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Project CIS 203 – 10 Points

Design using UML of the following classes (define is-a and has-a relationship) for Transportation
Company System, then write the Java Code.
Notes: you should select variable types correctly from the following data types set {int, float, double, String,
boolean, ArrayList}
1. A TransportationCompany class has the following:
o properties: company name, capacity of the transportation company, list of Vehicles , list of Employees,
list of Customers.
o operations: parameterized constructor which initializes the capacity of the company,
o displayVehicles(), displayEmployees(), dispalyCustomers() methods.
o addVehicle(Vehicle) to add one Vehicle to the list of Vehicles,
o deleteVehicle(Vehicle) to delete from the Vehicle list.
o compareVehicle(), which will take two vehicles as argument and return true if they are from the same
class and false otherwise.
o searchVehicle(), which will take a Vehicle as an argument and return its index in the list of vehicles if it
exists and -1 otherwise.
o printInformation(), which prints the name and capacity of the transportation company along with the
information of the list of vehicles.
2. An Employee class has the following:
o properties: username and password (private)
o operations: parameterized constructor
o operations: login method, setPassword (you must check the old password)
3. A Customer class has the following:
o properties: username ,password (private) and customer ID
o operation: parameterized constructor
o operations: login method, setPassword (you must check the old password).
Notes: the login method will take user name & password as parameters and compare it with the instance
variable username and password.
4. An abstract class Vehicle, and it has the following:
o properties: category, description, and speed
o property: class variable count to compute the instances created from object vehicle.
o operation: parameterized constructor and toString methods
o operation: abstract method publish() which prints on the screen the vehicle information.
5. There are three types of Vehicles :
o Car: which has extra attributes (color, model)
o Airplane: which has extra attributes ( (type of plane, such as, “Boeing”) capacity (seating capacity of
the plane – a whole number up to 400))
o Boat: which has extra attributes (name and sail position (0 or 1)).
o Define proper constructor and toString operations for each of these three classes.
o Define the method publish() to print all information for each type.
6. TestTransportationCompany class which performs the following:
Based on data in the table below:
o Create an instance of the class transportation company.
o Create three vehicles: one car, one airplane and one boat. Add them to the list of vehicles.
o Print information about the created transportation company.
o Display all the Employee and Customers in the Company.
Transportation company name : NoBorders Capacity: 100
List of vehicles
# vehicles Category Description Speed
1 Car(Black, BMW) Move in land Car of color black of model BMW 300
2 Airplane (Boeing, 350) Move in air Airplane boeing of capacity 300 500
3 Boat: (titanic,0) Move in water Boat named titanic 80

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