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Cutting the assay into hypothetical components by creating a blend. The blend was calculated based on Auto cut, the default cut option, HYSYS then calculated the blend and 30 hypo components were generated. ‘+ Installing the hypo components into fluid package. ‘The cut distribution plot shows the fraction of each product in the blend on the basis of liquid ‘yolume and so can be used to estimate the product flow rates from the fractionation column. 6, _ Bmering the simulation environment and u ng the workbook to define streams, select equipment and defining necessary conditions, Cut Distribution - Mixed Oil Liquid Volume Fraction of Total Oi ‘Vacuum Distillation Column 4 trays Trays ‘Efficiencies “ray #1-100%, tray #2-11 50%, tray #12- 100%, tray #13,14- 30% (assume) Condenser |.No Condenser, LVGO pumparound liquid return to fop stage RReboiler | None, Direot Fired Heater Top tray 50mm Hg Pressure Bottom tray 62 mm Hg. “Temperature_| Top tray 180°F (controlled by top LVGO pumparound) Feed input tray #12 Feed Stripping steam at bottom (tray #14), 6000Ib/hr @500°F, 150 psig_ 6000 lb/hr steam injected (500°F, 150 psig) with Atm. Residue feedstock Feed heater | Outlet @ 180 mm Hy & 760°F (max.) Desire is 900 bpd excess wash liquid (liquid rate from tray above feed. tray #11) LVGO PA- draw tray #4, vapor return tray #1, 6690 bpd flow, outlet temperature Pumparound {adjusted to control top temperature of tower (approx. 85°F), 42 MMBru/hr cookin HVGO PA- draw tray #8, vapor return tray #5, 15000 bpd flow, 150°F LVGO from tray #4, 915 °F D1160 95, 1500 bpd approx. Fees pancetta Bite °F D1160 T95, 6300 bpd approx. Slop Wax from tray #11, 300 bpd ‘Vacuum residue from bottom (tray #14) Feed preparation Debutanizer (Naphtha Stabilizati ey for pump 75%, preheat to 250 °F, Trays Condenser__ Reboiler ae Workbook: Case (Main) cise Sa\F0b 20 1940.95 Material Streams faa tea fais | 00% ae ie ons ia 0 ‘000 i 1060 Tone 7) ) cea mas 000 04 ma \(agmatam) 7623 om. 10 4000 4000 (canes sonnel bee za | aazmom 008 a)

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