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Eggs, Part 1

Cona grunted in effort as she tried to close her pack. She was having a bad day.
The entire morning she had been feeling ill and sluggish - she had even vomited
some. Cona feared she knew why. The previous night, she had met a man, who
had seemed to have come out of nowhere in the dark wilderness. His skin so fair
and his body so beautiful, she had foolishly offered him companionship for the
night. He hadn't said a word, even as he undressed himself. Cona couldn't even
tell whether they spoke a common language.

The unnamed man (she had somehow forgotten to ask his name) had removed
his pants. Cona hadn't anticipated him being so well-endowed. He had grown
enough to stretch her out and break her womb - painfully.

And now, she felt that pain, as she trudged through the forest dressed in leather,
a metal breast plate, stomach plate, and a leather skirt with many slits for easy
movement. She was due in Konan by the next morning to marry one of the young
lords. Sold off by her family, she had been given the choice of marrying or living
on the streets. Her answer had been clear.

As she trudged up hills, down hills, over logs, and around trees, Cona found
herself huffing and puffing until she altogether decreased her pace. Her body
was covered in a thick layer of sweat, which baffled her. She was a fighter. She
didn't tire out easily.

Absently, Cona adjusted the ties at her back, holding her leather top together.
The leather had been rubbing against her abdomen uncomfortably, which she
took as the sun shrinking her clothes. She loosened the strings yet again a few
hours later, and then again an hour after that. What on earth? Cona wondered,
when she found that she had created inches of space at her back between the
two sides of leather holding her top together. She found that the apparel had
grown so uncomfortable that she had to remove her metal stomach plate. Metal
can't shrink... when the metal fell to the ground at her feet, she gasped at what
she saw.

Her stomach...was bulging inches outwards.

She stopped in her tracks to breathe a while, quickly thinking up a logical

solution. Gas. Bloating. Water retention. Perhaps all three.

Silently scolding herself, Cona continued to walk toward Konan, waiting for the
problem to fix itself.

...It didn't.
As the day went on, her belly seemed to grow bigger. She could loosen the ties
behind her no further, and her top grew tighter and tighten until the ties snapped
as she (huffing and puffing) climbed over a log. By the time Cona stopped
walking, she looked to be five months pregnant.

But...impossible. What the hell was going on?

Cona's mind flickered back to an old legend of her village. It had been creeping in
the back of her mind since the discovery of her belly growth. The tale was that of
a Gonobian. Said to be a male creature that dwelled in the night and sought out
young women, appearing as a beautiful man. The Gonobian would take that
woman as his mate, before impregnating her. It was said that once someone was
chosen by a Gonobian, she was his forever.

Cona quickly shook her head. Ridiculous. That was but an old-wives tale. A
perverted one as that.


Cona slowly looked back down at her rounding belly. After a moment, she turned
on her heel and toward the nearest forest village. She needed to see a witch
doctor. And quickly.

During her travel to the village, Cona found that her belly grew only larger. She
was forced to stop may times simply to catch her breath. When her leather top
had become but a useless scrap of cloth, she pulled some animal skin out of her
back pack to wrap around herself.

When she entered the town and took directions to the witch doctor’s, her pace
had become a waddle. She looked to be eight months pregnant with child in only
a day. Frantically, she pounded on an old wooden door.

It was soon answered by a middle-aged woman. "My dear, come it," she said,
her eyes flickering downward and toward Cona's girth.

Cona didn't have the time for pleasantries. "I think that I'm carrying a Gonobian
young," she watched as the old woman's eyes widened. The witch doctor took a
step backward, but Cona followed. "Please - help me."

"You stupid girl," the older woman said, attempting to close her door. "Go. You
must hide. The Gonobian will soon be back to claim what is his."

Cona hadn't even noticed that her belly was holding the door opened. "Please,"
she repeated. "I have nowhere to go."
"You cannot stay here. I have young daughters," the old woman protested. "Hide.
Hide. There are few places the Gonobian will not find you."

"Just tell me what's inside of me!" Cona said. She yelped in pain as she was
pushed away, and the door slammed shut.

"You will soon find out," the words lingered after the old woman was gone. Cona
noticed something shoved beneath the door a moment later.

A large black cloak. With much difficulty Cona squatted down to pick it up, before
bringing it over the animal skin and around her shoulders. She looked up at the
sky. It was just beginning to rain.

Walking through the streets with her steadily tightening stomach, Cona found a
small inn to stay at. The room-keepers were happy to welcome the heavily
pregnant woman, oblivious of her true condition. The place was nice enough.
Whatever this is, it's heavy, Cona thought tiredly as she undressed herself that
evening. The Gonobian young grew quickly - and large. Cona guessed that she
looked nine months pregnant - if not a little over-due.

Her belly was perfectly round, slightly pushing up her small A-cup breasts. Her
belly button had popped out hours prior, and her skin had grown tight and itchy.

Cona gasped when she felt a small pain shoot through her stomach. "Wh-what?"
she muttered. Time already? Cona found herself backing into a wall when the
pain returned and intensified. It returned for a few minutes, seeming to build,
before her stomach burst outward an inch all around. Another gasp escaped
Cona's throat with the pain that this rewarded her. She groaned when it
happened again. The pain of the rapid growth was so intense that she feared she
would faint. A yelp escaped her as her belly grew yet another inch outwards.
With her hands, she clutched her belly tightly, watching where large veins had
appeared upon the surface. They relaxed momentarily, but quickly returned as
Cona's stomach tightened. Two small screams escaped her throat.

Her back pressed against the wall, Cona gasped for breath, feeling that she
would burst. She moaned in pain as moments passed, holding her stomach,
which seemed to be pulsating. She wanted to sit down, but knew that she
couldn't. With fear that her skin would break, she leaned heavily on the wall. "Oh,
my - Kami!"

Holding her stomach, Cona felt the entire bulge begin to slowly slide down her
abdomen. It's time, she thought, squeezing her eyes shut as she pushed, small
grunts escaping her throat.

The bulge had suddenly stopped moving very low on her her

"It - doesn't - fit!" Cona gasped for air, still desperately pushing. Sweat poured
down her face as her pelvis ached so badly she feared it would break.

It didn't fit! The child was so large that it didn't fit passed her pelvis!

Minutes passed as Cona groaned in agony, clutching the enormous bulge of

flesh very low on her abdomen. Still, nothing happened. More time passed, and
Cona continued to stand there, gasping, and knowing not what to do. Was this
the end? An entire hour had ticked by, when the bulge moved just an inch further

Cona screamed. Her pelvis was going to split in two. She stood there panting for
another hour as the bulge very slowly worked its way between her pelvis. She
prayed to Kami for mercy, and would have killed herself, had there been a
means. Finally, she felt the bulge reach the top of her vagina.

She didn't know why, but had stepped away from the wall to crouch down. With
the last bit of her strength, she pushed.

When whatever the bulge was had exited her body moments later, Cona
exhaustedly collapsed to the ground. She lost consciousness before she even
noticed what it was.


Cona slowly regained consciousness. She found herself lying on the ground and
curled around a...

It was a smooth purple egg, about the size of a basketball. Cona slowly sat up,
aching everywhere. Hmmm, I egg, she thought, humorlessly. How...odd.
She looked the thing over, noticing a long scratch across it, probably from its
collision with the ground. Had I known that I was going to lay "egg" I would
have set up pillows, the prospect seemed ridiculous. Cona slowly climbed to her
feet, picking up the egg to settle it in the corner. It's so warm. She then made her
way to the mirror, her hand resting on her now flat stomach as it growled in
hunger. Cona looked her reflection over.

She looked exactly as she had before the freak pregnancy. Only...her hips were

Turning around, Cona plopped herself down onto the bed. Deciding that she
would rest for the day, she awoke many hours later when it had become dark out
again, only because she'd heard someone enter her room. Thinking that it was
room service, concerned that she hadn't been out, she tried to sit up. "I-"

Someone was crouched in the corner, by her egg. Her eyes widened, but she
soon realized it was the Gonobian. He played his fingers across the egg's
surface, before he looked up at her.

Cona found herself smirking slightly despite herself, fear quickly withering.
"You're proud of me, ne?" she whispered to him through the darkness. "Your

Now that the Gonobian was back, she wasn't particularly against another
painfully, wonderfully, passionate night with him. She would resume her journey
to Konan with the egg hidden. She would apologize to her fiancé for her delay,
and would soon be wed. When the egg hatched, the child would undoubtedly be
beautiful like its father, and she would put it up for adoption without her husband
ever knowing. As for the Gonobian who had apparently chosen to take her as his
mate, if he wished to follow her to Konan and "mate" with her in secret, behind
her husband's back, she wouldn't be too displeased.

And so, that night, Cona spread her legs and again offered herself to the
Gonobian. It was wonderful. She awoke alone the next morning, but was fine
with it. She was surprised to find a table covered in a miniature feast standing
before her bed. She noticed all of her favorite foods. Gonobian's can order room
service? Cona amusedly wondered as she picked from one of the dishes. Every
time she passed the table, she grabbed something else to nibble upon as she
prepared to take her leave. It contained meats, vegetables, fruits, cakes,
noodles, ice cream, and many other delicious dishes. When Cona was finally
ready to leave the hotel, she found, in surprise that she had managed to eat the
entire feast.

Upon departure, Cona had discarded most of her belongings in order to make
room in her backpack for her egg. Being that her leather skirt could no longer
contain her wide hips, she wore only a white blouse and black pants. She would
be fine for the time being. Konan wasn't too far anyway.

To her embarrassment, Cona had to turn to her side as she exited the thin
security entrance of the hotel. There was a three-inch gap between her thighs,
and her wide hips widely swayed with every little move she made, with seductive
twists she had never intended. They ached slightly. Men gaped and whistled at
her until she was safely back within the forest's privacy.

As she walked, her egg safely within the backpack strapped to her back, she
noticed a large patch of discolored grass. It's so obviously an animal trap, Cona
thought, walking around it - only for a small metal cage to close around her on all
Cona gaped in shock. Another trap, and she had fallen for it! The metal knitting
didn't look too strong, and she could have easily broken it a day ago, but today
Cona neither had the strength nor the artillery. Noticing a key hole upon the
cage, Cona decided that she would simply have to wait for the hunter to free her.
Cona settled down at the bottom of the cage with her knees drawn. She
rummaged through her backpack, looking for something to occupy herself.
She found snacks, many snacks, none which she could recall packing. After
munching away for a few minutes, she dozed off.

Cona awoke a few hours later to a popping sound. She looked down in shock to
notice that her pants button had popped.

And...that her stomach had risen. Her belly had grown.

"WHAT!?" Cona shouted out to no one in particular. The Gonobian had

impregnated her - again!? But she had thought that they could only do it once!
There was clearly more that she needed to learn before she welcomed the
Gonobian into her bed again. Heaving a deep sigh, Cona found herself returning
to the snacks, feeling very hungry. It was clearly due to the waste of energy from
the first pregnancy, and now she had little left for the second. As the day went by,
Cona watched her stomach slowly inflate, the cage seeming to grow smaller and
smaller. When her belly button popped out, and one of the buttons of her blouse
snapped off, she knew she had to get out. It was late afternoon, and she already
looked seven months pregnant.

What the heck? I don’t want a second child, Cona thought, wishing there was a
way to prevent the pregnancy’s progression. She already had one unwanted egg,
and didn’t need another. She suddenly felt depressed, fearing the pain that the
next birth would bring.

Night finally came, and Cona grew constricted in the small cage. Her belly
managed to grow larger and larger until it was pressed to one end of the cage,
while her back was pressed to the other. She had been forced to rise from her
crouched position, for her distended belly could not fit between her legs. She
already looked to be full term.

Where the hell is the hunter? Cona desperately thought, as her stomach
continued to tighten. It painfully pressed against all sides of the cage, until Cona
was certain the egg within would be crushed. Tighter and tighter the cage
steadily grew, Cona became breathless from being squeezed by the metal.
There was simply no space left to move, and she was soon stuck in one position,
the cage pushing against her belly from all sides. Still, she seemed to slowly

Cona reached up to rub the part of her belly that she could reach. I’m going to
die, she concluded, squeezing her eyes shut in pain. It had grown difficult to
breathe. I am going to die, she thought, when suddenly-

Suddenly the front of the cage burst opened, her belly bursting outwards to break
free of it. The pressure had been too much.

It was midnight when Cona, gasping, squeezed herself out of the tight animal
cage. She looked down at her stomach, rubbing the front where it was the sorest.
I look ready to pop...or at least give birth, she continued to thoughtfully stare. I’m
bigger this time.

She indeed was bigger, much bigger, all around. She looked past due. She
couldn’t understand why.

Deciding to quickly find shelter before she went into labor, Cona waddled through
the woods until she located a cave. The entrance was narrow, but she managed
to squeeze through, her belly scraping the sides. Cona’s bare belly was out in the
open, the last buttons of her blouse having snapped off long before. As she
stared down at herself, she frowned slightly. Pregnant twice, yet she still had little
bosom to speak of.

Deciding to get over it, Cona found some leaves to make herself a bit of a nest.
By the time that she was done, she was huffing and puffing, and a very familiar
twinge of pain had centered itself in her belly.

It was already morning when furious contractions and slight growth spurts hit her
stomach. It expanded thrice all around, before the bulge began to move.

The pregnancy took a little longer than the first, Cona curiously mused. Watching
the bulge slide, she groaned in anticipation of the pain to come. Sweat poured
down the back of her neck.

When the egg reached her pelvis, it stopped momentarily, before slowly
beginning to slide through. It squeezed passed the bone, stretching them slightly,
but pain was minimal.

Cona blinked in surprise when she felt an egg drop from between her legs after
only a few moments. That hadn’t been as harsh. Exhaustedly, she kneeled down
beside the egg, comparing it with the first. It was green this time. And – it was
slightly bigger. What did that mean? After thinking for a moment, Cona realized
that it was clearly from all the food she had eaten.

So that settled it. The more ingested, the bigger the egg.

Having only a brassiere and panties left to wear, Cona pulled on her backpack
containing her first egg, and carried the second in her arms. Exhaustedly, she
headed out of the cave in fear that it was some animal’s home. When she
reached a safe distance away, she dropped herself onto the ground and stared
up at the starry night sky. The eggs seemed to glow a little in the dark, each
giving off a bit of warmth.

What am I to do with two eggs? she thought, sighing. Cona nipped her bottom
lip. She would have to wait until they hatched to give them up for adoption, lest
people know what they truly were. She hadn’t the heart to abandon them.

Cona unconsciously curled around the eggs. Like all eggs, they needed warmth
and shelter from a mother, otherwise they hadn’t a chance of survival.

I’m going to need a bigger backpack, Cona mused.

A sudden rustle in the bushes caught her attention. Her eyes caught the large
dark ones of the Gonobian.

“Oh – no you – take your eggs and leave me be,” Cona stumbled to her feet and
began to run, leaving the eggs on the ground in her wake.

She was exhausted, but continued to run, and refused to look back. She didn’t –
did not – want to become pregnant again.

She suddenly heard the Gonobian land behind her, as though one large jump
had brought him there. He then leapt onto her back and her face collided with the
grass. She gasped has he pulled down her panties.

“No – please – don’t – EH!”

He had entered her from behind, pumping in and out of her a few times, before
almost immediately ejaculating.

Hours later, Cona awoke alone on the grass in a haze of confusion. Grunting,
she climbed to her feet.

She noticed her eggs set down beside her, and groaned, wondering why the
Gonobian hadn’t simply taken his children. As she gathered up the two eggs, she
suddenly found a bright side to things. The Gonobian had not entered her
through the vagina – she could not be pregnant again. Overjoyed, Cona headed
off again. It was time to head to Konan to meet her new husband.

As afternoon came, it began to rain. Cona wrapped her arms around herself. She
had only her underwear to wear, and was beginning to grow cold. Almost
instantly, she discovered a cozy looking log cabin. Perhaps the owners would
take pity and allow her to stay for the night.

On the doorstep Cona knocked for ten minutes, but received no answer. Her
stomach growled, and she could easily trace the scents of delicious food just
beyond the door. Cona smiled slightly. No one was home, but there was a feast
inside that was growing cold. There could be no harm in sneaking in and taking a

The front window opened easily. It was a large window that Cona could easily
clamber through. By the door she found a large night dress. Discarding her wet
bra and underwear, she pulled it on. It was nice and baggy and reached her

She quickly found the feast. An enormous table, littered with something similar to
a thanksgiving dinner. Cona quickly began to munch away. She took particular
care in eating the deserts. She started with cheese Danish and went on to
chocolate éclairs. When she had sliced into an enormous chocolate cake, she
had to blink to figure out what was going on. She looked down to notice a very
familiar bump.

Cona leapt to her feet, nearly toppling over. “B-but – how?” she muttered, placing
a hand onto her slightly risen stomach. How was it possible? Had the Gonobian
been able to impregnate her – through her anus?

Cona closed her eyes, deeply breathing. I have to get out of here, she thought,
though plopping down into a chair beside the table. Why can’t I stop eating?
The reason was clear. It was the child growing within her.

But this was growing much more slowly than the last two. The Gonobian
had impregnated her the previous night, and nearly a day had passed. So that
confirmed it. Each egg was unique. Each grew at different rates and sizes. Cona
released a huff, absently rubbing her stomach as she continued to much. Just
what would she do with three eggs?

The food never seemed to run out. As the afternoon grew into night, Cona sat in
the chair, continuing to eat away. She knew that she should have gotten going,
lest the Gonobian catch up with her. She knew that she should’ve taken her
leave before some family arrived to catch her ingesting their feast. But every
second that she wasn’t swallowing food, Cona felt that she was starving. Before
her very eyes, Cona watched her stomach slowly swell, until it was midnight and
she looked to be five months pregnant. Her body was exhausted, as was her jaw,
but she continued to gnaw furiously upon a turkey leg.

The sound of a key turning in the lock of the cabin’s door caused her to gasp. Oh
no, Cona watched as the door slowly creaked opened.


The Gonobian entered the cabin, looking as innocent and handsome as ever. He
seemed unsurprised to spot Cona as he slowly approached.

Cona broke down. “You!” she repeated. “What do you want!?” she stuffed a
cupcake into her mouth, if only to suppress the sob working its way up her throat.
And then in a more muffled voice she said, “Look at me – all fat and disgusting!
My face covered in food! Is this what you want to see? Is this what you get off
on!” she chewed, then coughed up some food that had gone down the wrong
pipe. Her top was beginning to tent out at her stomach.

The Gonobian didn’t respond, but merely stared at her. Slowly, he came closer to
Cona. Cona would have run had she thought she had the strength. The
Gonobian was so close that their noses nearly touched. And then the Gonobian
reached behind her to begin to rub her back.

It felt...rather good. The Gonobian...he was being so gentle.

Cona gasped when she was suddenly lifted. The Gonobian carried her out of the
kitchen and into a large bedroom covered in crimson linens. He rested her onto
the bed where she was propped up by a large pile of crimson pillows. He then left
the room. Cona continued to blink. How odd.


She snuggled with the pillows. Now that she was there, she was exhausted. She
couldn’t recall when last she had rested, let alone within a nice warm bed. Cona
closed her eyes, and before she knew it, had drifted off to sleep.

She awoke before dawn. The sun had not yet risen.

Cona groggily attempted to sit up while fingering a lamp on the bedside table.
When she finally managed to turn it on, she noticed that her condition had
progressed significantly. She looked to be nine months pregnant, meaning that it
would be time to give birth soon.

Cona didn’t know why she was so happy by this. Perhaps because she was so
tired of being pregnant.

When Cona climbed out of bed and stood straight, she noticed her clothing was
still loose around her girth. Her belly was large and perfectly round, the bottom
half of her body easily lost beneath it.

Cona yawned as she waddled slowly out of the bedroom. Never – and especially
not during a pregnancy – had she felt so well rested.

The woman froze in the doorframe of the kitchen when she felt movement. And
quite a bit of it. Slowly, she touched her stomach.
Cona wouldn’t have been fazed, had she simply felt the slight flutter that had
been present in the two pregnancies prior. But this...this was more of a
squirming. And in all directions, as though she was pregnant with a twelve-
tentacle squid.

She looked up, her nose suddenly distracting her from her stomach. She felt her
feet carry her toward the kitchen. Breakfast.

And what a breakfast it was. The Gonobian must have been a master chef in a
past life.

Cona quickly turned her nose away, as if suddenly remembering something. I’m
almost due. I don’t want to get too big right now.

Slowly, her eyes strayed back to the delicious looking food. There was bacon
and eggs – waffled and pancakes, bagels, rolls, steak, ham, cereals, sausages,
doughnuts, cakes – it was a breakfast feast. She noticed the Gonobian standing
by the table, as if waiting for her to sit down.

Well, since he went through so much trouble...I’ll have one thing. Something
small, Cona decided, somehow bypassing the fact that this was the creature that
was making her life hell.

The Gonobian pulled up a chair, and Cona plopped herself upon it. She picked at
a plate of bacon, wondering where the sudden hunger pains in her stomach had
come from. In a matter of moments, she had eaten five bagels, five doughnuts,
five plates of eggs and bacon, seven waffles, twelve pancakes, and was nowhere
near stopping. Cona could practically feel her belly tighten with every bite she
swallowed. As it pressed against the side of the table, she wondered, while
chugging down a pitcher of lemonade, What am I doing?

The Gonobian didn’t seem to mind the greedy display. Cona couldn’t even force
herself to pause as she felt him unbutton the bottom of her dress. Her clothes
feel open, her swollen gut poking through. Cona noticed the smooth skin was
flushed pink, small twinges of pain and spots of itchiness all about.

Cona continued to munch away, seeing the Gonobian reveal a rag and a pail of a
transparent pink liquid. Kneeling down beside her chair, he soaked the rag, and
squeezed the liquid onto her belly. It was cool, causing her skin to tingle, and the
baby to squirm out of control.

It felt – wonderful.

The Gonobian wiped up the liquid on her belly, before dipping the rag back into
the pail, and again squeezing it out. He repeated the process many times, until
her abdomen was free of discomfort.

Cona barely noticed as her hands brought food to her lips. She couldn’t help but
stare at her belly, as it trembled, and gently pushed forward, and at her
bellybutton, which had grown to the size of a golf ball. It looked ready to pop off.
Cona didn’t notice that the Gonobian had disappeared until she raised an empty
hand to her lips. She had run out of food.

She looked around with a start. The sun had risen. The Gonobian was but a night
dweller, so now would be an appropriate time to take her leave.

She looked at the dining table and cursed herself. She had been so mesmerized
by her belly growth that she had failed to monitor her eating.

Cona struggled to stand, but her belly had grown enough to raise the table a few
inches off the ground. When she finally managed, she nearly lost her balance.
Her stomach was wider than she was – and probably almost as heavy. She was
carrying something similar to an over-inflated beach ball in front of her, and had
approached sizes eggs one and two had never reached.

Cona did her best to button her dress, but her arms couldn’t hope to wrap around
her gut. When she finally succeeded, she gasped breathlessly, and decided to
take a rest, and perhaps even give birth, before heading out again.

Leaning heavily on the walls, Cona waddled to the bedroom, idly rubbing the side
of her stomach. Slowly, very slowly, she lowered herself onto the bed, propped
up on pillows, and waiting for labor to come.

An hour passed, and then another. As afternoon grew into evening, Cona felt her
belly tremble from time to time, and watched her dress steadily tighten. Her legs
were slowly pushed further and further apart to make room for her expanding
girth, and her belly felt uncomfortably tight and heavy. Cona uncertainly rubbed
her belly, knowing not what else to do. It looked prepared to explode.

As the minutes progressed, one of the buttons of her dressed popped off, and
then another. Moments later, a third. As she suppressed a sob, the final two
popped off, and her smooth belly peeked through the fabric. By six-o-clock, she
looked bigger than she had during her previous two pregnancies – put together.
Why wasn’t she going into labor?

I have to find a doctor, Cona thought, struggling to sit up. The act took her five
minutes, and lots of deep breathing. Slowly, she stepped down from the bed, one
foot at a time, and leaned back to balance the gargantuan bulge in front of her.
Desperately waving her arms in an effort not to fall, she waddled/staggered
toward the doorway, and winched when the sides of her belly hit the frame.
It was...too big. She couldn’t fit through!


“Ohhh!” Cona groaned in agony when she was hit by a sudden wave of pain. She
crumpled to the ground as her belly expanded with pulsations, and desperately
clutched its sides, fearing her skin would break. She didn’t know whether to be
relieved or terrified that she was finally going into labor.

To be continued...

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