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While some claim that The Lord of the Flies is a truly good read, others strongly disagree.

The Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William Golding which explores a group of British boys
stranded on an isolated island trying to take control of their situation. Some people have praised it as
a nice book, yet others disagree.

The book's approach to the issue of human nature is one of its strongest points. On the one hand, the
idea of people having the power to turn against one another and commit cruel and violent acts is
explored. This theme makes the book a worthwhile read for everyone who wants to comprehend the
darker side of humanity because it is current in today's world. Furthermore, the portrayal of the
characters is another highlight. Each boy on the island is unique, having a unique personality and
motive which heightens the plot’s suspense and makes the book more interesting.

On the other hand, the book's violence is one of its main drawbacks. Given how graphically the book
presents violence, some readers could find it upsetting. Secondly, the book's speed is another
downside. It can be challenging to remain interested in the plot at times because it seems slow. Some
readers may find themselves losing interest in the story, which can be frustrating and can seem like a
waste of time.

In conclusion, despite The Lord of the Flies' shortcomings, it is nevertheless a thought-provoking and
compelling book to read. The book itself is an excellent addition to any reader's experience because it
examines human nature and interesting character portrayals. If you ask me, the novel is a good read
because of its realism and brutality, which I like in a book.

Matija Blažević, 2B
Word count: 273

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