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By College Application Course 2022
Abdulaziz Sharopov Iroda Abdulazizova
1) What is an extracurricular activity?
2) ECs in the context of your application file
3) Where to find opportunities for extracurriculars?
Strategy for upgrading your ECs resume
4) Phrasing ECs in Common App
5) Your mindset when pursuing ECs
What is an extracurricular
● “Внешкольная деятельность”

● Any activity that you pursue outside

of academics (schoolwork)
Can you come up with examples?
Playing a musical instrument
Model United Nations
Hobbies: learning new languages, performing magic
tricks, writing poetry/novels, building websites,
Part-time jobs: waiting tables at cafe, tutoring…
Family responsibilities: “anything from cooking dinner a
few nights a week to caring for younger siblings to
helping with the family business” (MrsScholarGrade)
School/community-based clubs
Summer programs (e.g. YYGS)
ECs in the context of your
application file
(How are ECs evaluated?)
By MrsScholarGrade, U.S. Admissions Consultant
Let’s break this down…
Top schools want students who
will change the world in the
future. Future leaders,
trailblazers, innovators.
Let’s go back to our mindset
Why should a top university not
only accept you, out of all the
world’s most talented applicants…
But also spend 300 000+ USD on
AOs use the activities section to
predict your future global impact.

“Past performance is indicative of

future success”

By attempting to answer the following

questions from you activities list…
3) How big of an impact have you
made on your school/community?
2) How did you pursue the activity?
1) What did you choose to pursue?
Why did you do it?
As you can see, we are returning to
evaluating you as a person….
Who are you?
…As with all parts of the application.
Strategy for Upgrading your
EC Resume
Where to Find EC
Strategy for boosting your EC resume
1) What is the theme of my application? What are
my primary interests?
Coding, visual arts, body image issues
2) What can I do in each of these spheres? How
can I create impact in my community? Can I
connect my interests?*
[What do you think?]
Strategy for boosting your EC resume

The possibilities are endless,

Your imagination and drive are the limit.
Strategy for boosting your EC resume
Front-end website development
Host art classes for children at local library/hospital
Fundraise for body-image mental health awareness
Being a member of art club
Attending coding club/classes
Volunteering at body-image mental health NGO
Strategy for boosting your EC resume
Front-end website development
Host art classes for children at local library/hospital
Fundraise for body-image mental health awareness

Being a member of art club

Attending coding club/classes
Volunteering at body-image mental health NGO
Strategy for boosting your EC resume
Front-end website development for visual arts
companies and/or artists
Host digital/technology-based art classes for
children at local library/hospital
Fundraise for body-image mental health awareness
through selling artworks that promote body-image
‘Is my EC good?’ Test:
Can one immediately, upon reading the first time,
understand exactly what you did?
Volunteered at book charity project “Stars”
“Developed Uzbekistan’s first MATLAB-based data
visualization platform to identify underfunded
schools to fight digital illiteracy as part of the
grassroots initiative “Stars”
Strategy for boosting your EC resume
3) Look for competitions and programs where you
can apply and demonstrate your talent.
Awards related to your ECs/activities will prove your
impact, passion, drive, creativity, leadership…
For top schools, you need this.
The more competitive the competition, the more
selective the program – the more impressive. But
not required! Even participation is a great
demonstrative of your initiative.
Where to find EC opportunities?
Where to find competitions, programs?
● Social Media: Instagram/Telegram/Facebook
● Apps/Platforms: RoundPier, Youth
● Networking / Surrounding yourself with
like-minded peers
● Reaching out and creating unique opportunities
for yourself
And the most effective way….
PDF with List of Relevant Opportunities
Phrasing Activities in the
Common App
In the Common App you are allowed:

10 activities
50 characters for position/leadership position and organization
150 characters for the activity’s description

5 honors/awards

100 characters for the award title

….Not a lot, so you need to m a x i m i z e your description.

As with every part of your application…. Your activities list can
make a BIG difference in your application.

(Adapted from The College Essay Guy)

“But.. How do I ensure my activities list is
the best it can be?”
1. Use STRONG verbs





2. Emphasize measurable impact
“Organized & ran weekly meetings, set up 20+ field trips,
arranged 8 city charity events, published 35+ newsletters on
website, achieved 1200 average monthly visitors.”
3. Show skills and values
“Organized & ran weekly meetings, set up 20+ field trips,
arranged 8 city charity events, published 35+ newsletters on
website, achieved 1200 average monthly visitors.”
4. Do NOT use complete sentences. Use
lists and semicolons ( ; ) – maximize the
number of verbs you include.
More Guidance:
Your Mindset When
Pursuing ECs
Love what you do, do what you love.
When you will, your passion, fire, love, creativity
will bleed through your application (+essays!) .
It will shine.

And AOs are sifting through 100s of bland,

generic applications in search of such
Thank You!

By College Application Course 2022

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