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Time Traveler

Somewhere in 1979, I just journaling my first time of being dreamed, or more like being terrorized by my
own brain, Attacked since Wednesday since I was slept. First time I get to my deep lucid by just lay down
on bed. Then somehow it showed me get to a swimming pool without paying the ticket. Somehow I just
get into it. Then I realized it was like stealing. But I have this kind of madness since few days back. How
to keep my bank account increasing without taking it per month when my wallet is crying. The easiest
one is thieving. Get this idea from those old men who said to wake up at 04.00 and you will get the
prize. I don’t see any fortune by it for doing it like months. So I start to doing some crime as a con-man.
Searching it on library with countless books. Hoping it will help my “right” desire. Is it good? Is it bad? Do
you think I should give a care about it? There’s a lot another story about this as well.

Alright, let’s move into the second day. More like present day. I slept earlier not because I have to wake
up early, but I have some kind of flu few days back. I thought it would be just simple illness. But
moreover, the mind problem goes as well. Can you imagine haave two different type of disease at the
same time. Psychological and Physical at the same time. My mind would be just blowing to do brutal
things. But law prevent me from doing it so. I’m not an emperor on absolute monarchy back then. Even
simple attempt could go wrong. Stealing a book so I don’t have to pay it, but still thinking the
consequences. Something made me change into a cruel man. Nevermind about moral, ethics, or
principal stuff just idealistic fake beauty manipulation. This time I take advantage of my deep lucid for
hours until wake up at 2.00. And that’s the same time I’m writing this. With some words triggering my
intrusive thoughts. Magical thinking even worser than a sorcerer.

So I’m 19 at present time, but somehow I took back into like six years ago. No wonder I’m so obsessed
about that era. I keep lying to myself just to simply not thinking about it. But my brain not let that
happen. Something weird I get back to that time. Vey risky idea to intentionaly got there. Stupidly I try
to meet my ownself. Change the future but you can’t control your action in dream. There’s my
subordinate behind there. Weird urinator and this different girl that somehow knowing it, and it seems
the same age so might be time traveler as well.

When human being fall asleep in their bed nearly 7 pm, the brain goes nowhere into another dimension.
It could be another verse, or we often called it “Multiverse”. Our consciousness get to another
metaverse as well. That’s why weird thing happening in our dream. Sueralism included in this thoughts.
This is how the realism goes far away.

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