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The healthy Markets Initiative

1) What happens at schools ?

In the schools the childresn with obesity are a victims of bulyng because
they are so very fat

2) Say who/ what is responsable?

The responsable is the food and drink industry are responsables but not
only : there is also the environment in wich we live and our personal

3) What happens every day and mention the alternatives.

This tiggers badd consequences such asndiseases and mental health issues.
This situation puts a lot of preassure on overweight or obese persons whon
can die younguer and live their liives with problems. But it also puts
pressure on hospitals and on society as a whole because curning them is

4) Give three solutions mentioned in the video.

In order to change things, the classic food market should be substituted for
healthy food market. The price of healthy foot sould be reduced so people
can afford that food. The last solution is to put regulatiopins in place to
force companies to change their habits. If they fail to do so, it will come at
a cost !

It will come at a cos : Il y aura un prix a payer

Imagine you have a meeting with the representative of a famous foot
industry brand. Give them yours ideas to make their products change

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