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Q1: The triangular shape of a spread-out deposit at the mouth of a stream gives it the name

alluvial this?

The crrect Answer is: a delta (a fan)

Q2: In 1971 & 1972 a total of 1,224 1/2 inches of this fell on part of Mt. Rainier in 12

The crrect Answer is: snow

Q3: California celebrated the 100th anniversary of the gold find at this man's sawmill?

The crrect Answer is: John Sutter

Q4: In bowling, roll triple strikes & it's called this, but hold the gravy?

The crrect Answer is: turkey

Q5: Whether in a hearing aid or a hot rod, most lead is used in these?

The crrect Answer is: batteries

Q6: Theme song from the 1984 movie "Eddie & the Cruisers"?

The crrect Answer is: "On The Dark Side"

Q7: From 1875-85 Wheeling replaced this city as capital of West Virginia?

The crrect Answer is: Charleston

Q8: Joshua Reynolds invented this jewelry fad of the '70s that told others how you were

The crrect Answer is: the mood ring

Q9: On "The Addams Family", she played Morticia & Morticia's sister Ophelia?

The crrect Answer is: Carolyn Jones

Q10: It's the closest track & field event to 26 miles?

The crrect Answer is: the marathon

Q11: Probably best known to TV viewers as Valene Ewing, she had female lead in 1972

The crrect Answer is: Joan Van Ark

Q12: This question from "The Merchant of Venice" mentions a bridge on the grand canal?

The crrect Answer is: "What news on the Rialto?"

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