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1.3 Preposiciones de lugar: in, on, at

AT : describe una posición exacta o un lugar concreto donde está ocurriendo alguien o
donde se encuentra alguien. O cuando llegamos a un lugar pequeño

There was an argument at the bus stop

We arrived at the airport at 3.

Algunas frases hechas son las siguientes: at the top, at the bottom, at the corner, at home,
at school,at work, at my parents’ at the wedding, at the funeral, at 18 Uria Street, at the door

IN: se utiliza para indicar que se está dentro de un lugar, de una zona o de un espacio.
También cuando llegamos a una ciudad grande o a un país

We are in the kitchen

Don’t play ball in the bedroom

We arrived in Andalucía at 3.

in an armchair, in bed, in the centre, in the country, in the world, in hospital, in prison, in the
north/south, in the middle, in the sky, in London, in town, in Uria Street (si especificamos el
número entonces se utiliza at)

ON: cuando algo está sobre una superficie, tocándola

The book is on the table

The photo is on the wall

Y las siguientes expresiones son con on:

on the beach, on an island, on the coast, on board, on a excursión, on a trip, on a cruise, on

a tour, on Earth, on a farm, on a mountain, on the radio, on TV, on page 1, on the pavement,
on the screen, on top of the world, on the left/right, on the first floor

Complete the following exercise.


Answer every question using AT, IN, ON.

1. in the kitchen
2. in the box
3. on the box
4. at the wall
5. at the bus stop
6. in the field
7. on the balcony
8. in the pool
9. at the window
10. on the ceiling
11. on the table
12. in the table

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