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Welcome To My Taekwondo Based Kicking

Workout.I Will Be Taking You Through Exactly
How I Like To Structure My Sessions, Making
Your Training And Learning Experiance As
Simple As Possible.

I personally like to include mobility drills right at the
beginning of my session as I find it a far more
comfortable way of starting the session, gradually
moving and getting the joints mobile and ready for the
more intense training. As you will see from the mobility
section of the session I make targeting the glutes,
hamstrings, quads and hip flexors a high priority as this
will be the main areas that are going to be used in the

- Knee Hugs 8 Reps 2 Sets
- Heel To Glute 8 Reps 2 Sets
- External Hip Adduction 8 Reps 2 Sets

Mobility Coaching Video

Once we have increase mobility in the joints, this is
now a great time to progress into the stretching to
target the relevant muscles that we have worked
on in the mobility. There are a few different
methods of stretching, such as static, dynamic and
PNF. I have always found gradual static stretching
very beneficial for increasing range and kicking
performance in training. The stretches I have
included are very simple but effective stretches. I
always recommend starting easy, with a reduced
time in the stretch and then to gradually increase
the time spent in the stretch.

- Lunge
- Toe Down Lunge Stretching Coaching Video
- Toe Up Lunge
The Purpose Of A Heart Raiser
A Heart Raiser is the next progression of the warm up. The
main focus here is to gradually increase our heart rate towards
a heart rate we are going to hit in the main part of the session.
We can also focus on bringing in more dynamic movements to
move to a pace that we also want to become familiar with in
the session. The purpose of the heart raiser is to now prep the
movement patterns that we will be focusing on later in the
session alongside increasing heart rate which will increase
blood flow to the muscles.

Heart Raiser Coaching Video

leg Swing- Alternate Leg Focusing On keeping both
lets as straight as possible while maintaining a
upright position

knee Lift To Front Kick- Focus On driving the knee

up towards your chest while maintaining a strong
up right position, this is to help improve our kicking
chamber. Once your foot has been placed back on
the floor after the knee lift, now perform the front

Squat/Squat Jump- Depending on your leg strength

and physical level, you can either produce a
standard squat or add a squat jump for increased
difficulty. When producing the squat, place your
feet slightly wider than shoulder width, brace your
core by tensing your abs keeping your rib cage
down. When performing the squat imagine you are
sitting back into your heels towards a imaginary
chair. This will increase hip flexion making sure we
don’t over flex the knee joint.
Kicking Coaching Video
Front Kick
The first kick we are going to practice in the training
session is the front kick. This is one of the first kicks
we learn in taekwondo due to its simple mechanics.
As explained in the teaching video, we start off with
4 main steps. The shoulder transition, the chamber,
the kick and then the reload. When breaking down
the kick into steps it make it a lot easier to learn
and understand the principles. As you become
more confident with the kick we can progress onto
blending the steps together which will create more
power and speed. i recommend to simply start by

Turn Kick
performing 5 kicks each leg then gradually
increasing the amount of repetitions each session.

moving onto the second kick we will be practicing

and learning, this is the turning kick, or also known
as the roundhouse kick. Again it has similar
mechanics to the front kick but now we have more
rotation on the standing foot, hips and shoulders
to ensure a horizontal kick angle. Again breakdown
the kick into 4 main steps, shoulder transition,
chamber with rotation, kick and reload. The same
repetition practice and progression applies with
how it is in the front kick training.
Check Kick
The third and final kick we will be learning and
focusing on in the session is the check kick, or also
known as the front leg side kick. This is the most
challenging out of all three kicks to learn as the
mechanics are slightly different. But as clearly
demonstrated In the video footage, you can pick this
technique up quite quickly when following the basics
of the body position and hip function in the kick. To
start, take the technique slow to ensure we get
correct kicking path, as it can be very easy to throw
this kick like a turning kick which is incorrect. Start
with low repetitions and gradually increase your
length of practice along side power and speed.
Hop Front Kicks
The first exercise we will be doing for the finisher is
hop front kicks. This is a great exercise, to train the
front kick technique on both legs, jumping power,
alongside cardio. When performing the technique
focus on keeping your knee tight to your body in
between kicks, this will allow smoother movement
and transition as weight is closer to your centre of
gravity. If you find the jumping part of the exercise
to advanced right now you can regress the exercise
by performing a step to change legs rather than

Front Kick Back Kick(Stability)

This Next exercise is focusing on the stability element
of kicking. As you will find with practice, when kicking
you spend high periods of time only on one leg.
Therefore doing drills to improve this will directly
improve your kicks also. This drill consists of a
transition between a front kick into a back kick. Also as
said in the video do not stress on the back kick
technique to much as we haven’t gone over this kick.
Practice it as a leg extension behind you focusing on

Squat Turning Kick

For final exercise of the session and the finisher is
squat turning kicks. Focus on performing a squat
with the form coached in the video driving
through your heels and then performing a turning
kick. This is looking to develop strength and
control in our legs and turning kick.

Finisher Coaching Video

Cool Down
It is very important to perform a cool down not
only for physical benefits but also mental
benefits. It allows you to take the time to slow
your heart rate down, along with your thoughts
and concentration that you have done in the
session and return to a calm and content mental
space. As some training sessions can be not only
physically but mentally intense. During the cool
down simply focus on performing the stretches
we done at the beginning but in a much more
relaxed and comfortable posture. Holding each
position for atleast 1 minute.

What’s Next?
What’s next in your learning and training
development? You may or may not be aware
that there are a wholebunch of kicks to learn In
Taekwondo, ranging from basic standing kicks
That we have learnt, progressing all the way to
jumping kicks and rotational kicks. This means
the learning is essentially endless and the details
that go into each technique can really dictate the
amount of power, speed and aesthetic appeal
our kick can develop too. Luckily for you and your
kicking journey, I am releasing a E-Book ‘Kicking
Made SIMPLE’ which will be teaching the first 16
kicks in taekwondo in its most simplistic form,
giving your a huge chance to create a long term
learning journey. Keep your eyes peeled for
release dates on this.
Mobility And Stretching
Knee Hugs - 8 Reps - 2 Sets
Heel To Glute Stretch - 8 Reps - 2 Sets
External Hip Adduction - 8 Reps - 2 Sets

Lunge- 30 Seconds - 1 Set

Toe Down Lunge - 30 Seconds - 1 Set
Toe Up Lunge - 30 Seconds - 1 Set

Heart Raiser
Alternate Leg Swings - 10 Reps - 3 Sets
Knee Lift Front Kick - 10 Reps - 3 Sets
Squat/Squat Jumps - 10 Reps - 3 Sets

Kicking Practice
Front Kick - 10 Reps - 1-3 Sets
Turning Kick - 10 Reps 1-3 Sets
Check Kick - 10 Reps - 1-3 Sets

Hop Front Kicks- 8 Reps - 1-3 Sets
Front Kick To Back Kick - 5 Reps - 1-3 Sets
Squat Turning Kick - 10 Reps - 1-3 Sets

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