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What is a trade union?

A trade union is an organization formed and financed by workers who have joined together to ensure
their interests are protected. They negotiate, bargain with their employers for better pay, benefits,
and working conditions.

Why do employees join trade unions?

Businesses are expanding rapidly and the only way to maintain, manage and comply with the
workforce is to join a trade union. From the worker’s perspective, they believe joining trade unions
can negotiate better pay, working conditions, provide legal support and advice, protection from
economic hazards, etc. Union members have the right to be accompanied to a discipline or
grievance hearing by a union representative.

But, everything has its benefits and drawbacks, including trade unions. Although joining one can
provide services, better pay, etc. but it will be costly to join a trade union. The decision of the majority
of union members is binding on all members, even if they do not agree with the action taken. So if
one member breaks the union rules, they could be fined or have another action taken against them.

Role and responsibilities of trade unions

Trade unions are the primary advocates of workers' rights, interests and they play a crucial role in
protecting and organizing workers. Trade unions can ensure that collective bargaining agreements
recognize fair recruitment processes and social dialogue and provide training to raise awareness
among their members. They can also provide direct protection services to workers who have had a
traumatic past during the recruitment process in collaboration with civil society organizations.

What is collective bargaining?

As many people say, “many heads are better than one”. When employees work together through
their unions to negotiate contracts with their employers on behalf of members for better pay, benefits
and safety policies, etc. That is what we call “collective bargaining”. But, negotiation can only be
possible where an employer recognizes a union and between them, they choose the scope of

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