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I am....I have...I Deserve...I allow....I believe....I receive...I Manifest..

I am now in an Excellent flow of Success in Life

I am Joyful.
I am Peaceful.
I am Confident.
I am Strong.
I am Relaxed.
I am Motivated.
I am Inspired.
I am Humble and Powerful.
I am Happy.
I am Healthy.
I am Rich.
I am Always Blessed
I have the Best within me.
I have all the Resources to 'Make it Happen!'
I have all the resources within me.
I have core Inner Strength.
I always have the Blessings and the Grace of the Divine
The Deserve the Best.
I deserve to Continuously Succeed.
I deserve Beautiful Relationships.
I deserve a good flow of money in my Life
I believe in Myself.
I believe in the Divine.
I believe in the Magnanimous Power of the Universe.
I Believe in the Best and the Best is within me
I Allow an excellent flow of Income in my Life
I allow myself to experience Love, excitement, fun and Growth in my
I allow myself to experience Absolute Spiritual Growth with Materialistic
I manifest and receive a super successful Life
I manifest absolute Joy. I manifest Good Health, Wealth and
I manifest Authentic Holistic Success
I receive Healing Energies and Heal from Within
I receive Blessings from Everything and Everyone
I am in the Tathastu State.
I receive the Tathastu State.
I deserve to be in the Tathastu State.
I believe and have Faith in the Tathastu State.
I create and Manifest the Tathastu State.
I remain in the Tathastu State.

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