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Rohit Chandra Thakur &


The book "30 Days: Change your habits, change your life"
by Marc Reklau is a self-help book that encourages
readers to transform their lives by implementing new
habits. The author believes that our habits dictate our
success and happiness, and that by making small
changes to our daily routines, we can create significant
improvements in our lives.

The book is divided into 30 chapters, each representing a

day of the month. Each chapter focuses on a particular
habit that readers can adopt, and provides practical tips,
strategies, and exercises to help them implement these

Key Learnings from the 30 Chapters of "30 Days: Change

your habits, change your life":

1. Setting goals: Setting clear and achievable goals is

essential for success and happiness.

2. Positive thinking: Adopting a positive mindset can help

overcome negative thoughts and improve overall well-

3. Daily exercise: Regular physical activity is crucial for

maintaining physical and mental health.

4. Healthy eating: Making healthier food choices can

have a significant impact on overall well-being.

5. Time management: Effectively managing time and

prioritizing tasks can increase productivity and reduce

6. Journaling: Keeping a journal can promote self-

reflection and personal growth.

7. Meditation: Practicing meditation can help reduce

stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

8. Reading: Reading regularly can expand knowledge and

provide mental stimulation.

9. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude can improve overall

happiness and well-being.

10. Limiting social media use: Reducing social media

consumption can increase productivity and improve
mental well-being.

11. Developing a morning routine: Establishing a morning

routine can set a positive tone for the day and increase

12. Developing an evening routine: Having an evening

routine can promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

13. Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can enhance

self-awareness and reduce stress.

14. Learning a new skill: Learning a new skill can boost

self-confidence and personal growth.

15. Financial management: Effective financial

management can provide peace of mind and reduce

16. Decluttering: Getting rid of unnecessary possessions

can create a more organized and calm living space.

17. Prioritizing self-care: Taking care of oneself is

essential for overall well-being and happiness.

18. Limiting negative influences: Surrounding oneself

with positive and supportive people can have a
significant impact on personal growth.

19. Developing a morning gratitude practice: Expressing

gratitude in the morning can set a positive tone for the

20. Cultivating a growth mindset: Adopting a growth

mindset can foster personal and professional growth.

21. Developing a bedtime routine: Having a bedtime

routine can promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

22. Building a support network: Having a supportive

community can provide encouragement and

23. Overcoming fear: Facing and overcoming fears can

lead to personal growth and achievement.

24. Practicing forgiveness: Forgiving oneself and others

can free one from negative emotions and promote

25. Embracing change: Being open to change can lead to

new opportunities and personal transformation.

26. Building resilience: Developing resilience can help

navigate challenges and setbacks with strength and

27. Cultivating self-discipline: Practicing self-discipline

can lead to success in various areas of life.

28. Taking responsibility for one's actions: Accepting

responsibility for one's choices can empower personal
growth and development.

29. Cultivating a positive self-image: Developing a

positive self-image can boost confidence and self-

30. Celebrating achievements: Celebrating even small

successes can foster motivation and a sense of
माकF रे{लाउको पुkतक "३० |दन: बानी बदÖनुहोस्, जीवन बदÖनुहोस्"
एक kव-सहयोग पुkतक हो जसले पाठकहhलाई नयाँ बानीहh
कायाF<वयन गरेर आyनो जीवन प$रवतFन गनF Cो[सा*हत गदF छ। लेखकले
*व~ास गनुFs<छ *क हा>ो बानीले हा>ो सफलता र खुशीलाई *नधाFरण
गदF छ, र हा>ो दै *नक |दनचयाFमा सानो प$रवतFन गरेर, हामी हा>ो जीवनमा
मह[वपूणF सुधारहh +सजFना गनF स{छë।

पुkतकलाई 30 अñयायहhमा *वभाÜजत ग$रएको छ, C[येक म*हनाको

एक |दन C*त*नAध[व गदF छ। C[येक अñयायले एक *वशेष बानीमा केÜ<óत
गदF छ जुन पाठकहhले अपनाउन स{छन्, र उनीहhलाई यी बानीहh
कायाF<वयन गनF मòत गनF uावहा$रक सुझावहh, रणनी*तहh र
uायामहh Cदान गदF छ।

"30 |दन: आyनो बानी बदÖनुहोस्, आyनो जीवन बदÖनुहोस्":

१. लôय *नधाFरण: सफलता र खुशीको ला*ग kपä र उपलöfधमूलक लôय

*नधाFरण आवîयक छ।

२. सकारा[मक सोच: सकारा[मक मान+सकता अपनाउनुले नकारा[मक

सोचहhलाई पार गनF र सम/ कÖयाणमा सुधार गनF मòत गदF छ।

३. दै *नक uायाम : शारी$रक र मान+सक kवाkõय कायम राÑन *नयAमत

शारी$रक *eयाकलाप मह[वपूणF

४. kवkथ खानपान: kवkथ खाना *वकÖपहh बनाउँदा सम/ कÖयाणमा

मह[वपूणF Cभाव पनF स{छ।

५. समय uवkथापन: समयको Cभावकारी uवkथापन र कायFहhलाई

CाथAमकता |दन उ[पादक[व बढाउन र तनाव कम गनF स{छ।

६. जनFल: जनFल राÑनुले आ[म-C*तmबnब र u+vगत वृÜéलाई CवéF न

गनF स{छ।

7. ñयान: ñयान अúयास गदाF तनाव कम गनF, ñयान सुधार गनF र सम/
कÖयाणलाई वृÜé गनF मòत गदF छ।

८. पठन: *नयAमत पठनले Iान *वkतार गनF र मान+सक उcेजना Cदान

गनF स*क<छ।

९. कृतIता: कृतIताको अúयासले सम/ खुशी र कÖयाणमा सुधार गनF


१०. सामाÜजक AमAडया Cयोग सीAमत गदù : सामाÜजक AमAडयाको खपत

कम गनाFले उ[पादक[व बढाउन र मान+सक कÖयाणमा सुधार गनF स{छ।

११. *बहानको |दनचयाF *वकास गदù : *बहानको |दनचयाF kथापना गनाFले

|दनको ला*ग सकारा[मक टोन सेट गनF स*क<छ र उ[पादक[व वृÜé गनF

१२. साँझको |दनचयाF *वकास गदù : साँझको |दनचयाF sँदा आरामलाई

बढावा |दन र *नóाको गुणkतर सुधार गनF स{छ।

१३. Mindfulness: मान+सकताको अúयास गनाFले आ[मचेतना बढाउन

र तनाव कम गनF स*क<छ।

१४. नयाँ सीप +स{दै : नयाँ सीप +स{दै आ[म *व~ास र u+vगत *वकास
बढाउन स*क<छ।

१५. *वcीय uवkथापन : Cभावकारी *वcीय uवkथापनले मनमा शाû<त

र तनाव कम गनF स{छ.

१६. decluttering: अनावîयक सZप+cबाट छु टकारा पाउनुले अझ

संग|ठत र शा<त रहने ठाउँ +सजFना गनF स{छ।

१७. आyनो हेरचाहलाई CाथAमकता: सम/ कÖयाण र खुशीको ला*ग

आyनो हेरचाह आवîयक छ।

१८. नकारा[मक Cभावहh सीAमत गदù : सकारा[मक र सहयोगी

u+vहhको साथ आफूलाई व$रपरी राÑनुले u+vगत वृÜéमा
मह[वपूणF Cभाव पानF स{छ।

१९. *बहानी कृतIता अúयासको *वकास गदù : *बहान कृतIता Cकट

गनाFले |दनको ला*ग सकारा[मक kवर सेट गनF स{छ।

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