1991; la roCCa 1994; Horster
2011, 82-89. Close to Hierapolis, a 1st - 2nd centuries
good example is to be found in a literary sources allow us to know that in the year aD 60, during the reign of em-
pair of reliefs from the sebasteion peror nero, a catastrophic earthquake struck the lykos Valley, causing imposing de-
of aphrodisias, a couple of Julio-
Claudian princes are explicitly de- structions in the main cities of the region, including laodikeia, Colossae and Hier-
picted as Dioskouroi, cf. sMitH apolis 34. the evidences of the earthquake’s destruction on the monuments in Hierapolis
2013, 133-134, 138-139, nos. C4, are not as clear as they could be, compared with the alleged importance of the seis-
C6, pls. 50, 54.
For the triumphal symbology,
mic event 35. For what concern the theatre, we can expect it to have been affected by
see zanKer 1989, 96-98; for the serious damages after the earthquake, in particular to its aerial columnar structure, and
other two main themes of augus- to have required imposing reconstructions. Despite this hypothesis, the second half of
tus’ propaganda; zanKer 1989, the 1st century and the whole 2nd century represent a “black hole” in the knowledge of
182-197. on the programme un-
derlying the decoration in the the- the monument and, significantly, no epigraphic texts within the theatre date certain-
atre, see Masino, soBrà 2014, ly to this period 36. some restorations to the analemmata can be ascribed to this phase,
175-176. in particular involving the corner of the southern one, with the l-shaped vaulted pas-
on the architecture and figu-
rative programme of the scaenae
sageway, whose structures, compared to the original walls, show different building tech-
frons in aphrodisias, cf. De CHaise- nique and masonry texture. this long silent period, anyway, requires further investi-
Martin 2002; De CHaiseMartin, gations 37.
tHeoDoresCU 2006; De CHaise-
Martin 2011.
ritti 1985, 24, 27; GUiDo-
Boni, CoMastri, traina 1994; al- signed to the Flavian age, see ritti 1985, 123-124, pl. 20a. the “pan-Flavian” trend of the previous
tUnel 2000, 302, 312. studies requires anyway to be careful in accepting this dating. after discarding the hypothesis of a
architectural restorations Flavian origin of the theatre, recent studies have also denied a Hadrianic age intervention involv-
probably linked to seismic damages ing the koilon and a supposed porticus in summa cavea; the epigraphic texts assigned to this phase,
are described in isMaelli 2013. found inside, or close to the theatre belonged to a different building: a monumental altar dedicated
Works involving the logeion to the Dodekatheon, see Masino, soBrà 2011, in part. 173-174; Masino, soBrà 2012a, in part. 276-
of the theatre are reported in a frag- 287.
mentary inscription, of undeter- 37
to the late 2nd century dates anyway a marble base for a statue of Commodus found within the
mined origin, which has been as- theatre, see ritti 1983a, 178, pl. 3, 2.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
7. - Severan age building behind the scaenae frons.
Early and middle Severan age
since the end of the 2nd century, under the severan dinasty, Hi-
erapolis underwent a huge phase of development both on the eco-
nomic and on the artistic point of view, with several deep inter-
ventions on existing monuments. the theatre was the most im-
portant work among them, characterized by a complex architec-
ture and a lavish decoration, consisting in the rebuilding of the
scaenae frons, of the stage (Fig. 7), of the proskenion, and in large
interventions to the koilon.
scholars have linked this urban phenomenon not only to the
large-scale stabilization process involving the whole empire, but
also to the special relationship between the city and the imperial
family. the sophist aelius antipater, citizen of Hierapolis, gained
huge consideration in rome at the court of septimius severus and
Julia Domna, as tutor of the princes Caracalla and Geta, and lat-
er assuming the role of secretary to the emperor for relations with
the Greek cities. at the apex of his career, antipater came back
to asia as Governor of Bithynia, then retired to private life in his
home town, committing suicide soon after the murder of Geta, due
to his disfavour with Caracalla. the project and the first phase of
reconstruction of the theatre overlap with the period of antipa-
ter’s stay in Hierapolis, during which he was certainly part of the
elite ruling the city 38.
to the central years of severus’ reign dates the first phase of
the reconstruction of the theatre, consisting in the drafting of the
general plan for a new imposing scaenae frons, organized on three
storeys (Fig. 8). the dedicatory inscription on the first storey’s entab-
lature was affixed in aD 206/207, and testifies that at least this lev-
el of the columnar façade was completed 39. also the podium of
the second storey, strictly connected to the entablature lying be-
low, date to this building phase, as evidenced by the presence in
it’s very centre of the U-shaped relief representing septimius
severus and his family surrounded by deities, personifications and
athletes 40. the reconstruction of the scaenae frons continued in the
following years and part of the upper storeys –if not both of them–
must be ascribed to the time between the end of severus reign and
the ascension of Caracalla. another inscription on the southern end
of the second storey’s entablature, testifies the completion of this
level, but was left unfinished after the incipit was carved, mentioning
the Gods, the new emperor (without his brother Geta) and his moth-
er: this fact allowed the suggestion of some kind deterioration in
the relationship between Hierapolis and the court in rome, fol-

ritti 1988, 71-128.
ritti 2007a, 399-409.
ritti 1985, 59-77; Di naPoli 2000.

8. - Graphical reconstruction of the Severan age scaenae frons, with the

preserved marble elements placed in the correct position.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
lowing the death of Geta in aD
211 and the consequent dis-
favour of antipater 41.
at its completion, the new
scaenae frons rose for a total
height of 24 m, flanked by
two imposing paraskenia dec-
orated by hypostyle structures.
this magnificent façade, one
of the greatest expressions of
9. - Capitals from the Severan age scaenae frons: Corinthian elements from the first order (A- baroque roman architecture
B); composite capitals from the second and third orders (C-D).
in asia Minor, was intended as
a manifesto of the city’s wealth
and power, hence endowed with an elaborate decorative programme, one of the rich-
est amongst the theatres of the whole empire. the scaenae frons was also provided with
ritti 2007a, 409-413. a large group of statues, most of which unearthed during the excavations 42.
BeJor 1991, 1-46. the design of the first storey 43 consisted in alternated pairs of smaller columns
recent research and the placed on the four high podia and pairs of bigger columns on octagonal pedestals, in
occasion of the anastylosis of the
first storey of the scaenae frons front of the three central doors where the podia formed curved exedras 44. the five doors
(GalVaGno, MiGHetto 2016) led to opening on the stage were lavishly decorated, with an incomparable richness of mo-
a precise knowledge of the exact tifs. at the sides of the Porta regia, on the podia slabs, were carved the cycles of artemis
position of each marble fragment
composing this order, which has (south) and apollo (north) 45; the podia were completed with a baroque crowning and
been recognize based on a multi- a simply moulded lysis.
approach investigation. Up-to-date the six bigger columns were composed by attic-ionic bases with octagonal plinth,
studies on the first storey are smooth shafts of different marbles 46 and “normal” asiatic Corinthian capitals 47 (Fig.
published in Masino, soBrà 2010,
383-394; Masino, soBrà 2012b, 9, a). the eight smaller columns show attic-ionic bases with square or octagonal plinth,
213-221; soBrà 2012. smooth shafts of various marbles 48 and Corinthian capitals of the “windblown” type
this kind of scaenae frontes (Fig. 9, B). Four of these capitals were endowed with a figurative element (probably
is much more frequent in the West-
ern Provinces; in asia see the the- a protome or a small bust) in the place of the flos abaci 49. against the wall, corre-
atres of aizanoi and Miletos in sponding to the smaller columns, were regular Corinthian pilasters, made of local white
KraUss 1940; altenHöFer 1986; marble. the parts of the vertical elements were joined by iron dowels sealed in lead.
roHn 2001, 306, 314.
in plan, the entablature of this level had the same shape as the podium; it was divided
D’anDria, ritti 1985.
the two central shafts made into two different layers of blocks: the architrave-frieze and the cornice. Where the
of coloured Dokimeian marble architrave-frieze was in contact with the back wall, the entablature got divided into three
(pavonazzetto), the others of a lo- superimposed layers; these elements in particular were frequently carved from reused
cal one, see below 320-321.
marbles of the 1st century scaenae frons 50. the elements were linked together by means
For a more detailed descrip-
tion see Masino, soBrà 2010, 387, of iron cramps sealed in lead and iron rods to the capitals below, while the cornice
393; Masino, soBrà 2012b, 219- elements were simply laid on top of the lower layers. the architrave-frieze is composed
220; soBrà 2012, 188-193. by a three-band architrave and a convex frieze carved with acanthus scrolls. soffits show
see below 320-321. a huge range of different decorations, including phytomorphic and zoomorphic
For the analysis of these ele-
ments soBrà 2015, 1051. elements, as well as geometrical motifs 51. the Corinthian cornice was characterized
Masino, soBrà 2012b, 217- by dentils, modillions, a plain geison front and a high sima with anthemia 52. Between
218. the modillions, the coffers were decorated with a variety of subjects, in a way similar
elsewhere in asia Minor, to the architrave’s soffits.
such decorative exuberance is found
in similar elements from theatres in
Perge and nysa on the Maeander,
and in the (slightly earlier) 52
the sima decoration differs from block to block. in asia Minor, this variety seems to charac-
nymphaeum in sagalassos, see terize the decorative pattern during the late-antonine and severan age, cf. VanDePUt 1997, 101, pl.
VanDePUt 1997, 101, pl. 48. 46.

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New data on the building site of the theatre of Hierapolis

10. - Different carving stages in the lysis placed upon the second order podium of the Severan
age scaenae frons.

above the pairs of columns, with the exception of the central pair, laid pediments
in a fashion which is uncommon for lower storeys of the theatre façades in asia Minor 53.
the four pediments over the podia were triangular and their tympana decorated with busts
of apolline deities in relief 54, the other two larger pediments over the side doors, instead,
were arched and had a round relief inside, which was probably covered by a bronze
applique in the shape of a shield 55; all the pediments were composed of several blocks.
the second storey’s podium was on the same level as the pediments, blank and
surmounted by a decorated sima. it was only interrupted by the pediments and by three
in a way that is uncommon for
theatre façades in asia Minor, the figurative reliefs: the central U-shaped relief of celebrative and agonistic subject and
first order of which is frequently two reliefs, each carved on a single slab and placed over one of the lateral doors,
plain and the pediments are seen in depicting chthonian mythological subjects (the rape of Persephone and Demeter on her
the upper levels, the only remark-
able exception being the scaenae chariot) 56. as in the first order, a lysis lays on the second storey’s podium; it had a
frons of the theatre in Perge, see continuous relief representing erotes bringing garlands, alternating deity-heads and
öztürK 2009, 84-96, Beil. 4, 6. rosettes in the spaces over the garlands (Fig. 10).
the gods depicted have been in the scaenae frons, both the upper levels’ entablatures were sustained by columns,
interpreted as apollo, selene, apol-
lo Helios-lairbenos and apollo whose height was very close (shafts of 3.50 m in the second storey and 2.90 m in the
Kareios, cf. ritti 1985, 134-135; third one; capitals of a similar height around 0.50 m); they were composed by regu-
ritti 2005, 163-164, figs. 1-4; lar attic-ionic bases, spiral-fluted shafts (mostly made of local marble) and asiatic
Masino, soBrà 2010, 391, 395;
soBrà 2015, 1050; soBrà 2016, composite capitals (Fig. 9, C). Composite pilasters, made of white marble and endowed
166-167. with moulded shafts, were placed against the wall, in correspondence to the columns.
elements absolutely similar to the rectilinear development of the second order was only interrupted by three large
those described are in the scaenae
frons of the theatre at ephesos, al-
curved exedras, aligned with the underlying main doors. in these exedras, the
though they are still unpublished. columns and the corresponding vertical elements of the back-wall, was consistent with
other pediments decorated with a different decorative model. Basis with octagonal plinth and strigilated shafts distin-
marble shields, sustained by winged guished the columns on the front, at least the pair in the very centre of the façade, and
erotes are in the second storey of
the scaenae frons of the theatre at the same model was to be found in the exedra walls, where half columns, instead of
Perge, see öztürK 2009, 87, pl. 16, pilasters, lean against the wall.
1-2). a plain profile characterized the entablature of the second storey, which was not
Masino, soBrà 2010, 395-
399; soBrà 2015, 1050; soBrà endowed with any pediment, thus interrupting the aedicular façade scheme. its deco-
2016, 159-161. ration repeated, in a smaller scale, the motifs of the first order, with only small varia-

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
tions 57. above the cornice, a
low podium ran along the
whole façade and was deco-
rated with a continuous relief
depicting garlands held by a
theory of Geniuses, hence sim-
ilar to the lysis of the second
storey’s podium, but differing
not only for the small deities
represented, but also for the
predominance of theatrical
masks in the spaces over the
garlands 58.
aerial synthesis of the two
lower storey, the third order
consisted of a succession of
exedras, larger (aligned to the
huge exedras of the first level)
and narrower (on the axis of
the second’s curved recesses),
separated by protruding free-
standing entablatures; between
the four larger exedras, aedic-
ulae were placed. the entab-
latures of the uppermost order
repeated the decorative motifs
of the lower ones and the four
aediculae were crowned with
small pediments: the central
ones were arched and framed
11. - Pilaster shafts from the second order: Severan age element (A); 4th century AD restoration plain tympana, whereas the
elements (B-C). two at the sides were triangu-
lar and hosted figured tympa-
na with busts of deities/personifications alluding to the virtues required to a victori-
the main difference consist-
ing in the egg-and-tongue kymation ous athlete.
on top of the frieze which takes the of particular commitment were also the two paraskenia, which during this build-
place of the leaf-and-dart kymation ing phase came to occupy the ancient parodoi. Compared to most of the theatres of asia
of the first storey.
PensaBene 2007, 261-263;
Minor, in Hierapolis these structures show an unusual imposingness, certainly due to
soBrà 2015, 1050-1051. the will of impressing the spectators, but also to the functions of the inner rooms, which
if in the West, the scaenae were not the place of a simple staircase, but were arranged on several levels – some-
frons was frequently tightened be- times hosting representative spaces – and connected to the outer urban space and to
tween two huge tower-looking
buildings, in asia Minor the only the koilon itself 59.
theatre endowed with such big the architectural decoration of the fronts seamlessly prolonged that of the scaenae
paraskenia was that in aspendos, frons, and a suggestion of their ancient splendour can be guessed observing their pre-
whose design very close to the
western model and where the two
structures served as staircase (De ized by a rich architectural decoration – but whose function is unclear – are in the theatre in Perge
BernarDi Ferrero 1970, 159-174, (öztUrK 2009, 117-118, fig. 52, Beil. 4). also in aizanoi the paraskenia, endowed with a monumental
figs. 172-200). other relatively decoration, were used not as staircase, but probably hosted rooms with a representative function (roHn
imposing paraskenia, character- 2010).

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
New data on the building site of the Theatre of Hierapolis

12. - Graphical reconstruction of the Severan age south paraskenion, with the preserved marble elements placed in the correct

served front facing the logeion. Here, a marble wall was articulated by the presence
of Corinthian pilaster with acanthus scrolls shafts (Fig. 11, a). Within the pilasters –
and linking the stage with the rear room and the outside – a lavishly decorated door
was framed by a marble arch, whose piers repeated, to a smaller scale, the decoration
of the bigger pilasters; towards the scaenae frons the arch was flanked by a small niche.
the second storey of these versurae has been recently reconstructed and presented an
elaborated architectural solution, being composed of two central columns, placed on
small pedestals, hence higher than the lateral elements laying on the podium 60. these
columns were probably endowed with Corinthian figured capitals depicting erotes hold-
ing garlands, thus emerging within the second storey architecture, elsewhere charac-
terized by the exclusive use of composite elements. the presence of other figured cap-
itals in the versurae is also attested by composite and Corinthian capitals belonging to
mixtilinear vertical elements from the second and third storeys, representing leaf-masks
Masino, soBrà 2010, 397- (Blattmaske) 61.
400, fig. 18; soBrà 2016, 161, fig. at this level, on the fronts facing the koilon, a door linked the paraskenia’s inner
10. room to the diazoma (Fig. 12): the architectural solution repeated the one applied to
Von MerCKlin 1962, n. 367;
Verzone 1961-1962, 645, fig. 22; the first storey’s versurae, with the door framed by a marble arch, flanked by a large
PensaBene 2007, 253-256, figs. 22- niche and acanthus-scroll pilasters articulating the marble wall. the podium was dec-
23 (noting for the first time the pres- orated with two symmetrical friezes in relief, representing two branches of a thiasos
ence of both composite and
Corinthian elements); soBrà 2015, moving toward the centre of the façade, the northern one featuring Dionysus on his
1051. chariot, while on the southern one was a similar scene surrounding ariadne. above,

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

13. - Logeion façade rebuilt during the late Severan age.

the uppermost level of the paraskenia consisted of an aerial structure, with columns
and pilasters supporting the entablature, which was endowed with curved pediments
and triangular half-pediments 62.

Late Severan age

it is not sure that the renovation of the scaenae frons was completed under Cara-
calla, and the interrupted carving of the dedicatory inscription allows the hypothesis
of a temporary slowdown in the worksite. the only epigraphic text from the theatre
dealing with the completion of the scaenae frons, was carved on the middle band of
the first storey’s architrave, just below the first severan dedication: it illustrates the eu-
ergetism of the purple wool dyers association (porphyrobaphoi), which paid for the com-
pletion of the “building” and for the decoration – with 653 foot of Dokimeian marble
– of the first and second “floor” as well as for the “additional part” 63. Due to the prox-
imity with the eldest severan dedication, this inscription was assigned to the same mo-
ment, but since it was a common practise to add later dedication on the free bands of
an architectural element already hosting an elder one, we can instead speculate that,
due to a sudden interruption of public funding during the first phase of the Caracalla’s
reign, the richest local guild got later involved in the completion of the monument.
the ties between Hierapolis and the court, probably compromised due to antipa-
ter’s disfavour, and possibly causing the interruption in the works on the theatre, were
lately renormalized within the end of Caracalla’s rule and elagabalus’ accession to the
throne (aD 218), as demonstrated by the grant of the neokorate to the city 64. if a di-
rect reflection of this new imperial favour is not made explicit by the epigraphic doc-
Masino, soBrà 2010, 402- uments, the renovation works of the theatre continued during this period in order to
403, figs. 31-32; soBrà 2015, complete the huge severan programme, with two main interventions involving the
1050; soBrà 2016, 163-166. koilon and the logeion.
ritti 1985, 108-109; ritti
2007a, 407-409.
the original travertine seating blocks of the lower koilon were completely re-
a recently published inscrip- placed by marble elements, a work requiring major investments. recent research has
tion confirms that the grant of the shown that this intervention was contracted out in several lots corresponding to the
neokorate to Hierapolis dates to the nine kerkides, each one assigned to a pair of city tribes, which were probably in-
reign of Caracalla, see ritti 2003;
a chronology to the reign of elaga- volved in the funding and allocation of the works. Different local marbles were used
balus is sustained by BUrrel 2004, in each kerkis, and one of these was built using alabastro, the coloured marmor hier-
135-141; PriCe 2005, 123; roWan apolitanum 65.
2012, 237.
in the same time, on the place of the ancient proedria, a wall made of reused mar-
the intervention on the koilon
is exposed in detail in Masino ble slabs was built, incorporating the three lower rows of seats, and providing a dis-
2015; Masino 2016. about the tribution path for this part of the koilon 66. this transformation, common during the ex-
calcite alabaster of Hierapolis see amined period among the theatres in this area, is a hint of the popularity gained by
sCarDozzi in this volume (141-
166). munera gladiatoria and venationes in the antonine-severan age, thus requiring safe-
D’anDria 2012a, 154-156, ty devices for the spectators 67. in the upper koilon, instead, only one kerkis was con-
fig. 14. verted from limestone to marble 68.
roBert 1940; Moretti 1992, strictly connected to these works, the other intervention was lead in the same time,
179-185; Moretti 2001, 107-108,
196-197. as demonstrated by the reuse of the ancient limestone seats as building material for the
Masino 2015. reconstruction of the logeion 69 (Figs. 13-14). the new stage was much wider and deep-
D’anDria 2012a, 156. er, occupying part of the elder orchestra. it completely covered the space previously

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New data on the building site of the Theatre of Hierapolis

occupied by the two oblique

parodoi with lateral extensions
corresponding in depth to the
new paraskenia. the original
seat blocks were used as ash-
lars for the arches supporting
the limestone slabs of the stage
floor and, fortunately, under
the only fragmentary slab pre-
served in situ a coin dating to
elagabalus’ reign was found,
testifying a terminus post
quem for the renovation of the
logeion and the connected dis-
mantling of the original lime-
stone seats in the lower
14. - Architectural order of the late Severan age logeion. koilon 70.
in addition, the façade of
the logeion was conformed to the new architectural language and equipped with a rich
marble decoration. of the five doors pierced in the front, the two at the ends were linked
to the corridor in the lower koilon, while the central three opened on the orchestra. Be-
tween the doors were niches with marble monolithic conchae, carved in a refined way,
and in front of the wall a columnar structure was arranged, alternating prothyra fram-
ing the doors and freestanding columns surmounted by protruding entablatures. the
façade repeated on a smaller scale the decoration used in the scaenae frons and the ar-
chitrave-frieze blocks shared motifs and dimensions with that in the third storey. the
cornice was simplified, following an ionic model, and the composite columns had spi-
ral-fluted shafts made of veined marble. Coloured marble crustae also lined the wall
and the curved sides of the niches, completing the luxurious severan age monument 71.

4th century
During the following century the theatre must have suffered from the natural decay
of the marble structure of the scaenae frons, probably worsened by the action of one
or more earthquakes. in the mid 4th century aD, a restoration was carried on the building
and was mainly financed by the public treasury, along with other restoration works
involving monuments in the urban area 72. a long inscription was carved on the second
storey’s architrave, on the same band left blank with the interruption of the dedication
to Caracalla; it consists of a dedicatory text to Constantius ii, reporting the figures
involved in the funding, contracting and site inspection of the restoration works, which
has been recently assigned to the years 350-352 (Fig. 15). it also provides start and end
MiGHetto 2012b, 210. dates of the works, which required the partial dismantling of the columnar structure
Masino 2012, 174-178. and were also the occasion for some embellishment 73.
the monumental altar of the traces of the restoration works are to be found among the upper structures of the
Dodekatheon (see above note 36)
was restored during this period; scaenae frons and of the paraskenia, mainly consisting of fixing broken marble elements
Masino, soBrà 2011, 173-174; but also in replacing some of the unusable ones with new blocks, imitating the elder
Masino, soBrà 2012a, 277. the decoration and sometimes made of white alabastrine limestone. several marble
dedicatory inscription is edited in
ritti 2007a, 417. elements, replacing compromised ones or others whose decoration had been left
ritti 2007a, 415, 417. unfinished during the severan age worksite, were decorated during these restoration

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

15. - Marble architrave from the second order with the dedicatory inscription to Constantius II.

and embellishment works. a series of pilaster is

the group of marble elements which was mainly
affected by this kind of intervention, and the
choice of the craftsmen was to imitate the
general lexicon of the motifs, interpreting them
in an up-to-date fashion 74 (Fig. 11, B-C).
Chronologically close to this restoration,
another intervention on the theatre is testified
by a long inscription found in the hyposkenion
and dated around aD 354: scholars have
connected it to a renovation of the orchestra,
which was transformed in a basin for water
(kolymbetra) to host aquatic spectacles 75.
16. - 6th century inscription with the acclamation to God by Kesarios, carved the inscription, on a large marble slab, is an
on a cornice of the logeion. epigram in the honour of Flavius Magnus, Vicar
of the east, for his contribution to the
embellishment of the theatre, with works consisting in decorating the monument with
marble cladding and with “divine representations”, in order to give an elegant frame
to the city feasts, transforming Hierapolis in the “Queen of the nymphs” 76. the allusion
to the aquatic deities has allowed the hypothesis of a link with the works aimed at the
PensaBene 2007, 291-294, creation of the kolymbetra, attested, among other evidences, by the doors of the logeion
figs. 116-123; isMaelli 2013, 294-
295, fig. 24.
façade, which were walled up, and by a complex system for water supplying, with clay
De BernarDi Ferrero 1978, pipes coming out of the niches, that was added 77. if it’s not difficult to understand the
961-963. on the transformation of need of a new marble cladding, since the walled up doors required a coating to conform
theatrical spectacles in the late an- to the existing incrustatio (the inscribed marble slab itself is supposed to have been
cient period, see traVersari 1960.
ritti 2007a, 415, 421.
placed against the walled up central door), no elements match precisely with the quoted
BeJor 2002, 49-50; D’anDria “divine representations”, leaving open the question of a missing figurative complex
2012a, 157, fig. 21; Polito 2012, dating to this period 78.
192-193, figs. 22, 32-33.
ritti 2007a, 420 suggested a 5th to 7th centuries
connection with the mosaics’ frag-
ments found within the theatre. a Despite the prohibition expressed by the Christian Church, to attend performanc-
new research (neri 2016, 506- es, people around the empire continued to use theatres and other similar buildings for
507) has discard this hypothesis, a quite long time, so the hypothesis of a use of the theatre during the 5th century seems
dating the mosaics to the 6th-7th cen-
tury, and relating them to the dec- likely.
oration of a Christian cult place, Between the 5th and the 6th centuries aD, the north analemma was reinforced with
whose location is still uncertain. counterforts made of spolia 79. in the same period, the theatrical usage must have been
D’anDria 2012a, 146, figs. 3-
abandoned, because an inscription, dating to the beginning of the 6th century aD and
D’anDria 2012a, 147, fig. 5; carved on one of the cornice blocks of the logeion façade, testifies the successful Chris-
consistent with this epigraphic doc- tianization of the building. in this last important epigraphic document, in fact, after the
ument is the finding of a bronze reli- acclamation to God, a young named Kesarios asks for the lord’s help 80, and next to
quary-cross of the same chronolo-
gy, within the space below the the text are crosses, a leaf containing a smaller inscription and a chrismon (Fig. 16).
scene wall (artHUr 2006, 152). the presence of this inscription, anyway, seems to testify that the logeion was still stand-

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
New data on the building site of the Theatre of Hierapolis

17. - Sampled blocks from the Severan age logeion.

Sample Context, object Attribution of marble

ing in this period. the Christianization had also
C05 Logeion, column Marmar Tepe/Thiounta requested the mutilation of the figurative ele-
C04 Logeion, capital Marmar Tepe/Thiounta ments too much connoted by the “pagan” cul-
C01 Logeion, half-dome Marmar Tepe/Thiounta ture: this process has been observed in the reliefs
C03 Logeion, frieze-architrave Marmar Tepe and in the statues 81.
C06 Logeion, frieze-architrave Marmar Tepe/Thiounta scholars agree in identifying in the 7th cen-
Table 1. List of the sampled blocks from the logeion. tury earthquake the cause of the ultimate de-
struction of the theatre, with the collapse of the
scaenae frons, the paraskenia, the logeion, and with tremendous damages affecting also
the lateral parts of the koilon. after this tragic seismic event, which marks a clear break
in the history of Hierapolis 82, the theatre was no longer a public monument, source
of city pride, but a great mass of ruins, in which poor productive activities could be
installed and where shepherds could find a shelter for the night.

in 2005, the entire severan stage building, from the logeion to the third order of
the frons scaenae, was sampled (Pl. 29, 1).
in the logeion, the sampling was directed at the vertical supports and the entabla-
tures 83 (tab. 1; Fig. 17), specifically including: the third column from the north, with
a spiral-fluted shaft (C05); the composite capital of the eighth column from the north
(C04); the block with a shell-like half-dome that crowned the first niche to the south
of the main doorway (C01); the frieze-architrave above block C01 (C03); and the frieze-
architrave above the first entrance to the logeion from the north (C06). of these, at least
BeJor 2002, 50. frieze-architrave C03 was definitely reused, having been obtained from a smooth col-
D’anDria 2001, 112-115. umn shaft, as is clear from the internal face.
on the logeion, see D e
BernarDi Ferrero 2007, 50-53; Generally speaking, macroscopic examination indicates that the material used for
Masino, soBrà 2012b, 225-230. the logeion consists of slightly veined white marble for the entablatures and the shell-
Half-dome C01: De BernarDi Fer- like half-domes of the niches, while for the shafts there is a greater attempt at chro-
rero 2007, fig. 87. Frieze-archi-
trave C03: Masino, soBrà 2012b, matic variation, seen in the use of a more veined variety, enhanced by the spiral pat-
fig. 32 (showing the original col- tern of the fluting. Despite these small macroscopic differences, petrographic and iso-
umn behind it). shaft C05: Pensa- topic analyses of the samples have shown that they all belong to substantially the same
Bene 2007, 289, fig. 112. Frieze-ar-
chitrave C06: PensaBene 2007,
variety. specifically, this is a marble with features common to stone from both Mar-
289, fig. 112. mar tepe and thiounta.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

Moving on to the first order of the frons

scaenae 84 (tab. 2; Fig. 18), this is the most ex-
tensively sampled portion of the monument,
partly as a result of its articulation and the ad-
vanced state of knowledge of its architectur-
al composition. since they are exemplary of
the large monolithic blocks that formed the
jambs of the doorways of the scaenae frons
(Pl. 29, 2), characterised by baroque decora-
tion, samples were taken from the fifth door-

18. - Graphical reconstruction of the first order with the attribution of the sampled blocks (after MASINO, SOBRÀ 2012b, fig. 12).
way from the north (G23) and the doorway of
the south versura (G39) 85. in both cases, these
were white marbles with clear grey veining.
However, the archaeometric analyses high-
lighted differences between the materials
used for the two artefacts: whereas G23 was
of the uncertain type from either thiounta or
Marmar tepe, G39, which was rather fine-
grained, could also have come from aphro-
disias or even Dokimeion. two samples were
also taken from the figurative friezes (Pl. 29,
2) that decorate the podia and the versurae.
one (PiV.3.7) corresponds to the western slab
of the south side of the fourth podium. it
shows a sacrificial procession in honour of the
ephesian artemis 86, while the other (PiV.3.8)
was taken from the frieze that represents
nemesis and Dike in a standing position 87.
the two samples are recognisable as a single
variety of marble, which may be from either
Marmar tepe or thiounta.
almost all the smooth-shafted monolith-
ic columns (12 out of 14) that supported the
mixtilinear entablature of the first order were
sampled (Fig. 19B, 1), both the larger ones on
the sides of the three central doorways
(Cl1a-6a) and the smaller ones on the po-
dia (Cl7a-11a, 13a). as is clear from the
height of the shafts, respectively 5.20-5.35 m

on the first order, see De BernarDi Ferrero
2007, 54-67; soBrà, Masino 2010, 383-394; Masi-
no, soBrà 2012b, 213-222.
on G23, see De BernarDi Ferrero 2007, 58-
59, fig. 107; PensaBene 2007, 281, figs. 72, 74. on
G39, see De BernarDi Ferrero 2007, 59-60, figs.
109-111; PensaBene 2007, 282, figs. 81, 86, 87, 89.
D’anDria, ritti 1985, 151-152, pl. 40, 1.
D’anDria, ritti 1985, 167-171, pls. 44-45.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
New data on the building site of the Theatre of Hierapolis

19. - Sampled Corinthian capitals from the first order of the Severan age scaenae frons.

and 4.02-4.11 m, these, together with the jambs of the Porta regia, are the largest blocks
used to build the theatre. the two central columns (Cl2a, Cl3a), positioned on the
sides of the Porta regia, are clearly identifiable as pavonazzetto on the basis of both
macroscopic observation and archaeometric analyses. the four columns standing on
podia, two on each side of the Porta regia (Cl7a, Cl9a, Cl10a, Cl13a) are all made
of white veined marble. specifically, Cl7a, Cl9a and Cl13a have thin greyish veins,
both straight and sinuous, which cross over each other, while Cl10a, with a coarser
grain than the others, is characterised by broader and more densely packed veins. the
archaeometric analyses suggest that they are local marbles, from either Hierapolis-Gök
Dere or Denizli-2. the petrographic characteristics and above all the grain point to the
quarries of Hierapolis, particularly the group located on the hills immediately to the
north of the Gök Dere torrent, uphill from the water course 88. as for the larger columns
on the sides of the second and fourth doorways from the north (Cl1a, Cl4a, Cl5a,
Cl6a), both macroscopic examination and the archaeometric analyses highlight the
uniformity of the material, made up of medium- to coarse-grained white marble, with
more or less grey veining (sometimes also with broad yellowish veins, as in Cl4a),
very probably from the quarries of Marmar tepe, less probably from those of thioun-
ta. similar to the latter are the two columns standing on the podia at opposite ends of
the scaenae frons (Cl8a, Cl11a).
of the capitals, seven exemplars were sampled (Fig. 19): two normal Corinthians
(a2, a6), belonging to the larger columns flanking the doorways, and five Corinthi-
ans of the wind-blown type (a7-a11), from the columns of the second, third and fourth
podia. in macroscopic terms, they are all made of white marble, with the sole excep-
tion of a9, characterised by highly visible grey veining. on the petrographic and iso-
see Ditaranto in this volume topic level, the material was also found to be fairly homogeneous, medium- to coarse-
(87-100). grained, almost certainly from local quarries. specifically, in two cases (a9 and a10),

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

Sample Context, object Attribution of marble

G23 1st order, south jamb of 5th doorway from north Thiounta/Marmar Tepe
G39 1st order, south versura, west jamb of doorway Aphrodisias/Dokimeion
PIV.3.7 1st order, 4th podium from north, relief on south side Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
PIV.3.8 1st order, south versura, relief east of doorway Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
CL1A 1st order, 3rd column shaft from north, next to 2nd doorway Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
CL2A 1st order, 8th column shaft from north, next to Porta Regia Pavonazzetto
CL3A 1st order, 7th column shaft from north, next to Porta Regia Pavonazzetto
CL4A 1st order, 11th column shaft from north, next to 4th doorway Marmar Tepe
CL5A 1st order, 12th column shaft from north, next to 4th doorway Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
CL6A 1st order, 4th column shaft from north, next to 2nd doorway Marmar Tepe
CL7A 1st order, 9th column shaft from north, on 3rd podium Hierapolis-Gök Dere/Denizli-2
CL8A 1st order, 13th column shaft from north, on 4th podium Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
CL9A 1st order, 5th column shaft from north, on 2nd podium Hierapolis-Gök Dere/Denizli-2
CL10A 1st order, 10th column shaft from north, on 3rd podium Hierapolis-Gök Dere
CL11A 1st order, 1st column shaft from north, on 1st podium Marmar Tepe
CL13A 1st order, 6th column shaft from north, on 2nd podium Hierapolis-Gök Dere
A2 1st order, 3rd capital from north, next to 2nd doorway Thiounta/Marmar Tepe/Aphrodisias
A6 1st order, 11th capital from north, next to 4th doorway Thiounta/Marmar Tepe/Aphrodisias
A7 1st order, 10th capital from north, on 3rd podium Thiounta/Marmar Tepe/Aphrodisias
A8 1st order, 6th capital from north, on 2nd podium Thiounta/Marmar Tepe/Aphrodisias
A9 1st order, 5th capital from north, on 2nd podium Marmar Tepe
A10 1st order, 9th capital from north, on 3rd podium Marmar Tepe
A11 1st order, 13th capital from north, on 4th podium Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
H3 1st order, frontal frieze-architrave of 6th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
H4 1st order, lateral frieze-architrave of 6th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
H8 1st order, frontal frieze-architrave of 3rd aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
H11 1st order, lateral frieze-architrave of 6th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
H12 1st order, lateral frieze-architrave to south of Porta Regia Marmar Tepe
H13 1st order, lateral frieze-architrave of 5th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
H15 1st order, frontal frieze-architrave of 5th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
H19 1st order, frontal frieze-architrave of 4th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
H80 1st order, frontal frieze-architrave of 1st aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
Table 2. List of sampled blocks from the first order.

those of Marmar tepe are the most likely source, while the other exemplars may be
from thiounta or, less probably, from Marmar tepe, without ruling out aphrodisias 89.
the blocks of the frieze-architraves (Fig. 20) reflect the canonical syntax of the mid-
Capital a2: Masino, soBrà dle imperial epoch, with a three-band architrave and a convex frieze decorated with
2012b, 220, fig. 18a. Capital a6:
Masino, soBrà 2012b, 220, fig. acanthus scrolls. inscribed on the first and second band is the dedication of the mon-
18a. Capital a7: De BernarDi ument to septimius severus, Julia Domna, Caracalla and Geta. nine samples were tak-
Ferrero 2007, 63, fig. 124; Masi- en from these elements, specifically from the blocks of the aediculae (H80, H8, H19,
no, soBrà 2012b, 220, fig. 18b.
Capital a8: Masino, soBrà 2012b, H15, H3). also sampled were the frieze-architrave to the south of the Porta regia (H12)
220, fig. 18b. Capital a9: Pensa- and other lateral elements, straight and curved, of the fifth and sixth aedicula from the
Bene 2007, 253, fig. 21; Masino,
soBrà 2012b, 220, fig. 18b. Cap- north (H13, H11, H4). these pieces are of considerable size, the frontal blocks of the
ital a10: De BernarDi Ferrero aediculae being up to 3.15 m long, 85 cm high and about 80 cm thick, while the curved
2007, 63, fig. 123; PensaBene lateral architraves were carved from blocks of about 1.65 x 2.10 x 0.85 m. the mar-
2007, 253, fig. 20; soBrà, Masino
2010, 387, fig. 15; Masino, soBrà ble is generally white or white with grey veining. in two cases (H13 and H19), broad
2012b, 220, fig. 18b. Capital a11: yellowish veining can be seen. again, the archaeometric analyses generally confirm
soBrà, Masino 2010, 387, fig. the homogeneity of the material selected for these entablatures and identify the source
15; Masino, soBrà 2012b, 220, fig.
18b. Frieze-architrave H8: Pensa- quarries as those of Marmar tepe, although in two cases (H11 and H15) the quarries
Bene 2007, 265, figs. 39-40. Frieze- of thiounta cannot be entirely ruled out.
architrave H19: PensaBene 2007, in the second order of the frons scaenae (tab. 3), only elements of the entablature
265, fig. 38.
on the second order, see De were sampled. these included nine frieze-architrave blocks 90, all with three-band ar-
BernarDi Ferrero 2007, 68-69; chitraves and friezes decorated with acanthus scrolls (Fig. 21). Blocks of the first and
soBrà, Masino 2010, 395-409; fourth aediculae from the north (K17, K41, K14) were sampled, in addition to curved
soBrà 2016, 156-167. Frieze-ar-
chitrave K63: De BernarDi Fer- blocks from the second and third exedras (K63, K51, K49) and an element of the
rero 2007, 67-68, fig. 140. south versura (K29). these are made of a mainly white marble, at times with grey

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
20. - Sampled frieze-architraves from the first order of the Severan age scaenae frons.

Sample Context, object Attribution of marble

K14 2nd order, frieze-architrave of 4th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
K17 2nd order, frieze-architrave of 1st aedicula from north Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
K29 2nd order, frieze-architrave of south versura Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
K41 2nd order, frieze-architrave of 4th aedicula from north Marmar Tepe
K49 2nd order, frieze-architrave of 3rd exedra from north Marmar Tepe
K51 2nd order, frieze-architrave of 3rd exedra from north Marmar Tepe
K63 2nd order, frieze-architrave of 2nd exedra from north Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
Table 3. List of the sampled blocks from the second order.

Sample Context, object Attribution of marble

J22 3rd order, frieze-architrave of 3rd exedra from north Marmar Tepe
J27 3rd order, frieze-architrave of 2nd exedra from north Marmar Tepe
J45 3rd order, frieze-architrave of southern end Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
J50 3rd order, frieze-architrave of southern end Marmar Tepe
Table 4. List of the sampled blocks from the third order.

Sample Context, object Attribution of marble

H13_076 Seating block Marmar Tepe
H15_500 Corinthian pilaster capital Marmar Tepe
H15_501 Frieze-architrave Marmar Tepe/Thiounta
H15_502 Statue of Kore-Persephone Marmar Tepe
H14_434 Statue of Demeter Dokimeion
H15_526 Statue of Leto Marmar Tepe
H15_527 Statue of Hades Dokimeion
Table 5. List of various sampled blocks and statues from the Theatre.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

21. - Sampled frieze-architraves from the second order of the Severan age scaenae frons.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
22. - Sampled frieze-architraves from the third order of the Severan age scaenae frons.

patches and in one case (K29) with a yellow-reddish vein. it is medium- to coarse-
grained and the archaeometric analyses enable it to be attributed to the quarries of
Marmar tepe 91.
lastly, four frieze-architrave blocks of the third order (tab. 4) were sampled. these
were similar in terms of decoration and composition to those of the lower orders 92 (Fig.
22). specifically, samples were taken from the second and third curved exedras from
the north and two from the straight stretch between the most southerly aedicula and
the south versura. these are made of a medium- to coarse-grained white marble with
grey veining that in at least one block (J22) has a broad yellowish vein. in this case
too, the archaeometric data indicate that the stone is from the quarries of Marmar tepe.
to complete the sampling conducted in 2005 on the severan stage building, in 2015
two samples were taken from architectural elements of the augustan and Julio-Clau-
dian frons scaenae (tab. 5). these were a Corinthian pilaster capital (H15_500) 93, reused
in the severan refurbishment of the same building as a frieze with an acanthus scroll,
on the basis of the archaeo- and a frieze-architrave 94, characterised by three smooth bands and a frieze with an acan-
metric analyses, it is highly unlikely thus scroll (H15_501), which was transformed into a wall architrave in the severan
that any of these blocks are of frons scaenae (Fig. 23). these artefacts are made of medium- to coarse-grained white
marble from thiounta.
on the third order, see De marble, which the petrographic and isotopic analyses attribute to the quarries of Mar-
BernarDi Ferrero 2007, 69-70; mar tepe or thiounta.
soBrà 2016, 156-158, 167. regarding the sculptures with which the frons scaenae was furnished in the 3rd cen-
PensaBene 2007, 231-232,
324, fig. 1; Masino, soBrà 2012b, tury, in 2014-2015 samples were taken of the two large female statues that stood on
217, note 28; Masino, soBrà 2014, the central podia of the first order: the statue of Kore-Persephone to the north of the
175, note 16. Porta regia (H15_502), dated to the reign of the Flavians or Hadrian, and the statue
PensaBene 2007, 231-232, of Demeter to the south (H14_434), dated to the early imperial period 95. the statue
fig. 4; soBrà, Masino 2010, 377,
fig. 7; Masino, soBrà 2012b, 217, of Kore is made of medium-grained white marble, with a large alabaster inclusion near
fig. 16; Masino, soBrà 2014, 175. the attachment to the plinth. the archaeometric analyses enable it to be attributed to
on these statues, see also the local quarries of Marmar tepe, while the statue of Demeter is clearly identifiable
BraCCi, Galli in this volume (575-
588). as Dokimeian marble 96. in contrast, the small statues of leto (H15_526) and Hades
the statues had already been (H15_527), which are believed to have been inserted in one of the upper orders (Fig.
sampled and analysed in attana- 24), are ascribed to the severan period. the former is made of marble attributed to the
sio, PensaBene 2002, 84, tab. 3,
nos. 18b (statue of Persephone) and
Marmar tepe quarries, while the statue of Hades is made of Dokimeian marble 97.
18c (statue of Demeter). the au- t.i., G.s.
thors attribute the former to aphro-
disias (56%) or thiounta (44%) and
the latter to Dokimeion.
Supplying the building site and the provenance of the materials
on the statue of leto, see Be- the results of the analyses, based on a comprehensive sampling effort, enable cer-
Jor 1991, 12-15, pl. 7. on the stat-
ue of Hades, see BeJor 1991, 3-6, tain general observations regarding the selection strategies guiding the procurement
pls. 2-3. of marbles for the decoration of the severan stage building. the entire complex is seen

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

23. - Sampled blocks of the Augustan age scaenae frons.

to have made extensive use of white marble, without particular chromatic effects. in-
deed, the entablatures of the three orders are made of white or white veined marble,
with no added painting, as demonstrated by the detailed analysis of the surfaces of the
entablatures and the reliefs of the podia 98. the search for chromatic effects was lim-
ited to specific sectors, such as the smooth column shafts of the first order and the spi-
ral-fluted shafts of the logeion, the latter all made of marble with broad grey veins. Un-
like the logeion, the first order, which obviously constituted the visual focus of the en-
tire scaenae frons, displays a precise hierarchy in the distribution of the elements, em-
phasising the central section with the Porta regia and the two contiguous podia (Pl.
30, 2). significantly, in this median sector, the two monolithic columns on the sides
of the Porta regia were made of pavonazzetto marble and – in terms of materials – were
the most valuable parts of the entire building. in contrast, the columns of lower height
standing on podia flanking the pavonazzetto columns were made of a variety of white
marble characterised by a pattern of thin veins that seems to recall the appearance of
pavonazzetto. the marble for these four shafts, clearly of a more special appearance,
was procured from the nearby quarries of Hierapolis-Gök Dere or, in perhaps two cas-
es, those of Denizli-2, with obvious advantages in terms of cost.
in contrast, the shafts of the columns in the two lateral sectors (both the larger ones
flanking the second and fourth doorways from the north and the shorter ones on the
most northerly and southerly podia) all seem to be made of white marble with broad
grey veins, a more common variety that is found in the local quarries of Marmar tepe
and thiounta. the column shafts of the logeion are also made of marble from thioun-
reflecting a widespread taste in the middle imperial period 99, the polychromatic
and mottled shafts are accompanied by capitals in white marble, without veining in most
cases. the chromatic effect of the scaenae frons is believed to have been completed
by cladding the façade in Dokimeian marble, plausibly pavonazzetto, as cited in the
dedicatory inscription.
attanasio and Pensabene had already suggested that Dokimeian marble was used
see BraCCi, Galli in this vol- sparingly in the theatre of Hierapolis, and the recent analyses further reduce the vol-
ume (575-588).
ume of this variety deployed in the building site, since, as we have seen, only two of
Barresi 2003, 296, with a list
of the columns in polychromatic the columns of the first order are in pavonazzetto. this observation is perfectly in line
marbles in asia. with what has been found elsewhere in the city, where the use of pavonazzetto is ex-

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
New data on the building site of the Theatre of Hierapolis

24. - Sampled statues from the Severan age scaenae frons.

tremely limited and currently documented only in a few pavement sectilia. it is true
that Hierapolis occupied a strategic position along the main route taken by the mar-
bles of Dokimeion from the region of afyon to the ports of the aegean coast 100. in-
deed, by following a mixed route, involving both river and road transport, these ma-
terials avoided the rapids of the river Maeander to the north of the city (beyond the Çal
plateau), crossing the lykos Valley between Hierapolis and laodikeia before re-en-
tering the Maeander Valley and continuing to the coast 101. the archaeological and ar-
Barresi 2003, 103; Pensa- chaeometric data on the theatre thus confirm what is already known about the circu-
Bene 2013, 370-372.
sCarDozzi in this volume lation of pavonazzetto, whose distribution is not linked to the geographical position
(433-435). of the cities and their proximity to quarries and transport routes. rather, access to this
Barresi 2003, 96-97, 102- highly sought-after material, which was under imperial control, appears to have de-
103; PensaBene 2010, 82-85; Pen-
saBene in this volume (671-680).
pended on the relationships that the local ruling classes were able to cultivate with of-
on the circulation of the so-called ficials of the imperial administration or directly with the imperial family, who could
imperial marbles on the market, see be induced to make a generous donation, or to authorise purchase within a “controlled
PensaBene 2013, 580-585; rUssell
2013a, 196-197; PensaBene 2015, market” in which the precise mechanisms of production and exchange remain unclear 102.
580-584, 587, 591. With reference to the above-mentioned inscription of the first order, this framework

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà

can also explain the emphasis placed by the rich and powerful purple dyers’ guild of
Hierapolis on its donation of Dokimeian marble, explicitly stating its size.
another important issue concerns the possible procurement of marble from
aphrodisias, proposed in previous studies, particularly for some frieze-architraves and
Corinthian capitals of the first order 103. the recent archaeometric analyses found that
only four capitals (a2, a6, a7 and a8) could be attributed to the quarries of aphro-
disias, although it is more probable that they are from Marmar tepe or thiounta, as
see above, note 10. attana- are the rest of the capitals analysed. of great interest in contrast is the case of the west
sio, PensaBene 2002, tab. 3: H1,
frieze-architrave (aphrodisias jamb of the doorway of the south versura (G39), which may be either a fine-grained
65%/thiounta 35%); H2, pillar marble from aphrodisias or a white-veined Dokimeian marble.
with acanthus scrolls (aphrodisias to summarise, the hypothesis of extensive use of imported white marble for the
75%/thiounta 25%); H8, frieze-ar-
chitrave of the second order structural parts of the monument appears to be decidedly improbable. the limited and
(thiounta 60% aphrodisias 40%); episodic use of materials of this type does not therefore seem to reflect the building
H9, Corinthian capital of the first or- site’s procurement strategies, but should rather be understood in terms of other dy-
der [=a10 in our list] (aphrodisias
84%/thiounta 16%); H10, frieze- namics, such as the availability of residual materials conserved from more ancient build-
architrave of the first order (thioun- ing sites, without neglecting the practice of reuse, already verified in previous stud-
ta 57%/aphrodisias 43%); H12, ies for the theatre 104, which became particularly frequent in Hierapolis precisely in
heart-shaped column of the second
order (thiounta 53%/aphrodisias the severan period 105.
47%). one of the most significant discoveries to have emerged from the recent research
Pieces recycled from older is thus that almost all the marble used in the building site of the theatre came from
monuments include the blocks of quarries within the territory of Hierapolis, essentially those of Marmar tepe and, to a
the severan logeion (MiGHetto
2012a, 238, fig. 4), as well as ele- slightly lesser extent, those of thiounta. interesting from this point of view is the ex-
ments of the podia (D’anDria, tremely low percentage of marble from the nearby quarrying district of Gök Dere, which
ritti 1985, 4-7) and the entabla- had been used without interruption since Hellenistic times. the almost total absence
tures of the first order (soBrà,
Masino 2010, 389; Masino, soBrà of Hierapolis-Gök Dere marble is a feature that is seen in other severan building sites,
2012b, 217, fig. 16). albeit in less evident forms 106. it is possible that the massive use of this variety dur-
isMaelli 2017a; isMaelli, ing the 2nd century aD in the large building site of the north agora 107 drastically re-
Bozza in this volume (447-449). duced the availability of these quarries as sources for other projects, decreasing the num-
see sCarDozzi in this volume
(432). ber of easily accessible sectors or those yielding the best quality material, to the point
see isMaelli, sCarDozzi in that it was no longer economic to pursue the extensive exploitation of this quarrying
this volume (277-286). area, despite its vicinity to the city.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -

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ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -
Pl. 29, 1. Hierapolis. Virtual reconstruction of the scaenae frons of the Theatre (by M. Limoncelli): the position on the sampled blocks
is indicated.

Pl. 29, 2. Hierapolis. Scaenae frons of the Theatre, first order: sampled blocks from the doors and podia.

ANCIENT QUARRIES AND BUILDING SITES IN ASIA MINOR - ISBN 978-88-7228-819-1 - © 2016 · Edipuglia s.r.l. -

Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Introduction

Chapter I. The Marmora Phrygiae Project

Giuseppe Scardozzi, The Marmora Phrygiae Project

Francesco D’Andria, The Marmora Phrygiae Project in the context of the research conducted in Asia Minor
Giacomo Di Giacomo, The on-line platform of the Marmora Phrygiae Project
Massimo Limoncelli, The contribution of virtual archaeology to the Marmora Phrygiae Project

Chapter II. Geological setting

Pier Matteo Barone, General setting of the geology and tectonics of the Denizli basin
Stefano Marabini, Geological and geomorphological setting of the area surrounding Hierapolis

Chapter III. Marble, alabaster and breccia quarries in the territory of Hierapolis
and in the southern Denizli basin

Immacolata Ditaranto, Ancient marble quarries in the territory of Hierapolis

Mauro Brilli, Aida Maria Conte, Francesca Giustini, María Pilar Lapuente Mercadal, Davide Melica,
Giovanni Quarta, Hernando Royo Plumed, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Archaeometric characterization of white
marbles from the ancient quarries in the territory of Hierapolis and in the southern sector of the Denizli
basin, with an appendix on the Aphrodisian marble
Tamer Koralay, Archaeometric characterization of the recently discovered Yenişehir marble quarry in the
Denizli region
Giuseppe Scardozzi, General considerations on the ancient marble quarries in the territory of Hierapolis
and in the southern sector of the Denizli basin: between topography and archaeometry
Giuseppe Scardozzi, The alabaster quarries of Hierapolis
Emma Cantisani, Giuseppe Scardozzi, The polychromatic breccia of Hierapolis: quarries, use in construction
sites, and alteration phenomena

Chapter IV. Building sites of Hierapolis

during the Hellenistic age and the Imperial period

Giovanni Quarta, Mauro Brilli, Francesca Giustini, Davide Melica, María Pilar Lapuente Mercadal,
Hernando Royo Plumed, Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Provenance of the marbles used
in the monuments of Hierapolis through an archaeometric approach: petrography, isotopes and
Giuseppe Scardozzi, The marble sarcophagi of the necropolises of Hierapolis: new data on the provenance
of the marbles in the light of archaeometric analyses
Sven Ahrens, Mauro Brilli, Maria Piera Caggia, Julia Cox, Yannis Maniatis, Giovanni Quarta, María Pilar
Lapuente Mercadal, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Dimitris Tambakopoulos, Frances Van Keuren, Marble
sarcophagi from the St Philip Church of Hierapolis and the North-East Necropolis: archaeometric
characterization and marble provenance identification
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, The North Agora: the building site and the provenance of marbles
Lorenzo Campagna, The architectural decoration of the Nymphaeum of the Tritons: design, construction
and workforce
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Giorgio Sobrà, New data on the building site of the Theatre
of Hierapolis
Tommaso Ismaelli, The Sanctuary of Apollo: a stratified monumental context and its materials
Tommaso Ismaelli, Architecture and decoration in context: a cross analysis of the ancient building site
in five steps. The case study of the Severan Temple A in the Sanctuary of Apollo
Francesco D’Andria, Tommaso Ismaelli, Pio Panarelli, Initial data on the supply of marble for the Ploutonion
Sara Bozza, The Ionic Portico of the Ploutonion in Hierapolis in Phrygia
Tommaso Ismaelli, Marble Stoa and Gymnasium, two “twin” monuments in Hierapolis
Dominik Maschek, The Marble Stoa at Hierapolis. Materials, labour force and building costs
Ilaria Miccoli, The use of marbles in the Stoa of the Springs
Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Considerations on the provenance of marble used in public and
private monuments of the Imperial epoch: Civil Agora, Tomba Bella, Dodekatheon, North Theatre,
Macellum, Bouleuterion
Giuseppe Scardozzi, Marble supply strategies in the building sites of Hierapolis
Tommaso Ismaelli, Sara Bozza, Ancient construction sites in Hierapolis: new data on strategies,
materials and techniques
Fabio Fortinguerra, Legal and administrative aspects of the management of the marble quarries in the
Roman period
Chapter V. Building sites of Hierapolis during the Byzantine age:
the case study of the St Philip Church

Maria Piera Caggia, The marbles of the Church of St Philip in Hierapolis. Phases of construction and
opus sectile flooring
Manuela De Giorgi, Materials, forms and models in the St Philip Church of Hierapolis: Byzantine
architectural elements
Silvia Pedone, Byzantine sculpture in Hierapolis: engraving techniques and colour finishes
Emma Cantisani, Silvia Vettori, Maria Piera Caggia, Mortars and plasters of the St Philip Church
Emma Cantisani, Silvia Vettori, Susanna Bracci, Maria Piera Caggia, Elisabetta Neri, Ana Sofia Pedro Leal,
Fragments of painted plaster from the Church of St Philip in Hierapolis: a preliminary archaeological
and archaeometric study

Chapter VI. Monuments and artefacts of Hierapolis:

knowledge, decay and conservation

María Pilar Lapuente Mercadal, Hernando Royo Plumed, Cathodoluminescence for the characterization
of ancient marble: problems and research perspective
Emma Cantisani, Susanna Bracci, Cristiano Riminesi, Silvia Vettori, Barbara Sacchi, Multidisciplinary
analytical approach to the study, conservation and monitoring of an archaeological site
Silvia Vettori, Cristiano Riminesi, Emma Cantisani, Susanna Bracci, Barbara Sacchi, Marble from Hierapolis:
decay, conservation, monitoring of surfaces and environment
Susanna Bracci, Marco Galli, The use of colouring on the statues of Hierapolis
Emma Cantisani, Silvia Vettori, Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Imperial age mortars at Hierapolis:
raw materials and technologies
Oana Adriana Cuzman, Ana Sofia Leal, Sofie Schaffar, Silvia Vettori, Emma Cantisani, Notes on the stone
biodiversity of Hierapolis monuments
Emma Cantisani, Silvia Vettori, Alessia Andreotti, Tommaso Ismaelli, Ancient restorations at Hierapolis:
research on the artificial binders
Giacomo Di Giacomo, Silvia Vettori, Emma Cantisani, Cristiano Riminesi, Giuseppe Scardozzi,
Documentation and analysis of the seismic fissures of the Stoa of the Springs at Hierapolis using
thermographic imaging from a tethered aerostatic baloon
Giovanni Leucci, Tommaso Ismaelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Geophysical surveys at Hierapolis. New data
on monuments and tectonic context
Pier Matteo Barone, Giuseppe Scardozzi, Optical high-resolution satellite imagery for the study of the
ancient quarries at Hierapolis

Chapter VII. New investigations on the use of marbles in Asia Minor

between the Hellenistic age and the Byzantine period

Patrizio Pensabene, Quarries in south-western Asia Minor: extraction and production

Leah Emilia Long, Fractures, flaws, and flakes: some comments on geological aspects of marble quality
from Aphrodisias
Georg A. Plattner, The quarries of Ephesos and their use in the Ephesian architecture
Celal Şimşek, Marble in ancient architecture of Laodikeia on the Lykos: new evidence
Musa Kadıoğlu, Der Gebrauch von Marmorsorten in der Architektur von Nysa und Teos
Ursula Quatember, Natural Resources and the formation of a regional architectural identity in Roman Asia
Anne-Valérie Pont, Beyond local munificence: some remarks on Imperial and communal funding for building
in the cities of Roman Asia from Augustus to the Tetrarchic era
Tekla Schulz-Brize, The architecture of the so called Serapeion in Ephesos
Mauro Matteini, The conservation of marble and limestone artifacts: new treatments based on mineral-
inorganic principles
Agneta Freccero, White marbles at Labraunda: conservation and research
Grazia Semeraro, The Sanctuary of Apollo in Hierapolis: building activities and ritual paths



List of Authors

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