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Ways To Avoid Cybercrime

Use strong passwords: Avoid suspicious links: Keep software and antivirus
up to date:
Using strong passwords Avoid clicking on links or
(passwords that are long, downloading attachments Keeping your computer
contain a mix of letters, from suspicious emails, as software and antivirus
numbers and symbols) can they could contain malicious programs up to date will
help protect your accounts code that could infect your help protect it from the
from being hacked. computer. latest security threats.

Avoid public Wi-Fi Use two-factor Backup important data:

networks: authentication:
Backing up important data
Public Wi-Fi networks are Two-factor authentication regularly can help protect
often unsecured and can (2FA) adds a layer of security you in case of a computer
provide criminals with an to your accounts by virus or other cyber attack.
easy way to access your requiring you to enter a
data. code sent to your phone (or
another device) in addition
to your username and

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