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Globalization in Economy applied to the profession.

Economic globalization has increased around the world. It has been a big change in
people’s life. And we can compare and see the importance that now has industrial trends
in domestic and international markets.

Globalization is creating unprecedented uncertainties in the outlook for any career

amidst increasing corporate access to a global labor market and the commoditization of
intellectual property. Companies should develop networks of intellectual properties,
capital, people, and market insights across regions for business agility and efficiency.
Also companies should gain control of foreign distribution channels to access foreign
customers directly.

we can see say that in psychology there are several fields in which we can applied these
topics of Economic globalization.” (Toward a social psychology of globalization J
Social Issues, 2011)

Furthermore, other financial factors have affected the technology business environment
and, by extension, the careers of technical professionals.
“Psychological studies of globalization aim to discover the dynamics of how cultures
co-evolve as they interact with each other. These studies have rich theoretical and
practical implications.” (Perpetual Business Machines: Principles of Success for
Technical Professionals.)

In addition, the life cycle for technical skills is getting shorter and shorter; any
specialization in technical knowledge will not last a career span.

In conclusion, the acceleration of globalization has produced unprecedented

opportunities, threats, and uncertainties for technical professionals and for psychology
in general. We need to maintain focus and what we need to apply in our career that is
psychology. Also, I think, economic globalization in the psychology field, as well as
having technological and cultural benefits, also has many damages for countries that do
not have a sustainable economy, which is why I, as a psychology professional, suggest
that globalization is a phenomenon that must reorganize.

Toward a social psychology of globalization
J Social Issues

Psychology and globalization: understanding a complex relationship

J Social Issues

Perpetual Business Machines: Principles of Success for Technical Professionals.

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