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Q1: Norway & China?

The crrect Answer is: Russia

Q2: "On Nov. 13th, Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence.
That request came from his wife..."?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Odd Couple</i>

Q3: This Frenchman's interpreter actually saw the Great Lakes first, but the boss got the

The crrect Answer is: Samuel de Champlain

Q4: This hat maker traveled west, saw a need & returned in 1865 to make his famous hat in

The crrect Answer is: John Stetson

Q5: In a 1941 hit song "You leave the Pennsylvania Station 'bout a quarter to four" aboard
this title train?

The crrect Answer is: "Chattanooga Choo Choo"

Q6: These 2 ducts lead from the ovaries to the uterus?

The crrect Answer is: Fallopian tubes

Q7: It's said this cleric, French prime minister under Louis XIII, exercised by jumping over

The crrect Answer is: Cardinal Richelieu

Q8: According to Genesis 5, Noah is 10th in descent from this man?

The crrect Answer is: Adam

Q9: On June 1, 1987, Jay Leno & Garry Shandling were picked as permanent guest hosts for
this show?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Tonight Show</i>

Q10: In December the nationalist government of China fled from Chengtu to this island?

The crrect Answer is: Formosa

Q11: Artist Tom Engeman created an image of this symbol of American freedom, to "ring
out" on forever stamps?

The crrect Answer is: Liberty Bell

Q12: This university Ames to please with murals by Grant Wood in its library?

The crrect Answer is: Iowa State

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