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1. Kothamangalam Subbu was a many-sided genius. Elaborate.

o Kothamangalam Subbu was a multifaceted individual known for his contributions in various
facets of the entertainment industry.
o Born a Brahmin, he ascended to the prestigious position of No. 2 at the renowned Gemini
Studios. He was highly regarded for his loyalty, honesty, and diligent work ethic, which
contributed to his success.

o Subbu's creativity, combined with his cheerful and resourceful nature, made him a valuable
asset in the film industry. Even in the face of a flop film, he remained cool, calm, and
composed, displaying a remarkable resilience. He possessed the unique ability to draw
inspiration on command, offering fourteen alternative approaches to tackle a particular
scene, showcasing his adaptability and ingenuity.

o Despite his significant accomplishments in films, Subbu's literary achievements often took
a backseat. He was an exceptional actor, though he never sought after lead roles,
demonstrating a modest and selfless disposition. His love for others was genuine and
unconditional, and his charitable acts reflected his kind-hearted nature.

o In conclusion, Subbu was a remarkable figure whose influence extended across poetry,
acting, production, direction, and storytelling. His enduring legacy is marked by his
unwavering dedication, creativity, and genuine love for humanity.

2. Asokamitran has used humour and satire effectively in the lesson. Explain

o Asokamitran skillfully employs humour and satire to highlight human imperfections.

o His humor is understated, avoiding excessive exaggeration. His portrayal of characters like
the office boy (has the word ‘boy’ in his name, though he was a man in his forties), Subbu
(was cheerful even when he had a hand in a flop film), and the legal advisor (who ruins an
actress’s career) is subtly amusing.
o He effortlessly transitions between subjects, such as his comical observation about the
heavy makeup the movie artists use, which can turn anyone into an odd-looking crimson
creature. These references elicit laughter.
o The minor professional disputes and inconsequential disagreements (the frustration of
office boy) not only engage our minds but also reveal a spontaneous and subtle humour
that avoids unnecessary excess.
o The appearances of the Moral Rearmament Army (Someone called the group an
"international circus") and the English poet (the mystery surrounding Stephen Spender)
bewilder everyone in the narrative. The writer's mocking tone maintains a balance, steering
clear of being malicious.

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